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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

play_time_is_over said:
Would you consider the zoom whitening in chair? I heard the strips weren't that effective. Getting mine done for $500 2 weeks from now.

I've done about five packs of strips and noticed minimal difference. A dentist will definitely work (you can see obvious results online), but I've read another good option is buying the whitening chemicals they use at the dentist and buying home dental trays. They work very well and you see good results after like a month.
May dating report

2 dates
1 lay

This was a bit of a broken up month. I had a huge work project that took up the first 3 weeks or so and this included
being away from the city in the countryside again. Also due to concerns over my mental health i needed a bit of a break, so 2 weeks off was always the plan

However somehow a girl slipped through the cracks anyway and hit me up to see if i wanted a date while i was back up in Manchester briefly
She was fun, seemed a little unsure of what she wanted though and even though i ended up back at hers nothing progressed past making out

When i came back up following the completion of work i rebooted tinder and on a boost i got a date with this nurse on the first weekend back. This was super easy, was able to do an inside bar date for the first time since November and everything progressed smoothly back to mine

She was cute and had a very good body once undressed. Sex was pretty decent and we cuddled for a while after. She didnt respond to me after though other than to say she got home safe. Oh well.

Switching up priorities


I did this video recently talking about how im switching goal priority around with my blog and website now coming first over girls goals

Since i got to Manchester i have fought through the original lockdown issues and landed on 1 girl a month average which is a decent enough baseline for me personally to get by on. I am now moving girls into a background goal. As such this will probs be my last big monthly report

I'll update website things more in the future instead

Peace lads

Also I made this video where I break down my tinder profile and how Andy fixed it for me

One of my better vids
Christ boys, I have not updated this in some time

Its been mad trying to sort out the end of my 365, while launching my style consulting and also my main job

I was throwing y'all some dating reports on here so i'll cover that. Interestingly thats like the least interesting part of my life these days, I've been operating on a rough idea that girls should only take up 10-20% of my time and energy over the last 3 months or so. Think I've struck a great balance with that

Summer stuff
Started making style vids on my channel and launched the consultation side of it
Finished my 365
5 lays via online - still seeing 2 of them
Expanded my video freelancing to another client

Im currently ill af from a cold i caught off one of my fwbs but enjoy my last video


Its a soppy af gratitude video to Andy for putting me onto my 365

Future plans

- i leave Manchester end of September so need to sort out visas to go abroad somewhere - PRIORITY
- Focus hard on marketing my youtube/website/services
- make more content
- Keep girls ticking over on the side so i dont accidentally go monk mode
Think it would be useful to start posting work logs on my Hatfish venture

I will track what I do daily and post every other day or so

6:45 - up for the sunrise and went walking
9 ish - started work in my style info product
11 - started prep for a client
1 - consultation scheduled but client was ill and messaged sometime after
2-7pm - pretty much flat out filming and editing my info product + a youtube vid was recorded
7 30 - went to meet a mate for goodbye drinks
9 30 came back and did some more editing
11 - bed

6 45 - sunrise walk
8 - was clearly sleep deprived as i went for an hr nap on return - i need to get proper sleep in, this will be easier in the countryside
9 - breakfast
9 30 started more info product stuff filmed and edited til lunch
1 - more editing
2 30 - call with a video editing client and had to do some editing for said client
4 - back to the info product
6 - started packing and cleaning up the flat
7 - cleaning continued
10 - neighbour invited me for a drink on the balcony to say goodbye
Now sleep

Was quite easily distracted by stuff like the forum (although I need to keep tabs on it tbf) while working

Packing has shown me I have too much shit. I used to be lean and minimalist now i am flabby and excessive. Going to aggressively purge stuff i dont need when i finish moving

Got a 5 hr drive tomorrow. Be up early again


645 - sunrise, this was extra helpful as i was able to get my car from the private garage and nab a spot next to my flat before the city workers came and took them all
7 30 packing stuff into the car
11 30 - left manchester
4 30 - arrived in the south and unpacked
5 30 - dinner and catching up with the family
7 30 - wrote 200 words of an article so my daily content minimum is met
8 30 - im in bed watching Evangelion and gonna call it now

Im exhausted, long fucking day this. Had planned to do no video work but happy i still started something hatfish related. Tis an article on accessories and doing the video accompaniment tomorrow


6 50 - sunrise walk. Felt like utter trash waking up, did not sleep well. Maybe i need melatonin, im cutting and that sometimes coincides with bad sleep
8 - breakfast
9 - spent a lot of time trying to sort out a 'studio' to make video content in. Anyone who hasnt done video before i envy your stress free life where you dont worry about lighting. This took legit 4 hrs of moving shit around, unpacking tech and building makeshift lighting equipment with shoeboxes and gorilla tape
1- started shooting a video about accessories
2 30 - my mother lost her keys at the train station and i had to drive 40 min away with the spare set
4 - finished the video and uploaded it
5 - went for drinks with friends
Back now and going to bed

