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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

I went out for a nightgame session on Friday evening with my friend. I think I went about 1#/10 and also got to wing for the first time. Don't feel like writing a long post but I'll talk about the main crazy story.

tl;dr: I don't escalate a girl I've screened to be receptive and friend doesn't pull because I have his keys and girls ghost us.

Immediately within like 5 minutes of being out and after only maybe 1 or 2 approaches (each), my friend and I spot a hot white+cute indian duo.

friend opens them, takes the white girl. i come in 30 sec later to wing him and talk to the Indian girl. both of us are getting physical fast, but friend starts making out with his girl. i don't.

we are like "let's go to some bar" and so us 4 are walking down the street. I'm holding hands with the indian girl 🥰😍

then i lose friend and his girl, so i call him. cant hear jack shit so i tell him to text me. he texts me his location, so i just go in there. see him making out and dancing with the girl so I don't wanna interrupt him. my DUMBASS sees this mechanical bull and telling the indian girl to ride it (i think maybe i was tryna distract her from her friend so friend could pull? but i should have just copied my friend's escalating with my girl). we have a 2-3 min back and forth about who should go first and eventually I'm like fine I'll go lol.

Indian girl uses this as an opportunity to call her friend. she tells me "I'll be back" and showing that she's calling her friend


i ride the mechanical bull, holding on for pretty long, eventually i get thrown off, then i see my left hand bleeding.

i check my phone and friend was like "dude why didn't you respond she was gonna pull and you had the keys". i was like "oh i thought we were gonna meet in that bar but i saw you making out so I didn't wanna interrupt". so it was just a huge communication/logistics error.

we made sure our phones were on loud and tested them for the rest of the time.

- You want to FUCK this girl. Be too aggressive, you can dial it back.
- No excuses for bad logistics. Work that shit out ahead of time. Sometimes it might be out of your control though so you need to approach more.
- Don't lean into girls and act too desperate on the approach.
Saturday I did a daygame and nightgame session.

Total: 0/10~15

I went out with 3 friends for daygame and they mentored me. I realized that when I'm interacting with a girl I've never talked to before, my charisma plummets and I become very shy and timid, like I'm seeking permission from the girl to interact with her.

This was actually me being "deregulated", and I didn't realize it was how I was acting when I approach. Even though I don't have a problem going up to a girl now, when I'm up at her, I just want to eject as fast as possible for some reason.

I also reflected on some of my past interactions and realized I "switch back" into my normal self when e.g. a girl accepts an instadate. Now that I know she's "already attracted to me", it takes a lot of the pressure off of me and I start having my usual energy and expressiveness. I also enjoy going on dates and haven't felt nervous on any of them either. My big issue is being timid on the approach, because I'm too "scared" of the girl disapproving of me.

For daygame in America, treating the approach like a date and having a longer conversation with the girl actually seems to yield a lower ghost rate over text with the exchanges you get, as opposed to pure 20-30 second soup interaction. I got basically all clean rejections, but I think my friend maybe went 3/15, and then got a date the next day with one of the girls he talked to, and this is more commonplace for him.

Total: 0/10

Most of my nightgame interactions were not really notable, just clean rejections. I screened probably half of the girls but idr.

My friend approached some girl during the daytime who asked if he was a dating coach. The girl said that her boyfriend is a dating coach and my friend gave off dating coach vibes.

At 2:00am, he runs into this same girl at some club, this time with her boyfriend. I join him. Turns out her boyfriend was Rags2Bitches who recognized me. 1 in a million interaction haha.
My friend and I woke up late, and then he had some errands to do, and by the time we reached our daygame spot he crashed on the couch so I did a brief solo daygame session.

Also did a solo session at night since he had a plate over.

Total: 0/10~15
I deliberately told myself not to go for the contact exchange at any point in my approaches today, as it's a way to expedite closing the interaction due to my innate desire to flee during an approach. Also focused on asking girls some questions, making sure I was speaking slowly, and not resorting to a bunch of babble.

I also need to work on coming off as more confident and less shy, but I think that will come in time as I learn how to embrace tension during my interactions and building some initial connections with girls during a daygame approach. I did notice that as the interaction progressed, I became more animated and charismatic, so now I just need to keep doing more approaches this way so the difference in my "frame" between the opener and the middle is reduced.

Basically, I was playing some variant of "nervous guy game".

Early in the session I got some hard deflections/girls running away, but towards the end it balanced out with more leveled out interactions.

Notable approaches
Girl jumps back when I merely say "hey" to her from behind and acts like it's a big deal. I said "ah, sorry to scare you haha" and it leveled out but declined with bf. I didn't like this interaction because it was my first approach and getting an exaggerated reaction that early psyched me out, and I just autopiloted to my soup approach style.
I approach a girl whom one of us approached yesterday. I didn't realize it and she was like "I don't know why you guys are going around doing this" and walked off. I just reacted zero and stood still and watched her walk off for a few seconds.
Since I still need to deregulate during the interaction, my best deregulation for now ended up being just talking about how I'm not from Austin and I'm trying to work on talking to girls. These are kind of meta-approaches, and I did probably 2 or 3 of these. Plus it kind of works on girls who already have a boyfriend because I can just practice interacting anyway instead of ejecting. I might do this with every girl who turns me down this way.
Went through my questions and some interaction, didn't default to my "story" and told a girl we should go to dinner together since that's where she was heading. Declined, but I think this was my best approach and probably a good reference for future approaches. I still want to ask for instadates if possible, especially if I have good logistics.

