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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

Dewm said:
I've found walking around with inserts makes my feet and legs hurt if im doing a lot of walking. I'm 6' though so height isn't my issue but hey i'll never deny an extra inch.

I used to have it in my sig but I'm 5'5". I used to care a lot about it, now I don't give a fuck, but if I really don't give a fuck then I should be okay with using inserts to increase it when I can. weird logic i guess haha
LOL let 'em ban.

You ban them back!

Harder, with more gusto!!

Keep hammering, and one day, the banee, will become the banner!!

Solid work all round, you are a robotic approach machine, and I like it, lol.

I started writing this log last night but I ended up falling asleep in the middle of it. Finishing it up now

As I said in my post yesterday, I want to divide some of my focus between approach and looks, rather than purely going for approach alone. I've gotten massive confidence and audacity gains from doing those long approach sessions in the past week and a half, but I want to experiment with some more laid back approach styles (investing more into the actual girl you're talking to instead of going for pure volume with soup, of course with the mindset that rejection is mileage, and you still have to embrace a rejection even if you have an 8 minute conversation with a "deep connection" (in fact, this is way harder than taking rejections on 30sec-1min approaches because you actually had to put yourself out there and "invest" in it)).

My biggest weakness for looks is that I've been fucking stuck at 138 lbs since I joined this forum. It's because while I've sporadically said "I'm going to eat 3000 calories a day", I've never been serious about staying consistent about that and I end up just always eating maintenance calories, so I plateau early on my lifts. So I'm going to start tracking that in my daily logs with Cronometer. Based on this calculator: https://www.calculators.org/health/weight-gain.php, if I eat ~3000 calories a day for the next 3 months, I should be 150 lbs by the new year. So I'm gonna track what I'm eating and post it as part of my daily log now.

Getting Jacked

I approximated the tacos since they were from some restaurant.

Also, I signed up and participated in boxing classes for the first time. I'll be doing that on days I'm not lifting.

Getting Edgy
Got this piercing (my first ever)

Also booked an appointment at the hair salon to intensify my highlights. I got highlights for the first time 2 weeks ago but they're too safe and not really noticeable imo.

Getting Laid
I did 6 daygame approaches just when I was going about my day. I'm not gonna talk about contact acquisition because it doesn't really matter for me now. Also I'm experimenting with being less soupy on the interaction. As I said earlier, I'm not extending the interaction to increase the likelihood of an exchange, but rather I'm seeing if it has an increased likelihood of not ghosting if I do get an exchange. This is based on the advice of the guy who used to approach in Nashville and got laid a lot from cold approach btw. I only care about this because I've not gotten a single regular date out of probably close to 70~80 contacts (I was expecting literally maybe 1 or 2)..

Also went out at night. I'm at square one with this and I'm gonna do a similar strategy to what I did with approach to increase my confidence at night. I set out to approach 1 girl and escalate some physical contact with her (if she rejects it, thats ok, "the approach is the success").

First attempt, there was this trio with dyed hair (wigs). I approach the one with red hair and she told me her name is "Blaze" lmao. Anyway we chat for a few minutes but then her friend like, spills her drink or something all over herself idk. Anyway, Blaze tells me to "hold on I'll get back to you" (not the first time I've been told this) and pats me on the shoulder. I decide to chill for a sec and then this biker dude shows up. He starts talking to me like "that's my sister, she's really crazy isn't she". I'm like "haha yeah, I just went up to her and started chatting, she seems cool. whats your name?" He thought I asked "what's her name?", and he immediately got ultra defensive and was like "I'm not telling you her name". I clarified that I was asking his name and then he told me and we chatted for maybe 30 more seconds and then I sat down again. Later this other chick comes up to me and introduces herself to me and is like "she's really hot isn't she". I'm like "yeah she is, i went up to her and started chatting" and she's like "her BOYFRIEND thinks she's hot too". i'm like lmaoooooo i'm getting tested. I reply "she doesn't have a boyfriend", "well she does but you're more than welcome to chill". Throughout all of these side-interactions, Blaze is still dealing with her friend's ?????? and I decide to eject out of the venue after a minute.

