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  1. MisterE

    Thrice log. Started TRT today. Next goal fuck a hot girl

    I think this is where you fucked up. She explicitly asked you what time you wanted to meet, but instead you made meeting up with her not your priority. You could've asked her what time she was done eating (a good option) but the more dominant option would be to propose a time and place. The...
  2. MisterE

    Vic's Progress Log - Vest free, Still Readjusting to Post-Grad Life

    I was not aware of a subscriberID being connected to the Apple ID. I'm not that familiar with Apple's eco-system, but that explains why they always mention to use a different Apple ID when doing a hard reset. Anyway, the point of my original post was to explain why a complete new phone is...
  3. MisterE

    Vic's Progress Log - Vest free, Still Readjusting to Post-Grad Life

    Apps can't track your IMEI or any other identifiers where you can uniquely track users with. If I interpret Apple's developers documentation correctly, identifierForVendor (the property apps can use to uniquely track devices with) changes after deleting all the apps from that same vendor (the...
  4. MisterE

    Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

    Hey man, I'm just checking in to spread some positivity. I understand the struggles you are going through. I'm facing my own mental demons regarding my appearance and the setbacks I recently faced on the dating front, so I can completely understand why you are feeling down. While it is nice...
  5. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    I was following this guide from pancakemouse which mentioned something about uploading your photos to the apps as PNGs to prevent quality loss. Maybe the guide is outdated? Thank you anyway.
  6. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hey Lord Rey, I really appreciate it that you took some time to look at my photos. You already did more than I really asked for. I could always AB-test the pictures. If the shirtless one does not work I can just switch to the other one. In the end it is all part of the experiment. I barely...
  7. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hey Lord Rey. I appreciate it that you took your time to look at my new shots! I already made a post with the original photo like a month ago. I got feedback that I only should use shirtless pictures when my abs are clearly visible. That is why I did re-shoot this with a formfitting shirt...
  8. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Let's not keep you waiting then. I managed to shoot some more photos yesterday. With 'some more' I mean like more than 600. Don't worry, I already picked out the most decent ones. I changed the lighting back to what I had for the first shoot. I also shot those pictures on my own, on a tripod...
  9. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Haha no worries. I hope all is going well. I was indeed shooting in Aperture Priority mode, because the friend I had around this time was not experienced with a camera. I capped the ISO at 1600 and made it so the shutter speed stayed at a maximum of 1/250. I think I will re-shoot the pictures...
  10. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    You are right, I was less in motion then last time. I was indeed focused a lot on trying to recreate the pose I did back then. That is odd, because we've used the exact same camera (canon eos RP) and lens (50mm 1.8) as last time. The only difference is that the original photo is post processed...
  11. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hey, Today I tried to recreate the fitness photo I posted last time with a form fitting shirt. This time I had another friend with me for shooting them. Because his lack of experience with a camera, a lot of them were not really usable. I selected a couple of them I think that are salvageable...
  12. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    If you are willing to share pictures of yourself, consider to post them in here so we all can learn from the feedback.
  13. MisterE

    Vic's Progress Log - Vest free, Still Readjusting to Post-Grad Life

    It is a recurring theme I see through your log: you are constantly beating yourself up. In the end, this is only making things worse for your mental health. I understand what you are going through. It is hard feeling denied something basic as companionship from the other sex, but the only way...
  14. MisterE

    Vic's Progress Log - Vest free, Still Readjusting to Post-Grad Life

    It is a recurring theme I see through your log: you are constantly beating yourself up. In the end, this is only making things worse for your mental health. I understand what you are going through. It is hard feeling denied something basic as companionship from the other sex, but the only way...
  15. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I will shelve this photo and look if I can replicate something similar in the shortterm with a compression shirt.
  16. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Okay I get it. I will try to recreate the picture with a form-fitting shirt instead. While the photo is currently not a net positive, do I hurt my chances by just using it for the short term until I got something else? So to phrase my question a bit better: is the picture currently a net...
  17. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Yeah I figured I could be leaner so my abs would pop a little bit more. For now I was going for the Daniel Craig look as seen in Casino Royale: Someone you can see who is taking care of his body. A leaner photo of me has to wait till somewhere next year. Meanwhile I will try to brighten up...
  18. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hey man, I appreciate the feedback. I will play with the highlights and shadows a bit more in the first photo. I also read something about that Tinder reduces the saturation of photos when you upload them, so I keep it like this for now before adjusting the saturation. For the second photo, I...
  19. MisterE

    Picture Feedback Megathread

    Hi all, I have been lurking the forums for quite some while. Mentally masturbating and theorycrafting on the many logs here isn't going to get me laid, so I decided to take some action myself. My current goal for this month is to obtain four somewhat presentable Tinder pictures of myself. I...
  20. MisterE

    Lusty's 5'4 fat to fit looking for love log

    Fellow shortking checking in. Really inspiring stuff I am reading here, keep it up! Currently I'm struggling with a couple of things in my life as well. Being short (165cm/5'5) and living in a western country, where that is shorter than the female average, is one of my main struggles. In the...