Total: 0/4, 1 kiss
First approach was the same as my daygame strategy. Opened 2 girls who were eating at a bar. Told me she had a boyfriend but used this as an opportunity again to practice interaction, and I went through some questions on the girl, and then closed out after a few minutes.

Then I went to this super poppin' club but felt a lot of anxiety to approach anyone so I just sat down and played hawk mode (observing interactions, and seeing if anything unfolds). Saw yet another interaction go from kinda zero to close dancing, to making out, and more dancing, and then deeper making out, rinse and repeat. They sat next to me and I heard the guy trying to pull, but she declined with "I have to go home tonight", so he just kept dancing and making out with her. Eventually after an hour, I saw them leaving together. I don't know if that means he actually pulled but who knows. This is pretty surreal to me because all of my nightgame interactions are so fast because I haven't fully embraced tension, while this guy is really escalating/deescalating and stayed persistent and got a (potential) pull. It was pretty world class, but it seems like this is normal in Austin. This just further emphasizes my recent realization that I need to start embracing tension during interactions and seeing it as a GOOD thing, like I had to with rejection. I saw other similar interactions (though not the entire thing), and more people in Austin seem to be DTF as opposed to Nashville's Broadway based on my observation.
I ended up not doing any approaches here, but a gay dude screened me (kept touching my hand, trying to pull me into his circle, acting flirty, etc). So I ghosted him..................................... now I see why girls have so much fun ghosting dudes. Also decided I need to stop whining about hating the music and Shazam'd a bunch of the tunes that were being played. I'm gonna listen to them later and try to get into it, and I think this will help me a lot with nightgame so I can vibe better.

Was gonna go home, but the area by the apartment suddenly started gaining a lot of traffic at around 1:00am. So decided just to continue.

Girl kinda came up to me and tried to tell me something, so I was like lol okay easy screen. Started really getting physical with her within like 30 seconds and then went for a kiss really fast. We kissed for like 2 seconds but she pulled back like WTF????? I went for it again and she deflected. Decided in the spirit of embracing tension and learning how to disengage, that I pull away from her entirely. Waited a second and then took her hand like "let's dance". She danced with me for a bit and I twirled her as per standard, then went for the waist but she scurried off like a rodent.

Approached/screened some other girl somewhere else, instantly declined with boyfriend. Was kinda loud so I didn't feel like doing my "nervous guy game" strat, plus I was feeling pretty confident and aggressive so I ejected.

Then I walk out and this random short black British guy comes up to me, kinda plastered like "ay bruv dey not lettin me in" and im like "why not, you dont have an ID?" "ya i got an ID but dey not lettin me in cause of my accent bruv". I'm like, "thats fucking bullshit, come on lets go somewhere. get your ID out, point to your DOB, and shut the fuck up to the bouncer". So I dragged him with me somewhere and he followed. Bouncer was flirting with some girls and wasn't paying attention so the dude just walked in. I was trying to get my ID out like a good boy, but the bouncer was way too distracted so I just walked in too. Told him "lets get some girls bro" and we split off.

Saw some girls having way too much fun and they broke their hookah setup. One girl walked out of their booth and I approached/screened her like "having too much fun?" she was like "ya lolz" and brought me back to her booth, and pushed me on her friend. Friend was hotter than the girl I opened. We were dancing for a whole minute and twirled each other and was about to go for her waist, when this bigass dude shows up like "yo you gotta get outta here". I was like uh ok and stepped out of the booth when suddenly another guy comes up and pushes my ass out of the joint. Saw me off with a sassy "bye!". Tried to say "that wasnt my hookah", but it was whatever haha.

Why do I keep getting kicked out of places lmaooooo

As I was writing this, a guy and a girl in this unit started talking to me, and they were talking about music and how they know the scene here, and since I REALLY want to get into the EDM/rave scene, I exchanged contacts with them and they said to hit them up at some point. I'm actually considering leaving Nashville next month and moving here and I told them that so, in addition to my cold approach friends, I have these friends too. Somehow I already have a larger social circle in Austin within 3 days than I have in Chattanooga (1yr) + Nashville (3wks) combined??? Anyway this seems like the place I need to be and I have the freedom to do it.
Mostly uneventful day in Austin as my friend and I both woke up late again and after our gym workout, he had some errands to do so I ended up just meeting for dinner with a co-worker who lives there and flying back.

Bench Press 5x5 - 165x5/165x5/165x5/165x5/165x4(failed)
DB Seated Shoulder Press 5xfailure - 25x12/25x12/25x10/25x10/25x8
Dips - 10/10/10/10/9/2

I'm definitely moving to Austin next month. Nashville is alright, but I've been doing stuff solo this whole time and as a early beginner, I'm playing on hard mode. In Austin, I met a bunch of guys who go out and approach and people in the music scene. I actually exchanged with my Uber driver since he's a rapper and I think I want to start producing for amateur rappers as a side hobby to improve with writing music. And at night, I see more guys trying to hook up with girls than I do in Nashville. So it's the place to be if I want to accelerate my improvement.