Second attempt, I walk into a karaoke bar and go to the back. See a trio and open a girl. This one is more normal. I start chatting with the girl and she tells me she's 30. lacroix told me to take a pic with the girl I approach so I asked the girl if we could take a selfie and she said sure! This was also a bit of a "hack" to get my arm around her, but I didn't keep it there. We chatted for a few more minutes and I decided to tell her we should go outside where it's quieter and chill there. I pushed 1-2x (she was saying I wanna accompany my friends), but then I just asked for her number if we could hang out later and she said she has a boyfriend. Decided to end the interaction by extending my arms out for a hug lol.

So dunno if either of these count really, but I got a little more progress with the second attempt? I definitely need to be way more pushy and more physical early on.

Anyway I'm gonna try this again next time. Also I'm very open to any nightgame advice y'all might have based on these two attempts.
I'll edit this part with what I ate today in a bit. Just writing this log from my phone while I wait for my 3 am pizza to be cooked.

I need to buy a scale here so I'll start updating my weight tomorrow.

Squats 3x5 - 150 lbs
Bench 8/8/10/8 - 135 lbs, 5 - 145 lbs
Deadlift 8 - 135 lbs, 5 - 185 lbs, 5 - 260 lbs
Upright Rows 3x8 - 80 lbs

My former olympic weightlifter roommate gave me a new program idea so starting next week, I'll be changing my workout up.

Total: 1/4

I did 2 approaches at the gym and 2 approaches when I was out doing errands. Had a really whiny day though that can be summed up by this image:

Image in the pic is me complaining that about getting 0 replies to 20 of my contacts ghosting me when I soup texted.

So I do need to spend at least an hour a day approaching. And I mean the Mike Mehlman style pinball approaching. Even after only 2 days of not doing mass approach, I already felt way too in my head and whiny throughout the day. Approaching 16 girls in 20 minutes is the only way I can maintain my audacity and confidence 🤷

Plus the way the Nashville guy said to approach is predicated upon me being super jacked and having high SMV. While I'm focusing on maxing that out now, it seems like all I can do in the meanwhile is high volume approach. And when I do fewer approaches in a day, I already lose drive and confidence even after a couple days. I'll probably experiment with his way on my day to day approaches but simultaneously do high volume sessions.

Physical screens: 2

My goal was the same as last night, initiate physical screening with 1 girl.

x - I open a girl from a trio pretty normally (I call her cute), and we start chatting. Shortly after, some other dude shows up and tells the ladies he'll pay one of them $20 to dance with him. They all non-react and so he pushes $25 on one of the girls and they dance (even though nobody else was dancing). Kind of amusing and me and the girl I opened giggle about it. But I couldn't get any physical contact going so this doesn't count. Eventually the girls are like "we're gonna go pee" and I dip.
1 - pussed out for 20 minutes and then just went up to her (trio sitting down). tapped her on the arm, she looked at me, and i immediately put my arm around her and tell her she's hot. I get pretty much immediately declined with bf. but this was a big epiphany for me because I realized it's way easier and more effective to just to initiate the physical contact before saying anything. In fact, you don't need to verbally open a girl to do screening (unlike daygame). The main point of value here is that had I not put my arm around her, we would have had a 4 minute conversation about whatever, and then I would say something to advance the discussion and THEN she would decline me. So this is how I can really quickly screen girls and potentially go for high volume in the future.
x - after pussing out for 7 minutes, i tap girl on arm, say let's dance. she says something and immediately scurries off.
x - tap girl on arm, point out 2 ppl dancing like crazy and say "yo lets dance like those guys" and put my arm out. she says "no thanks" and her friend takes her arm and says that she's taken.
x - stare at a girl for 6 minutes and then she leaves. holy fuck i haven't had this bad of a non-approach since mid august
2 - goldfish told me to not even ask the girl to dance and just do it. had to use "the time to hesitate has ceased", but after pussing out for 1-2 mins I tap her on the arm. then i just grab her hand and we start dancing for a minute or two. I twirl her around a few times and then I grab her waist. She dips after 5 seconds so I decide to chase her for fun to try to get her back. I guess she wasn't playing a game cuz she latched onto a gay looking dude so I dipped haha. What I love about this interaction is we said 0 words to each other.

Yeah so I'm gonna screen 3 girls tomorrow night (or close one). I have a lot of "screening anxiety" but hopefully like approaching, if I keep just increasing the number of girls I screen a night, it won't be a big deal and I can start doing high-volume sessions at some point.

