• Welcome to the forums, Guest. Please note that you must make a post in the introduction thread and upload an avatar to gain full access to the forums.

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Hey dude, welcome

As per the rules of the site you need to post an avatar (can be cropped or blurred) and you need to put the sentence

'I, Gigachad20, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.'

If not your account will be banned in 3 days
"I, Zealhouse07, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

23 y/o from the U.S.

When it comes to relationships, my goal is to develop multiple casual relationships with women I'm attracted to. I also want to develop the belief and self assurance that I can easily attract a woman who is compatible with me.

Other goals:
-210 lbs, 10%BF
-Accelerate the advent of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy in the US
-Give my parents a comfortable retirement
-Travel the US and visit all of my friends
-Eventually have children (probably age 45). I want a boy, and to turn that boy into a man
-speak to the presidents of foreign countries
-write books on: fitness, power, life lessons, the new religion of the 21st century, the new philosophy of the 21st century, and on the dangers of reading philosophy
-Lecture and grow young minds in my old age
-Become the POTUS
-Get personal training in physics and philosophy
-Cure misery
-Cure senescence
-Create sustainable nuclear energy
-Create a new educational system/technology/medicine to greatly enhance the learning process in humans
-Answer the fundamental unanswered questions in cutting edge cosmology and physics
-Live to 120 with full vitality
-enjoy my hobbies (airsoft, pool, Latin social dancing, climbing, outdoors, swimming, metal concerts, card games, small animals, traveling)
-Create a Youtube channel
-Mentor a young man to become great
-Be on Count Dankula's Mad Lads
-Repair my right knee
-Create a Men's club that teaches them how to be ballers
-Give a fat tip to a waiter
-Revel in the world events like Oktoberfest, Aurora Borealis, Olympics, etc.
-Create an alcoholic drink
-See an exorcism
-kiss the Pope's ring
-Make my own font
-Create an animal sanctuary and be like Saint Francis where I'll have birds, chinchillas, mini pigs, monkeys, porcupines, ducks, ferrets, foxes, guinea pigs, hamsters, horses etc.
Hi, I'm Rob. On here to stop being a pussy tbh. To get over insecurities e.g. being fully bald at 21, and to have a more frequent sex life. No trouble with getting with girls in person, but not much luck on tinder. Never been on a 'first date', only got with girls on nights out. Put on some timber over the recent lockdowns that I need to lose, which I've started doing. Its harder without being able to go to gyms etc, and being a uni student still drinking quite regularly. But i've started going on runs instead and having a bit of a detox, to get me started on this 'journey'.

I, Rob commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Rob 21 welcome dude

Weight loss is a good goal to start you off with.

You based in the UK?
Rob 21 said:
Definitely, one step at a time and all that. Yeah I'm based in England!

Nice dude
We got a few English on here. Im near Southampton
Couple of guys in London and a couple more up in Manchester
Has to be an avatar of yourself gigachad20

Rules are here on the first page of this topic https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=49
I, Monsey, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hi I'm Monsey. I'm 26 y/o from the U.S.

My main goal is to sleep with ten women before I turn thirty. Ideally more but that's on me. To do this I will improve my my tinder photos and my body overtime. Growing up, dating was a mystery to me. I'd rarely go on dates or sleep with women. I want to learn more about women and improve myself so that I don't regret not having fun when I'm too old.

I'm a singer teaching myself music production and am working to turn my music into a self sustaining career.

Sleep with 10 women before 30: 4/10
Get laid from online 0/1
Hit 12% body fat
Create an original song by February 2021
Earn $1 online by the end of 2021
I, Rex, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Howdy! I'm 21 and living in Portland, OR (formerly Texas).

My main goals are to lose my virginity to someone I respect and fully support myself as a real estate agent.

I used to work in sales, then coding, and now I'm back to sales-- except I'm selling houses instead of digital media management this time. I needed to try a lot of different things to figure out what I like, but now that I know, I need to hustle and stay in my lane to generate some $$$. I tend to fall into believing that "the grass is always greener on the other side" and "shiny object syndrome" [AKA how can I avoid work and make easy money]. I AM going to put in the 10,000 hours it takes to become an expert.

I've always been a confident guy-- I've got my basic shit taken care of. And I've never had issues talking with women and hugging, touching on the shoulder etc. I didn't make getting laid a priority because, coming from a Christian background (left the religion in 2017), I thought it wasn't that important. I've since changed my mind after reading this: https://killyourinnerloser.com/getting-laid-makes-you-a-better-man/. Although I'll never be a guy who targets one night stands, I've admitted to myself that I DO want pussy for the fun of it and so I can have a better longterm relationship further down the line.

