1 year after AA review (Part 1/2): Changes in skills, attitudes, learnings

Day 22:

Today was about asking where to get suspenders, being mamas boy and talking about one's asscrack. In a nutshell, just fucking around with chicks.

The drills were hilarious because I was out in my coolest outfit. Black boots, black leather jacket, white tee with big cutout and, a silver chain, and tight-fitting black jeans (pic attached). But then I was talking about suspenders, taking clothing advice from my mom and my pants being so loose that they fall down. Fucking comical.

Went out during noon because I wanted to get the drills done early. But in addition to the bad time I also was in a bad part of town so I wandered around for over two hours without getting a handful of hot chicks in my way. Wandering around so much was a huge waste of time, built up my anxiety and got me a blister.

So I had to go out again later in the evening. Much better. Did the asscrack-challenge which was the funnest part of the day.

Memorable approaches:
- one girl claimed the suspenders would look good with my leather jacket. wtf. I guess she was trying to compliment me or something because even though I don't know much about fashion, that sounds like eye-rape to me
- approached some chicks who turned out to be tourists, so I was able to do a rep in the English original
- approached a group of 7 chicks that were sitting in a circle in the park. They started laughing pretty hard
- approached a couple of chicks of which one worked at a men's clothing store and her boyfriend at another one, she thought it was a funny and crazy coincidence even though I was just hardcore fucking with her and her friend

dO YoU kNOW WhERe i cAn PuRcHAse sUSPEndErS?
MY mOM SayS i LoOk gOod IN SuSPeNDerS

offwego said:
Also don’t know wtf you found useful about Chris’s audio. There was nothing in it IIRC about the drill. At this point I feel like even listening to the audios is a form of creative avoidance.

There's usually something small that is of big help to me, like in this case giving the context of this being a screening/signalling tool in Scotty's game and not just some random creepy challenge. I agree there is a lot of useless stuff in these, but overall I enjoy listening to them. I think I like them because it gives me some insight into the cold approach lifestyle and its ups and downs. Or maybe I'm just gay and enjoy Chris' voice

Manganiello said:
*Not to be a party pooper. You're almost guaranteed. There's people who've gotten to day 42 and stopped.

Getting to Day 21 is worthy of celebration. But just realize you're not done til your done.

Of course bro!

Toast said:
Good Fucking Shit! Yourself and offwego are the only guys who have had the opportunity to do this since anybody has started AA during Covid. This is huge man.

Just like how Manganiello,Myself, and sundleboro were the first to do high 5s during covid. You 2 are paving the way for everyone else. Literally nobody has an excuse at this point because ya'll proved it to be possible

I hope we can inspire some fuckers after us. Seeing you guys finish the program during Covid motivated me a lot.
My favorite part of the drill is emphasizing the word >>>I<<< when you say my mom says I look good in suspenders. Adds a new level of haughty babyness to the drill.

You look much better in that outfit than in older stuff. I’d just watch out cuz a lot of PUAs notoriously wore leather jackets when doing cold approach in Russia back in the day. It was like an in joke back then, maybe it’s over now. Still looks much better than the dopey style pics you had before which made you look older than you are.
CainGettingLaid said:
So I had to go out again later in the evening. Much better. Did the asscrack-challenge which was the funnest part of the day.

That was such a fun day.

offwego said:
I hope we can inspire some fuckers after us. Seeing you guys finish the program during Covid motivated me a lot.

You probably are inspiring people dude. They just haven't said it yet.

When you take this program seriously everyone notices.
Day 23:

I didn't have the time to write this log yesterday so I'm doing it now in the morning. Might do that more often from now on because I don't like sitting in front of a screen too close to bedtime.

The material was easy, asking chicks how to get to sesame street. The main challenge about this day was the high rep count of 30, especially because it was raining the whole time. But with some legwork, I got it done. I mostly did the starting lines in a serious fashion and oftentimes asked jokingly "you don't know sesame street?!?" when they said they didn't know and tgey didn't crack a smile before. I didn't like the challenge because it is beyond creepy to tell chicks that you are not a rapist. If I were a woman I think I would be really scared. Didn't want to leave the challenge untouched though, so I did the tenth rep of each set with it and managed to do it less creepy than I imagined (I think). To be honest, those were the most fun reps though, I laughed pretty hard when walking away afterwards because it was such a cringe NPC convo.

Fun fact: Sesame street really does exist. A handful of chicks pulled out Google Maps and searched it for me and there is seriously a street called "Sesamstraße" in my current home town Cologne, which is the German name of the sesame street TV show.

