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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

Radical said:
- launched my paid info product (wont give too many details as per the promotion rules on here)

Jesus dude, you've helped most guys here look like they have some or a lot of sexual experience with your knowledge. Sharing your info product once won't trigger even the snowflakiest of snowflakes.
Crisis_Overcomer It cant be one rule for everyone else and not the forum moderator

I'll put it in my sig for now
LOL fucking hell man.

Anyone worth their salt needs to work with Radical to get their style on point.

I am going to continue to learn as much as I can from Radical and in the years to come will keep levelling up style.

If you have ever been invisible, like I was, and became more visible, you will know that your image has the power to give you an unfair advantage. It matters more than is savoury to admit. It matters so much it kind of hurts.

If I hadn't lost weight and improved my looks I don't think I could have negotiated my current contract, and without this contract, I wouldn't be able to get my move done which is where I'll go fully all in.

I am very happy with my investment, Radical being Radical will not advertise, but those of us who have had an excellent experience with Radical's services can surely commend Radical and be grateful for his services. I will say on his behalf, I feel as if investing in yourself and improving your style can save people a lot of heartaches and losing their shit not knowing why they aren't getting the outcomes they perhaps want.

Business update

Set a new goal to meet next - made my first $1k, now its a journey to make it to $10k
Raised my coaching prices - base session price is $250 now and I'm outlining a higher cost package that will be $600 but i haven't fully worked out what the offer is yet
Launched product, Im going to raise the price on that after its been live a month - rewriting the copy to make clear initial price is special launch price, this was always the plan but I hadn't put it in yet. I knew my price was low, im currently charging an ebook price for a video course.

Outlined a couple of eBooks i can write and charge a small amount for:

- Cheap and super minimal wardrobe with links (as per Crisis_Overcomer suggestion)
- Summer/hot weather style. This i may also throw out as a freebie to the video guide buyers but I didnt want to promise an unproduced bonus on launch

I want a full suite of infoproducts that i can regularly update and relaunch

Audience building - set on an upload schedule for both youtube and the blog. 2 vids and 3 articles.
Need to work on promotion now for both of those, wont be marketing products directly with this marketing, I need to get traffic to my content - at most i will push the free guide which is lead generation.
Radical said:
but i haven't fully worked out what the offer is yet

Read this: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying-ebook/dp/B099QVG1H8

I thought I knew about creating offers but damn, this book really had me taking a lot of notes. The first few sections might seem boring, but the part where he explains how to create offers is amazing.

Radical said:
I want a full suite of infoproducts that i can regularly update and relaunch

I'll say this once and hopefully you'll listen:

instead of products, create a continuity/subscription program. Give guys who join the basic course/courses (it will cover 80% of what they need to know) and then update it every 3 months or something. Offer basic email coaching or a monthly webinar/video where you'll answer their questions. Your life will become easier and more fun if, instead of one off sales of infoproducts, you know that every month you're expecting $X from Y members. "Wealth is an income stream" - Gary Bencivenga
Yeah I get the subscription model

But i havent figured out a way to do it in my head for menswear that excites me

Will have that down as a future brainstorm item but focusing on the coaching and main product first

I still want to write those ebooks, even if i dont sell them like products they will be useful somewhere
Lemme know if you have any other ideas bbz Crisis_Overcomer
Radical said:
But i havent figured out a way to do it in my head for menswear that excites me

I don't think all your offers need to excite you. I'm not saying you must hate yourself either. But from what I've seen, being a successful business owner is a combo of hitting the wants of your market and using a model you like.

My question is, when thinking about how to do it in your head, what problems pop up?

Radical said:
I still want to write those ebooks, even if i dont sell them like products they will be useful somewhere
Lemme know if you have any other ideas bbz @Crisis_Overcomer

* reach out to guys in dating and let them give away the books as bonuses to their products (this way you'll get exposed to buyers and some will reach out to you or check your site)

* upload them on Kindle (doesn't matter if they're short)

* edit them and load pieces of them on Reddit and Medium

* go on podcasts and give them as special gifts to the listeners of the host
Booked a flight to Mexico City for early December

Get out of the UK, is my last standing goal that was set for this year

Im not leaving any yearly goals on the table

Hopefully all goes well, dead excited to get the fuck out. Couldnt sleep last night really cause of it


- Mexico City is great, been here a week
- Im starting to learn Spanish
- Been dating this chill Venezuelan chick who speaks near perfect English - my latam cherry broken quick enough
- Tinder is interesting, lots of hot matches but language barrier is a weird frontier for me given i've mostly travelled anglo countries previously

Didnt mention this in vlog but my neighbour in the airbnb is a Tinder coach of all things lol. He's dutch so he caters to guys in Holland
CDMX is a fun city. I remember being completely mindblown back in January 2017 - I will never forget it.

Guadalajara and Monterrey are pretty cool too (I actually prefer them both to CDMX) so definitely hit them up
A video and a post I made in a FB group

Reposting both here in case anyone who needs to read/hear this is on the forum.

Watch the vid if that is your preference but the post below is more or less exactly what I say on YT.


Script of the original FB post:

So back before I met Andy in 2019 i was not in a good place with substance use. Drugs and my lifestyle were some of the reason for going to see him.

