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  1. l0vebone

    How do you decide when to approach?

    at least where I live. Your mileage may vary, go talk to 100 girls and see for yourself, if you get results doing that then pat yourself on the back, in my experience, it is a shitty way to start a conversation
  2. l0vebone

    How do you decide when to approach?

    waste of time, its not being honest, and i dont know anybody irl who gets laid who talks like that. Anytime ive given a girl a compliment like that she immediately lost attraction. girls laugh at guys are that socially inept/thirsty
  3. l0vebone

    How do you decide when to approach?

    Dont tell them "hi i think your cute i had to come say hi" Heres a good one but you better not start telling people because i created it: "yo excuse me! oh you looked like someone i wanted to date in highschool lol. Whats up?" Or "yo excuse me! i just had to come say hi really quick, whats...
  4. l0vebone


  5. l0vebone

    How Do I Get Over Missed Opportunities?

    if youre new to it you should be taking it way to seriously
  6. l0vebone

    Planning on getting back on Tinder/Bumble soon, looking for picture critique

    The only decent pic is 2. You dont have a single pic looking directly at the camera Save number 2, dump the other ones
  7. l0vebone

    [TUTORIAL] How to find your Tinder Photo Hidden Score.

    please make video private and keep this within this community. Before tinder devs start acting like bitches
  8. l0vebone

    Anyone want to discuss approaching?

    I don't know if this helps: but I went seriously hard on cold approaching girls, I dont think there was a single day where I approached less than 2 girls a day for about a year, usually it was in the 5-10 range though. it did NOT cure my social anxiety. All it did was make me good at talking to...
  9. l0vebone


    a shirt, beanie, and jeans? looks solid too me. This is how 80% of people dress in country clubs in my area (really popular in TX.)
  10. l0vebone

    What do you actually DO on dates?

    But to answe the question, this is what i do: meet up at park, take 2 walks around it. total time = 30 min mainly get her to talk about herself. try to talk as little as possible myself and just ask questions. Maybe tell a story about myself. Somewhere towards the end ask her if I can go to...
  11. l0vebone

    What do you actually DO on dates?

    You're over thinking it, dont ask a girl why she doesnt wanna see you again because you will never know if its bullshit or not. But one thing the girl said I really do think is your sticking point: you are doing too much at the bar, and too little at your/her place. I don't make out with...
  12. l0vebone

    The UK wants to make approaching women and sending unwanted texts a hate crime

    I posted this in the everything else section, but if these threads arent allowed there then I guess you can delete it (I wasnt able to find the delete button)
  13. l0vebone

    The UK wants to make approaching women and sending unwanted texts a hate crime

    Labour MP Stella Creasy recently called on the Government to make misogyny a hate crime via the domestic abuse bill. In 2018 Police chiefs were looking at recording misogyny as a hate crime – including incidents of men whistling at women. Forces were asked to 'consider the case' for monitoring...
  14. l0vebone

    Radically altering facial aesthetics with drugs and diet

    bro if youre doing stims your perception of yourself is going to change. your face is going to look the same. Trust me on this one, I'm talking to you out of experience. Stim are notorious for fucking with your head. You may think you're clear headed, just "up," but not actually intoxicated, but...
  15. l0vebone

    Anyone in DFW want to hang

    Sup G. I'm in Carrollton, wbu?
  16. l0vebone

    Why do I get around 20 likes when I restart tinder, then barely ever get likes again?

    Is there any way to bypass this? Ive had gold before and the same thing happened (albeit, a little more likes than free). I'm having trouble figuring out why guys that I'm better looking than IRL, get more likes/matches then me. I think I may have been reported at some time.
  17. l0vebone

    Why do I get around 20 likes when I restart tinder, then barely ever get likes again?

    so my pictures are shit, I know I need to work on that. That doesnt explain why when I start a tinder again, I get a bunch of likes, then eventually they just stop. I'm doing free tinder because I'm broke at the moment.
  18. l0vebone

    Jonathan makes a discorery

    You're not going to get big if you dont eat regardless if you hit the gym. Have you researched things at all or do you spend your days crying about your situation? I'm sorry man but at some point you have to decide to start being the hunter and not the prey. If you are skinny, on top of what...
  19. l0vebone

    Jonathan makes a discorery

    just looked at that video dude, yeah youre not a bad looking guy even though you cant see your face clearly. i have no clue why you arent banging one of those girls in your group
  20. l0vebone

    Jonathan makes a discorery

    Youre not an ugly dude, youre good looking enough to get laid. Theres nothing wrong with coaching man. When I dont know what to do in muay thai, I go to my teacher because hes been there before, even though I have 7+ years of experience. You seem like a really good guy man and I wish you the...