1 year after AA review (Part 1/2): Changes in skills, attitudes, learnings

Quick update:

Went out yesterday and completed the day 30 night-time drills. I'm very busy the next days so I'm not sure when I will be posting the details, but I will.

Toast said:
Not the biggest fan of just swiping, as well as I'm not trying to look at a shit load of ugly chicks lol.

Double that!
Day 30:

I went out on Friday to finish the nighttime drills. I am writing diary only now because my family was visiting from out of town Saturday and Sunday.

I had been scared of this drill for a while. Since the beginning of the week, the fear had been concrete because I planned to do days 26-29 Monday through Thursday and then day 30 on Friday, so the entire week was a buildup of anxiety and essentially part of the exposure therapy.

The drill was not much different than the day 21 drill, arguably easier. Instead of just squeezing 10 girls on the arm and walking off, you had to squeeze 20, saying “nice” 10 times and “cute” 10 times. It is arguably easier because it is much less creepy than just squeezing and walking off.

Day 21 had been the hardest day for me so far so I wasn’t looking forward to this. The fear was even more irrational than I am used to AA being. Sometimes recently I have had worse fears before going out than right a few moments before the first approach. Taking action was easier than I imagined it to be. This was the same in this case, but just amplified so I had been dreading this drill all week. Insane amounts of fear.

I planned to leave my place at 8, left at 8:15. I wanted to try a new street with bars so that I wouldn’t end up in the same place where the staff could recognize me from last time. Was there before 9. I walked around a bunch but most of the places were dead inside and only people sitting on tables on the sidewalk, a real Covid-phenomenon. I was looking for a crowded place where I could do it inside and wouldn’t be the only person walking around. The latter was an unrealistic and dumb expectation which I found nowhere, not even in the places I ended up doing the drill. Found a reasonably crowded place but it was a private party. Finally found another one after walking around forever but was too scared to go inside so I took a walk around the block and gathered myself. Went inside, but the place was completely booked. Due to Covid, there is a duty to assigned a specific place and they were all occupied and the barkeeper told me they’re sorry they have no space. Retrospectively, I should have at least squeezed a handful of chicks sitting nearby where I was talking to the barkeeper. I kept walking but the only other reasonably full places were full of middle-aged dudes. By then it was 10 o’clock and I decided to stop wasting time and return to the street in the center of the city where I did the drills last time because I expected the places to be more crowded.

Took a subway to that place. I hate wearing masks which you are obliged to do in there. But as usually, I ignored it, taking the risk of being fined. Sat down and like 10m from me there was a good-looking chick that was not wearing a mask either. Super rare. Have been taking the train every time I did drills and only met a handful of people that did that, never a good-looking chick. We smiled at each other repeatedly and I decided to go over and talk to her. I guess it was sort of a warm approach but I wasn’t direct or flirty, so nothing to be super proud of. But I wasn’t planning to approach at all that night so I’m happy I at least walked over. Made some small-talk about the mask stuff, introduced myself. She scooted over and I sat next to her. Continued introducing each other and making small talk. Didn’t ask but I would guess somewhere like 27 yo. I was only riding that train for a few stops so wasn’t a long convo. She proposed exchanging contacts and we did. SHE DID, WTF!? Got out, waved her goodbye, she looked very happy. Holy fuck that shit like never happens to me. And then it happened just on that night. The non-existent god of cold-approach smiled down upon me and boosted my ego in the perfect situation so that I could finish the day 30 drills.

