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  1. benstrong26

    Experiences hiring a photographer? EDIT: PHOTOSHOOT NEXT WEDNESDAY, I NEED HELP

    AtlantisGuy hopefully your photographer helps you out with this, but you’ll want your facial expressions to be on point during the shoot. Easiest way to do this is to get yourself into a confident mindset and give the camera that knowing smirk. Good luck on your shoot, my results pre and post...
  2. benstrong26

    Pics and profile critique

    I’d recommend you use Tinder Platinum over Gold. I saw a big difference in my ability to get matches with it. The priority likes feature really helps. But it sounds like you are already doing pretty well!
  3. benstrong26

    Accessories Sources/Inspiration?

    Check out too. Their stuff has a lot of edge.
  4. benstrong26

    Girls with masks

    I see you live in the US. The CDC said yesterday that vaccinated people don’t need to wear masks anymore. If someone is wearing a mask outside they are probably vaccinated too, so I don’t they would be freaked out if you approached them.
  5. benstrong26

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    I hear you. I think Andy’s template has nice balance in that regard. You definitely don’t want to drag it on any longer than that.
  6. benstrong26

    Tinder/Hinge Template

    Not saying this particular girl would ever meet, but I thought you jumped to the number really fast. One point of the template is it allows you to share a little too so that there is a bit of rapport established. Honestly though it’s a crap shoot, it’s really common to get ghosted at that stage.
  7. benstrong26

    Ed’s 365 Gym Project - Back on track!

    Ed_ why don’t you like the squat/deadlift focus of starting strength?
  8. benstrong26

    I need help picking between these two watches

    I have a very similar Orient watch myself and love it because it is versatile. You can dress it up or go casual with it. One thing to note though is that it is an automatic watch. The watch gets its power from movement, so if you don’t wear it every day it will stop and you will have to reset...
  9. benstrong26

    Dallas, Tx

    I live in Dallas but I wouldn’t say I go out frequently, especially right now.
  10. benstrong26

    Take 2.

    I think stylistically your outfit is fine for the occasion, but to me the fit on the jeans looks off in the photo. They look like they are bunching up at the knees which is making your legs look funky. You might need to look at a different brand of jeans. Personally, I like Revtown jeans...
  11. benstrong26

    How to Fall In Love With the Process of Working Out

    I didn’t start working out to have an impressive physique, I started working out to get strong. Tbh, it was a grind until I started seeing results, then I got addicted to the process. There is a major high to seeing progress. Also, find the thing that works for you. For me it was CrossFit, the...
  12. benstrong26

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    Gotta say KillYourInnerLoser, I’m all for restrictions in the interest of public safety but searching people’s houses without a warrant is too far. Your government really has lost the plot.
  13. benstrong26

    Hinge - So and so has invited you to start the chat

    Totally agree that this applies in most cases, but this Hinge situation is different. She technically did reply by matching with you, she just didn’t respond to the prompt. I’ve found that if I literally just type the same message again I get a response. My theory is that girls on Hinge have a...
  14. benstrong26

    Hinge - So and so has invited you to start the chat

    The thing is it’s not an isolated incident. I’ve had 5 girls in a row do that. It seems to be an odd quirk with Hinge because you can send a message during your like and girls are just clicking like back to match.
  15. benstrong26

    Hinge - So and so has invited you to start the chat

    Ok gents, this is a simple question but I’m curious how you all handle this. You send a girl the “hey, you’re sexy” message and they match with you. However, they don’t reply to the message. What do you do? 1. Repeat the message 2. Send something else 3. Move on
  16. benstrong26

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    Radical is right, this isn't worth arguing about, especially since we aren't going to agree on a set of facts. I will add one thing about fascism though, it is absolutely important for a fascist government to have a strong economy. In order to gain power, you need support from the people. In...
  17. benstrong26

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    That sounds awesome Andy. I swear nature makes everything better. Also as an American seeing a kangaroo in the wild would be epic (I realize they are basically rodents there haha).
  18. benstrong26

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    KillYourInnerLoser , sorry in advance for this post. This is your log and not a political discussion, but I strongly believe if this is to be a successful self-improvement forum then we should be able to debate ideas and defend our arguments. The government already mandates you do things in...
  19. benstrong26

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    I’m personally not against it and I’d say that 80-90% of people in the major cities are following it because our case totals are so bad.
  20. benstrong26

    If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

    Here in the US we have virtually no hope that things will get back to normal anytime soon. We have mask mandates too (at least here in Texas), high case numbers, high death counts, and little plans by our leaders. I can’t leave my country because the rest of the world isn’t allowing Americans...