I first did these drugs at like 16 but i was never a regular party guy until 2019 in Australia - it was only ever a once in a few months thing when i was younger.

After i got my heartbroken in the US i gave up on trying to achieve anything worthwhile and threw myself into the Sydney rave scene.

For 6 months or so i was self indulgent and did nothing else but get high and go out. Mostly i did the main party drugs: mdma, ket, speed, ecstasy pills, some coke when we had it and a couple of times i did LSD at a rave.

A big part of my issue was i wasnt good at saying no to my mates when they wanted to do stuff. I bowed to the peer pressure even if it seemed like a bad idea.

So in Sydney i would sleep most of Monday to Wednesday, get on it on Thursday and not stop til the next Monday.
Anything up to taking mdma 4x a week was normal: about .2 to .5 grams a time ( i remember some all nighters going over a gram of md). About a gram of ket every weekend too to take the edge off the mdma.

I had no sex life despite being very popular and socially successfully
I was blowing money like it didnt matter
I had no goals
I wasnt achieving anything
I was just chasing highs with my friends - and that just felt so normal

Despite the wild lifestyle, I was loser.... and i felt that. It wasnt necessarily the drugs fault too I was a pussy with girls at this point, my degen friends still got laid a bunch.

As Andy will attest i also dressed/presented myself as borderline homeless

About 6 months into my self destructive drug malaise I got rejected by this girl in the hostel and that was a catalyst to return to GLL and eventually see Andy

We agreed i needed to cut down - i think we settled on like once a month

I never went full cold turkey but i had to deal with a couple of things to cut down to like once a month
1. the idea that i needed drugs to have a good night
2. my inability to say no

I solved 1 by going to the raves sober - literally took a big bottle of water and had a good time with my friends. Those relationships werent reliant on the drugs.

2 was solved by approaching girls - it made me way more confident and less of a pussy. Daytime approaches especially, even my friends that get laid a lot didnt do that.

Nowadays im back to using party drugs like once every few months on big occasions - DJs i want to see or festivals.
getting laid and self-improvement replaced the highs i got from drugs.

You earn the high in self improvement, the highs from drugs arent earned. I'll always remember my first time on mdma, but im much more proud of the high i felt after my first cold approach lay.

Great post man. I really feel like I need to quit smoking weed, it is definitely hindering my self improvement efforts. I smoke 3x a day and I honestly feel like a slave to it at this point. I barely get high, it's not healthy, my memory has gone to shit, and I'm lazier than ever.

The problem is, I've built this habit of "needing" it to date girls, not because I need to be high to socialize, but because I'm so used to seeking out girls who smoke. It's almost become a part of me.

I guess I've also convinced myself that girls who aren't into drugs at all (including alcohol), won't be DTF, but I'm sure that's the addiction talking.

I've considered stopping just for 30 or 60 days and seeing if that improves my social anxiety and motivation enough to push my self harder.

I also don't drink. I just have an addictive personality in general, I've been able to use party drugs in moderation (like once a year at festivals, as you mentioned). It's the depressants, not the stimulants that tend to cause me trouble.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that drugs stop being fun.

Did you find that your motivation improved a lot when you quit drugs? I find that comfort in general tends to push me away from things like cold approaching. Weed and online dating bring a lot of comfort, so its too easy to say no.
Squilliam Yeah tbh i needed the clarity of thought and the discipline that abstaining from the drugs bought me when i was first starting to chase my goals

I found it the drugs werent necessary to be cool or appear cool as goofy as that sounds
Radical said:
1. the idea that i needed drugs to have a good night
2. my inability to say no

I feel this is me right now. I feel like a shell of myself without drugs and alcohol at night which is taking its toll & it's slowly seeping into my daytime.

People hit me up every week because I rarely say no to coming outside which is all well and good if I was hitting my goals but I've barely had time to do anything aside from work. April, I'm aiming only to come out if it's with MakingAComeback and one other occasion when it's a childhood friend's birthday.
Radical said:
You earn the high in self improvement, the highs from drugs arent earned. I'll always remember my first time on mdma, but im much more proud of the high i felt after my first cold approach lay.

Fucking true that!
One go to be reminded that the artifical high from drugs is just that, artifical.
TimmyTurner said:
Radical said:
1. the idea that i needed drugs to have a good night
2. my inability to say no

I feel this is me right now. I feel like a shell of myself without drugs and alcohol at night which is taking its toll & it's slowly seeping into my daytime.

People hit me up every week because I rarely say no to coming outside which is all well and good if I was hitting my goals but I've barely had time to do anything aside from work. April, I'm aiming only to come out if it's with @MakingAComeback and one other occasion when it's a childhood friend's birthday.

For real bro.

Drugs and drinking did a number on my mental health in my early 20s and drained me to the bone. They mask the development of true confidence IMO.

We are both on our way to greatness, success leaves clues and it is about productive action that is required to be great.

Both of us ARE going to live an abundant life, ARE going to have passive income, ARE going to have remote location independent income, and WILL travel and enjoy abundance in many countries for years to come.

We'll do some productive work in the clubs working towards getting a scenario like Chris from GLL had.

I have no doubt that both of us are going to find a way to win, and win big, and we will do it without derailing our development with excess partying and drugs/drinking.

I really enjoy your Youtube channel man, even if I wasn't involved in this community I'd still watch the vids