My state was boosted. Walked towards the place I had been to last time. It wasn’t as full as last time but reasonably full. On the way I saw another place that I kept in mind to do further reps later. Sat down at the bar, ordered a alcohol-free beer. Got up and went to the restroom to clear my mind. I was planning to squeeze one chick that was sitting between the bar and the restroom. Came back but chickened out. She was on a 1-on-1 date and was seated 2 meters from me. Sat down and was unhappy about chickening out on that. About one minute later I got my shit together, took my drink in my hand, my leather jacket over my arm, got up, turned around, and started squeezing and complimenting. It was DIRECTLY behind me, maybe 50cm, a table of 3 chicks. As with all the reps I did that night, I stopped, squeezed, looked them in the eye and made the compliment. Stopping and making eye-contact were not required. Went to the next table, squeezed 2 chicks. Went to the next table (4 dudes 1 chick) and squeezed her. Went to another table and squeezed the chicks on it. Then walked outside the door and rested for one minute. Made some smalltalk with the bouncer. 9 reps done, nice. I made a friendly smile with every squeeze and the girls were either confused, amused, or bewildered. Went back inside. The table I had already squeezed a chick one had one more now, she was in the restroom before I guess. Squeezed her, then walked to a table in the corner and squeezed the two chicks sitting there. 12 “nice”-squeezes down. Nice. Wasn’t even thinking quick enough to switch to “cute” at 10 reps. Went back to the bar and sat down. I had squeezed almost every chick in the place, excluding waitresses and people sitting outside on tables on the sidewalk. Only the one chick left that I chickened out on in the beginning. I wanted to do her as well after a break in order to achieve the “major challenge” for the day of squeezing every chick in the place. I chilled for a minute though and then one of the barkeepers asked me to please leave the other guests in peace. I was like Ok sure. Fuck. I guess not doing the major challenge. The barkeeper didn’t say it in a harsh or threatening tone but in very friendly fashion. I finished my “beer” and asked the barkeeper whether someone complained. He was like “yeah. We don’t care but if someone complains then we gotta intervene”. Basically telling me that I could talk to chicks and do random shit unless people were complaining. I got my bet on the two chicks in the corner who had colored hair and were not giving smiling feedback when I did it. But who knows. I was in a good mood nonetheless. I wasn’t kicked out, it wasn’t really bad. The staff treated me well. The only downside to this is that I didn’t do the challenge and that I can’t do the next round of nighttime drills in this place. I like it because noone cares about masks which makes the approaches much “realer”.

Left the place and went to the one I kept in mind. It was not chill about masks so I went in with one. Walked all the way to the back. Stalled for 15 seconds, walking around acting like I was looking for my friends. But really I was scouting the place, looking for a good route to squeeze at least 10 chicks and getting myself mentally ready. Started off with a table of four chicks. Did the “cute”-version. Had to lean in between two of the girls reaaaaaly deep across the table to get the fourth in the corner. Then went to a table 2m away and squeezed three girls. Then squeezed a chick that was on a 1-on-1 date with a dude. Sorry bro, or not. Then squeezed three more and left the place. Almost all of the chicks giggled and one even thanked me for the compliment. 11 “cute” approaches down. I was in and out of the place in like 3 minutes and didn’t even buy a drink.


After that I decided I wanted to enjoy the nighlife and went to the park nearby where there are partys, illegal due to lockdown rules. Went in a big crowd and up to a group of four chicks asking them who was throwing the party. They didn’t know, it was just a random gathering. Danced with the group of four chicks. I asked them whether they were still in school because they looked really young but they were 19-21. I guess my age-radar is pretty shit. Wasn’t really aiming to get laid that night but would have been nice of course. I just continued making non-sexuall small-talk and stuff, the shit I have always been doing when going out. Of course led me nowhere. But now I am much more aware of how fucking retarded my past behavior was. No wonder I never got laid that way. Kept dancing until the party was crashed by the cops and then went home.

Now onto an interesting observation. By the end of the party, the rush of having the drills done had died down, the adrenaline was gone. Even though I had the drills behind me, I was still feeling scared. Like wtf, it was over, why am I scared? It was pretty much the same feeling as before the drill. I am fairly certain that I am not confusing it with stress or exhaustion. I had similar after-shocks after the day 21 drill, just not as strong. Very confusing. It has even lasted somehow until today, two days afterwards. I was so busy I haven’t fully processed what happened. I think my mind has not yet decided whether it is going to categorize this night as exposure therapy that lowers my fear of doing stuff like this or whether it will categorize the night as so stressful that it is basically a traumatic event that it wants to prevent from happening again.