Here's my plan for the next few weeks:
- Finish application for Japanese language exchange school since I wanna move there next year lol
- Practice approaching in Nashville with the advice given to me from my friend and the other guys who approach.
- Stop being a lazy bum and go out solo at night more regularly.
- Listen and start vibing with the music I Shazam'd in Austin so I can more easily get into a good mood since the dance floor is a great place to pull. Plus I don't have to say a word to girls hahah.
- Continue changing my wardrobe and improving my style. Rags2Bitches recommended me some boots so I'm gonna buy those.
- Take better Tinder pics with my updated style.
- Nov 1: Go back to Chattanooga and sell/get rid of all my junk within 2 days.
- Nov 4: Drive to Austin, TX, just check into a hostel. My friend said the building he lives at has monthly rent so I'll rent a unit in the same building, plus it's right in the middle of where all the good nightgame is so amazing logistics.
That's really awesome dude! Wish I could just up and move to another state like that. Are you going to miss Nashville, or is it just pretty much worse in most ways?
lacroix said:
That's really awesome dude! Wish I could just up and move to another state like that. Are you going to miss Nashville, or is it just pretty much worse in most ways?

I like Nashville, but I think I'd be better off in Austin. I know I'm not really good at doing things completely solo, especially if I'm new. On the other hand, I'm extremely receptive to peer pressure, for better or for worse. So I figured I'd use this to my advantage and surround myself with people who are living a lifestyle I'd like to have.
Back in Nashville, had an annoying start to my morning with some errands. Otherwise another uneventful and distracted day but just posting to keep this log honest.

Chick-fil-A Spicy Deluxe Chicken Sandwich, chips, and 12 chicken nuggets
2/3 of a large pizza

365 project
2/3 of a 14" pizza
40g protein shake

Deadlift - 135x10/215x5/285x3(failed)/275x5
Pullups - 30x5/30x5(bad last rep)/27.5x5(bad last rep)/0x6/0x6
DB Rows - 50x12/50x12/50x11L,50x12R - think i lost grip in my left hand from last weekend
Cable Rows - 70x10/70x10/85x10

I felt really weak today for some reason. Probably because I slipped on my diet in Austin. Hopefully this balances out next workout.

Total: 0/5 in ~1h
Decided to approach on the side streets of Vanderbilt again.

First approach was a really shy girl on her work break, I ended up rushing the contact exchange and I'm not really happy with this approach.
Third approach I actually had a ~2min conversation with the girl, she was on her way to meet friends to see a movie. Talked with her a bit about the movie, and then switched to asking her if she went to Vanderbilt. Ultimately declined with bf. I feel like I could have extended the conversation a bit more (not so she would exchange with me, but just for my own practice).
Rest were instant deflections (not aggressive).

Only did 5 approaches because I went out a bit late (6:00pm) and it dies pretty quickly. I pussed out on an asian duo and some other girls, so I probably could have done 8~10 approaches. This is probably just from not approaching lately and realizing I need to actually have a brief conversation with the girl instead of just doing a 20 second robotic approach. Also first time I didn't run into a repeat customer (but I only did 5 approaches)

Didn't actually go out, but started listening to a playlist Rags2Bitches sent me on Spotify. This music is going to take a lot of getting used to, but I'm starting to find certain elements I like from the various songs. Also it would be good just to know the songs in general.

I really appreciate that he's going out of his way to give me tips and advice since we had that 1 in a million encounter in Austin.
Didn't post yesterday because I was kind of demotivated (I have been getting more work done lately so that's good I guess?). Did 0/2 for approaches

Today I did 5/9 in about an hour of actual game, but I spent more time driving around trying to find places to approach. 6 of the approaches were at the mall but it was low volume and I saw a lot of security so I only spent like 20 minutes.

Notable approaches
I compliment qtpi mixed chick with crazy poofy afro hair and she compliments me back. We chat for a little bit but she says she's off to work. I tell her well we should hang out some other time when you're not busy. She says in an extremely quiet voice that she has a boyfriend, but I decide to push anyway and she's like "what's your insta?" I tell her I don't have one. She then voluntarily says "well I'm not a cheater or anything but I'll give you my number....". She puts it in "incorrectly" at first, and I shoot my name to her and she doesn't get my text. Then she fixes the number and got my message.
Really hot black chick coming down escalator at whole foods. I open her when she reaches the bottom. I lead her outside a bit because there's some ppl in the way and she follows. Short convo, exchanged.

My roommate invited me to a house party so I went. All the girls came with their boyfriends. I texted all my exchanges while I was at the party to see if anyone was down but no responses as per standard. Couch was cozy af tho and I fell asleep to the ambient conversation and cinnamon candles. I wake up later and my friend tells me the only single girl who showed up already left. lol rip.
I hung out with my roommate and his gf yesterday and they took me to an area I didn't know existed with some volume. So I approached there today.

Total: 1/6 + 1 instadate

I could have done 10 in the time I was out and I should have gone out earlier.

The instadate was my first approach. We chatted for a minute and then I just said "I'll show you around this area and we'll go to some coffee shop". She accepted and we walked and continued chatting for around 5 minutes when this random guy shows up like "[name]????" I didn't see what her reaction was but then he was like "what are you doing with him?????" I ended up saying nothing, and then he told me to shoo, so I just left. I probably could have butted in like "we're going to get coffee" and continued it, but the moment happened so quickly and I was kind of stunned. I think my audacity has plummeted since I haven't been approaching lately.

Did another 5 approaches, nothing really notable.

I also wore my boots with height inserts today. So I think I was actually 5'9"~5'10" haha. Hard to walk in but I noticed that I would look at girls from afar thinking they would be taller than I, only to realize I tower over them.