I feel like this drill was extremely easy. It's either that or day 21 was such a step up that now everything else feels easy. Chris says that these week 4 drills are level 3 and I agree. This is not only bad though since it gives you some time for introspection during the drills and to observe how exactly your mood changes during the drills. Sometimes a downturn in mood is just hunger or having to take a piss. But my mood also does really change in relation to the reactions, so the outcome-dependence is still strong. At least I am at the point where I don't let negative reactions throw me off. I still keep going. But today whenever a girl legitimately thought it was funny (not a fake laugh but real), that did make me happy inside. Not sure how I should relate to this fact.

The drill was easy but I am at least happy that there was no more asking for the time included. That is the most indirect bullshit I can think of. It was nice to get soothed into in the first days of the program, but now it is just annoying and clumsy.
CainGettingLaid said:
Didn't want to leave the challenge untouched though, so I did the tenth rep of each set with it and managed to do it less creepy than I imagined (I think). To be honest, those were the most fun reps though, I laughed pretty hard when walking away afterwards because it was such a cringe NPC convo.
Really glad you did the challenge. This was extremely hard for me cuz i had the same thoughts about it being cringe/creepy. Or off-putting. People react way different then you imagine most of the time.

CainGettingLaid said:
Fun fact: Sesame street really does exist. A handful of chicks pulled out Google Maps and searched it for me and there is seriously a street called "Sesamstraße" in my current home town Cologne, which is the German name of the sesame street TV show
🤣 wasn't expecting this haha.

CainGettingLaid said:
The drill was easy but I am at least happy that there was no more asking for the time included. That is the most indirect bullshit I can think of. It was nice to get soothed into in the first days of the program, but now it is just annoying and clumsy.
This statement really shows how much you have grown.
Accountability update II:

Didn't do drills yesterday and today. I have a painful blister on my foot that prevents me from talking long walks. It is at a pain level where my body signals me that it's a very bad idea to walk on it, not just a nuisance. This is really annoying to me because I want to get this program done ASAP. Hopefully I can continue tomorrow.
Day 24 (world peace is not an option):

Yesterday was about being persistent and discovering different types of chicks by asking up to three times what they want for their birthday.

Going out was harder than on most days. I'm not sure why. I think it might be related to my new haircut which I can't yet get used to. Whatever, I got my ass up, went out, and after the first few it became easier. Chris wanted this to be done on girls on their own, not in groups and a total of 30 times. Plus a few failed attempts and a bunch of skipped opportunities, this turned out to be a lot of chicks to find so it took me almost three hours of wandering around. I took a break in between as I was noticing a drop in mood and also success. Ate a snack and rested and found a place to pee. I am always amazed how much these basic desires influence your mood and your performance in doing drills/approaches.

I got all kinds of reactions: No answer, sports cars, beach vacations, IPads, health, world peace, furniture, yarn, shoes, trip to south america, a trip to an amusement park, for people to stop being late, a good book and being allowed to throw a proper party next time. No reply was the most common answer, accounted for roughly a third of the cases.

The coolest chick was one that answered upon the first question, which was very rare. It was a skater chick and she didn't wish for expensive shit like sports cars, beach vacations, IPad etc., but for a friggin fanny bag. Fun.

A lot of chicks wished for world peace so at some point I stopped accepting that as an answer and was like "nah I mean something real".

Most unusual interaction: Chick said she doesn't celebrate her birthday because she is a Jehovah's Witness. I was like well what occasion are there for gifts in your faith. She said marriages and wedding anniversaries. She said that she is currently still married and showed me her ring. Her tone implied that that was not for much longer. I asked her what she wanted for her wedding anniversary. She was like the second marriage anniversary would have been soon, once again emphasizing she was not gonna stay married to the guy. Fucking hilarious, she probably wanted me to hit on her. Then she answered that she would take any type of jewelry. If it was to be from her husband though, it would need to be a love letter. I did the challenge on most chicks, but unfortunately didn't have the balls right here. That would have been hilarious: (sarcastic voice) I'll give you a lOve LEtTeR.

It is honestly hard for me to fully be in the "I'm just gonna fuck with her" mindset. My mind is still too focused on my fear of what could go wrong, so I just hope it all goes well.

I have also noticed that I struggle with approaching in very crowded places, like the main shopping street. I feel anxious on a deep, almost subconscious level there. It is quite unlike being in a park or something, which additionally relaxes me due to the nature. I don't have a general problem with a lot of people. I have held speeches in front of hundreds. I'm not 100% sure what the problem is. Maybe also the noise level which makes conversations harder. Talking to girls that are standing locally on the side of the shopping street is no problem. I did try a few times today to stop girls in the middle of those moving masses, but I failed every time to make them stop. I don't know if that is just generally harder or if I am more tense there than usual and that is why it fails. Any thoughts on this?