Really made me think. I wondered whether I was in “too deep” into the program. But I really don’t think so. I finished all the recent drills well and some of them I crushed. I think the nighttime drills are a different category that is somewhat detached from the other stuff. They are such a step-up from all the other stuff. More physical, more creepy, other circumstances/nighttime, unequally harder due to Covid. Overall, the mental pressure of these nighttime drills is insane. I can guess why Andy/KillYourInnerLoser gives a guarantee that you will almost certainly finish if you manage to do day 21. It is a huge roadbump. It does not fit well into the otherwise slow and gradual progression of the AA program IMO. Maybe I’m wrong and this is just especially hard for me but I doubt it.

The nighttime drills are great though once you get through them. They really open your eyes to what is possible. Generally, nowadays, freedom is mostly mental freedom. This is no different in the case of social freedom. In order to be free you have to lose your fear of doing what you want to do and a major part of that is simply truly realizing how little repercussions stand on the things you are scared of. You can pull of so much shit without anything happening. It is fucking liberating. This is something you realize on many drills, but especially on these nighttime drills.
Day 31:

Reflection day.

Which single drill was the hardest for you?
Day 21 I guess. Day 30 is close. Afterwards day 15, simply because I had set the bar high on day 14 and the whole police story. What bothers me about the nighttime drills is that I wouldn't describe my level of comfort as satisfactory on them. I should probably get much more exposure on those kind of drills.

How are things going so far? Compare yourself on Day 0 to right now.
Holy fuck, much better. I can do shit now fairly easily that I would have been scared off hardcore in the beginning. I even noticed that I am in more extroverted/playful moods sometimes. When I went out partying after the drills on Friday, I just randomly tousled some guys hair because he had funny hair and I felt like fucking with him. Didn't even think of it much. I also noticed that I have a near-automatic execution reflex when I walk past attractive girls.

How does the future look?

Which days did you do your best, which day did you do my worst? What was the difference? Start from mindset.
The mood and mindset throughout the day did not translate as directly into my drill performance as I thought. I had days on which I felt really down and had many self-doubts, but when I was out doing the drills, it was the opposite. One thing that massively influences my performance is sleep and exhaustion.

Online dates:
Haven't had any. As I noted a few days ago, I have not been serious about my online dating. Didn’t even make it until the part in Andy’s Tinder guide that states that Tinder Gold and boosts are mandatory. I have only seriously been working on my style. Used two boosts on Friday and Saturday but only got like 10 likes out of them of which 3 were obese, 1 trans and 2 not in my town. Not happy about that. Will make a few new pics in the coming days and try to swipe daily and boost weekly.

As you can see from my log, all days have been reflection days, so now enough of this shit. Onto week five.

The program used to go up all the way to day 64. People are considering the program finished once you finish day 46 and are able to cold approach via basic guy game. Week 8 has been entirely taken off the GLL site. Does anyone know why? I found the page in the Wayback Archive and at the bottom it even foreshadows a week 9 that develops killer instinct but I don't think it exists. Does anyone know the background to this stuff?
Day 32:

Non-sexual compliments.

I have a friend visiting me from out of town but I told him I needed an hour on my own to do the drills. He's chill so that worked out.

The first two reps of todays drill were just asking for time and for time and directions. I didn't want to do that because it is a pure waste of time, it is hardly exposure at this point. I did the forbidden thing and modified the program. Did the third rep three times instead so I would still get the same amount of required reps. The modification of the drill is making it only harder. I am getting serious exposure this way. For other drills the first rep had some hard aspect for me. For example saying "hey I have a question" and walking off. But there was nothing hard in this case. Toast Manganiello Let me know in case you think I am cheating. But I think I am fully following the spirit of the program by getting extra exposure and difficulty.

Did 18 #3 reps and 7 #4/challenge reps. Complimented on shoes, blouses, hair, necklaces, jackets, pants. No negative reactions. Mostly thanks. One compliment back on my leather jacket. Some girls really were truly happy about the compliment. The less pretty the happier they were. And the more sunny and genuine I was, the happier they were.