Think I'm going to have to plan out my sessions in advance between multiple places if I want to get decent volume in.
1/7 at night

Physical contact with most of the girls. I also let girls walk away if they didn't want to engage in a conversation in the street instead of chasing them. Just stood there after a minute of talking and if they kept speedwalking I let them go.

I talked with the one receptive girl for a few mins, put my arm around her after I ran out of things to say and continued talking. Actually, this is the first time I was able to do that; usually I just immediately put my arm around girls or I talk with them but have too much anxiety to put my arm around her. A friend told me when I was in Austin "when you run out of things to say, escalate", and I applied it here. Also she was periodically moving away to her friends so I decided to just let go, and she kept coming back and I resumed having my arm around her.

Random dude in the group gave me a fireball shot. Then the girl went to go sit with her girlfriends at a table. Maybe I should have tried to pull her from there but I ended up just going up to her for a few more minutes and then getting her number. Probably a rookie error, I'm not really sure.

Also I got some Tinder pics taken. I'll post them later.

EDIT: Just told one of my friends about the receptive girl tonight. Big point of value is that escalation isn't only physical, it's also location. I remember GLL saying that too. I think I could have chatted with the girl for a few minutes after going to her table and then been like, "let's go to the dance floor", or "I'm gonna grab a water come with" and continued the interaction. I keep going for numbers too early, so I need to restrain myself from asking for the number.
0/15~20 at night in ~2h

Went with my roommate and his gf again to 2 parties. Did a solid 0 approaches at that one, but I already saw black dudes screening/escalating on some chicks. I really gotta pay attention to those guys. Did 1 approach at the second party and put my arm around the girl for a bit but we were like about to leave. I maybe should have kept talking to her lol.

So we were back home around midnight so I decided to run a nightgame session for a couple hours.

First approach was an instant deflection. "hey what's up, you're really cute" "ok bye" "pfffft fuck this"

Then I found some trio with cat makeup waiting in line. Told the girl she's a really cute kitten. Seemed pretty neutral so I rolled with it and told them I'm gonna chill with y'all in this joint. Chatted in line and we go in and I have my arm around this girl and we keep talking. She seems as neutral as she was when I approached so I decided to dial it back and hang out on the dance floor and periodically go back and talk to them waiting by the bar. At some point I take her hand like "come on let's go dance" and she declines. I think I pushed 1-2x but idr. So I just went back to the dance floor and did another approach and left.

More street approaches and bar approaches, etc. Had one where I opened the girl and then this big dude shows up and she's like "this is my boyfriend" so I just leave without saying anything.

Then I run into some ultra plastered dude with his sober friend at a crosswalk asking me for directions somewhere. I ask him what he's up to and then I tell him "let's approach some girls". He's like "awww yea lets get some bitches". I do probably 3-4 approaches in front of them but I didn't have them wing me (maybe I should have lol, I just wanted to approach). We go to the place he was looking for but it was basically dead, so I tell them I know a place with a lot more people and take them there. At first I was one club off and I'm like shit, let's go to the one next door I think that one is better. But the ultra plastered dude is barely cognizant and I have to drag him out. I have him take a hit of my vape to see if it'll wake him up and it kinda did. We manage to go to the poppin club but he gets kicked out in the middle of trying to walk up to some group of girls. I tell his friend "I'm gonna go up are you gonna check on your friend or come with me". He's just like "I didn't see anything, let's go", so we go up.

I approach a black trio. I open a girl but she gets on the phone so I just start dancing with her even hotter and tall black friend. We're dancing and I've got my hand on her waist and we're kinda close. I bounce her to another part of the dance floor (rookie error I think actually I could have continued physically escalating). We are like plowing through all these people and like 2 or 3 dudes try to open her but she ignores them haha. Anyway, we finally get to the other side of the dance floor and there are way more people (why did I bounce her over here again???) and she sticks her ass out at me and I grab it. Then she scurries off.

The last approach I remember was there were these 2 girls who walked near me while I was looking down at the dance floor from the rafters. Easiest approach ever, right? Except I don't approach for a solid minute. Then they walk towards the elevator and someone else is waiting. I'm like, great, this went from a 1 to a 7~8. So I go up and say hi. The elevator opens and I hadn't even actually finished opening the girl so I just decide fuck it and walk in. Dead silent elevator and there's another dude there too. So I just tell the girl I think she's very cute and she giggles and we chat for 15-30 seconds until the elevator stopped. Then they walk ahead of me to these barstools so i just go and sit down. Then they walk away.

I'm trying to find the balance between being sufficiently aggressive but also not needy and "chasing" the girl. I think I also took many rejections too early and didn't push through on a couple neutral girls. And I could have done maybe 30 approaches but I pussed out on maybe 10~15 girls tonight.
1/25~30 + 2 snapchats at night in ~3h. The snaps were from girls I asked to take pics with who accepted (they were all using snapchat), so I felt it was just natural to ask for the snap to get the pic. Sideways pic because I can.

More aggressive deflections up the ass, probably moreso than last night. I don't remember most of the approaches. But I started feeling way more natural and having way more fun than I've ever had in an approach session. Was literally acting retarded and it was fun. Also I had a lot more to compliment girls with since it's Halloween so it was easy to get creative. Definitely went up to a good amount of girls like "yo add me to the pic too". I think I told like 3 or 4 girls to fuck off. I don't think I was ever this aggressive to deflections in my whole life and I loved it.

