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  • Users: Duke
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  1. Duke

    Dating App SOS help really needed...

    Welcome to the forum Omar. With regards to the matter of some of your friends who are no better than you doing better with girls, it is probably a matter of them just playing the numbers game more than you. As @l0vebone mentioned, the more girls you talk to, the more you'll get laid...
  2. Duke

    Please critique my pics

    These are pretty good photos to start with. My favorites are 2, 5, 6, & 7. With 5, the suit picture I would just whiten your teeth in the photo with photoshop since your smile is front and center. With 6, the one with the girl is just not ideal because it does not make you look tall. I'm 5'6...
  3. Duke

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    In my opinion you did nothing wrong here, the girl just wasn't available (as are most girls). Asking for the number right away is a good way to screen out the girls who are timewasters, which will be most of them. I always ask for the number on the 3rd message and no later than the 4th. If the...
  4. Duke

    Advice on this girl ?

    This girl sounds like a timewaster but if you want to continue to pursue it just invite her over to your place to have a drink/watch a movie next time she hits you up. Try to have sex with her while she is at your place. Other than that I would not waste anymore time on her. And do what...
  5. Duke

    Whatever It Takes...

    This happens to me a lot since I always ask girls out for that night or the next one. I find that less girls will give me their number than if I just asked for their number; this is good because I'm trying to screen girls. So every girl's number I get is from a girl that technically said 'yes'...
  6. Duke

    Do you guys track your approaches?

    I've gone back and forth with this; counting and not counting. The upside in counting is you typically will talk to more girls. I find if I don't count my approaches then I overestimate how many girls I'm actually talking to. If getting laid is your number one priority than you're probably...
  7. Duke

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    Congrats on the threesome. That girl is sexy af. Credit to you guys for leaving a bad situation and finding something better, sounds like it added a lot to your quality of life. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone approaching girls during the day with their girlfriend either lol. Can't...
  8. Duke

    Best return-on-time-invested

    Since it's getting colder, beaches are dying down but malls are getting better. I went to the mall today and did 12 approaches while trying on sweaters. The girls always go somewhere; if it's sunny they're at the beach, if it's chilly they're at the mall, if it's finals time they're at...
  9. Duke

    Best return-on-time-invested

    Way to go on the approaches dude. 2 numbers is a good start! Beaches have a lot less girls now that we're into fall and the weathers cooled off. If you're trying to be efficient the best way to approach girls is while you're already out doing other things. I approach a ton of girls at the...
  10. Duke

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Duke, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 1A Goal: Max Out Looks 1B Goal: Get Laid with Hot Girls Weekly Goals 1A: Looksmax 1 hr/day (workout, style, grooming, etc.) 1B: 60 approaches/week (throughout the course of my day) Hey guys, I'm Duke from Socal, 31 years...