Random ass style question. Went out in a pink shirt and pink sunglasses. Gay or edgy?
CainGettingLaid said:
Random ass style question. Went out in a pink shirt and pink sunglasses. Gay or edgy?

I'd say edgy if you had 20 extra pounds of muscle.

Now its not gay but not sure how to describe it. A bit "off" perhaps.
Day 25:

Went out close to noon and did the lunch drill. A lot of them gave me answers, only about a third of the cases I had to go through all four questions. Whenever I had those cases, I put the challenge question on top. I was surprised how many chicks were not planning to eat lunch at all, seems to be a real thing.

Day 26a:
After the day 25 drills I went home, rested and checked out the day 26 drills. I found the scene in the German dub and used those lines. This drill is even dumber for me as a German because a lot of the humor is based on Arnold's voice and he is a native German speaker (like me), although with an Austrian accent. Hilariously, in the dub, another person speaks for him. So it doesn't even have the classic Arnold voice. I'm not even sure how to do the Arnold voice when speaking German, it only really works in English, because his English sounds so dumb.

Went out in the evening but to a horribly empty spot so I wandered around for like an hour without a single approach. Anxiety had build up when I reached a more crowded area. First approach were two chicks that were twins and somewhere from South America I think. Started the drill in German but they didn't speak German so I did it in English. I was so nervous that I said "Who is your daddy and what's his name" :D

I did 8 more approaches, but I think I only had a total of like 3 ones that were successful, charitably counting (counting one where I didn't restart after an interruption but got an answer in the end). Getting this right is hard. Some I cannot count because I didn't restart every time I was interrupted. A lot of times they said something right before I said "Ready?". Reflecting upon this now, I maybe shouldn't count simple rapport reactions, like an OK, as an interruption. From Chris' instructions: "Make sure you go through the entire sequence, if she rudely interrupts start over from the beginning. You need to do it 3 times or until you get an answer that's not "what?" "huh?" "who is my daddy?" "what are you talking about?" It's not a long sequence, so that shouldn't happen very often." Happened to me all the time. Plus many which I started over on were not rude at all, like OK's.

Another problem was walkaways. I think what is the main trigger for that are the associations with "daddy". I did it once on a group of four walking chicks that I stopped but I can also not count that one since they were fairly talkative and said like single words to each other or to me a few times. I would have had to restart 10+times. Another memorable approach was two sitting chicks. I almost got done, but in the third round, they kept interrupting me and were like "yeah man we understood your words, that's not what our problem in understanding is about" and after I started like 5-6 times they asked me to leave, saying they didn't want to play the game. I'm not gonna be a complete asshole and keep harassing them if they tell me to leave so I couldn't complete the drill. I got one "I'm detective John Kimball" in there tho somewhere in the middle, but it was more of a loud tone than really shouting.

It is also very hard to look at them like you are supposed to, like idiots when they don't get it and like a waste if they interrupt you. The latter might be important to stop future interruptions. It was hard for me I think because this drill is somewhat more complex: Paying attention to every reaction, restarting, giving the proper looks. When I am approaching I sort of go into a tunnel vision and follow a pre-set plan and it is hard for me to be this reactive.

This drill REALLY makes you look like a fucking lunatic. It's not about people not knowing the reference. I mean the movie was released before most of the chicks that I approach were born. Chris mentioned this prank was popular in 2002, I was six years old back then. It's about doing random-ass shit repetitively and not giving any context.

I got some pretty hard laughing reactions out of this drill. Some others weirded out, some annoyed.

Doing these reps and not being able to get many successful ones in there pulled me down quite a bit, that is why I stopped after doing 9 of them. This is once again one of these drills where simply executing doesn't cut it, quite similar to the high-five drill. You need the girls to react in the right way, which is something you can influence to a significant degree. Not getting the desired reactions feels like failure and that pulls me down. This is some real outcome dependency showing here. That was coupled with me simply being tired after walking in the sun for so many hours today, so I called it a day. Doesn't feel good, but I wasn't gonna torture myself today after already having finished a whole day.

