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  • Users: Gabi
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  1. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    Hey, I got my first appartment a week ago, imediately after that, i went on tinder and started setting up dates. I dated this girl that was really into me, we talked for 3-4 days until we arranged a date. She had 25 kilos more than her pictures, and wasn't really cute, but it wasn't that big...
  2. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    I just signed my lease, i now have my own place !! I'm going to set up some date for next weeks ! So I enabled my tinder account and got a pretty good amount of matches (like 15 in a day and half), but it suddenly stopped (like no more matches for about 12 hours). I know it's how tinder work...
  3. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    Hi, As i said in the previous post, i found an appartment in the hypercenter of my city. After some administration, i'm ready to sign the lease tomorrow ! I also cut my hair and let my beard grow, i'm getting a lot more attention from women in the street, which clearly indicate me that i...
  4. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    I went looking for a place this monday, and i found a small appartement, like 23m2 with furnitures for less than my budget. At first i wasn't motivated to get small place, but the fact that this place is really quiet, not to hot in the summer and litteraly in the middle of my city made me take...
  5. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    Hi, 8 years ago, when I was still in highschool, i was the typical average guy with no physics, an above average look, a lot of social anxiety, no connections with my emotions and obviously a virgin. This situation was a real pain, because I knew I could be a better version of myself, and I...
  6. Gabi

    How do you make people feel good when they're around you?

    Hey, Just like you, i was in a situation were i couldn't have a conversation, even small talk to someone was weird and you could feel that people didn't really wanted to talk to me. Yet i figured it out and fixed it, now it's easy for me to have conversation and get friends. There is basically 3...
  7. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    post 20 I met a girl from an app called fruitz and it was one of the only few that i keep messaging more than few messages before a date. We met once for a drink and nothing happened due to a lack of logistic. But we ended meeting again few days later at her parent place (she had to go back to...
  8. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    Post 19 Last post i talked about my firstlay, and the fact the sex was not that good. Between, i saw her multiple time, and it went better and better Few days ago i had a date with a cute blond girl that i matched on tinder few days before. We talked during 2 hours sitting on a bench, and...
  9. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    Post 18 I got my first lay through tinder, it was yesterday night with a chick that i had already met in the past but i had never really talked to her. I matched with her on tinder and we set a date. The sex was terrible, i was to anxious, the logistic was the same, the condom was to small for...
  10. Gabi

    Gabi's log

    Post 17 TLDR : got my firsr ever nude from my hot friend and made an introspection about the way i manage my emotion. Which leaded me to find some new goals about social interactions and intimate relationship --- Got my first ever nude from a girl to me, the chick is a solid 8, clean...
  11. Gabi

    Tinder photos - need suggestions

    Hey, happy to see you joining us and going serious As Radical said, your style is bland, you really look like an average guy Start by getting some accessories and get used to wear them (go on aliexpress to get a bunch of them and find out what you like, and then invest in some nice and...
  12. Gabi

    How to Fix Dating Worth Mentality

    Just this : It's fucking hard to remove the belief that you are worthless just from your bedroom, even with a lot of meditation you will still have a part of you that doubt that you are worthless. You NEED to talk to girls to prove yourself...
  13. Gabi

    1 year after AA review (Part 1/2): Changes in skills, attitudes, learnings

    lol, the style is gay af, but who gives a shit, it look nice -- not your best, but it's fine for casual style
  14. Gabi

    Was hit by a car today lolz

    Same for me, its a pain in the ass, like going for a kiss always seems to come from nowhere Anyway, congrat for your progress !
  15. Gabi

    Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

    Sorry i wasn't really explicit. What i meant is that the photo on its own is good. But put with all the other (1,2 and 5) photos, it doesn't get the reaction expected : - The pic on its own : Nice, kind of artistic picture - The pic with the rest of the porfolio : An other "clumsy" picture...
  16. Gabi

    Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

    hey, commenting from my own experience and brutal honsty -- no mean to be a dick. 1. Close up selfie with nothing really interesting (like it's not masculine, sexy or put forward something about your face -- you got blue eyes, the mood of the pics could go around that). It just look like you...
  17. Gabi


    What you can do is to trim it, like 4 to 6 mm, you will keep having bodyhair, but they will not be long enough to be too much visible
  18. Gabi


    congrat bro Btw, shave your belly hair, i did it few days ago and it turn out i'm not as fat i thought i was
  19. Gabi

    Rate my Tinder profile

    Hey, congrat" on those pics, way better than what you previously had - from grooming to clothing - , keep it up 1,2 and 6 are the same picture but different set up, so imo 1 is the best of 3 3 give a kind of creepy vibe due to the mustache and the glasse 4 is better than 5, if you crop it...
  20. Gabi

    Which picture should i use

    I had some free time over 2 or 3 weeks from now and took a bunch of pictures for my tinder, most of them are really cool, but now i'm struggling to chose which picture should i use for my main pic Option 1 - actually my main pic, which works fine Option 2 - never tested Could you guys tell...