So my new strategy is just immediately get my arm around a girl before I say anything, because she'll either immediately decline me (default) or accept it and THEN we can have a convo. And if it's a dance floor, just immediately grab her hands and start dancing, then go for the waist and see what happens.
Weight: 141.0 lbs
I've been trying to eat out more and eating larger/more meals throughout the day. Hard to count the calories but I'll record my weight. My weight shot up in the past few days because I ate a whole pizza within a 12 hour time span 2 days ago, plus I've just been trying to eat whenever I have the opportunity. The only macro I care about is getting enough protein, otherwise I am just doing a "dirty bulk". I know cutting will be really easy for me if I start looking phat, but first I have to get to that point.

Total: 0/8
Ended up taking a 3 hour nap for no reason when I intended on going out to get a quick sesh. Bad excuse, but I went out anyway. Low volume around the uni, and I pussed out a lot at the mall. I feel like I dropped 4 or 5 rungs on the audacity ladder and I'm caring too much about outcome orientation again.

Physical screens: 3
Receptive/Neutral: 2
Unreceptive: 1

Receptive/Neutral is if the girl lets me keep my arm around her and doesn't decline me for the duration of the interaction. Unreceptive is if she does decline me.

I went out to Broadway a bit late, around 11pm, but I was able to screen a girl pretty much immediately upon walking into the first club.
1 - quad at a table. tap her to get her attention, put arm around her as usual. tell her she's cute. says thank you. ask what she's doing tonight. hanging with friends. ask if i can pull up a chair and chill. she's like we ALL have boyfriends. I'm like you ALL have boyfriends? she's like yeah we ALL do. i leave

Then I pussed out for over an hour. I don't know why I was able to do that initial screen so easily, but then I had mad anxiety for the next hour.
x - spot a girl from above, go down on the floor, can't find her. there were probably like 4 or 5 other girls I could have just screened but I just pussed out instead and left.
x - quad, 20s hottie at a table with 60yo women. some bigass dude was kinda talking to them, and then he bought the table drinks. The moment I saw this, I perceived this screen as extremely dicey. I bought a $9.32 drink for myself and literally sat at the bar for 20 minutes. Then they all got up and started dancing a bit. Thought about trying to dance with the girl but I instead stood for another 10 minutes. I eventually just left.
x - rooftop bar, duo. I see them on the dance floor and do nothing. I go to the bar to chill, and they come over there. I do everything in my power to look away from them....wtf

Then it started fucking raining. I'm like lol this is what you get for pussing out for an hour, but I had to get 3 screens done tonight so I couldn't go home. Walk into another place, and had to use "the time to hesitate...has ceased" again
2 - quad. tap her on the shoulder, put my arm around her.
me: hey you're pretty
her: thanks
me: whats your name
her: [name]
me: what are you doing tonight
her: i'm out with my friends
me: thats cool what do you do for work
her: [occupation]
me: cool im a software engineer
me: how old are you, like 25?
her: I'm 39
me: thats cool im into that
Tension was way too high for me and I couldn't continue the convo or escalate from here, so I just leave again. But this chick was pretty neutral and I should have continued the interaction.

Still raining hard AF, I go into another bar soaked. See a hottie 2-3in taller than I.
3 - solo, tap her on the shoulder. put my arm around her.
me: hey i think you're really cute
her: thanks!
me: whats your name
her: [name]
me: we should go out and run in the rain
*she laughs* her: its raining?? ugh i hate when it rains i dont wanna do that
me: so what are you doing tonight
her: im waiting for my friend she's in the bathroom
me: what are those drinks you're holding
her: tequila pineapple vodka
me: that sounds fucking gross
*she laughs*
me: how old are you
her: im 21
I think we had another 30 sec of convo but I don't remember. Tension felt way too high again and I dipped. This one seemed pretty receptive to me too, but I couldn't escalate.

So while I still have a degree of screening anxiety, I'm kind of getting the hang of it. On the other hand, with nightgame you also have to escalate and I definitely have MAD escalation anxiety. I think my high volume cold approach gave me an advantage to approach alright at night and I have some tricks to help me pull the trigger when I really can't do it (the time to hesitate has ceased), but on the other hand I have no conversational skills under high tension. I can hold a 4 hour conversation if it's just casual, but all of that goes out the window when I'm physically in a girl's presence, and I just flee after a few minutes without advancing the interaction.

