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3some2024 log

Created a Hily profile today. Not impressed so far. They auto-modded a pretty tame bio as well as an admittedly spicer prompt as too-hot-to-handle.

Also swiped on other apps. Number from TanTan think it’s a fake bc she’s too interested for being that hot but w/e.

Okay day in terms of health. I definitely tweaked my back yesterday such that one of the usual stretches I had much less ROM (pain if I went deeper).

Drums: hit RRRRLLLL at 200 bpm. Figured out the grip that works. Fell apart for RL and LR at 190 bpm or so. Technically hit them at 200 bpm but can improve on the consistency.

Swam 14 laps in 15ish minutes. Was pretty brutal doing minimal legs. And my fingers felt abused afterwards for a while. So I’m going to work on keeping them together/better form. And I think I’ll let myself use my legs a tiny bit tomorrow. Focusing on moving with ease.

Hit 12 pushups in 3 sets. Did after swimming plus stretches and was feeling mighty weak. Going to start doing them during my old exercises earlier in the day.

Did my 3some tasks today.

Didn’t do anything on finance goals (but 3rd priority so fine) not on research.

Actually the lil finance update is BMO Alto rejected me. I think it’s because I suffered fraud on my debit card in June so I have a credit lock in place. So I guess I’ll look into CDs/money market accounts etc just with my existing institutions for now.

My #1 improvement tomorrow is to get research done first thing. It’s always been my last priority and I’d like to just kick it out quick in the morning.
You made a Grindr account? :lol: I did a few years back for shitz and giggles.

Good job on investing, that will pay off big time in the long run. Do you have a job that matches 401k contributions? That's free money. Physical silver is a good thing to buy as well, especially constitutional silver because of the lower premiums and its easier to barter with. Although its less of an investment, more like a safety net if the economy goes belly up. But after putting a thousand or two in silver I don't see any point in buying more, might aswell spend that money on guns, ammo, shelf stable food, and a generator.

Glad to see you making progress on your drums, dating apps, and swimming!
No 401k but I do max out my Roth IRA monthly. I’ll have to look into sliver. I think I’ll start with Bitcoin/Ether tho.
Hit 200 bpm today, botched a few random things at 185 and 195 bpm, but I hit 200 pretty solid. I realized I’m still pretty tense even tho hit it so I won’t be able to hold 200 long more to improve.

13 pushups today.

Swam 16 minutes continuously, 12 laps. Totally dead exhausted afterwards. Slight back tweaks cooking after but I have enough chicken to last 2-3 meals now.

Tweaked my hip/back doing a stretch today - need to remember to do those AFTER warmups/workout. Also I think it just wasn’t an ideal stretch for me. Found an alternative that should be better.

Set up The League today. I’m already at #1 of 53k on the waitlist for Chicago. Would be cool if I get added soon free mode.

Watched a vid of Andy.

Pretty solid day. Will have to figure out how to beef up my endurance swimming. Maybe I’ll just nap afterwards if I feel that dead again.
  • Spent $0
  • Drums to 200 bpm
  • 15 pushups (14 1SM)
  • ~Swam 20 minutes.
  • New OLD profile.

Got accepted to The League for free. Altho I think I got demoted from All-Star to Majors already. Thinking about organizing events/ a group to basically soft-pitch a side hustle.

New OLD account is Feeld. They didn’t let me use the skateboarding pic and an edited style pic, kinda lame. Will finish that profile tm.

Worked on drumming more relaxed via breath work. Missed a few more beats tho. Also played with the grip a bit.

Opened a Money Market account with my first bank (CU): pays 3% APY, 2.96% interest as long as I deposit >$500 monthly (with direct deposit that’s easy).

Tomorrow will be a reflection day. I’m going to assess how my balances are compared to start of the month, think about which habits to prioritize, which to reduce frequency, etc. As well as new ones to incorporate ofc. I’m also going to do my best to REST and therefore not swim, push-ups, or drum. It’s hard for me to take rest days (I get bored / feel guilty) but I am going to do posture exercises.
Nice progress on the pushups and swimming. But rest is important for you, gotta think long-term. I have felt the same guilt about resting, but I've also tried to bite off way more than I could chew and ultimately accomplished less than if I had paced myself. As long as you are righteous about your rest and don't snooze around too long its beneficial. A good way to think about breaks is "I'm taking this break today so I can hit twice as hard tomorrow"

I can't imagine why a dating app wouldn't let you post a skateboard picture?? :lol: :lol: wtf
Yeah that was weird about Feeld. On rest I totally agree I need to rest more. The enlightenment I had during reflection day yday is to take 10% days / active recovery days so I maintain the habit while hopefully getting necessary rest in.
After budgeting I realized I don’t have enough money to make it through this summer. I’ll have like $544/mo rent. I don’t think that’ll cut it for top-notch locations. On the flipside, my rent in a perfect neighborhood in Munich was super cheap because I was one of 8 flat mates. So I’m hoping to find similar bargain deals or try to luck out on a sublet / find a roommate I guess. Or try to freelance during the summer? We’ll see.