I definitely feel more audacious on the street than I do inside bars/clubs. I think I'm the worst on dance floors. And I'm still not aggressive (in a good way) enough to girls who are receptive to me.

I think I'm really bad at figuring out what to do with receptive/neutral girls. I remembered GLL basically asks if he can steal the friend from some of his videos, but I literally remembered that just now.

Will be doing Santa costume tomorrow because it's Halloween. Probably should have done it tonight but I didn't. One girl asked me what my costume was and I just said I was a badass.

Notable approaches (no solo girls btw, I've never seen a solo girl at night):
* I decide to be a total idiot and open 2 obviously non-Japanese Asian girls (they were Filipina) in Japanese. They obviously didn't understand what I was saying so I was like "oh y'all don't know Japanese?" Then they called me racist, and I said, well what race do you think I am? They said Arab and I was like yeah, exactly (I'm Indian). Told them I thought it would be funny if they spoke to me in Arabic. Then I acknowledged I was being weird and called one of the girls cute and put my arm around her and we had a normal chat for a bit. Then I tried to bounce them inside somewhere but she said she has a boyfriend so I told her I'll be her Nashville boyfriend (I used this line to a lot of girls tonight haha). Then they walked off.
* Couldn't figure out some girls' wizard of oz costumes because I don't know any movies. I said yeah I'm really bad at guessing those. Girl was neutral to me having my arm around her. Tried to bounce her inside somewhere but she said she had to stay with her friends. She didn't want to leave her friends so I just told the friends come on let's all go. They said nah we'll chill here after pushing 2-3x. Then they literally walked over 12 steps and I just stayed where I was and left instead of following them.
* I open girl in line while waiting and she instantly deflects and I get closed off. Her friend comes in line and accidentally bumps into me and so I just start talking to her. But then she kinda scurries off into her group too.
* Approach some neutral mermaid girl on a rooftop bar. After opening her I ask what her drink is. Literally can't understand her like 5x so I use this as a convenient opportunity to put my arm around her. Finally says that the drink is "sex on the beach". I'm like "give me a taste of sex on the beach" or something. She says no. I'm like "how much was that drink?" Doesn't tell me. I offer her $1 to give me a sip because that's probably how much 1 sip would cost. Declines again and tells me to get my own. So I order a gin and tonic. We ended up chatting for another 8-10 minutes but my rookie error here was not trying to bounce her off the rooftop bar a single time. I think she was just extremely neutral, but I should have tried at least once. Friend asks me where the bathroom is. I knew at this point I was gonna get ghosted lol. I'm like I think it's on the first floor. They're like wow we're not going to the first floor and I'm like idk where it is here. They said "we'll be back" and I was like okay and waited probably 5-10 minutes in the hyper-rare chance that they would return and then went to do some more approaches on the rooftop.
* Receptive black girl. Has some weird skeleton teeth pasted on her lips though. I tell her to sit down with me while my arm is around her and separate her from her friends. I also see the girl that I talked to in line from earlier staring at us. I'm mentally like "yeah, exactly". Then I straight up can't hear her so I tell her we should go somewhere quieter. We keep talking and I try to bounce her off the roof but she's like oh I'm trying to meet with my other friends actually (her friends actually followed us but I hadn't acknowledged them at all). She asks for my phone number so I give it and I take hers as well. I said I want to see what it's like to kiss her with those weird skeleton teeth and she declines so I'm like okay give me your cheek and I kiss her cheek and then have a bunch of makeup on my lips. Then I texted her a bit later and she didn't respond.
* Some girls have some batons while taking some pics/video so I'm like "yeah get me in this shot" and they refuse. Tell the hottest girl she should beat my ass with the baton. Declines, male in the group is like "yeah they're really scary huh", I was like "not scary anymore they won't even beat my ass". I also told that to the girl and then I left.
* Open some black chick and she tells me she's trying to find a place that isn't playing "honky tonk" music. I tell her well there's a rooftop bar that plays hiphop, let's go. Put my arm around her and she's like "you don't have to touch me". So I just tell her "well I'm not fucking taking you there fuck off" and leave.
lacroix said:
Holy crap
That is absolute insanity dude.
I will say, getting banned/kicked out of somewhere--one of my greatest fears. Sounds like it didn't even really bother you?

You will get laid by the end of October for sure

I'd say it's more of an accomplishment - especially in the manner colgate accomplished: not doing anything wrong, just sticking to his guns despite what lame-os think.
AWESOME JOB dude. That's legit you kept going at the end. And I know what you mean about that zen state. Looking forward to hearing when you pull a girl from nightgame.

colgate said:
So tired and changed by this experience I don't even wanna write this log, but here it is.

I counted my approaches today because I wanted to beat the KYIL cold approach in a day record (124) by @RogerRoger

tl;dr summary:
I went between Kroger, Whole Foods, 2 university campuses, and the streets for about 6h.
40/107 + 1 instadate (two of these contacts later texted me to retract their interest).

Then, I ran into my instadate 6 hours after we met with her lanky 6'5" male friend and she interrupted me opening another girl. We then proceeded to have a contentious argument on the street for 7 minutes. Not long after, I was chilling on a bench in the campus and I got caught by campus police and banned from there for approaching girls. I went home at first, walked 3 steps into my house and was like....nah bro I'm gonna continue this. So I had another session between some different stores and Broadway for another 2h.

