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  1. Sonofagun

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Yes you're correct it's no guarantee of anything but I think you're looking at the worst-case scenario. Some guys do get results, and do learn and improve, and make some fantastic memories (me for example, but also my wings). You just have to be smart enough to self assess and recognise when...
  2. Sonofagun

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    If a guy gets nothing after approaching 10k girls, as you theorise, then there is something seriously wrong with him, either in terms of looks (facial deformity, terrible grooming, shorter than 5'3 etc) or hygiene-wise, or something incredibly off with his vibe. Cold approach daygame is hard but...
  3. Sonofagun

    Good Looking Loser's Approach Anxiety Program INFIELD VIDEOS - ALL DAYS [Watch Me Do It]

    Ok, not sure why you can't just say straight up what your results were, but best of luck!
  4. Sonofagun

    Good Looking Loser's Approach Anxiety Program INFIELD VIDEOS - ALL DAYS [Watch Me Do It]

    What were your results from your first 5,000 sets, out of interest?
  5. Sonofagun

    New Pics = Less Matches

    Think all of these pics are great. I guess you could have one city / urban pic in there for variety, or a group pic, but otherwise can't see any improvements that could be made in my view. Surely you're able to get on at least 4x dates a month with bonafide hot girls with pics like that? And...
  6. Sonofagun

    The Best Mentality for Dealing With Flakes and Ghosts

    There are 2 ways to avoid having to experience this: A) Improve your looks / status or wealth to the point where you have so many options that it doesn't matter. B) Go for girls that are the same or slightly lower SMV than you. They won't flake on you as much. That's it. The problem is that...
  7. Sonofagun

    Dealing with "rejection"

    There's a lot of truth to this, but guys are responsible for their results as well. You can't blame it all on women. Women are indeed flakey, but if you make an impact in your approach, and really attract her, and say and do the right things, she WILL want to see you again. But, conversely, if...
  8. Sonofagun

    New Pics

    Did your friend take these pics? Or a pro photographer? You paid him to come with you to all these exotic locations? I literally don't understand how guys get pics like these. Insanely good profile mate.
  9. Sonofagun

    What is an above-average level of matches / replies for dating apps?

    That's great man. I feel like if I said 'Hey *name', I'd get left on read most of the time. Also the standard 'how are you' / 'where are you from' etc always got me ghosted too... in my city it just doesn't seem to cut it Maybe I'm trying too hard to be 'gamey' though and should simplify it...
  10. Sonofagun

    What is an above-average level of matches / replies for dating apps?

    Nah, it's nothing to do with that. Hinge is plenty popular in Europe. All the dating apps are.
  11. Sonofagun

    What is an above-average level of matches / replies for dating apps?

    Good points, all makes sense. However this is the reason I was reluctant to post a convo and did so against my better judgement, because my conversations vary wildly depending on the girl's archetype, her opener to me etc. I could show you 100 conversations that have a totally different tone...
  12. Sonofagun

    What is an above-average level of matches / replies for dating apps?

    Thanks PM, very helpful. I probably massively overestimated my match rate on tinder, it's probably more like 1 in 400 for girls 7+. I've never crunched the data but it's not good. 'Hey trouble' I agree is rather cliche but it got me plenty of lays over the past 2 years... if a girl likes your...
  13. Sonofagun

    What is an above-average level of matches / replies for dating apps?

    I've had Tinder, Hinge or Bumble for many years. Throughout that time the match rate has fluctuated up and down, but I've nearly always had a dreadful return. The reply rate is also abysmal, particularly in 2023. Here is an (estimation) of the stats. - I'd estimate I get 1 match for every 80...
  14. Sonofagun

    Are these pictures any good? Or should I start over?

    They're dreadful photos mate, unfortunately. You've got a lot of potential but you won't be matching hot girls with these. See advice above.
  15. Sonofagun

    [Noobie] Terrible stats at cold approach

    This is a bit of a red herring. It goes without saying a guy should looksmax as much as possible before starting daygame - no arguments from me there, but it does actually matter what you say, and how you say it. The OP is a good example of this as he looks above average in terms of aesthetic...
  16. Sonofagun

    [Noobie] Terrible stats at cold approach

    Yep. I know 2 guys who did over 3,000 approaches between them in the last 2 years and neither got laid... there's a lot of factors at play. I also once winged with a guy who says he's done close to 900 for only 2 dates. It depends on your starting point, and (crucially) starting SMV relative...
  17. Sonofagun

    [Noobie] Terrible stats at cold approach

    This is an enormous question dude. In a really good daygame interaction there is a lot of stuff happening and I can't break it all down in a single post. Guys like Nick Krauser / Tom Torero have answered this in more detail than I'm willing to, but here are some thoughts: It's not merely about...
  18. Sonofagun

    [Noobie] Terrible stats at cold approach

    I'll take this piece-by-piece and share some insights with you since I'm out doing daygame regularly in Europe. I don't know how active most other guys here are. The first thing to get clear is that daygame is hard by its very nature and you will always hear 'no' a lot more than 'yes'...
  19. Sonofagun

    Online dating log

    Post a pic of what you think is a hot girl. Daygame is not a panacea. If you think just by doing it you're going to be able to consistently bang girls 3+ points above your SMV then you are bound to be disappointed. I've had 16 lays from daygame thus far and while some of them have been very...
  20. Sonofagun

    Online dating log

    Do you have any pictures of your profile? For someone claiming to 'look like shit' and be 'old' and 'short' in another post you seem to be doing well!