Wrote a ton of goals down for life in general. But 3some (and then mile high club) are top priority for 2024 and making progress on pushups, walking/running/biking, and swimming are medium-high priorities too. I think they can be synergistic.

Set up a FetLife profile yday but no app and seems to be very different. Peaked at a group today. Still don’t get how it works, not super enthused but little by little one travels far.

Set up a Taimi account today. Got to take some spicy pics when I get back to my apartment next week. And buy toys.

First match on The League is pretty decent. I think I’m averaging 5-10 matches per day across all apps (16 atm).

Read two chapters of Inner Winner.
Swam 16x25m in 21 minutes.
16 pushups
200 bpm drum paradiddles.
16 stretches.

$1 to PayPal savings (4ish % APY, higher than anything else I have access to) with $7 recurring per week.

$7 BTC on CB limit buy but they force 1% below market, minimum of $5.1 and charged 1.4% (weird bc supposedly .6% on their website).

So I’ll be migrating from CB to something else soon hopefully.

Also I moved ~everything I had in my main CU from checking and low yield savings to my new high yield savings account. I probably should put everything in PayPal savings as it’s 1%+ higher APY. But idk if I trust it quite yet.

Will need to look into another investment vehicle for next week. One idea is flipping electronics sold on dealdash, or corvette lotto. Something high risk anyway.
17 pushups
23 minutes, 18 laps in the pool (minimal effort recovery day)
Drum day off (still counted along with the metronome).

Created a Happn today.
Read more of InnerWinner.

3rd acupressure appointment today, don’t think it helped. Useful intel tho: my periformis (right side) is tight af. And left peronius. Going to try a chiropractor sometime. Also found a lumbar lordosis stretch that’s tough but I think good.
Cheers mate!
18 pushups today
25 minutes swimming, 20 laps
Rested drums (no metronome counting tho).

Read more InnerWinner
Created a Seeking profile, 18th OLD account.

After break is over I’ll be switching to mostly weekly goals - pushups probably the only one I’ll be able to keep daily.
Did 20 pushups the day after my last post and then I’ve been back to work. 20 hours the first day, then idk but today was 12 hours and it felt nicer. Body feels re-broken think it’s spinal alignment with my chair. Looking forward to the weekend.
3some2024 said:
$1 to PayPal savings (4ish % APY, higher than anything else I have access to) with $7 recurring per week.

$7 BTC on CB limit buy but they force 1% below market, minimum of $5.1 and charged 1.4% (weird bc supposedly .6% on their website).

So I’ll be migrating from CB to something else soon hopefully.

Also I moved ~everything I had in my main CU from checking and low yield savings to my new high yield savings account. I probably should put everything in PayPal savings as it’s 1%+ higher APY. But idk if I trust it quite yet.

Try switching on CB to their 'Advanced trader interface", the name of the product has changed from year to year, but activating the pro interface unlocks their lowest tier fees (likely the .6% you saw advertised.)

I would double not recommend storing any significant amounts on PP, stories a plenty of people who have their money trapped on there. I personally get in and out of PP asap.

Instead if your looking for Passive, and already have a CB account, last I checked they offer 5% on USDC holdings, plenty of liquidity & goes to and from my bank within 3-5 days.
gnarly said:
3some2024 said:
$1 to PayPal savings (4ish % APY, higher than anything else I have access to) with $7 recurring per week.

$7 BTC on CB limit buy but they force 1% below market, minimum of $5.1 and charged 1.4% (weird bc supposedly .6% on their website).

So I’ll be migrating from CB to something else soon hopefully.

Also I moved ~everything I had in my main CU from checking and low yield savings to my new high yield savings account. I probably should put everything in PayPal savings as it’s 1%+ higher APY. But idk if I trust it quite yet.

Try switching on CB to their 'Advanced trader interface", the name of the product has changed from year to year, but activating the pro interface unlocks their lowest tier fees (likely the .6% you saw advertised.)

I would double not recommend storing any significant amounts on PP, stories a plenty of people who have their money trapped on there. I personally get in and out of PP asap.

Instead if your looking for Passive, and already have a CB account, last I checked they offer 5% on USDC holdings, plenty of liquidity & goes to and from my bank within 3-5 days.

I avoid PayPal with a fucking vengeance. I've had a few businesses that I used PayPal with (mostly when eBay and PayPal were the same company) and it was very very common for PayPal to randomly freeze my money because some automated system flagged my perfectly normal transactions. Most of the time customer service couldn't or wouldn't do anything about it and I had to wait for days (or longer) to have access to my money.

So I avoid them like the fucking plague. They also had a policy at one point where "promoting misinformation" would result in a $2,500 fine to your account, "misinformation" defined "at PayPal's sole discretion."

They only walked it back after a ton of public shaming... but they were willing to put it in in the first place, which further drives my intense distrust in using them for anything.