I'm not sure how genuine I brought it across. I wasn't as sunny as on some of the more fun week 4 drills. And it was usually just a short compliment when I almost walked off, sometimes when they had already started moving. In this drill it is hard to control the conversation to be slow because the girls think the convo is over after the time answer, then you quickly continue to the directions before they walk off but then they once again think that is the logical end of the convo once they give you directions and then you press in the compliment. Even harder when you press two compliments into the convo. The challenge was a bit challenging for me. The first few ones I just repeated/emphasized the previous compliment. Then I also did multiple on the same group or even on the same girl. Weird to me because at that point they probably think I am trying to hit on them with some indirect BS. And felt weird simply because of my AA.

After a few reps some guy who was walking in my direction said "you've asked that question to six girls" in a grumpy and suspicious tone. Told him what I was up to. He said "girls don't bite" Told him I knew it is an irrational fear. Fucking idiot. He was dressed like shit, in his mid-thirties and has no better thing to do than getting suspicious on guys talking to girls in parks. Fucking no-life. I think it is connected to the German mentality. It is no miracle the Stasi was able to recruit so many informants. Germans are obedient snitches. Lol, enough ranting for now.

The week 5 audio gave me food for thought. I have oftentimes been looking forward to getting the reps over, not thirsting for extra reps. Chris says that those who do way more than required are the ones that beat AA best, those who only do the minimum reps might ir might not beat their AA. I'll start to switch my mentality from "achieve the minimum" as my goal to "expose as much as possible/valuable".
CainGettingLaid said:
Let me know in case you think I am cheating. But I think I am fully following the spirit of the program by getting extra exposure and difficulty.

You want to stick with the program.
But I'd say in this instance it's fine.
You're just being efficient.
In this instance I think its fine. U made it harder by doing more reps of the difficult part of the drill. So its not like u were trying to make it easier or skip out on reps.

I totally understand the feeling of asking the time not really reaping any benefit at this stage.

The only modifications I ever did to the program were changing some words to be more current.
For example, I changed nerd glasses to hipster glasses during that drill.
Day 33 attempt 1:

Took an hour on my own away from the friend that is visiting me from out of town and tried doing drills. Only did one set without the challenge, and did the reps poorly. Then I stopped. Couldn't get myself to do more.

I am not sure what threw me off today. For one, I am tired. Big factor in my performance always. This drill requires being relaxed and forward, I couldn't be that today. But I also think the drill has an aspect that legit gives me strong AA. First I thought it was the aspect of giving random embarassing information to strangers. But doing it on a 50-year old dude wasn't something I was scared of. I think it is specifically about uselessly revealing embarassing information to an attractive girl. Sure, the funny man stuff from last week was also embarassing. But it wasn't anything embarassing about me, just the way I acted. Plus it was somehow funny/fucking around. This is plain embarassing.

I'm pissed I couldn't get myself to do it. Always feels horrible to fail at a drill. Will give it another try tomorrow.
Didn't see ur reflection till just now. oops

CainGettingLaid said:
Holy fuck, much better. I can do shit now fairly easily that I would have been scared off hardcore in the beginning. I even noticed that I am in more extroverted/playful moods sometimes. When I went out partying after the drills on Friday, I just randomly tousled some guys hair because he had funny hair and I felt like fucking with him. Didn't even think of it much. I also noticed that I have a near-automatic execution reflex when I walk past attractive girls.
Aint it crazy to reflect on how much ~30 days of doing this stuff has an effect on your life as whole. Not just approach but with ur mentality and social freedom. Like being more positive in life and outwardly social in random situations. AA program is amazing.

CainGettingLaid said:
Haven't had any. As I noted a few days ago, I have not been serious about my online dating. Didn’t even make it until the part in Andy’s Tinder guide that states that Tinder Gold and boosts are mandatory. I have only seriously been working on my style. Used two boosts on Friday and Saturday but only got like 10 likes out of them of which 3 were obese, 1 trans and 2 not in my town. Not happy about that. Will make a few new pics in the coming days and try to swipe daily and boost weekly.
My view on Online Vs Cold approach is that Online gets you laid, but cold approach is where the confidence really comes from. I think i could fuck 10 chicks and feel satisfied sexually and still have AA. Being confident with girls doesn't come from just having sex. You have to put urself out there in the world and really experience the fear, anxiety and stress from talking to them face to face. The notion of what is expected is ingrained into Apps so that kind of relives the stress from talking about sex. You both now why you're on the app.