I'll probably read some GLL stuff today but my plan for tonight should be "screen x girls until you get a receptive/neutral one, don't cop out so early during the interaction, and then ATTEMPT an escalation". Probably will think of 10 questions or so to ask the girl, and relax a bit more so I can deregulate myself more easily.
Mostly uneventful and chill Sunday, but posting to be consistent.

Scale said I was 145 but I ate a lot of food today??? I'll edit this tomorrow morning with my weight after I wake up.
- Kashi GO 12g protein cereal
- 2 cups whole milk
- 30g protein shake
- clementine
- bigass Chipotle burrito with brown rice, beans, brisket, sour cream, cheese, salsa, queso. chips and salsa
- 2 cups whole milk while chilling with housemates
2 am meal:
- Ate half of a 16 in calzone because i realized i probably didnt get 3000 cal earlier. probably should be good now

I spent more of today just changing various aspects of my style, including intensifying my hair highlights and spending $386 on clothes. I'll do another photoshoot at some point but here's approximately what I ended up coming up with.
View attachment 1

I bought a leather jacket, black jeans, gray jeans, and ripped black jeans (all skinny fit).

Did 1 daygame approach for the lolz. Was at the laundromat and opened a duo. Apparently the girls in the duo were gay. Here's how that went:

^unfortunately this is true lmfao. but one day it'll work....................................
Good start, you need better shoes

Combat boots for the edge, or lo white tennis shoes for something a little more refined
Okay, the Walmart scale I bought sucks ass, so I'm just going to weigh myself everytime I'm at the gym.
Weight: 139.2 lbs

btw, I post my gym sessions in case anyone wants to critique them. I'm trying something new where I focus on an exercise+assistance work for that exercise to blow it up faster. Also experimenting with incrementing the weight during the workout if the lift feels "easy" So we'll see how that goes over the coming months.
Bench Press - 155x5/155x5/160x5/160x5/165x3(failed)/155x3 -> next: 165 5x4
Close Grip Bench Press - 115 3x8 -> next: DB Bench Press 40 3x8
Weighted Pullups - 25x5/25x5/25x5/25x4(failed)/20x5 -> next: 25 5x5
DB Rows - 50 3x8 -> next: Lat Pulldown: ??? 3x8

- 40g protein shake from gym
- Finished other half of 16 in calzone
- 30g protein shake with soy milk
- 300g chicken thighs
- 2 cups whole milk
- lots of slices of ham
- Kashi GO 12g protein cereal
- 6 egg yolks
^btw, does anyone have ideas for how to calorie count/nutrition fact food from out? i mean popular restaurants have nutrition facts on cronometer, but not local ones. I know the biggest pitfall "hardgainers" have is overestimating how many calories they eat so I just want to make sure I don't run into that. One of my strategies has been "do the opposite of weight loss advice", so I've been eating out whenever I can, and ordering something large.
Regardless, I'm pretty sure the above is >3000 calories.

1 gym approach. happened to be a trainer. said she wasn't available this week and isn't looking for anything but exchanged anyway. Definitely saw other cute girls at the gym but I didn't feel like approaching (including one that came next to me while I was doing pullups and we chatted for a sec). I don't feel anxiety, but more malaise? I think the malaise comes from expecting too much from the only 300~400 approaches I've done, and I don't feel the drive I did in the past few weeks. I know you're not supposed to be outcome-oriented and my motto is even "rejection is mileage" but I really need to internalize it better.

Random thoughts
I was gonna write a long section about some latent thoughts I had, but I realized writing them out and discussing them is solidifying them for no reason. It was basically a bunch of extrapolations I've made about women and my perspectives, but they're faulty because I have no experience lol. I mainly need to stfu and continue progressing.

