Radicals Log - 90 Outfits


Decided to run a proper weekly vlog series focused on my health and body goals
- quit smoking
- counting cals to drop weight
- fixing sleep
- gym when it reopens

Also talking a little bit of general looksmaxxing stuff im doing - tan and teeth
You would be shredded at 80kg, pretty lean at 85 even. I got to about 10% a couple years ago on a similar amount of calories. Red meat and veggies help you stay full and I found drinking huge glasses of water when I got hunger pains enough to stave off the carb cravings. It's hard when they're around though :)

Just under 85 now man and not shredded lol. I get abs in around 80kg though and heading that way again now
I enjoy your content. Keep going big man. So much you've already achieved and so much knowledge and ability in you.
MakingAComeback glad you enjoy it man, learned what i know pretty much entirely from Chris and Andy with his coaching

Health vlog for the week

- no smoking is going good, on 1 month smoke free now
- dieting ok, tracking basically everything - had a bad day where i got drunk with a girl the night before and i ate too many cals while hungover plus the cals from the alcohol
- gym has fucked me by not opening and also not saying anything, getting a new gym membership
- tanning, i am now 4 stand up sessions in and i have pinned MT2 for every session. Im vague about this in the youtube vid cause im not sure about talking about peptides on there
- teeth, still havent bought any strips. Will do before next vid

Oh and i changed the channel name to Radical Improvements
1st Dates | 4
2nd Dates | 1
Lays | 2
Lead source: All Online
General comments: Odd fucking month.

So the girls i took on dates were dull af.

This was the first month the bars have been open since Christmas. The reopened on 14th April and I had a 2nd date lined up for the first day possible. This was with a Latvian girl I met last month. Date felt like it went fairly well, honestly I was more happy to be in a bar again, actually started talking to random people in the bar when I should have been paying attention to her more. Invited her back to mine, she said yes at first. But we had ordered another drink and by the time she finished that she had changed her mind and said she had to go do something instead. Got a big sense the vibe had gone cold tbh. Me being somewhat uninterested in her probably didn’t help. The only thing really driving me was the 5 weeks it had been since my last lay and the fact this was an excuse to go to the bars again. She barely responded to me on message after this. I invited her straight to mine for wine a couple days later and she sent a message back saying she’d rather be friends. Told her I wasn’t on tinder for that and got blocked. Not gonna lie, Ive had similar experience with Eastern European girls before and pretty sure ive never had a positive experience dating them.

Other two first dates are also not that interesting.

One girl from India who I went for coffee with but wasn’t into at all.
Other was more recent, this last week, and it was an English girl who kinda catfished me a little tbh. We actually ended up back at mine though cause bars are outside only atm and it was raining. So we split a bottle of white wine at my place. Didn’t try and escalate here, wasn’t the vibe and im still not sure on her. Gonna keep in touch with her though and see how I feel when back in Manchester.

The lays were both hook ups/booty calls

First one was a couple of weeks ago. It had just hit more than 6 weeks since my last lay and I was getting pretty fucking annoyed. Honestly from mid March to 3rd week of April I actually think it’s the most frustrating run of dating since I started taking this seriously. Basically, every lead was flaking and the girls that would meet were not doing it for me.
I was in bed one night though and this lead, that I haven’t met yet, starts messaging. She was out drinking and wants me to come to hers, where she is throwing a small after party so id have to meet all her flatmates. That was ok with me (I’ve done a few of these come meet me at a party invites before). Chatted to her flatmates and drank with them for a bit, and when they all went to bed we started making out on her sofa.
Moved it to her room and broke the mini dry spell. Didn’t message her again after this tbh, probably should have done. She was pretty hot in like a party girl sort of way.

Honestly walking home at 4am through Manchester after breaking a 6 week dry spell – the first one in ages that had actually bothered me – I felt exactly like this meme of the Guts theme from Berserk playing in the rain:


The 2nd lay was even more impersonal. I was once again in bed, had drunk a 4 pack of Moretti and had jerked off to some porn. Lazily scrolling through tinder I notice a match had just messaged me back - after not responding to my opener for a week. She asked if I was up and I replied ‘yup’. She came back immediately asking if I wanted to come over and hook up……wouldn’t give me a number but gave me her address. I went, honestly not sure if I could get it up but she was only a 10 min walk away (a big part of why she messaged me it turned out). I got there and she met me at the door, immediately made out with me in the street and then dragged me upstairs. Sex was pretty wild tbh, went on for like 2 hrs. Again she wouldn’t give a number after and said she would hit me up on tinder if she wanted to go again. I start walking home and go to check her profile again, she fucking unmatched me as soon as I had left lol.
So that was April. May wont be as interesting most likely as I am out of Manchester for the first 3 weeks.

Lack of hunger/desire and admitting my mild depression

I did a video where I discuss that I’ve fallen into a mild depression lately.