CainGettingLaid said:
I'm pissed I couldn't get myself to do it. Always feels horrible to fail at a drill. Will give it another try tomorrow.
IDK why everyone said they "failed" a drill when they didn't complete it in one day. Its never a fail to go out and try. Its a HUGE win in my book to go out and attempt a day that is hard for you liek today. You succeeded 100% today because you went and tried.
Toast said:
IDK why everyone said they "failed" a drill when they didn't complete it in one day. Its never a fail to go out and try. Its a HUGE win in my book to go out and attempt a day that is hard for you liek today. You succeeded 100% today because you went and tried.

Thanks Toast for reminding me of that. Thinking about it also reminded me that I need to stop being so incredibly hard on myself. I have HUGE expectations towards myself, when I do not complete a day, I feel horrible. That is not a healthy amount of pressure.

I didn't go out today, for a number of reasons. Needed downtime. I will travel the next few days and I am not sure whether I will be able to get reps in. Might not check in daily. But I will continue.
Day 33 attempt 2:

Yesterday I went out and finished the clumsy guy drill. I am visiting my parents right now so I did it in the town I grew up in. I imagined that to be kinda weird but it was totally OK. Funny though to ask people for directions in my long-time home town.

I did the required reps and the challenge four times. I didn't count the reps from my first attempt. I also did a few additional reps, including one challenge-rep. Except for the first number one rep, I replaced the first rep (directions only) with higher number reps for efficiency reasons just as on day 32. I did the first challenge-rep on a group of seven chicks which I then noticed to be doing a bachelorette party. Fun stuff.

I am loving and fearing the challenges at the same time. Oftentimes they elicit non-standard reactions because they deliberately leave the norms of normal conversation and go into off-territory. The reactions are more often weirded out and such. The challenge for this drill was to say "I hope you don't fall down and break your neck". It sounds like a threat, even if you accentuate it as an honest good wish. Just as with the "I'm not a rapist"-challenge on the sesame street drill, pronunciation makes a big difference though. I approached one chick who apparently had just gotten her vaccination and she thought it was somehow connected to the vaccination and was freaked out.

Taking two attempts at this drill reminded me once again how crucially important state is. I was way more relaxed and under less stress than on Wednesday. Failing on a day can be a simple result of other shit in your life, don't get discouraged or afraid of the specific drill.

Today, Sunday, is my mental-health off-day. Tomorrow I am travelling and might not be able to get drills in, same on Tuesday because I have an all-day job interview. Should be back for drills no later than Wednesday though.
CainGettingLaid said:
Taking two attempts at this drill reminded me once again how crucially important state is. I was way more relaxed and under less stress than on Wednesday. Failing on a day can be a simple result of other shit in your life, don't get discouraged or afraid of the specific drill.
Great mindset to have. it is sometimes hard to understand what exactly is affecting your performance.

Great job so far man. You really are doing great and making steady progress through the program.
Day 34:

Didn't manage to do the drill up until yesterday. Was travelling and having a job interview and some severe sleep deprivation. On the bright side, I got a well-paying and flexible job that might finance my getting-laid lifestyle in the near future. The job is to cold approach strangers to convince them to donate for a charity. The minimum donation for the specific charity is like 600$/year so the odds of getting a donation are extremely low (1-4 out of 100-250 approaches a day) and very similar to cold approach lay odds, so that will be a great practice for building frustration tolerance and approach stamina. Plus I can build some general social and conversation skills.

The day 34 drill was about making phone noises and then asking whether the girls hears a phone, and giving compliments.