Got four days worth done this week. I was planning to do five to six, but couldn't go out on the other two days because of blisters. So given those circumstances, I'm content with how the week went.

offwego I finally read your whole struggle with this day. I didn't read it previously because I don't like looking ahead on the drills. Reading through some of your posts increased my anxiety beforehand. Now after reading them I'm glad though because I am not the only one struggling with this. Looks like I'm in for some real bullshit in the next few days. You are right, it is a numbers game, either hoping for a smart one, or just spamming and hoping not to get interrupted. Getting through the spam three times is pretty much impossible, because you are supposed to restart the sequence when you get interrupted. So in practice it is way more than three times to finish the spam. By that time, the chicks usually tell me to leave. Props for your Arnold impression by the way, it is pretty good.
CainGettingLaid said:
Random ass style question. Went out in a pink shirt and pink sunglasses. Gay or edgy?

lol, the style is gay af, but who gives a shit, it look nice -- not your best, but it's fine for casual style
Where did you do the Arnold drill? Somewhere other than the park?

I don’t really have much to say about the drill. That drill is behind me like a gruesome car crash is behind my rear view mirror. I think I talked to about 90 women completing it twice (first time was half-assed). I had so much compunction doing it that I went out of my way to give a 5 dollar bill to a nice homeless man outside the bookstore.

Once you ace it, you have at least my permission to not redo it cuz I’m personally not sure what growth I got from it. Tapping women, on the other hand, that is a nice gardening implement for your tool shed.

You’re doing a great job though. The lunch one was tough for me, it was good prep for Day 26.
CainGettingLaid said:
This drill REALLY makes you look like a fucking lunatic. It's not about people not knowing the reference. I mean the movie was released before most of the chicks that I approach were born. Chris mentioned this prank was popular in 2002, I was six years old back then. It's about doing random-ass shit repetitively and not giving any context.
Pretty good description of what i feel the point of this drill is supposed to teach. If you can go out and be completely random and crazy. Doing something like calling a girl cute is easy in comparison. Being comfortable being weird is the lesson for this day in my mind.
Day 26b:


Yesterday started of really good. I got up early, had slept well and plenty. I was productive throughout the morning and did sports where I beat my personal pull-up record. I was hoping all this positive momentum would carry over to the drills. Unfortunately, it didn't. Before going out, I was scared af. I prepared by dressing up nice but I still felt not ready and had low self-esteem towards my looks right there and then. I didn't want to keep stalling uselessly and the only thing I allowed myself to do before going out was a breath meditation. I had plenty of time afterwards anyway and I was hoping that would pump me up. It was an energizing breath meditation, I could feel my whole body tingling. It was actually good. I have done these meditations occasionally for a while on the recommendation of a friend and finally got good at it and it became useful. Either way, there was of course still a lot of fear but I went out and just got started.

Because today was such a blast and I highly exceeded my expectations, I wanna share my approaches in detail. The memorable approaches have more detail. I did 27 attempts and 15 successful Arnold reps. Only 10 were required and I didn't even count the ones from my first try. I had a success rate above 50% and that includes failed attempts where the chick was simply on the phone and stuff like that.

(-) The first attempt was on a chick in a mask. After the "Ready?" She said No. I jumped to the interpretation of "no I don't want to play" and walked away. Only realized that that was dumb after the fact. But the approach broke the inactivity and got me rolling.
(1) This attempt was the first successful rep of the day. I was waiting for the train and decided to approach a chick that was waiting at the same train station. I am usually quite shy when it comes to that because I fear the awkwardness of standing there afterwards and continue waiting for the train. So I left my comfort zone. I did it on her three times (the spam-method). She was confused and wanted me to explain it to her after I gave her the third chance. I said I can't and walked off. So I sat there on a bench like 20 meters away and she got up from her bench and started pacing up and down in front of it. She looked over at me, and when we made eye contact she made a fake judgy look and shook her head. A few minutes later she walked past me just to tell me while passing by "theoretically, you owe me an explanation". She said it in a tone of trying to convince me to explain it while trying to conceal how hard she wanted to know it. Fucking amazing. I REALLY fucked with her head
(2) A train came, but not mine and I decided to do it again on the train platform I was waiting on. This time it was a group of three chicks. I once again got it through spam. There were roughly ten people around that saw and heard me. No fucks given.
(-) I can't count this attempt which is unfortunate, because she was super receptive, but I once again asked "who is your daddy and what's his name" She replied with "Klaus" immediately. Well shit happens. The name-slip-up happened to me a lot, not because I was nervous, but simply because this is what is stuck in my brain as the sequence haha. Most of the times I realized immediately though and corrected it.

Between now and the next approach I had a 30min train ride so the social momentum I had gathered died down mostly. Sitting upright and breathing deeply through my nose kept up the mood though.