Total: 41/130

Notable approaches:
Approached yet another girl I've previously approached. I kinda recognized her but wasn't sure so I just opened her anyway
her: "I think we had this conversation last week"
me: "oh yeah lol"
girl asks me if I rehearsed this. I say "nah I just talk to a lot of people"
exchanged with girl from a quad with 2 guys in the group. she stopped for me and split off from her group to exchange.
accidentally hit on both girls in a duo at whole foods within 3min of each other. i didnt recognize the other girl because i dont pay attention to anyone else in a group when i approach.
girl said she's seeing someone. asked for an exchange anyway, and immediately gave it
actually fucking exchanged with a girl who called me "bold" for approaching her
group of high school boys try to say hey to this hottie asian (professor?) but she ignores them. i open her in front of them by aggressively getting her attention (i think she was listening to something on air buds so she prob just didnt hear the high schoolers). they're like OH SNAP OHHHH. i take a rejection cause she's married and then i'm like "thats how you do it boys" *and then everyone clapped* jk lolz this isnt reddit
girl excessively compliments my nail polish while i'm exchanging with her
almost opened a girl twice in one day. i was walking towards her and she saw me and was like "twice in one day, huh?" and smiled. i honestly totally forgot
"you just said that to two of my roommates" yeah ok but if i matched you and your two roommates on tinder that'd be ok lmao (i didn't say that, if i thought of it in the moment i would have, was an afterthought). ended up saying "oh nice" and ejected
girl declines me with age gap after i say i'm 25 and she's 18. i don't push.
girl i exchange with tells me there are no more dominant males and she was "so happy" that i approached her in person
friend says "good for you" to girl i exchange with in a duo
girl tells me "yeah i know you've been going around and asking girls".
me: "yeah i have been"
her: "you know that's not ok right"
me: "what do you mean its not ok, its fine"
her: "no it's not"
me: "yeah let's just swipe on tinder all day then- I'll let you get back to what you're doing"

I started at 9:45am and went to Kroger and opened literally the only girl I thought was cute, extremely receptive asked if she was free later today, she was like "omg yeah!!!!!!!". I texted her a few hours ago and she didn't respond lmaoooo. I need to start making plans on the spot with chicks. Then I just decided fuck it, I'll go straight to campus.

Used up 25 minutes for an instadate on approach 7. It was alright and she wanted me to walk her to class and we hugged at the end. But I just wanted lots of approaches today so I decided to quit asking for instadates like I normally do.

Got an extreme positive tilt for a while, I'm pretty sure I was exchanging more than getting rejected for a while. I was definitely less pushy than I've been lately because I didn't want to waste a lot of time, but if I felt like having fun I would push to some degree.

Walked to Whole Foods and I literally got like 15 approaches trying to get out of the campus area, but then it was dry for a while. I did some approaches there and got some pizza and headed back. In retrospect I'm not sure if walking was really worth it because there was 18 minutes of dead space, but the moment I was back at campus, it took me another 13 approaches to get to my car.

Then it was just brutal volume. Between 12:43pm and 1:09pm (26 minutes) I made 16 approaches. Then I walked down the street and headed over to another nearby university and got more volume. Then I headed back to Vanderbilt. Volume started dying around 3:00pm but nevertheless, I knew it was gonna start picking up at around 4:00pm.

I was at 107 at 3:35pm (less than 6h) when my instadate from earlier today interrupted one of my approaches. I actually kinda didn't recognize her at first because she changed clothes and I never brought up that we met earlier in the day. Nonetheless, she brought her 6'5" lanky male friend to try to intimidate me or something, but his voice and attitude did the total opposite basically.

We had a contentious argument on the street for 7 minutes about how it's "not okay for a 25 year old man to harass 18 year old girls" and I stood my ground the whole time. I basically told them I'm not harassing anyone and any girl has the right to decline me. They said I wouldn't "leave their friends alone until they gave me their number" and I was like yeah, sometimes I'll ask multiple times but they can still decline and I'll dip sometimes. I told the dude he should start approaching girls and he was like "why would I do that I'm not a creep". Their definition of "harassment" is literally "talking to girls you don't know" according to their own words lmao. Also said that I can either sit in my room swiping on Tinder all day or take 30 rejections in a row in person to meet someone who's receptive and he was like "if you're getting rejected that much, maybe you're doing something wrong". Anyway at some point I was like "I don't have time for this, see you later" (I said it once halfway through the convo but kept talking, then later, the girl said "I thought you said you didn't have time", and then I was like "yeah you're right, I don't. see you later" and actually left). She closes the discussion with "security's gonna find you, you've already been reported" as I'm walking away.

In retrospect, I wonder if the instadate was baiting me to check out her side of the campus because that's where all the freshmen were. I didn't know that side existed but I didn't even think of approaching there after she showed me. I honestly don't give a fuck about age and I've opened plenty of professors and nurses (see my notable approaches below), universities just have a high volume of people. Anyway, I don't need to defend myself, but I'm just mentioning this point tangentially.

I walk back inside the campus grounds but I'm a little wary now, and don't do any more approaches. Literally 2 minutes later I see one security guard and I'm like...lol this is over. I chill on a bench and wait my impending execution, and surely enough two other security officers (cops?) surround me and they tell me to stay seated. We have a 35 minute discussion from here.