Starting off was harder than expected which I think is mostly because the last drills were five days back. It got easier though after the first few reps. I wasn't as ballsy today as other times. Skipped a lot of opportunities. Did the required reps and a few more. I'm in Bern (Switzerland) right now which made the drill somewhat funnier due to a language barrier. The people here speak Swiss German, which is a HARDCORE German dialect which I sometimes struggle to understand. So a regular German guy doing these drills was probably double funny/weird. Reactions were mixed as usual: Smiling, perplexed, giggling, weirded out, confused, thanking for the compliment and so on. Doing the drill on standing/sitting girls is easiest. Doing it on girls that are walking towards you is somewhat hard because you must get their attention with the "ring, ring, ring, banana phone!" line and then explicitly address them at which point many have walked by.
I just looked up the German translation: "klingeln klingeln bananentelefon". Is that what you said? :)

Good job on getting the new job. Did you tell the interviewers you were doing the AA program?
Day 35:

Went out today and did the drills. Got the 16 required ones and a few lower-number reps and one challenge rep. The challenge rep was the funnest and the girl got progressively weirded out as I kept going. I tried to really do the "U mad bro?" after everything she said as well, but didn't do it fully because it started becoming a "U mad bro?" "What?" back and forth so I sometimes continued along the regular lines.

This drill was hard to translate because "U mad bro?" is a known phrase while the translation isn't. Plus the sentence has two meanings. First, you are asking the person whether they are mad/angry/crazy. Second, it can be interpreted as wanting to start a fight. Well so I contemplated on it and asked a few friends but got no good ideas from them. One guy who natively speaks German and English recommended to just use the English phrase because it can't really be translated. I started off with that but noone understood it. So I ended up using the literal translation of "Are you angry/pissed brother?". Kinda worked but not as fun as the original I think because it isn't as playful.

Reactions were mixed as always. Nothing spectacularly positive or negative.

I was a bit ballsier than yesterday and didn't chicken out so much. Regaining momentum.

offwego said:
I just looked up the German translation: "klingeln klingeln bananentelefon". Is that what you said? :)

Good job on getting the new job. Did you tell the interviewers you were doing the AA program?

I said "ring ring ring Bananentelefon" :D phones have the same ring tone here, no need to translate that part

Haha probably should have. They noticed either way that I was way more extroverted than the other applicantants. That cannot be fully credited to the AA program but at least to a small portion. I have always been an extroverted dude but this program is giving me another kick.
I’m in limbo with that drill. To redo or not to redo. It wasn’t too hard but I wasn’t in the mood for it.

It’s not said enough but you deserve extra points for doing drills and translating back and forth in German.

I’m very introverted. I guess it doesn’t matter when doing the program as much as outside it. When the drills are over, the AA program side of me is put away like a suit on a bed.
Day 37:

Did this day before finishing day 36 because I wanted to use the Saturday night. Will be doing day 36 on Monday.

Tonight was about arm-squeezing and telling the girl that you dig her style and looking at her for 1-2 seconds after.

Before going out tonight I was scared as always. But compared to the second nighttime drill the fear felt manageable.

I went out at like 9:15pm which was kinda early. Some of the bars I walked past were still closed, others very empty. Walked around until like 10 when I found a place where I could have done like 3 reps. But didn't go in, I was scared. Really couldn't find a place I was content with, my anxiety kept building up. It felt less manageable now than when I started off.

I'm in Switzerland right now and you can only get into clubs if you are vaccinated or tested. I got lucky and figured out a way to get into a club without having to spend a shitlot of money on a test, which is not free for non-Swiss nationals. But I was so determined to finish the drill I would have paid 50 bucks for a fucking test.