(3) Did it on a chick right when I exited the train on a platform. Her dad is retired.
(-) She was out upon me saying that we are play a game
(4) Success through spam on a walking chick
(5) Success through spam and did the challenge on her
(-) Had headphones in and was talking on her phone
(-) rather wanted to read
(-) didn't want to play, said it was spooky. The "ready?"-questions gives the girls an easy escape option which is unfortunate.
(6) Success through spam on a walking chick
(7) Two chicks sitting on the grass. One said that the other is her daddy
(8) Her daddy's name was Andreas and he is a mayor
(9) Success through spam, just 10 meters from the last attempt. She asked me which stag party I was part of. I did the challenge and shouted at her that I am John Kimball which startled her, that was super funny. She didn't get what was going on and wanted me to explain. I told her I can't but that she could ask the other chick I did the challenge on next to her.
(10) I walked up to a group of five chicks that were pretty hot. I succeeded through spam. Feels like a huge achievement because you basically have to manage all five chicks attention and if one goes sour, the whole group can turn but I managed to do it.

Even though I was done with the required drills I wanted to keep going to get more exposure and because it was actually super fun fucking around with these chicks and having so much success.

(-) walking Chick, couldn't stop her
(11) 2 Girls with dogs. Success through spam
(-) on phone
(12) approached two walking chicks that were ahead of me on the street. Had success with spam. One of them only spoke English well so I switched language halfway in. I noticed that they had tags on their chests so I asked them about it because I was curious. I was beyond my required reps so I decided I might as well do some small-talk afterwards. I did not attempt or plan to get numbers, don't want to mix that with drills. Turns out they are missionaries trying to tell people about Jesus. They were surprised because usually they are the ones approaching people. I was like haha I guess it's a UNO reverse card. I think they were impressed by my forwardness in approaching, they didn't seem super extroverted and were probably approaching people in a conservative manner. They wanted me to explain the game but I said I couldn't. Wished them good luck and left.
(-) didn't want to play
(-) didn't want to play, were being approached by people every 2min
(13) I was scared because she looked really hot from afar, but wasn't so much though close-up. She was shy and wanted to move on I think, so I had to be persistent. I succeeded through spam. She said in the end that she is sorry and lost on things like this and that it is generally not her day. Haha she was the one in the end feeling self-conscious and shy, what an unexpected turn of events.
(14) I stopped two GORGEOUS chicks that were walking. They said they needed to keep going to catch the street lights but I was persistent and was like it's only two minutes and said I'll walk with you. The lights turned red so I had them and could continue while standing. I did the challenge on them too, the looks were super confused/weirded out. After the second round one of them replied "It's none of your business" and so it was successful rep.

I headed back to the train station at this point. But I was thirsty for more and wanted to see if I could repeat the success after a break of just walking for a while.

(-) didn't want to play
(-) I walked past a chick standing near an ATM. I turned around and approached her. I was well aware from the start that the guy at the ATM was probably her boyfriend or husband. She didn't want to play and yes he definitely belonged with her and also said they didn't want to play. They spoke poor German, I think they might have even been some poor confused tourists haha. Having the chance to approach a chick while her boyfriend is distracted was such a big chance to step out of my comfort zone that I HAD to do it.
(15) Succeeded through spam. She turned out to be shy but looked like she was in a bad mood from afar so it was scary to approach. Maybe it was just projection of AA. She was wearing a mask which I usually hate to deal with but I didn't even think of it this time.

I stopped myself from further approaching after that. It is like when you are doing sports and trying to acquire a new skill, let's say a handstand. It is better to not practice it until complete exhaustion, because then the last few tries will not be very good because you are tired and you will leave the training session with a negative feeling.

One thing that I did not do 100% properly was the challenge. You are supposed to shout "I'm detective John Kimball". I either shouted "I'm John Kimball" or "I'm John Kimball, no interruptions!". It was not really on purpose but just because I couldn't burp the correct sequence out in the moment and there were not enough opportunities to get the phrasing right. Still happy though about it.

On thing I did slightly different to the original drill is based on translation difficulties: The tense of "We are gonna play a game" doesn't exist in German grammar. I had the option of saying "We will play a game", which sounds weird, and "We are playing a game", which is closer to the assertive nature, so I chose that. It lead to some girls not being sure who the "we" is, but I clarified upon question.