I didn't do a daygame sesh because of my bad time management. I'll just try to retrace my day here:
11:30 - woke up (I need to get up earlier, especially on gym days)
12:00 - gym
13:00 - breakfast (took forever to eat it, was eating it until 15:30)
13:30 - work meeting
14:00 - putting some clothes away
14:30 - i think i was eating and screwing around on my computer, and noodling on my guitar?
15:30 - go to cafe to get work done (i didnt get that much done but a somewhat ok amount?)
19:30 - came home and spent more time on the computer and probably noodling on my guitar
21:00 - dinner
talked with my housemate until around 23:30 about girls and etc. tbh I think when I first joined the forums and before that I just wanted a gf but I don't know how to get that at all (as in the normie committed type of relationship that most of my friends have), plus with a gf I feel like I have to care about commitment and etc and now I literally get off to the idea of brute force approaching hundreds of girls a week and hooking up with them once. but all of this is just fantasy and speculation from having no experience lol.
on the computer up until now (01:30), gonna go to bed and try to wake up earlier. i REALLY need to work on time management, especially now that i'm back to work again.

edit: thought I DO want to solidify by expressing it

Either I can complain about my disadvantages and do absolutely nothing and get no outcomes, or I can give myself a chance now that I *have* the power and awareness to change myself.

I've always thought about "what can I do RIGHT NOW" to make my situation better, and I feel like I lost sight of that in the past few days. so I'm gonna start actively thinking about that again
In terms of muscle gain, it is slow progress. Getting two pounds of muscle a month is VERY good I think. That means that there is absolutely no point in measuring your weight frequently. Eating much, when you go to the restroom, how much water is stored in your connective tissue and so on make differences of much more than two. Measuring daily or even weekly will give you nothing but noise and distracting data that is of absolutely no use to you except for distracting you.

I recommend weighing yourself once a month in the morning before breakfast after going to the restroom. NOT more often. You might get months where you have gained no weight on the scale but that is just randomness in measurement of the mentioned factors. The noise will hide your progress even on a monthly scale, so don't be discouraged.

Instead of tracking your weight closely, track your workouts and muscle aches. If you do a full-body workout every 2-3 day and have a good muscle ache the day after and you have a significant caloric surplus, you WILL gain muscle. It's that simple. Track these things closely which you can control, not the fucking data noise of frequent weight measurement.

Just to avoid confusion: Alternating muscle groups and going to the gym more frequently works too of course. Muscle aches are not necessary for muscle growths but a good indicator that you have done enough to get overload.

Would really like to pitch in my opinion on your cold approach stuff as well, but I am not experienced enough at all to give advice on that yet.
CainGettingLaid said:
Would really like to pitch in my opinion on your cold approach stuff as well

I'm open to cold approach advice (from anyone). While I did massive volume in the past 2 weeks, I didn't end up getting any dates from any of them (not including instadates, since those are "convenient"). I've been following Mike Mehlman's style closely for the most part and keeping my approaches short and playing the numbers game. Here's most of my approaches (where the girl is receptive)

me: hey [this is really random but], (i thought) you're really cute/hot/attractive/pretty. [maybe some compliment on a specific feature if applicable, like hair, style, or makeup]
her: thanks!
me: whats your name
her: [name]
me: i'm colgate. what are you up to right now
her: [whatever she's up to]
me: (if free): let's go grab a coffee/tea/bite together right now
her: [response, if yes, instadate. if no, continue]
me: well i think we should hang out sometime when you're free. let me get your number/exchange contacts
her: ok [gives me number and i type into phone]
me: ok im gonna shoot you a text real fast with my name
me: alright have a good day/it was nice meeting you/etc

Occasionally, I might have a longer chat with the girl if I feel like it but that's maybe on 5-10% of my approaches. If I'm really trying to get volume, I basically play "pinball" and keep the interactions short to talk to a lot of girls.
If you’re really looking to gain weight try Gallon of Milk a Day (GOMAD) I gained 30lbs in a month. One of the worst decisions I have ever made in terms of my fitness lol. It was all fat.
Didn't wanna write this last night because I was tired.
- Whole Foods Pizza (~520 cal)
- Whole Foods Breakfast Burrito (~800 cal)
- 2 cups whole milk
- 30g protein shake
- 300g chicken thighs
- lots of slices of ham
^dont think i hit 3000 cal yesterday. was trying to "space out" my meals more and having more meals but ended up just not eating enough