What's interesting is that they basically completely leveled with me. They said they got 15 girls who reported I "harassed" them. I made the point that I'm not harassing anyone, I'm just going up to girls and talking to them and if they're not interested they can decline. I also said that the majority of girls don't have a problem with it and if we assume that 15 more girls "felt uncomfortable" but didn't file a report, then we have about a ~10% rate of "girls who felt uncomfortable", given that I've approached about 300 girls around this campus, and therefore we just have some minority of antisocial females setting the standards for everyone else. The cop (who was also female) actually ended up leveling with me and said "yeah I actually think you didn't harass anyone either, and personally I'm the type of gal who would rather be approached in real life", and I saw the other cop (male) kind of nodding his head. Also they leveled with me in that the definition of "harassment" is basically non-existent and it's impossible to tell on the surface what someone's personal boundary of harassment is. However, they further explained, "But in today's day and age, no one is comfortable with real life social interaction and you have to do everything online, especially with COVID and all.", which I felt like was a passive rant at how things are these days hahahh.

Nonetheless, they said I'm still banned from being on Vanderbilt property because I'm not a student and it's private property and therefore I'm trespassing. I'm basically like alright fair enough, you have the right to ban whoever you want since it's your property. But they did confirm to me that I wouldn't be in trouble because I was harassing anyone. I joked that they were probably just tired of getting so many complaints that they decided to finally kick me out and they kind of laughed at that. Then they take my photo and escort me off of the campus.

I don't regret going back inside the campus after my argument on the street btw. I think I was already bound to get kicked out at this point so if it wasn't today, it would have been tomorrow. I think it was just an inevitable outcome and I just put the tape on fast-forward.

I drove home and wanted to just end the day at first. Parked my car and took 3 steps in my house and was like...."wait this isn't right...you need to finish this bro" and came out again. @Manganiello also told me I need to get to 125 and continue and not cop out.

So I went to some other Kroger and did like 2 approaches. It was really bizarre because my mind was back to the state it was when I first started approaching a month ago, and was spending like all day out, not able to talk to a single girl, but my body knew how to approach. I was like "omg I have so much AA" again, but I saw a girl and just went up to her without thinking about it. I even pushed my second approach 2x (no exchange) like it was nothing. It was like an out of body experience or something.

Then I decided, fuck I just need to get this shit done and decided let me just do some daygame strats on Broadway and finish this up. I said I'd go up to 130 for the hell of it and it took me a while because the volume here actually sucks ass at 7pm. The only exchange I got was a fucking dominatrix who wants to "stab me".

Celebrated by buying myself an ice cream.

Yeah so I doubt I can do another 100+ session in a day here in Nashville now that I'm basically banned from my main source. I'm technically not banned from approaching on the side streets of the campus but I kind of don't want to approach there anyway for now. I think if today's milestone event didn't happen, I probably could have gotten 140-150 given the volume patterns at Vanderbilt. I wasn't really thinking about the number of approaches I'd done up until that point and was just zoned in. I only got caught up in the last 23 because I really wanted to finish this day off and do what I set out to do.
This shit has basically skyrocketed my confidence. For the first time in my life, I actually feel like a *THREAT*. Up until now I just felt like some submissive bitchboy who couldn't stand up for himself, but I basically kept a level, but firm head throughout all of today's incidents. I never apologized but I never raised my voice or got angry, and I felt a zen that I've never felt in my life. Also this is just theory, but I think I'm really not going to be pussing out on making moves on girls in the future, or at least this will significantly contribute to that. I say this because the only reason I was able to makeout with that one girl last week was because I was like "dude you literally spent a whole month approaching, are you really gonna fuck it up now". Now I'm like "dude you literally got BANNED from being on a campus, are you gonna fuck it up now". We'll see though.
I also determined I don't even want to fuck with online dating until I get laid once from approach. I can't see myself being this driven and motivated from OLD at this point. Maybe when I have more sexual experience and I want other avenues of sex I'll take it more seriously, but I feel like pushing cold approach to the limit is forcing me to break myself down and man up. I'm also a masochist in that sense.
I feel like today's social climate+my natural inclinations want me to just be some submissive gayboy in order to comply with this world. But that's not what I want and I'm gonna continue pushing for what I want in life.

Future plans
- I'm gonna go through my contacts (I have like 50-60 that I've not shot a message to yet) and see if any of them will go on a date with me, but I'm not expecting even 1 to say yes.
- I'll probably approach in stores and more low profile venues. There's a guy in the daygame chat who had results from 10-20 approaches a day in those places and he has some tips for getting better results here (since he used to live here). I'll probably follow him for a while. I don't think I'll be doing any more approach marathons in Nashville, but we'll see.
- Going to start taking nightgame more seriously. I think it's easier to pull at night if you can find a receptive girl and I have a vague idea of what you're supposed to do but now I just need to execute it. So I'm gonna go out every night to Broadway. Approach is easy for me now, but advancing the interaction is still difficult so it'll be a good way to practice that.
Leaving Nashville tomorrow. I need to go back to my home city to do some quick errands tomorrow but I'm heading to Austin, TX on Tuesday. Will be staying there for probably 1~2 months, I'm not sure. I'm moving there because I have a circle of people there who are experienced with dating and day/nightgame, so it'll be nice to finally physically be around people who are having the lifestyle I want to have instead of just seeing it in online chats and forums.