Learnings/ thoughts on the drill:
- doing it on localized girls (standing, sitting) is much easier. Walking chicks are absolutely possible though
- I think putting emphasis on the "what does he do" instead of the "daddy" part can be somewhat effective in preventing walkaways due to the sexual daddy-associations.
- spam does NOT equal doing it fast, quite the contrary. Doing it in a normal speed while consciously using gesture and facial expressions and eye contact is much better in keeping the girls off the though of quitting. It also helps lead the conversation and prevent interruptions
- I think I was this successful also because I had great social momentum and mood. That resulted in friendliness, assertiveness, good body posture and relaxed breathing. There is no way to overstate the importance of assertiveness. If your "we are gonna play a game" has the slightest tone of being a question or asking for permission, your success rate will plummet.

Absolute blast of a day.

offwego said:
Where did you do the Arnold drill? Somewhere other than the park?

Saturday I did it near the river but unfortunately started at a spot far from the city center. Yesterday I did it in the park mostly. Lots of sitting girls. Perfect for this drill.
Day 27:

Today was about calling chicks "bro", asking for the beach and flexing your biceps like an idiot. One could choose between opening with "bro" and "hey". I did some with "hey bro" and some with "bro", because "hey" felt easier in comparison and I wanted to challenge myself.

I did the first two on the train platform once again. Then I went to the inner city and ended up doing them in the main shopping street so I was facing that demon of mine as well to some degree. Me flexing must have looked hilarious. I mean I have good definition, but I don't have much muscle mass.

Reactions were mixed, as always. Many found it funny, many just didn't get it, some were pissed. The second chick said "is that supposed to be some kind of joke?", not finding it funny at all. I shrugged and walked off. Another chick stared at me and asked me "are u Ok?" in a way where she was implying I was insane or something. A lot of girls walked off while I was flexing. I did the challenge four times. First one was in front of a restaurant on two chicks that were about to be seated. They left to be seated after like 5 seconds of flexing so I stood there for a solid more 25 seconds just flexing on my own. The other restaurant guests looked at me. The restaurant was packed. One older lady complimented my muscles. On the second challenge the girl walked off immediately, so I just stood flexing on my own in the main shopping street for another 29 seconds. On the third one, the girl was creeped out and said "I'm not talking to you". I stood in front of her, flexing, said "OK" and let her walk off, even though she was standing locally, unlike most girls I did the drill on. Most I approached from the front, they were walking towards me. Fourth challenge I did on three chicks that were putting locks on their bikes in front of a store, so they were there for the whole 30 seconds because they were busy on locking their bikes. They thought it was some kind of bet and thought it was funny although it took a few seconds for them too overcome their confusion and reservation.

The first reps of the first two sets I didn't do the rep properly. I didn't just leave after "I have a question", but said "Oh never mind" and "I forgot it". I redid those two reps in the end. It's crazy to me that those are so hard intuitively for me. I already noticed that on previous days, for example when you just walked up, said "hey" and left. Now I have finally come to terms with leaving business unfinished in these types of approaches and not giving a fuck about what she thinks.

Before today I thought it would be weird tapping shoulders when you are not coming up from behind but it turns out that was not a problem at all. Now it doesn't feel weird to me anymore.

I didn't get into such a zone as I did yesterday throughout the drills. It didn't feel so amazing. But beyond the fear before and while starting, it was fairly effortless. The reps went over quickly and I didn't look forward to them being over excitedly like many times when it was hard. I didn't feel exhausted afterwards, which I usually do after drills. I used the breath meditation to get myself ready and over some of my fear just as yesterday before getting started. I might turn that into a routine but I'm not sure if I should. Maybe doing the drills without being pumped up is an important skill to master. I think I will do the breath meditation occasionally when I am feeling tired, like I did today.
Killin it my dude. Great job!

CainGettingLaid said:
I didn't get into such a zone as I did yesterday throughout the drills. It didn't feel so amazing. But beyond the fear before and while starting, it was fairly effortless. The reps went over quickly and I didn't look forward to them being over excitedly like many times when it was hard. I didn't feel exhausted afterwards, which I usually do after drills. I used the breath meditation to get myself ready and over some of my fear just as yesterday before getting started. I might turn that into a routine but I'm not sure if I should. Maybe doing the drills without being pumped up is an important skill to master. I think I will do the breath meditation occasionally when I am feeling tired, like I did today.
if you have a method to get yourself pumped up and "in the zone" I would definitely used it as a tool to jump start your approaches. Just also as you mentioned, being able to approach on the days where you are not your best is a skill and very valuable as well. No need to stunt yourself though if you have something that does help.

The differences between yourself and offwego just further proves the point that everyone's journey is different through the program and getting stuck on one day or zooming past another is no big issue. Everyone has things that make them feel more anxious.
Day 28:

Today was about asking for nerd glasses, acting like a PUA-idiot and asking the girls straight-up whether they would fuck you if you wore nerd glasses.