Was expecting more from today but certain things took a long time to sort out and i had an unexpected emergency to attend to. I was always going to cut work short to go do social stuff in the evening. Still met the minimum content requirement so no issues


The vid made today

6 50 - sunrise walk, getting towards 7 am now and hardly seems a challenge
8 30 - breakfast
9 - dayjob time, was editing a promotional video for a charity event
11 30 - gym
13 00 - back for lunch and started info product work which was mostly editing
17 00 - pre dinner walk
18 00 - dinner
19 00 - audio recording for info product
Winding down now

The bulk of the info product is now done. Just gotta create extras i want to add in before the first draft is done

I've made Sunday the first draft deadline. More regular job work will get in the way but its no stress, i dont have a lot more to shoot and add in. And the hard editing is all done
Looking forward to that bad boy. Please make sure you inform us when its ready, and dont keep it a secret for weeks.

6 50 - 8 - sunrise walk
8 30 - 1300 - day job, filming and editing for a YT i run
14 00 - 17 00 - working on info product mostly editing and finalising small things
WALK and then DINNER (this was a low cal day interestingly but i felt fine)
18 00 - 21 00 - Finished everything but the summary video part

6 55 - 7 30 - sunrise walk
8 - 10 - chilled morning, decided to take it a little easy today in general bar filming the final part
10 - 12 - GYM, awesome sesh
12 30 - 2 - walking and random chores/life admin
3 - 6 watched everything through then scripted and filmed the summary
Now chilling

Happy with it except for one part that im 95% sure I'll redo. Picked a couple of guys to test and review the series so i can begin the revision process with some feedback

Gotta now switch back to content for YT and other than that it will be mostly marketing
Weird day, low cal day too

(gonna list start and end times for day but no more hr by hr break downs)

6 50 - up for sunrise, it was pissing it down lol
Had to call water company to finalise some bills, took a while
Afterwards had to wait on a big video upload, took a nap
Woke up to carry on with day job stuff
Prepped for client but client was a no show in the end
Made a hatfish vid answering some smaller questions recently came up
Went on a walk and called a friend
Edited video and uploaded some more stuff
10 30 into bed

Bad mood today, lot of things randomly went wrong or didnt turn out well
Tomorrow will be better
Important to be transparent, last couple of days more unproductive than recent times

6 50 up and walk
Took most of the day off
Had to sort out some bill stuff and life admin but it was a chill day
Did part of an article to make sure my daily minimum is met
Answered prospective client correspondence

6 50 walk
Dayjob stuff til like 11 when i went to the gym
Came back and made a youtube vid about fear
Some dayjob stuff got cancelled so i was left time to research some things
Now winding down for bed
Missed a few days here

Up at sunrise every day since last logged
Coached two clients this weekend, including MAC in person - never done that before
Met my minimum content creation every day (1 video or 200 words written)

Been good

The in person coaching experience was incredible and there is a whole biz in that alone Radical.

For one of my yearly goals I set myself the target of making $1,000 online somehow.

I had no idea how i would achieve it at the time, the closest thing i had to income then were the affiliate links in my style guide (this took several months for me to even get a $50 cheque from). I made basically no money for the first 7 months because i wasnt taking my business seriously, i wasn't even offering an actual product for sale. When I set the goal it was a low priority, probably like 4th on my overall list of goals for the year.

The priority ranking changed in around June for me, had a chat with Andy and we agreed it had bumped up to #1

At the end of July I launched my style consulting .... yesterday I got over the line past my first $1k and then some - all made remotely and online. Onwards and upwards.

So fucking proud of you. I know you are going to be very, very successful in this life.

You are the fucking man, and you will live an elite life, your future holds achievements 10x greater than we can even imagine right now.

See you soon bro,
Radical said:
For one of my yearly goals I set myself the target of making $1,000 online somehow.

I had no idea how i would achieve it at the time, the closest thing i had to income then were the affiliate links in my style guide (this took several months for me to even get a $50 cheque from). I made basically no money for the first 7 months because i wasnt taking my business seriously, i wasn't even offering an actual product for sale. When I set the goal it was a low priority, probably like 4th on my overall list of goals for the year.

The priority ranking changed in around June for me, had a chat with Andy and we agreed it had bumped up to #1

At the end of July I launched my style consulting .... yesterday I got over the line past my first $1k and then some - all made remotely and online. Onwards and upwards.

Yeee boi! You're an inspiration. Keep it up you've got this.
Couple of big things for me this week

- launched my paid info product (wont give too many details as per the promotion rules on here)
- cashed out some crypto profits today. Around $4k

Cashing out my crypto had been a big thing I failed to do at the last BTC ath.
Part of me thought I had missed my chance, alts arent always guaranteed to go up again and I had a very unbalanced portfolio
I basically had a 'let it ride' attitude earlier this year which didnt even extend to taking out my original investment
Now i've taken out my original investment plus 100%
The rest can ride for now