I'll just post a recap of my time here for the past month.
- Went from lifetime ~100 to ~500 approaches. Learned from my friend in Austin that spam approaching with 20~30 sec interactions isn't effective and realized I was deliberately cutting the conversations too short and going for her number too quickly because I was avoiding the tension of the actual interaction (something that I probably wouldn't have had an issue with had I done the AA program first perhaps. But I've started to get better at this lately)
- Made out with a girl in a classroom from a cold approach instadate. Probably the best 5~10 minutes of my life.
- Got banned from a university for approaching 10% of all the girls on the campus in 5 days. I started running into a lot of girls who said I already came up to them, which isn't actually an issue during an approach, but I feel like since there were so many, they all told their friends, I probably got blackballed from getting dates. I don't think this is that far-fetched of a theory because I was told I was "all over social media", and even some random guy from the university somehow found my Instagram and messaged me there asking if I was a student. I had over 100 contacts in my phone at some point and got 1 (non-insta)date from being a pertinacious asshole over text. Had I done something like approach 10~15 girls a day on that campus and varied my approach venues more, I don't think this would have happened. Doing 100+ approaches in one day on that campus definitely exacerbated this.
- Started learning the basics of nightgame
- Probably more physical contact with girls than I've ever had for most of my life (mostly at night).
- Upgraded my style. I have everything from Radical's style guide and have been wearing it all the time. People have been commenting about random stuff I've bought from the guide, especially girls I approach, so that's a good sign. Also got an earring and dyed my hair. Not sure if the earring is doing anything but I've gotten comments about my hair. Also I love having a leather jacket haha. Even my friend in Austin who's a day/nightgame god said my style/looks are basically solid (without me asking) and said I look way better in person than I do from my pictures (so I need better pics of course).

My most glaring flaw, and it has been something I've been struggling with my whole life, is I tend to go hard for a week or two, and then fade away into oblivion for another few weeks. Like after I got banned from the university, I had a bunch of days where I was sleeping for 13-15 hours and then doing nothing all day. This chat screenshot from some weeks ago probably encapsulates this the best:

Some other things I need to work on:
- Handling anxiety at all levels of interactions with women. Before I got into approach, I thought it would be smooth sailing once I gained the courage just to open a girl, but now I've opened a whole new box of anxieties. Physical contact anxiety, tension anxiety during a conversation, escalation anxiety, etc. I think I've gotten over physical contact anxiety about 70~80% now though since it's the first one I identified. Getting better with tension. Have a long way to go with escalation.
- I think the reason for my anxiety ends up just boiling down to rejection. Like I'm pretty impervious to approach rejection but I still haven't deeply internalized embracing rejection at all the other stages. I've been doing more nightgame lately because at night you're forced to see through an entire interaction with a girl instead of just having a short convo and then inviting her to meet later if she's busy.
- Doing nothing is a form of complaining.
- If I don't "like" something that would be highly effective, I need to get over myself and just do it anyway. Some examples of this are online dating, alcohol, and music they play at night. This is a perspective I did not have until I started with self-improvement. For OLD, I just wanted to be away from social media and the online world in general, but it's obviously necessary for someone to use if they have no experience. I don't really like alcohol, but having a couple drinks while out at night puts you on the same level as the girls you're trying to hook up with, it's actually a calibration. Lately I've just been taking a shot before I go out since it's quick, and finding a few alcoholic drinks I actually don't mind when I'm out. And you can learn to get into music you previously didn't like to some degree. Complaining and refusing to do things like that is making things harder for no reason.
- Making sure I eat enough calories. I had a solid 2 or 3 weeks where I was eating 3000 calories a day but lately I've dipped back to my 1500~2000 calorie habits and I've noticed my lifts plateauing again. 3000 calories works for me (haven't been logging my gym routines lately because I've been pretty regular with going to the gym)

I wrote down a list of things I need to do when I reach Austin and some mindsets when I'm there, but I won't preemptively post them here because I feel like I'll just be jinxing myself. Will give myself the reward of talking about them when I actually do them instead of just saying what I'm going to do and then not doing it.
Just moved to Austin. Did some Tinder swiping+3 boosts and got some matches but I'm not going hard enough on it yet.

0/10 at night

First approach was literally grinding on me but eventually went to the bathroom bc I didn't bother escalating further. I guess it was a warmup haha.

Grabbed 2 girls' asses in one night for the first time.

First one was receptive and we were dancing and she said I was a "good dancer". Then her friend grabbed her away from me.

Second one literally introduced me to her boyfriend the moment I started groping her ass.

Approached some other girl whose friend told me 2-3x that she was her girlfriend. Kept telling me to gtfo (just signaling with her arm, wasn't aggressive) Introduced myself to her at first. After her last gtfo I told them to kiss in front of me. They did. I thought of that on the fly from winging my interactions.

Starting to feel really confident at night lol. Glad I did those Halloween sessions in Nashville before coming here to Austin.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Why the fuck not? You paid for those boosts.

First night I was here I used a boost but then I was socializing with everyone in this house I'm temporarily crashing at until I get my own place.

Last night I accidentally used a boost when I was about to leave and only got like 10 mins of it. Then I accidentally double boosted instead of staggering them. Got confused at the prompt when the boost ended haha.

"Going hard" basically just means actually following Manganiello's guide for me. I got pictures and if I don't get good results after a week or so of "going hard" I'll get new ones. That statement was just an acknowledgement that I need to do it properly more than anything.