I had an easier time going out today than the last two times. Didn't need to pump myself up. Tried yet another spot today but ended up doing half the drills at one of my standard locations near the river. Nonetheless I got some variation in there which is nice.

I finished the first regular set but then I got stuck on the challenge for a while. I was really scared of that one. The standard drills today were not special at all. Shoulder tapping had been done yesterday and the rest is just random convo, very similar to week 2 stuff. But asking whether they would fuck me if I was wearing nerd glasses was a real challenge. Had a few approaches where I didn't go through with it. Some had already passed me and were not sticking around for me to do all the remaining lines. Some chicks I was not sure whether they were really 18 so I decided not to do it on them.

I sat down on a bench for a few minutes. A young mom with a kid was walking by, the kid grabbed a piece of dogshit on the floor. Fucking hilarious. She asked me if had some paper tissues, I was happy to help. Random shit happens!

Got back up and found two chicks I wanted to try the challenge on. They were certainly adult and not in a hurry. The approach already started off fucking weird. I came from the front and said "Hey" while reaching for one girls shoulder. She hunched back so I had to really lean in to tap her even though their attention was already fully on me. Did the regular drill and then the challenge on top. They were not amused and had zero humor and both answered "no" in a serious manner.

I was soooo happy I had done it. That shit is huge for me. I had expected like a way worse reaction. Like a "what kind of fucking creep are you?" or something like that. But it wasn't that bad. Plus I had overcome a huge fear, asking for sex pretty directly. I mean it was in a hypothetical sentence but still way more direct than I had done it on strangers ever. When I started off AA, a friend of mine proposed I should just try and go around and ask chicks literally whether they want to bang to overcome my fear of talking to chicks for sexual purposes. Solid idea because it addresses the issue at its very core, but I was waaay too scared to do that. Even the thought of creating an additional AA day for myself with that drill at the end of the program scared me. Now I can totally imagine doing that at the end of AA.

I didn't do the reps strictly in order but did most of the challenge-reps shortly after the first one. I even did a fifth one on top. Reactions for the latter four challenge reps:
- that's a weird question (2 chicks)
- if I didn't have a boyfriend, I definitely would. I was very flattered haha
- we don't know (2 chicks)
- don't like nerd glasses so probably no. They were not the hottest chicks and clearly socially not skilled but the latter was interesting because I think they felt like they had the duty to answer the question, simply because they were asked (2 chicks)

The other drills had mostly good or or neutral reactions. It was just a nice convo with a stranger who was in a good mood and they were happy to help. Same as always.

Somewhat negative reactions I got today were on some of the reps where I tapped the chicks with "Hey I have a question" and then took off. That seriously confuses people or makes them pissed. One was like "wait what's the question? WTF?" another like "haha very funny". I mean I also execute the rep in way that makes it obvious that something is up, so no surprise. I start of like it were a regular convo, then when I have their attention I briefly maintain eye contact, let my mimic go from happy to neutral/ignoring and then just take a 90 degree turn and sharply walk off, never looking back.

I had one really negative reaction. I was gonna do same rep but I got the negative reaction even before I left. She said "Can you not just simply touch me?!?" Interesting how I did this drill on over 20 chicks today and on 20 more yesterday and got only one reaction like that out of it. The girl clearly has issues. Either a bad day, or some traumatic experience, or she is overly sensitive about covid, or one of those "zero touching without consent" chicks, or any other reason. Definitely not normal though.

For tomorrows high-five drill I will head back to the park where I got stopped by the police. Not because that still scares me, that has fortunately passed, but because I feel that chicks in parks are in waaaaay better moods on average than elsewhere. It's just more fun to do drills there. Maybe easier I guess.

Toast said:
The differences between yourself and @offwego just further proves the point that everyone's journey is different through the program and getting stuck on one day or zooming past another is no big issue. Everyone has things that make them feel more anxious.

100% agree.

I think it is also a lot about what else is going on in your life on that day. Some days you are just in horrible moods or down because of something family or friends or dating or sports or work or whatever related. Or you didn't get much sleep. Looking at the performance of a single day or even a week is a bad indicator for your success trajectory.
I only did the challenge twice but I felt like it was more about our irrational exuberance over the power of nerd glasses rather than would you fuck me personally. The challenge was hard because you have to do all of the drill first, but that makes the fuck me part more impersonal.

It’s funny you guys have the no touching without consent people too. That was one of my fears of the drill. Like the Andrea Dworkin crazy type feminist. They are an exceedingly tiny minority.