Did an "actual" sesh again, at the mall. 9 straight rejections and then some girl was bored so we got Starbucks. I did the first 4 approaches in like 5 minutes and then I got stuck in line for 35 minutes at Zara because I wanted to buy something.
Notable Approaches:
Opened a Tennessee Titans cheerleader in line at Zara. We had a longer convo because I was also bored waiting in line. Said she was catering her family so she couldn't hang out. Said "her boyfriend probably wouldn't like it" if we exchanged, I pushed 1x for the lolz (I think she was ultra """receptive""" to me up until that point because she too was waiting in line, also I would think cheerleaders get hit on all the time and they'd rather keep a positive energy up. regardless i didnt want to do something like push 11x here, esp since she was basically captive to me in line).
Girl starts giggling when I open her.
me: whats your name
her: *giggling* im good!!!
me: ok good, what are you up to today
her: *giggling and walking away*
Girl that declines me immediately scurries into the next store because I keep walking in the same direction and don't change my pace.
Instadate was this ultra hottie who gets approached a lot. I think she just wanted free Starbucks lolz. I tried pulling 5x but no dice. Here's how that went:
*talked about music for a bit*
attempt 1: we should listen to music at my place
her: omg no we just met
(i wait some minutes, more convo)
attempt 2: yeah so anyway let's go listen to some music at my place
her: we can just listen to it here /pulls out phone and plays some stuff/
(i listen to the music for a bit)
her: sorry if you can't hear it i dont wanna play it loudly
attempt 3: thats why we should listen to music at my place we can play it as loud as we want
her: omg no
(more convo, i play some music i like from my phone, etc)
attempt 4: lets continue this at my place
her: omg no
(more banter)
attempt 5: ok i gotta go. come with me to my place it's right here.
her: lol nooo. but lets get brunch later this week what's your phone number

So since she invited me for brunch, that means she's gonna ghost. I think I did what I could have here lol. I pussed out on going for the kiss at the end and only hugged. Next time I need to *really* engrain the mindset of "I'm never going to see this chick again so let's be aggressive".
But I need to approach more and increase my mileage, I haven't approached 20-40 girls 4+ days a week for 6 months yet so it's too early to say anything, and I need more experiences.

I drove all the way to Broadway and was going to go out, but I got into a rather pointless philosophical discussion about approaching women with my Japanese friend and I got demotivated. It's probably obvious to everyone else here, but I really need to quit doing that shit. It's such a waste of time, and I lose focus. I'm too new and too inexperienced to be doing things like "taking a step back" and etc.
stop whining
stop procrastinating
stop malaise
stop anxiety
stop extrapolating
stop philosophizing
stop analyzing
stop "taking a step back"
do the work
Not the best day ever, but not the worst day I suppose haha.

REALLY BAD time management at the beginning of the day. I set my alarm to 9:00am and didn't end up actually getting out of bed until noon.

CainGettingLaid was right. I'm not gonna bother weighing myself tbh, maybe at most every month or something. The gym scale read 143 lbs and I'm like there's no fucking way that's right haha. I think digital scales all just suck in general and if I really wanted accuracy, I need an oldschool analog scale with the weights.
Overhead Press - 105x5/105x5/110x5/110x4(failed)/100x5 -> next: 110 5x4
Dips - 0x5/10x5/20x5/20x5/20x5 -> next: 25 5x5
Squats - 155x5/165x5/175x5 -> next 175 5x5. I really underestimated my squat lol.
No approaches (I pussed out on quite a few girls), but I did go up to 2 girls using a squat rack and asked them if I could join their rotation. They hesitatingly complied haha. Also I should have done some core today but all the machines were being used and I was in a hurry to go home. Need to make sure I wake up earlier so I don't come during rush hour.

- 4 cups whole milk
- 6 egg yolks
- Kashi GO 12g protein cereal
- 40g protein shake (from gym)
- bigass chipotle burrito and chips
- ordering a pizza rn to chow. def not even close to 3000 cals otherwise
- prob need to make a protein shake too

Spent some time at work but my computer is fucking slow as hell and now I'm trying to tell my boss to get me a new one. That being said, I persevered on trying to get around it but I didn't get real work done.

Had a world-class session today. 1/1.
Was eating at Chipotle where I saw a cute girl in line. Waited for her to pay for her meal and then approached. I invited her to eat with me but she said she had to go study so we just exchanged. DM me for my bootcamp on how to get a 100% exchange rate from cold approach (jk no ban pls).

