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  1. BDG-95

    RECRUITING: Accountability group chat

    I'm down! I am currently working on doing approaches. My telegram username is cram7415
  2. BDG-95

    Tinder Profile Review

    Hey bro, just my .02 I think the first two and the last one are way better than the middle ones. I wouldn't use the middle ones because I feel they bring down the overall quality of the profile. I would say that adding in a girl or some group-friends-party photo would be the next best step
  3. BDG-95

    colgate - High Volume Approaching & Pulling / Pickup Hustle

    Dude - as a fellow 5'5 guy, this 6'5 girl story is really fucking crazy. It reminded me of this date I had last December with this cute 20 year old black chick who was 5'11 and wearing 3 inch heels. We never made out/had sex/or anything so I didn't think it was worth posting about. I always...
  4. BDG-95

    Rottweilers' Log

    Nice bro! Yeah- hotel sex can get awkward when the girl is loud. I brought my FWB to a Motel 6 one time and we had the neighbor knock on our hotel door to tell us to stop with all the noise lol Good times, man
  5. BDG-95

    Good Busy City Centers in LA/OC Area?

    Hi all, I'm working on finishing Day 15 of the AA Program (high-fiving 10 people in about 20 mins). I've been doing this drill in inside malls but I want to try a busy city center. Does anyone know a good spot I could try to highfive people? The only place that comes to mind would be Sunset...
  6. BDG-95

    Roko’s AA Log

    Keep going bro! I'm doing the AA Program too (I'm on Day 15). It's just about focusing on one baby step at a time
  7. BDG-95


    Never made it past Day 6? I'm kinda curious what it is about Day 7 that's making you stop your progress through the program? Is there a specific rep that you're having trouble with? The Day 7 drill is: Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by) Time, Directions, Leave...
  8. BDG-95


    Hey man, welcome to the forums. We're kind of in a similar boat (I'm 5'5 and I have serious AA). Just my .02 but I really think you'll benefit by pushing through the AA Program. I'm actually just starting out with the AA Program (I'm at Day 11), so I'm cognizant of how difficult it is. So far...
  9. BDG-95

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Yeah, this is just my .02 but I think this is a good way to keep things efficient. For messaging girls online, I have the whole tinder/hinge script from Andy's guide copied on my phone. I just copy/paste where needed and add in a sentence or two. For texting numbers I got online, I just ask...
  10. BDG-95

    Manga: Shisha date no pull

    Lol I feel you right now on wanting sleeping over smashing sometimes :lol: Good luck on your date man!
  11. BDG-95

    Deleted Topic

    Hey man, I get all of my lays from online and using Andy's template ("not looking for anything super serious, etc..."). I don't personally reiterate that message via text before a meet up. However, I have had a couple ask me during the date (or when they're at my place) about what I'm looking...
  12. BDG-95

    Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

    Dude - your photos came out sick. Well done! :)
  13. BDG-95

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi everyone, I'm a 27 year old post-college dude from Southern California. It's been quite a journey to get where I am today but I don't regret a single second spent on it. My goals for the remainder of 2020: 1. Bulk up to 150 lbs, or 15-17% Bodyfat. Currently at 142-144 lbs 2. Get laid with...