(In case you need verification: https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilymason/2022/10/27/after-paypal-revokes-controversial-misinformation-policy-major-concerns-remain-over-2500-fine/?sh=5fc1339e30c4)
MILFandCookies said:
very common for PayPal to randomly freeze my money because some automated system flagged my perfectly normal transactions

This happened to me a few years back as well. It is a very well known and documented problem. PayPal is dogshit and I also dropped them since then. They also suck with buyer protection and have fucked me on that end as well. There is no reason to have a PayPal account unless absolutely needed to buy something. Fuck PayPal.
Appreciate all the feedback fellas. I did find CB Advanced Trade just took a while. 1.2% for a flip still sounds terrible; I remember when it was 0% on Graz for maker orders and 0.1% per trade on Bittrex…

Since I’m a CA resident CB won’t let me do 5% USDC except for what I already had in.

However, I’m playing with US Treasury notes. Pretty sure they have the highest rates of anyone, and tax-advantaged. We’ll see how it goes.

Semester has been pretty crazy.

Had my first lay from FetLife today tho. If she sticks around I’ll ask her to start finding a third girl. We literally only overlap availability Tuesdays at lunch tho so I’m still guessing the 3some will have to wait until I move to Chicago to be purposefully jobless for the summer. This girl is also rather below my standards so I’m wondering if I’ll even count the 3some if I get it done with her.
2 dates from seeking last Friday in the city. 1 date planned for this Friday from FetLife, in town.

One girl from seeking was a nope. Second one was smallest lady I’ve ever seen. Into yoga and running, would be fun. She seems super disinterested on text, haven’t heard from her in a bit.

Girl from Feeld and the league dropped off when they heard I don’t live in the city.

Seems not impossible in town but will be exponentially easier after I move to the city.

First day on a trip to Vegas. Matched with a girl who mentioned she likes to bring her gf along with her.

Thought for sure they’d flake. I didn’t hear from them all day. Finally, around 3pm she texted back she was good for dinner tonight. I said I was hitting the gym and had errands to run but we should go shopping in a few hours then dinner after.

5pm I mentioned dinner was confirmed for 8pm and we should go shopping at 6:30pm.

Some drama about not enough time to get ready before shopping. I suggested we get dinner and go shopping tomorrow. They wanted an “allowance” in that case - but I don’t do allowances I just like to buy dinner etc.

So I pushed back dinner to 9pm. That messed up my original plan to invite them back to my place to try the gelateria which closes 10pm. We planned to go shopping at 8pm. We were supposed to FaceTime around 6:30pm. Instead they didn’t get back to me. We did end up FaceTiming at 7:30pm.

I arrived late to the mall and the wrong side. They were pretty late too. We made it to the first store at 8:30pm (everything closes 9pm).

The reason i pitched shopping to begin with is I wanted a new pair of shoes. Got myself taken care of. They didn’t like any of the women’s shoes there so we went to a 2nd store for one girl and a 3rd store for the other. We walked out of the mall with our new kicks 9:15pm. Unfortunately it took a while to find the Uber pickup area from the hotel/casino. Eventually found it.

Got to the restaurant at 9:40pm. They cancelled my reservation (fair, we were super late). I didn’t get charged however because I booked on the phone :)
(Pro tip: always book over the phone rather than pay a reservation fee online).

They said we had two minutes before the kitchen closed. And they had stopped the tasting menu I wanted to enjoy :(

So we went to a different restaurant for dinner. Ordered a massive amount of food and hardly ate any (kinda hungry now). They had 3 cocktails a piece. I tried to dissuade them from the last one mentioning my place has a stocked mini-fridge.

We left the restaurant around midnight (their closing time). Back to my room by 12:30am. One of them grabbed vodka from the fridge the other grabbed champagne. I didn’t want to risk whiskey dick so I just had one glass of wine.

We eventually got down to business. I kissed one girl. Then the other. After a while they kissed each other. And then they took their tops off and started kissing their tits. Both had them pierced which is a turnoff for me but was okay.

Eventually got my clothing off. And the double blowjob was insanely hot. I could’ve blown my load then and there, particularly because one of them was really good giving head while the other one sucked my balls.

The rest is a bit of a blur. One of them went to the bathroom so I started fingering one of them and then fucking missionary. Fingered the other one while missionary with the other. Then the other girl wanted doggy. Aside from the double blowjob it was basically 1-1 sex. So now I’m wondering if they were actually bi. They did make out a bit of play with the other’s tits/ass while I was fucking the other tho.

2nd round blowjob on bed laying down (1st was on sofa). Then (reverse) cowgirl with one. Then doggy round 2. Blowjob round 3 standing. And then apparently neither had ever titfucked. They were both C cups. Fit pretty well with one and it felt amazing. Less great with the other. Handjob/blowjob for a while. I don’t think I ever came, and this is the 3rd time in a row that’s been the case. We stopped at 1:30am though so I think that it was rather late (I flew in 4am) and tired. Also I think I take more like <5 minutes or > 2 hours usually.

Now I have to figure out my next adventure. Pretty happy to have accomplished the mission but they weren’t super hot. Maybe that’s ultimately why I didn’t cum. I was prescribed tadalafil and used that to help ensure I didn’t have ED.

I think if I want significantly hotter I’ll have to significantly improve first. Also curious about a non-online 3some. But I’m also pretty bored with it all and might go all-in on biz / ltr. We’ll see.