Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

Wednesday cals: 2000
Today: 2100

Posted a new article:
RogerRoger I upped from 1900-2000 to 2200-2300

Tracking weight etc to see what happens but I feel a lot better at this cal amount
Radical said:
Tracking weight etc to see what happens but I feel a lot better at this cal amount
Slow and steady wins the race. It applies well to dieting, as long as you make any progress, not stagnate.
Lostcause said:
Radical said:
Tracking weight etc to see what happens but I feel a lot better at this cal amount
Slow and steady wins the race. It applies well to dieting, as long as you make any progress, not stagnate.

Absolutely. Its also in preparation for the gyms reopening. I will be adding a significant amount of calorie burn compared to my output in lockdown
Figured Id start doing a dating log for each month to keep myself accountable for whats going on

Dates 2 | Lays 1
Lead source: All Online
General comments: Flakey as fuck tbh, never had this many leads go nowhere
Had 4 different girls ghost on the day of the date and several more timewasters fizzle out on text messaging
Honestly putting a lot of this down to covid
After that first lay to break in the new apartment I decided no more inviting girls straight over, which meant all i could pitch was coffee and a walk in freezing cold weather - cheers for the covid rules stupid govt
Im also no longer trying to fuck any girl on date 1 as I have done that enough at this point (if you are newbie - ie under 10 lays - dont copy this rule. You need to pick up some instinct for how to pull the trigger)

April is looking brighter but not getting ahead of myself. Bar dates are back on now.

Other updates;

Blog - Writing an article about Tim Pool's crimes against hat fashion. Also my ebook redraft and summer style suggestions. A marketing plan and some execution needs to happen this month as well.

Youtube - its chugging along but my laptop is fucked again so I cant edit rn. Doing all my vids as one shots with bad audio. Really getting on my tits this situation. Nothing angers me more than tech failure - had a mini breakdown on good friday because of it.

Dieting - its ok, gotta be way more careful now ive upped my cals closer to maintenance levels

Quit smoking - 2 weeks done
Radical said:
Im also no longer trying to fuck any girl on date 1 as I have done that enough at this point (if you are newbie - ie under 10 lays - dont copy this rule. You need to pick up some instinct for how to pull the trigger)
Dang. You and Andy both. I might copy y'all... it'd probably up my retention drastically. Are you still making out on the first date?

Radical said:
Blog - Writing an article about Tim Pool's crimes against hat fashion. Also my ebook redraft and summer style suggestions. A marketing plan and some execution needs to happen this month as well.
Love this. Controversial and relevant content gets views, taking shots at the big boys is a great way to get noticed if you can handle the tension.

Radical said:
Quit smoking - 2 weeks done
Fuck yes dude. Keep it up!

Nah i typically dont escalate 1st date at all unless we go back to my place or she instigates. I dont see much point in making out if we arent going to have sex and I get the feeling this sometimes works against you if she gets anything from you like that but doesnt have to put out (thats some pure speculation on my part though)
Radical said:

Nah i typically dont escalate 1st date at all unless we go back to my place or she instigates. I dont see much point in making out if we arent going to have sex and I get the feeling this sometimes works against you if she gets anything from you like that but doesnt have to put out (thats some pure speculation on my part though)

I'm curious. I'll experiment with this - I worry if I don't kiss or make out or anything, she won't feel like she has to "put out" if we keep seeing each other.

I'm sure there's a way to get the best of both worlds - to have the expectation of a super sexual relationship but also make her wait to screen out one night stands.
Honestly dude some of my first dates its like theres no chemistry until we get through the flat door

Cals Today: 2300
Radical said:
Honestly dude some of my first dates its like theres no chemistry until we get through the flat door

Cals Today: 2300

You just make out with them on your couch and that's it? Solid self control I don't know if I could do that.
Yesterday - 1800cals
Today - 2000cals

Recently spoke about how ive been fucking up my diet on my youtube channel here:


Cliff notes
- I stopped weighing myself regularly, just had some scales delivered so fixing that
- I did something retarded. I never counted coffees living at home cause they were just a splash of skimmed milk in terms of cals. But i started buying a ton of takeaway lattes in the city when i moved here - didnt track those. Some days I will have had 4 lattes which would have been 800 cals not tracked

Also been going a bit hard on delivery apps. Takeouts are harder to count cals with as it has to be mostly estimates unless you order from like Mcdonalds and they tell you the info. Ive now banned the apps for non cheat days.

All of this has transpired to me gaining like 6 lbs. Gyms back open on monday so at least there is that

Also just had some MT2 arrive, hopefully that helps too

Felt a need to switch things up. My last 15 lays or so have mostly been low effort first date pulls. I realised the one or two that i enjoyed the most of this run were actually the ones where i didn't shag on the 1st date.

So im making this rule to see 2 things

1. do i enjoy the lays more going to the 2nd date?
2. does retention improve?
3. can i lessen my fear of losing chicks in the dating process (There's sometimes a feeling of if i dont go for the first date lay i might not get to sleep with the chick, i need some exposure therapy here)

KillYourInnerLoser and joe_ronimo are also doing similar and I think they explain on there most recent podcasts together why they are doing it

Its also what Caleb Jones recommends - his approach is a half hour coffee/bar date followed by a 2nd date which is at his place if she agrees to that and just a bar again if she doesnt
Radical said:

Felt a need to switch things up. My last 15 lays or so have mostly been low effort first date pulls. I realised the one or two that i enjoyed the most of this run were actually the ones where i didn't shag on the 1st date.

So im making this rule to see 2 things

1. do i enjoy the lays more going to the 2nd date?
2. does retention improve?
3. can i lessen my fear of losing chicks in the dating process (There's sometimes a feeling of if i dont go for the first date lay i might not get to sleep with the chick, i need some exposure therapy here)

@KillYourInnerLoser and @joe_ronimo are also doing similar and I think they explain on there most recent podcasts together why they are doing it

Its also what Caleb Jones recommends - his approach is a half hour coffee/bar date followed by a 2nd date which is at his place if she agrees to that and just a bar again if she doesnt

Def. something I want to try at some point. I decided to change my mind and go back for first-date lays for the time being. My sex life has been sparse and inconsistent due to a lack of effort on my part. When I'm in a more satisfied place, I'll go back to trying this.
joe_ronimo dude tbh i think covid explains a lot of us having inconsistent sex lives of late. Im having to work hard to build myself back up from post monk mode ground zero to how i was back in non lockdown Australia. But i do think this switch will let me enjoy the process more, especially when the restrictions are completely gone
Radical said:
@joe_ronimo dude tbh i think covid explains a lot of us having inconsistent sex lives of late. Im having to work hard to build myself back up from post monk mode ground zero to how i was back in non lockdown Australia. But i do think this switch will let me enjoy the process more, especially when the restrictions are completely gone

Maybe. Maybe not. I’ll have space to be more patient once my needs are met though. I’m curious how this’ll work out for you.
joe_ronimo will update

Be interesting to see if i cave in the moment

The catalyst for this was a very unsatisfactory lay last month that came straight over