It started with losing interest in all my projects and tbh basically everything im working towards in life. Also noticed my mood swings and anxiety were getting worse when they occurred. Andy put a label on it for me in a coaching session and I spent a couple of weeks considering the implications. Last week I sucked it up and called my mum to talk to her about it (something I’ve always done when previously depressed) and by extension this meant admitting it to myself – which also took the form of that video.
Fortunately, I’m now doing some work out in the countryside for most of May, which gives me a much-needed break and reset. I have also brough my diet back under control and returned to the gym. My health logs are testament to trying to make sure my body is good and the mind should follow eventually.

Btw play_time_is_over i saw you left a comment on my depression vid, I didnt delete it. Youtube seems to randomly dislike comments left on my vids sometimes and wont even let me manually review them. Unless you deleted it yourself I dont know wtf was wrong with it

Health vlog number 4

- now on 6 weeks no smoking
- gym last night for the first time in 4 months as my gym is reopened
- cals tracked but been a bit dodgy the past couple days and need to be stricter
I can totally relate to your odd dating month. I'm really starting to think it's just the pandemic that's fucking with us. My last 10 lays have been these impersonal affairs, with the exception of 3, and they all said they didn't want to see me again for a variety of reasons. Not to mention the unusually high flake rate.

Getting girls on dates is more difficult than ever. Everything is closed and locked down but for some reason every girl is so busy they can't set aside 1 hour to meet a guy lol.

Reading other logs on this forum, it seems to be a pretty universal experience that this spring so far has been horrible in terms of getting laid. Let's hope summer changes this.
Holden Yeah it seems many of us have had the same experience simultaneously. Even Andy and Immy had this lately.

What i've realised though is even if having a bunch of flakey leads and non responsive matches on your phone seems like going nowhere, when you get to the weekend your chance of being randomly hit up for sex is pretty high. I had another girl send me a hook up message as well before the 2nd lay in April but i think she either found another bloke or just changed her mind after sending it.

I feel like im playing fast and loose atm and just holding on til some normality returns
Radical said:
3. can i lessen my fear of losing chicks in the dating process (There's sometimes a feeling of if i dont go for the first date lay i might not get to sleep with the chick, i need some exposure therapy here)

This. I feel this too and it's definitely led to me coming off a bit thirsty. Do you think it's a scarcity thing? "If it feels good do it" rationalization?
YouBetYourCottonPanties said:
Radical said:
3. can i lessen my fear of losing chicks in the dating process (There's sometimes a feeling of if i dont go for the first date lay i might not get to sleep with the chick, i need some exposure therapy here)

This. I feel this too and it's definitely led to me coming off a bit thirsty. Do you think it's a scarcity thing? "If it feels good do it" rationalization?

Probably, but with many things just more experience will lessen the feeling i believe
Radical said:
YouBetYourCottonPanties said:
This. I feel this too and it's definitely led to me coming off a bit thirsty. Do you think it's a scarcity thing? "If it feels good do it" rationalization?

Probably, but with many things just more experience will lessen the feeling i believe

Hasn't for me... unless she's a dial tone and then it's over before it begins. I overthink the shit out of things, so take that w/ a grain of salt.
Hope you get to feeling better soon! Good that you're spending time in the countryside, I know that stuff does wonders for my well-being.

Latest health update lads

- no smoking since 7 weeks, biggest success
- weight loss is stalling and im not sure whats wrong, cals should be low enough
- gym is back on, been 4 times in 8 days
- tan is really coming in
Radical said:
weight loss is stalling and im not sure whats wrong, cals should be low enough

Whoosh effect from diet or/and tiny inflammation (and as a result, withholding water) from serious workouts
Radical said:
- weight loss is stalling and im not sure whats wrong, cals should be low enough

First thing I would think is, if you just started hitting the gym again, you'll be rebuilding muscle fast AF (from "muscle memory"), and muscle is about twice as weight dense per calorie, compared to fat.

If you're only losing fat very slowly (like half a kilo a week or less) and hitting the gym hard and often, then even in a calorie deficit you might not see your scale weight drop, because you're building muscle around as fast as you're losing fat.

if you have something like body fat calipers, they super useful in this kind of situation for tracking progress. They're not that great for actually getting body fat % numbers, but if your belly fat goes from say 7mm to 5mm over two weeks, you'll know you've definitely been losing fat.
Cheers guys

Spazdig told me similar, that i might actually be recomping


No. 6

- 8 weeks no cigs. My full on cold turkey ban is over now. Im allowed the odd cigarette again
- gym still going great and very much enjoying being back
- tan getting better
- need to see a dentist soon, will go ahead with whitening strips i have coming but concerned about a couple of teeth
Would you consider the zoom whitening in chair? I heard the strips weren't that effective. Getting mine done for $500 2 weeks from now.