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  1. Mr Available

    CONCLUDED: Conflicted & seeking help: Dumped for saying the word "retarded" as well as other slurs [are we both wrong?]

    This seriously pisses me off, but I respect that by relying on my natural strengths. Introverted guy here who likes to lift, tan, and does other fun stuff. OP, I feel for you. There's a saying you will never lose girls by chasing money but you will lose money chasing girls. I'm sort of...
  2. Mr Available

    Mr Available's Progress Log (Money, girls, fitness)

    Hi there, I've been working hard on myself for years. Only about 4-5 year mark was when I felt like I was beginning to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I would like to post here more, just been very busy. Money: I have two business projects that I'm working on. They both are in industries where...
  3. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    I had one last date with the girl. She claimed she had to work and she switched the times on me. Not that I care but I think she was meeting another dude after she was done with our date. We talked about BDSM (thank you Andy) so in my case it was not staying long enough and she needed 3 dates to...
  4. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    ^^ I never felt as I was judging women, especially the girl I met up with. At one point she said one of the guys that was messaging her was just a friend (which I didn't care). I probably stated somewhere on this thread I want to have fun but if I don't get laid then I think it would be natural...
  5. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    FUCK :( The girl at least came over last night. But she wouldn't fuck. I don't want to dwell too hard on this post as it pisses me off. My first mistake was not staying long enough. Maybe I didn't get lucky enough to meet a girl that was willing to hook up on the first or second date. At...
  6. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    It's curfew right now until Monday morning. The girl is going to risk it tonight. I'm so excited to smash in a couple hours. I'm not going to post pictures, but trust me big tits and ass. Gameplan is to tease the crap out of her all night long and incorporate the blindfold I brought with me. I'm...
  7. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Sounds great, thanks, I talked to my online game housemate some more. He told me he's been to Dominican Republic and the culture there requires the women to ask the men for money. There's also the extreme ends of the girls that won't hold your hands even after they went out on dates with you so...
  8. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Thanks for the kind words. For some strange reason the cookies must have cleared and I was logged out of the forums. I found my password. I was kind of paranoid about getting Devil's Breathed in Medellin so that's why I put in several security blocks on my computer. I'll try to be brief since...
  9. Mr Available

    Radical's Youtube | Final 365 Project Stretch

    I wouldn't worry too much about other people. I'm really busy to post updates of my life. And I'm looking forward to your style advice on your site.
  10. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Good news: I got one potential lead for tomorrow. I'm getting more matches although not all of them are attractive but whatever. My mindset is even if it's just a date, I'm going out at least. Bad news: My main card got locked and apparently there isn't anything I can do about it. It had...
  11. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    I'm inexperienced with women and I'm a late bloomer. A VERY VERY key factor to me reaching my current level is having my finances in order. So yes money does matter so don't let people tell you otherwise. I've been finding a lot of the research I've been doing leading up to this trip is at best...
  12. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Does anybody on the boards have experience with matching up with Colombian girls on Tinder? One of the girls told me she's not looking to hook up and is only looking for a BF. I might give it a day since girls change their minds.... I'm thinking about making it explicit in my profile as well as...
  13. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Some of the sources I've been reading stated mass approach works. In my experience it doesn't really. I think the girls have to see you a couple times, develop a narrative about you, and then will let you know they're interested. That's a big reason why I signed up for gym membership days ago...
  14. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Ever since my last post I fell back asleep after taking a nap. I then proceeded my day. Approaches so far today: 5. I'm finding about 50/50 for girls to either walk by and ignore or they will talk for a bit and either give me a whatsapp or say no. My approach is to tell them they're...
  15. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Joe, I leave in mid January. I might return later this year as it's not in me to go home empty handed. God damn it!! Well to be fair the present moment is the 2nd best time to do something. I think 20 per day is still doable but everybody is coming in at different looks standards, AA, and risk...
  16. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    I'll be brief. I have so much to do. Within the hour of stepping foot into Colombia I had two guys invite me out to hang with their crew. I'm really flattered but am wary of getting used for money. I'm currently on about 3 hours of sleep. I'm kind of crabby. I approached about 5 girls. One had...
  17. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    100 is an ideal number, we'll see if my AA shows up. I'm only here for 2 weeks, I can't do 10 a day and call it quits. BTW the women are flakes and I've read it's recommended to triple book dates. I'm also not too keen on going out at night since the girls go out with their families. American...
  18. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    I have to wait for a couple more hours until I make my second flight. Even just in the airport there are really hot chicks. I FUCKING love Latin America. It's almost like visiting Los Angeles. Where I currently live there's attractive women but not dispersed like the airport I'm at or LA. I...
  19. Mr Available

    Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

    Today's the big day! My airlines rescheduled so I'll be arriving at Medellin around midnight. :( There's talk about needing to self quarantine as well as undergo a health screening. At this point it's too late to back off. Almost everything is packed up. I'm frankly nervous, never been to...
  20. Mr Available

    Martial Arts Thread

    Here's some videos of "Mr Perfect" Ernesto Hoost Power versus technique