Great job, seems like you’re killing it.

Also I can’t believe you had paper towels on you.
offwego said:
I only did the challenge twice but I felt like it was more about our irrational exuberance over the power of nerd glasses rather than would you fuck me personally. The challenge was hard because you have to do all of the drill first, but that makes the fuck me part more impersonal.

You might be right that that is the way it came across. For me it nonetheless felt great because in my mind it was much more about would you fuck me plus irrelevant wardrobe detail as an occasion for asking. So I overcame a significant fear.

I have to dampen my expectations in terms of bad reactions though if I ever ask entirely directly. If they perceived it the way you described, the reactions will probably be much more harmless compared to what I thought I was doing.

Now that we are on the topic, I would be very interested to know if anyone in the GLL/KYIL community has ever done approaches/drills like "hey I think you're cute, do you want to bang?" and what the reactions were.

offwego said:
Also I can’t believe you had paper towels on you.

Oops, I mean paper tissue :D
Day 29:

Goal for yesterday when I did the drill was to get 10 double high-fives.

I wasn't scared of the day because it seemed tame compared to the other stuff in the back mirror. But I imagined it would involve a fair amount of failed attempts. When doing regular high fives, I usually got 10 out of 20 attempts. So I imagined I would get a lower ratio this time. Chris mentioned in his audio that guys average 18-20 attempts to get this done. He also mentioned that if you need much more then he wants you to redo the drill. I thought I might have to stretch that rule slightly due to the covid circumstances. Turns out I didn't at all.

I got 10/12. Well actually I did 5 more double high-fives so I could claim 15/17, but I wouldn't count them. The two rejections I got were one where I only got a single high-five and the other gave me an air double high-five.

1 walking girl right down my street
4 chicks at once in the park. I didn't count this one because it didn't feel proper. They were standing around an outdoors workout kinda business so might have been artifically friendly. It was funny, when I walked off the two duos of girls both said they thought I belonged to the other two. (technically + 1 guy that was standing nearby bc I felt bad for not giving him one as well).
2 sitting on a wall. Asked me why. No reason! Spreading good mood!
1 Girl that I didn't count because she was approaching me. She was trying to get me to donate for some charity
2 Girls walking. Thought they wouldn't give but I was persistent and asked again and they gave
0/1 only gave a single high-five because she had a phone in her hand
2 walking girls. First gave me a single high-five. I was like: "no, double!" and got it. Had to chase the second girl because she had already kept walking to get the second double high-five.
1/2 girls walking. The one who didn't give had already walked past and was giving me an air double high-five. Might have gotten a real one if I had been persistent.
2 girls on a bench who didn't get it at first but I just asked again and they did it.

10/12. Insane ratio. Not sure if luck or looks or social freedom or less of a covid situation or a combo of all. Way beyond my regular high-five best of 10/18. I really went in there though and was persistent. To put the success in perspective, I did avoid chicks that had both hands full (like food plus phone).

I really don't get why I rocked this day so much, because it was not a good day besides that. I spend most of the day in my head, wallowing in self-doubt and feeling self-counscious. I feel like the rest of my life is a complete mismatch with my AA progress/performance, the rest of my life isn't catching up. Doing the drills is usually the most exciting and fulfilling part of the day, I feel productive. I am otherwise too much in my head and have too little social life which I noticed over the last few days. It will improve in the next days due to family & friend visiting and me visiting a friend afterwards for a couple weeks. And my sex-life is currently dead.

All my being in my head at least made me realize that I have not been serious about my online dating efforts. I have only worked on my style so far, haven't made a serious photoshoot. I also haven't read the entire tinder guide but at least continued now. I now learned that tinder gold and weekly boosts are considered mandatory in Andy's/Killyourinnerloser's Tinder Guide. Bought gold and some boost and will start boosting tonight. Also started swiping on a daily basis because the algo seems to punish you if you don't. I now once again remember why I was so keen to get into cold approaching, because I really hate swiping and hoping for matches and all that bullshit.

Tonight I will do the day 30 nighttime drills which I am really scared off. But it needs to be done. Happy that I will be doing them in tandem with offwego.
Killin it again my man!

CainGettingLaid said:
I now once again remember why I was so keen to get into cold approaching, because I really hate swiping and hoping for matches and all that bullshit.
I feel this. Cold approaching is hard work, but much more fun IMO. Also the feeling of picking up a chick with the hard work you put in makes it even that much more gratifying.

Not the biggest fan of just swiping, as well as I'm not trying to look at a shit load of ugly chicks lol.