So anyways, it was a packed open-air club which was awesome for this drill. I took two minutes to gather myself. Then got the first ten reps in. Took another break and started the next ten. At that point I had mostly forgotten which chicks I had squeezed and everyone was moving around so avoiding my route from the first set wasn't surefire either. The fear of re-squeezing made it harder. Did the other 10 but slower. I squeezed one chick that said she saw me yesterday. I couldn't fully comprehend what she was saying but I probably did the "U mad bro?" drill on her. She was super friendly though, didn't seem negative. I squeezed one chick twice, only fully noticed when she said "I know". Lol. Didn't count that rep. Got 11 for that set because another one didn't feel proper. Almost decided to leave the place afterwards because I felt uncomfortable but I calmed down and instead got a drink and danced on my own for a while. One of the chicks that I squeezed was dancing next to me. At some point she asked me for fire which was probably just a shy-girl convo opener. I didn't have fire but should have used the opportunity to make conversation. I wasn't present enough in the moment. After dancing for another while I decided to leave but to do one more rep before leaving just to prove to myself I could repeat that stuff. Did it on a chick im a mixed group and the dudes in the group started laughing pretty hard instantly. Not sure why, probably squeezed someone in the group before, maybe even her. 22 reps!

Almost all girls were happy about it and said thanks. Might be due to the drill or my perfomance but the people in this city are also known to be super nice. A cashier chick a few days ago was so nice that I was unsure whether she was trying to flirt with me.

In some sense the nighttime drills have been getting easier each time. The first was creepy as fuck, the second one less and this one was just a legit compliment, completely normal stuff really. Funny it feels to me that way. I talked to a friend a few days ago and told him about the banana phone drill and he said he finds that harder than normal approaches. I guess its different for everyone and also the program really gets you used to stuff that is considered hardcore difficult by average guys.

Due to being in a crowded club, this day was MUCH easier for me than days 21 and 30. I didn't have to face my fears as head on as in the everyone-is-seated-in-the-bar-due-to-Covid-setting. I did the drill under quasi-normal conditions. I didn't have to squeeze multiple chicks in groups like the last two nighttime drills because there were so many people in this club. To recall, I squeezed 12/13 chicks in one place last time. So today wasn't as hard and not such strong exposure therapy. But I got the reps I had to get and that is great.

In retrospection, the fact that getting these reps felt fairly easy once I was in the club just goes to show that the last two nighttime drills were under such extreme conditions that this pretty much seems tame to me. And this is pretty close to what one can use to get laid.
“I wasn’t present enough in the moment” tag line for my AA program career.

Crowded makes it easier and makes the energy of the place more congruent with the drills. I didn’t get one bad reaction and I’m a bearded 30 year old around NYU girls. Shows how irrational the fear is. I mean I think someone pushed me on the back after I squeezed but that might’ve been positive. You were definitely doing a much harder version of what I was doing or what you were doing this day, though. Maybe next time I will try extra reps in sparser bars.

You’re gonna do great on Day 38 and 39.
offwego said:
I’m in limbo with that drill. To redo or not to redo. It wasn’t too hard but I wasn’t in the mood for it.

I wouldn't fully redo the day. You pushed through it even though you had a low-mood day. I suggest you do the challenge rep and maybe one regular set for getting warmed up to it.

offwego said:
It’s not said enough but you deserve extra points for doing drills and translating back and forth in German.

Thanks bro

offwego said:
I’m very introverted. I guess it doesn’t matter when doing the program as much as outside it. When the drills are over, the AA program side of me is put away like a suit on a bed.

That is interesting and somewhat surprising to me. I would expect the AA drills to carry over to other areas but I guess I am wrong.

I don't know whether becoming more extroverted is a general goal of yours, but just in case: I talked to a friend of mine who knows his ABC on psychology and described your situation to him. He suggested something you could try to become more extroverted in other situations. Basically, you should try to develop the ability to take the extroversion suit on and off whenever you choose. To me, that sounds pretty hard. Getting in the mood for AA drills takes a lot of willpower and stubbornness, it is probably hard to replicate in other contexts. To practically develop the switching ability, he suggested two things. First, become more conscious of the mode-switch when you go in and out. Second, you could do it more frequently. For example, break the drills in half, do the first half, sit in a corner until you are back to introversion, then put the suit back on and do the other half. It's basically like you are getting into an actor-role. I don't know if it will feel natural at some point but being able to switch roles at will gives you a huge skill already. The role switch can be used to practice/do things you consider extroverted in other contexts.