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  1. GettinItAll

    I can attract women, but struggle to forming meaningful relationships.

    Just out of curiosity, how much do you have in common with the women you go on dates with? I've noticed the biggest factor for my retention was how much I have in common with a girl. Whenever I am with girls I don't share many similar interests there is no spark. Even with my guy friends, I've...
  2. GettinItAll

    Am I the only one selling options?

    Unless you are trading full-time, I do not recommend touching the stock market. Top hedge funds get burnt every year, and market returns even out. If this isn't something you're doing seriously then you WILL be beat out by the people doing it full-time. The people who typically make money in...
  3. GettinItAll

    New pics improvement?

    Waterfall one would be perfect if it was higher quality and you were closer to the camera. I'd say start with the one where you have the wine and your hand and are looking at the camera in your turtleneck. Tennis action shot would be a good second. Then maybe the one with the wine where you are...
  4. GettinItAll

    What would you do with a MINIMUM 10K capital and a MAXIMUM 100k Capital?

    Invest in yourself like Andy said, or get a financial advisor and invest in stocks. I would not recommend opening up a brokerage account and investing yourself. Unless you are going to spend all your time analyzing that stuff; a financial advisor will make good choices for you which will give...
  5. GettinItAll

    Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

    I've done about five packs of strips and noticed minimal difference. A dentist will definitely work (you can see obvious results online), but I've read another good option is buying the whitening chemicals they use at the dentist and buying home dental trays. They work very well and you see good...
  6. GettinItAll

    Is this right-swipeable?

    Hey you are definitely moving in the right direction, but I recommend you get your style locked in before you try to do a photoshoot.
  7. GettinItAll

    How to Quit Caffeine & Why You Should (Spoiler: it kills your dick)

    I quit caffiene about three years ago. It fucks with your sleep a ton and eventually you start needing to function at baseline. Nowadays I only use it as needed (say I got four hours of sleep and need to be productive) and a little goes a looooong way with that. Definitely something that does...
  8. GettinItAll

    Looking for honest feedback on my style

    Get some better fitted jeans in darker colors (black and darker grey). Get some white stan smiths and rock those for shoes. With clothes my best advice is only rock these colors for t-shirts: black, grey, navy, tan, and white (but white can be weird if not done right). For jeans black and grey...
  9. GettinItAll

    How to get acid / LSD

    To get drugs you generally have to know someone. If you have a weed dealer, then ask them. If not ask around to your friends.
  10. GettinItAll


    The undershirt is too formal. Ditch the glasses if you can and get contacts. Get a new haircut (possibly skin fade on the sides but ask some other people about this). Jacket is cool. Pants look good from what I can see (are they black jeans?). If I were you I would toss on a grey t-shirt...
  11. GettinItAll

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    What's good I'm 20 from Philadelphia. I've been trying to increase my pull with girls for about a year and a half now. I had some great success at first, but right now I'm not having crazy results (the current situation the world is in being the main thing to blame). I also have fell off the...