It was almost gonna be 0 approaches (I think I've approached at least once everyday in Nashville so that would have been unfortunate if my streak broke), but lacroix was out starting his session so I felt I had to make at least one approach haha.

I wanted to do a real session today but my time management was awful.

Physical screens: 2
Receptive/Neutral: 1
Unreceptive: 1
Comments on my girls' size 11-12 pink anime girl hoodie that I bought yesterday: 5

Was almost literally going to do nothing and stay at home all night, but some of Manganiello's recent stories have been motivating me so I felt I had to make the bare minimum effort of at least driving to Broadway. Started off by just scoping places.

Then I did my first indirect approach ever on some duo in the street:
me: hey do you guys wanna do some karaoke
them: no
me: really?
them: really.
I need to stop asking and start demanding lol. Also I don't know why I indirectly approached them.

Then I pussed out for 30 minutes on this chick in some venue and she left. rip.

Went somewhere else and pussed out for another 10 minutes. The clock struck midnight and I decided to screen the conveniently placed Asian girl 2 tables away from me. Told me she had a boyfriend instantly. So yeah, I think my screening method is alright so far if I have the balls to actually do it.

Was gonna go home, but decided man I really need to do a screen where I don't wait around for 51 hours and I just immediately go up to her. So I went back and tried another one.

Waited like 1-2 mins and narrowed in on a duo that 2 or 3 other guys were kinda hovering. Tapped her on the shoulder and grabbed her hand and said "i think you're cute, let's dance". She had her phone kind of in her hand but she was putting her purse further up on her shoulder to grab my other hand. She kinda looked confused with her phone hand so I took her phone from her hand and pushed it to her friend.
me: "hold this"
friend: "why?????"
me: "cuz im gonna dance with her"
Her friend just complied. I did my whatever dancing with the girl and twirled her and etc. Her friend is like "you're a terrible dancer". I just said "I don't give a fuck" and continued. Saw one of the hovering guys from earlier eyeing me but I reacted zero.
Later the girl was trying to tell me something and I literally could not understand her. Put my arm around her and kept saying "I don't know what you're saying". Eventually, her friend grabbed her back like "now I'm dancing with her" and I ejected lol. Overall, pretty fun interaction haha. I could have pushed it farther if I knew what to do (maybe I should have been like "let's get out of here so I can actually hear you"), but just trying to get my nightgame mileage in.

Anyway, wrt nightgame, I've read a good chunk of GLL stuff but if anyone has specific advice based on what I'm doing, I'm open to hearing it. Trying to overcome my "screening anxiety". I looked at the GLL nightgame program and I don't think I need to do it, because it seems to mostly resolve approach anxiety at night, which I've mostly overcome (if I just had to go up to girls and ask for their number at night, I could do that ez. but since I've decided to immediately screen upon the approach, I have a degree of anxiety). But yeah, I'm open to hearing feedback about my various interactions.
Very strange and unproductive day today, but I don't feel bad about it somehow. tl;dr: I slept 14 hours today because every time I went to sleep I had intense erotic dreams.

I've had a lot of issues with time management since I've joined the forums, and one of the reasons is because I don't want to wake up early enough. There was a period of time when I was in Chattanooga and approaching, and here in Nashville when I was approaching 1-2 weeks ago where I didn't have as much of a problem with it (I was naturally waking up around 9:30am), but this week I've had a lot of trouble with it, but for a different reason.

I didn't say this on the forums but when I came to Nashville 2 weeks ago, I decided I would only come if it was with a girl. So I haven't fapped for the past 20 or so days (and I still haven't).

For the past 3-4 nights, every time I fall asleep I have really sexual dreams where I kiss and hookup with random girls (some girls I fabricate, others are those I approached in Nashville). When I open my eyes in the morning (around 8-9am ish), I really want to return to those dreams so I go back to sleep. In the past few days, I begrudgingly got myself out of bed around noon and kind of in a bad mood, because I just wanted to return to those sexual dreams. Even when I take a nap in my car it happens.