I have kissed multiple girls, gone on ~10 dates, and was in a four-month relationship my senior year of high school and (three years ago), though we never made it past second base. I have never orgasmed or ejaculated (I need to figure that shit out). Porn fucks my mind up and falsely satisfies my urge to fuuccckkk-- so I'm on abstaining from porn to stoke my desire.

I'm honored to be a part of this community and look forward to DOING THE WORK.

P.S. can someone DM with how to flip my avatar pic? I've already tried a bunch of different things.
I, Cody, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.


In the process of getting divorced from the mother of my children. Recently have been navigating the online dating world with a fair amount of success but am not satisfied with the SMV of the women I've been bedding (most of which are *below* my own SMV). I have a successful career, have been lifting for years, decent sense of style (appropriate fit, no graphic tees).

My biggest drawback is a lack of friends (particularly friends who are single), brought on by having a family and working way too much (passing up opportunities to go out).

Mostly in search of a community to bounce ideas off of to help me get higher quality matches on the dating apps.

- Go out more often
- Make more real life friends
- Freely speak my opinions, regardless of how controversial they are.
- Better dating app profile – need way better pics.
- Improve my style (especially footwear, formal wear, accessories, and outerwear)

- Grow my side business to the point where I can quit my 9-5
- Increase the average SMV of my lays from 6 to 8.
- Cut to the point of visible abs

Looking forward to contributing to the community.
I, Lex, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hello guys. I'm glad to make my first post in this forum. I am currently 28.
Have been working recently as a data analyst . Decided to move to Serbia for half a year in order to get my shit together and make a drastic change in life.

My main goals for the next half year include the following:

1. Create passive income online. (500 dollar per month )
2.Learning to manage, respectively avoid depressive episodes that result after tackling my life problems for a period of 2 weeks from which I need 1 to 2 months to recover.
3.Increase skills in public speech.
4.Build up a respectable social circle of ambitious and driven people.
5. Increase my conversion ratio on Tinder from (1 in 20 ) women to at least (3 in 20).
I, Adam, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey, I'm 30 years old from Montreal, Canada. Some of you may know me from the GLL forums.

My goal is to sleep with more attractive women. I am at the point where I can easily get 6s and the occasional 7 but have yet to score with anyone hotter.

My main source for girls is online so looksmaxxing is probably the way to go.

I am currently on a calorie deficit and aiming for 10% body fat by the end of 2021.

When I slim down a bit more, I'll do another photo shoot and ask for your input.

Glad to be here.
Hello, new here but already implementing the absolutely solid advice in the tinder guide. It's helped me immensely already.
I wanna get over my dry spell and just be able to fuck again. Feeling someone close to me is everything I want right now.
I wanna treat my mind and body with respect and take care of myself while avoiding toxic things and people.

I, Brady, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hi i’m RVD,

I, RVD, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I’m a 29 year old Swede and My goal is to get laid consistently (4 Times a month minimum and different girls if i want ). Short terms goals are a 1000 lbs total in big 3 lift
Hey Boys,
My name is Aaron, I'm currently living in the midwest USA and Im 24.
I, HotEnigma, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm in nursing school and currently have a LTR of 6 months. I'm not very satisfied with where I'm at in life right now and I know I could have a higher life satisfaction if I set and achieve some goals. Here are some things I want to work on right now

1. Lose body fat. I'm probably at around 22-25% right now.
2. Excel in school and learn how to be a proficient nurse, so that I will be competent enough to travel nurse after a year or so of experience.
3. Explore and practice BDSM with my current girl
4. Eventually, I really want to get in to open relationships and have some MFF threesomes, which I've never done before. Sometimes I feel a little trapped in my monogamous relationship, because I don't think I am mono naturally. But I'm currently dating a great girl and I'm okay with the current situation.
Hi guys,
Some things about me.
I'm 26, my ultimate goal is to reach $10 000 per month as a passive income until I reach 30.
Girls are a bonus for me. My biggest goal with girls is to reach a threesome without needing to pay for it. The next goal with be to get laid with as many different girls as I can.
That's it.
I am a simple man.

I, TY, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hey HotEnigma, welcome dude

You need to edit the following into your intro post as per our forum rules:

I, HotEnigma, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Anyone not following the rules gets 3 days to correct or they will be banned
I, greenranger, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

Lose my virginity
Cut down to a lower bf then lean bulk
Start some type of fitness business to help others with their body goals
What's up everyone.
I, Hemingway, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I'm 25, from the US.
My number one goal is to get laid through both cold approach and online dating. I currently have absolutely no consistency when it comes to my dating life. It's time to take it into my own hands instead of leaving it up to chance / social circle.