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Radicals Log - 90 Outfits

This is well and truly now a business log. I cant imagine i will update on dating again on here anytime soon. Im on low effort/low time input dating mode until my income hits a certain threshold

I think there is good value in me updating it over the next few months as I get serious on funnel and offer building.

In my latest vid I talk a bit about 'designermaxxing' and when it can help you if you have the means to go that route. Check that out

Quick update on my style guide:

This is no longer available via my email signup

I had an eye opening business chat with everyone's favourite Greek fuck-boy Crisis_Overcomer and we agreed that it sucks as a lead-magnet because it gives far too much away.

I have written a different lead magnet which will be the first intro my youtube viewers get into my style recommendations.


I wrote the full guide for you guys. My brothers in arms on this forum.

As such, any registered forum user ***who has followed the sign up rules*** that wants the full guide only needs to send me a DM and I will happily provide it.


Talking about my last 5 months of travelling
Plans for the future - ie funnel building

Enjoy you sexycunts


We will chat on the phone big man, I am going to run to a date now gotta shower, but me, you, Rene and Timmy will sit down for a beer and figure this funnel shit the hell out.

Whatever it takes.

We'll be making location independent income and travelling next year mark my words.


As of last weekend ive stayed away from cigs for 6 months
Longest i have managed since i first started smoking

Also im so close to 500 subs, I will suck the dick of whoever puts me over (no homo)
Radical said:
As of last weekend ive stayed away from cigs for 6 months
Longest i have managed since i first started smoking


Congrats man. I know people who've tried to quit and it's such a tough addiction.

My Dad's been a heavy smoker for 45 years and he tried to quit multiple times, but he's now at that point where he's just accepted it now he's well into his 60's

Did an interview with Andy about how to build a group coaching programme

Probably of interest to the guys chasing money on here
Hey bro, been following along with the channel and appreciating all the style guides. Nice work man. Keep up the consistency, youtube is a game of patience for sure. Maybe try implementing a bit of travel vlogging into your vlogs since I saw you were traveling around a bit.
Cheers dude tommygun95

In all honesty YT is not my current focus but keeping the uploads ticking over so i can go back to it when im done with my main business stuff
FUCK man this is so good. I am gonna watch this a few times this weekend. Sunday is usually my Andy content day.

Seeing two brilliant men sit down and talk high level concepts.

It's a privilege. We need to see a lot more from Andy & Radical batting ideas off each other. Always massively enjoy these.

2 of the best minds in self improvement and success.


Hey y'all

After the longer interview about building group coaching Andy and I shot the shit about self improvement

Specifically the amount of work that is really required to achieve your goals

Getting my physique in order to the standard of this community has been a long time coming

I've always been a bit lazy about it. Gone through stretches of trying to get to lower bf% and add muscle.
But never really compounded it into a long term thing.
I never needed it to get laid at the end of the day. Neither did Andy tbf. Both of us made do, racking up lays - even with hot chicks - while for the most part being skinny fat.
We aren't the only ones too.

I've long leveraged 'coolness' factor, high end social skills and style over any lacking in physique. And i've always felt at odds with the broader community of GLL, now KYIL because of it.

Time to see what i've been missing,

My entire life the past 6 months had been rededicated to business, in doing this i found the need (for energy and focus reasons) to also redesign my diet and exercise.

Also at this stage of my self development 1 solitary goal is not enough for me. I felt the need while i had the discipline and focus to add in another goal. One that was more passive in nature than building online income.

So i hired an online PT (he used to post on here but i think his acct is deleted).

Its been just over 2 months so you fuckers get some update pics now.

View attachment 1

Height: 6ft2
Weight start: 89kg
Weight now: 80kg

Daily Cals: 1800
Protein intake: 180g+
Steps daily: 15k

Training: An altered version of AWorkoutRoutine - PT is adjusting selection based on what i need

Notes so far:
- my shoulders round forward - doing door stretches and rear delt work to fix
- back leans out way quicker than the front does
- legs dont require much work to grow or hold muscle
- PT speculates i need to get down to 75kg-70kg before we start bulking up
Radical said:
Its been just over 2 months so you fuckers get some update pics now.

Holy shit!

This is one of the most impressive 2 month transformations I've ever seen.

Great work man 🫡

You're gonna be an absolute Adonis in a few months.

(when you get there don't forget to let us know what it's like to be an actual Greek god with a harem full of super models) 😁
Manly Cockfellow said:
Radical said:
Its been just over 2 months so you fuckers get some update pics now.

Holy shit!

This is one of the most impressive 2 month transformations I've ever seen.

Great work man 🫡

You're gonna be an absolute Adonis in a few months.

(when you get there don't forget to let us know what it's like to be an actual Greek god with a harem full of super models) 😁

Cheers dude

I've been pleasantly surprised how linear all the progress has been
If i graphed my daily weights off the spreadsheet its like a super smooth line going down, not much fluctuation

At the same time lifts have been just going up despite the cal limit. Recently started hitting a wall on bench & OHP but it took a while
Wow man excellent progress, as others have said especially for just 2 months time.

Just wait until girls start complimenting your back/ass and want to lick your abs every time your shirt comes off on a date, you’ll be hooked and there’s no going back

Did a video on the physique progress - its follows up a lookmaxxing vlog i did a couple months ago

Enjoying getting back into YT vids.
Gonna pull the trigger on some of the view grabbing ideas Crisis_Overcomer gave me over the next few weeks
Dom interview, though MakingAComeback beat me to the upload -


Hopefully we see AskTheDom on Andy's channel soon