Today, I decided to just indulge myself and see what happens. I woke up a few times (one to take a call with my boss, and another to eat a snack), but I basically slept for like 14 hours total. It felt really good to just pretend the real world didn't exist and I could just go back to my erotic dreams and be satisfied. I think this continuous sleeping became a drug. I finally woke up for real at like 7:45pm and I strangely didn't feel like shit or something, but I kind of just felt nothing. So I guess it really was a drug. Tbh, I could have kept sleeping, I didn't really want to stop but I decided I should cut it for now.

- 2 cups whole milk
- 6 egg yolks
- a bunch of almonds
- burger and loaded bacon+cheese+onion fries
- 10 in pizza

0/2 lmao.
1 - duo smoking weed in an alleyway. I pussed out for a good minute and then I walked over and saw them walking out. Really awkward interaction after I opened one of them, cuz i didn't know what to say haha.
me: can i get some weed lmfao
her: we're all out
me: uh ok can i get your number
her: uh we're just trying to get dinner
2 - in the restaurant, married

I don't know what the fuck happened to me and why I'm not going out and approaching. I'm just spiraling or something.

Physical screens: 1?

Really did not want to go out at all. Went to some rooftop bar playing a bunch of shitty music but I put myself in the middle of the dance floor and tried to get into it. Some dude complimented my leather jacket which was nice.

Went somewhere else, didn't see anyone I liked, and I kind of just stayed there, but eventually had the balls to leave.

Last place, I was dancing a bit and decided to just maintain eye contact with this other girl dancing. I'd never tried this since I used to have a big issue with looking people in the eye, but approaching a lot 2 weeks ago kind of indirectly made me stop darting my eyes away when people would look at me. Anyway, she started looking at me and smiling and came towards me and we started making up our own dance. Then she came towards me and asked what my name was. I asked hers but I couldn't hear it so I put my arm around her and at some point I got it. Then I took her hand for the next song and we danced some more. She actually twirled me a few times which hasn't happened to me before. At some point she asked if there were any girls I liked and I said "you". She was like "oh no no no" and then her friend butted in like "we're here on a bachelorette party, we're gonna go". I ejected before they did though lol. Kind of a weird interaction.
colgate said:
- 6 egg yolks
are you eating the whites too? There’s a lot of protein in the egg whites which helps build muscle. Yolks are good too as there are a lot of good fats in the yolk. Just curious.
Dewm said:
are you eating the whites too? There’s a lot of protein in the egg whites which helps build muscle. Yolks are good too as there are a lot of good fats in the yolk. Just curious.

I'm not a diet expert and I have to find the source (or maybe it's broscience), but I think I read somewhere that consuming both the whites and the yolks raw prevents certain nutrients from being absorbed from the the yolks. The only reason I don't cook the eggs is because it's just faster to eat em raw lol. Maybe I should stop being lazy and just cook the damn eggs haha, I think cooked eggs are supposed to be more nutritious anyway.
Check out the r/gainit subreddit great tips for guys that are very lean to bulk up. I’m on the other end of the spectrum I’ve always been a fat boy so maybe we can meet in the middle lol. Keep up the great work dude! Also while I’ve never had a serious nofap commitment, but I did just start one last night, I have sex dreams all the time. One time I was really enjoying the company and conversation of my friend that I was extremely attracted to but I was also horny. I realized I was dreaming and lucid dreamed her a twin of herself to suck my dick while I continued on out stimulating conversation nonchalantly. Ha ha I wonder what the subtext is there?
Uneventful day, recording for the sake of accountability

Squat 5x5 - 175x5/175x5/185x5/195x5/195x5 -> next: 205 5x4
Bench 5x4 - 165x4/165x4/170x2(failed)/165x1(failed)/155x5 -> next: 170 5x3
DB Bench 3x10 - 40x10/40x12/40x14
Leg Raises - 30/20

- bigass chipotle burrito and chips
- 2/3 of a 12 in pizza
- 2 cups whole milk
- protein shake
- 20g protein drink

0/4. 3 at the gym, 1 at the grocery store.

Actually got some work done today, but I could have done more. I'm gonna try to catch up on it this weekend so it's out of my mind.

365 project
I hate the music every time I go to the rooftop bars at night, and I think I have to learn how to like it and get down to it by continual exposure or something. In the meanwhile, I started making something that I'd rather hear instead.