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  1. Hemingway

    Does anyone live in Tampa, FL?

    Haha, it's kinda ironic that a city where it's hot AF and never snows can have a winning hockey team
  2. Hemingway

    Please critique my Tinder pics

    Thanks, btw I'm a big David Goggins fan too. Yes you're right, I need to get pics in different outfits. And probably some pics doing other activities besides guitar, like playing a sport or something.
  3. Hemingway

    Please critique my Tinder pics

    Thanks, yes the suit picture is old and I was overweight and it didn't fit well. I'll try to think of ways I can add edge.
  4. Hemingway

    Does anyone live in Tampa, FL?

    Samy i could use a wing, do you want to go cold approach sometime?
  5. Hemingway

    Please critique my Tinder pics

    Hey guys, Please critique my Tinder pics. I get lots of matches, not a lot of dates. Like 2-3 dates a month. Granted, I can be picky and may not be putting enough time/effort into it. But I'm also getting so many girls who are flaking. Here is the link: Thanks, appreciate it.
  6. Hemingway

    Does anyone live in Tampa, FL?

    Hey, just trying to meet new people. Anyone live in Tampa or near by?
  7. Hemingway

    Best text strategy after getting numbers from cold approach?

    This is generally what I do: Text 1: "Hey it's <your name>!". Text 2: "Nice meeting you." Text 3: "I know we only met briefly, but I thought you were a really cool girl and I thought we shared a connection. Do you want to grab a drink tonight at 8pm?"
  8. Hemingway

    2nd Dates

    Interesting ideas. I mean she's definitely down for a second date.
  9. Hemingway

    Make Yourself Taller – Height-Increasing Inserts/Insoles & Elevator Shoes

    I also bought a pair off They're awesome. I wish I had bought them sooner. I'm 5'9 barefoot, it feels good to be 6ft.
  10. Hemingway

    2nd Dates

    Hey how do you guys usually set up the second date (if you didn't have sex on the first)? I invited her back to my apartment, she said no. Just wait a few days, do some small talk, and then ask her out for a drink again?
  11. Hemingway

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    Nice yeah I’m realizing it doesn’t really matter what you say. She’s either interested, or she isn’t. Your pics really determine everything.
  12. Hemingway

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    Yeah so I got another date set up now. So far asking for the date first and the number second works better for me. I also have to add more to the convo.
  13. Hemingway

    Please critique my pics

    Thanks man. That was a sprint triathlon though, not a marathon haha. And that wasn’t my time, that was just the time since the start of the first wave. I ran the triathlon in like 1:15, which is still pretty good though. I’ll try to implement the other stuff you say. I def need to go shopping...
  14. Hemingway

    Please critique my pics

    Thanks, I think I need to lose like 20-25lbs. I’m 180lbs right now, I had defined abs 2 years ago at 155lbs. I agree with needing to add edge, but I’m not really sure how to do it? I’m not interested in getting tattoos or piercings.
  15. Hemingway

    Please critique my pics

    Ok thanks man. I’m 5’9, she has heels on.
  16. Hemingway

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    I’m not sure how many girls through online dating. It seems like a lot but def could do more. I’ve had one date so far after like 3 weeks I want to say. It really just depends how often I want use boosts. How many boosts do you guys use per week? And for tinder or hinge?
  17. Hemingway

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    Yeah I can see that. I’ve had long convos that go nowhere though too so that’s why I was trying the quick approach in that example.
  18. Hemingway

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    Hey everyone, Just a quick question on the tinder dating template. So I discovered this site 2 or 3 weeks ago and have been using the template from the guide. Most of the conversations end though when I ask for the number. Am I using the template correctly? I'm assuming I just need to improve...
  19. Hemingway

    Please critique my pics

    Hey everyone, I'm new here, my name is Hemingway. Please take a look at these pics and let me know what I should do to improve. Thanks!
  20. Hemingway

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    What's up everyone. I, Hemingway, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I'm 25, from the US. My number one goal is to get laid through both cold approach and online dating. I currently have absolutely no consistency when it comes to my dating life. It's time to take it...