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  1. RobbyRhomboids


    I've gotten a nice new expensive lens for my a6400 and am dying to take pictures, I'm 100% to do a photoshoot at some point. I definitely need better pictures myself. We didn't end up doing anything last Sunday mostly cause I had something come up, but the weather was also ass.
  2. RobbyRhomboids


    Sounds good dude, just send a DM our way
  3. RobbyRhomboids

    Any manscaping tutorials, or resources out there.

    I just go smooth usually once a week. My advice? Keep the skin taut and don’t aggressively go against the grain, you’re much better off doing multiple passes with the grain IMO. I just use a safety razor for it.
  4. RobbyRhomboids


    Living in NJ but down to meet up in NYC with like-minded people, hang out, and maybe grab drinks and some cool tinder pics. I would like to be kept in the loop if something is being planned!
  5. RobbyRhomboids

    Trying to Figure Out What I Need to Do... Feeling Lost

    Hi guys, I made an account here in about April and I've lurked occasionally but I've finally felt the need to shift into first gear. I'm 22 living at home with my parents. My original plan was to move to Europe and go to med school, but I failed the entrance exam there by 3 questions and very...
  6. RobbyRhomboids

    Been Talking to this One Chick...

    Anyone got any advice for what I should do? Do I have a case of oneitis lol? She just called me and we chatted for a bit but it’s just such a frustrating situation and I’d rather talk to her about it in person but I rarely have the opportunity :/
  7. RobbyRhomboids

    Been Talking to this One Chick...

    Hi guys, this is my first proper post so bare with me if some of my shit isn't formatted properly. Some background bout me, I've been into self-improvement for some time starting around 4 years ago, and I've made large headway, went from 170 to 200lbs now down to a lean 190lbs with an over...
  8. RobbyRhomboids

    What are your vices, and why do you do them?

    Nicotine: Stopped for 7 months thinking I was in the clear, 0 cravings from the moment I quit... Started studying for an EU med school exam and immediately felt the intense need to start again back in April, haven't stopped since and have increased my consumption. Caffeine: I've been addicted...
  9. RobbyRhomboids

    How to Quit Caffeine & Why You Should (Spoiler: it kills your dick)

    Caffeine has always been interesting for me. I have a very confusing relationship with it. Times I have quit have helped me out tremendously in regards to feeling better, but when I binge it I get so much done it is absurd. Maybe I ought to try quitting again, as I've been using it heavily for...
  10. RobbyRhomboids

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Rob aka RobbyRhomboids, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hey, my name is Rob 22 years old living on the East Coast in the US, I've had one fuckbuddy and I explored more than I would've assumed, but I want more haha. Goals: Get consistently laid Explore my sexual...