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  1. countingsheep7878

    Help on Tinder Profile

    also I would focus on a better pic with your dog. You can get a much better shot of you two. I would focus on that as well in addition to what others said (pic 3 is the only one I would use long term)
  2. countingsheep7878

    Tinder Profile Pics

    delete picture 3 with you outside. You don't look nearly as good in that one as the rest. Try adding these prompts to your bio The Hallmark of a good relationship is "Communication, Laughter, Trust and Amazing Sex" and "We'll get along if "you don't steal my hoodies" I find these do...
  3. countingsheep7878

    Help with BDSM profile

    so I can assure you that you don't need to have a truly "congruent" set of photos to pull of a dominant bdsm profile. All of my pictures show me smiling with no BDSM imagery and its not a big deal at all, I get plenty of date with submissive women. It's how you qualify in text game that will...
  4. countingsheep7878

    Cold Approach Girl in my loosely in my work circle

    To be clear, I don't work with her directly. Were not at the same company. She works at a company that around half dozen of my former colleagues work at. I used to work at one of the biggest Tech hub company's in the Northeast so many people in tech in this area will have a "6 degrees of...
  5. countingsheep7878

    Cold Approach Girl in my loosely in my work circle

    Okay so I cold approached this super hot Indian girl today and hit it off. Day game FTW! Got her number and planned a date tonight for Friday night. My question is this, we are very much in the same work field in Tech and she works at a company with people that I used to work very closely...
  6. countingsheep7878

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    that newest pic of you and Immy is fire. The level of bad ass dominance you show in that pic is awesome. well done man!
  7. countingsheep7878

    Anyone Try Feeld Yet?

    Hey Guys, Just want to see if anyone has used Feeld and what they thought of it? It is marketed as a way more kink, BDSM and casual sex friendly then the other dating apps but I am not sure if it has much quality or that many girls in general. Anyone mess with it?
  8. countingsheep7878

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    hey colgate read the last few longer posts and I have some ideas for you try. Seeding dates in person may help improve your flakiness or at least won't get a dead number because you will screen them out before they give you the number which they were going to ghost on. Starting with normal...
  9. countingsheep7878

    Tinder Profile Feedback

    no problem, one other note. Your profile bio doesn't leave a lot of hooks for girls to bring up in conversation or open you with. Here is my bio that has a ton of them and screens out prudes. I get a ton of girls that bring up the cooking or wanting a man to deal with spiders. Some even ask...
  10. countingsheep7878

    Why an Abundance Mentality is so Important

    Not sure what you mean by reject my ass. It was clear she was going to reject anyone's ass based on her faith from a first night lay. If you think a 28 year old hot chic who goes to church multiple times per week is going to just give up her virginity to some chad the first night and I coped...
  11. countingsheep7878

    Why an Abundance Mentality is so Important

    So I just got back from a date with the hottest girl I have ever been on a date with. The chemistry was great and she had a lot of qualities I desire in a partner. However she had 2 deal breaker qualities for me. She was extremely religious (I am agnostic and believe in LGBT rights which...
  12. countingsheep7878

    Are my goals realistic?

    That's because most guys don't know what to do move a match forward. They take way to long or say something super uncalibrated or stay too safe and platonic. Good pics / profile gets you in the game. Good text game puts you way ahead of everyone else playing.
  13. countingsheep7878

    Tinder Profile Feedback

    don't use no hookups. Even if you don't want ONS it will filter out some chicks unnecessarily. Also its not super congruent to say no hookups and have 2 shirtless pics and give off a fuckboy vibe with your style. Lastly, use contacts or take off your glasses for pics even if you wear them a...
  14. countingsheep7878

    New Main Picture

    agree with Heisenberg the first picture is better then the 2nd but overall your profile must crush. I personally don't think being solo every picture matters a ton especially with how much value your pictures display. I am curious about your stats. Like weekly matches, quality of women...
  15. countingsheep7878

    Day Gaming 1 Hour 1 Away

    Just trying to bump this for some of the more experienced cold approach guys. KillYourInnerLoser pancakemouse Manganiello any suggestions on this? Do I just tell them where I live and if its shit logistics and the decide not want to meet because of that then just so be it and approach more...
  16. countingsheep7878

    Andy is right about getting rejected

    So 15 cold approaches in and here are my stats 3 numbers 1 date The 12 rejections have been really done in a kind way. Either the girls will politely say "This was very sweet but I am not interested" or "I'm sorry I have a bf / I am engaged etc". Even if they are lying they are not being a...
  17. countingsheep7878

    Tinder Profile Review

    When I was buying stuff on the cheaper side I would go with H&M or Express.
  18. countingsheep7878

    Need some tips on improving looks

    I don't think the forehead is an issue. Try the hair style in your bio pic with a beard. Right now the beard pic you included makes you look a bit older but I think that is because of the hair style. The beard gives a more masculine dominant look. The sleeves are dope by the way. I am...
  19. countingsheep7878

    Tinder Profile Review

    your style needs a lot of work. See radical's guide and the section on fashion that Andy has on the website. I would only keep the 3rd pic of the ones you chose. I would also be working on the gym asap. Your bio is too nice guy frame. You should be more polarizing and dominant. Here is...
  20. countingsheep7878

    Dressing to attract girls in their mid 20s

    I like girls with their shit together (not like dominant but just like not a mess or super rachet). Smart and submissive is really my biggest qualities I love. I am not sure if that fits an archtype? The hot girl next door type or motivated chic for the most part.