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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

Decided not to vape today, because I don't want vape crashes to waste me a whole day, had pretty ok energy I guess lol

Broadway: 2/25~30 in ~1h
University: 1/6, 1 instadate declined pull but exchanged, will probably ghost
Park: 0/4, 1 instadate declined pull, didn't bother trying to exchange

As expected, high rejections on Broadway, literally all dicey approaches. I don't know how you're supposed to do an instadate from a group and that's pretty much all I had to work with. There were a lot of people, but surprisingly low volume (mostly older folk).

Main plan was (based on the recommendation from someone from the daygame chat who used to live here) was:
1. open the girl
2. say I'm gonna go to this karaoke bar at 10pm tonight and you/y'all should come
3. exchange.
4. if multiple girls show up it'll just make you look cooler. then you have a selection of girls to choose from and you can go for a pull on one of them.

I'll be going there tonight just to chill, not expecting anyone to show up and attempt some night game (haven't done night game in a while lol), I'll write about that later.

For the most part, I was just playing pinball with every bachelorette party and group of hot girls. I zoned in on one girl and pretty much ignored the rest and got varying reactions.
- I only got one exchange from a bachelorette party, and another exchange from a trio sitting and eating at the food court.
- Many girls would say "I'll be there" but then refuse to exchange, even if I pushed 2-3x. Admittedly I could have been a bit pushier with some, but I was new to this area and didn't feel as confident. I don't expect any of these girls to show up.
- Sometimes I would open a shier girl and then the alpha female would cut me off and say she has a boyfriend and that she doesn't have time for this, etc. I wasn't able to challenge any of them today, but I think if I approach here a few more times I'll be able to.
- Probably at least 5 or 6 of my approaches had like a 2 second approach window. If I felt aggressive enough I cut off some groups walking into bars/clubs and opened a girl. The results I got from this ranged from just saying "thanks" when I opened them, to going all the way up to the exchange and saying "okay" but then going in the venue and ignoring me. Super dicey and spontaneous, and really good rejection practice.
- I think I can gauge my aggressiveness based on how many "I have a boyfriend but you're so bold!" reactions I get. This kind of reaction seems to be emotional consolation from the girl because I'm somehow coming off as nervous or non-aggressive. I used to get more of those early on in approach, but they declined over time. Then when I just arrived in Nashville I got a few on my low volume days. On Thursday I literally got none of them and even got an aggressively unreceptive girl. Today, I definitely had at least 1/3 of the girls I approach say that.

Notable approaches:
Girl declines but tells me I should give lessons to other guys on being forward.
I fucking hate this approach, worst approach of all time, and it happened to be the one my friend got on video:
me: "hey my name is [colgate] and I thought you were really hot"
her: "omg thanks you're so bold, but i'm married"
me: "oh lol ok"
her: "no really you should keep doing this!" *gives me a fucking hug*
*my deer in the headlights ass accepts the hug, lmfao*
Bunch of girls having their photo taken by a bunch of older women. Like 6-7 girls and 3-4 older women. I chill for a sec and when they're done I open one of the girls in front of everyone. She tells me "yeah we're all going out tonight with our boyfriends" and I'm like "haha whatever" and dip. Kinda hear them giggling afterwards like they just accomplished a mission.
Open a trio and she says she doesn't give her name out for "security purposes". Was about to literally start being like "okay Security Purposes, are you free tonight", but alpha female in the group gives me the "we're gonna eat lunch we dont have time for this" reaction, and I just dip. Later they're in front of us on the escalator. They're looking at me and I non-react. My friend, not knowing I had opened those girls, tells them "yo you lookin at my friend????" and they scurry off to the women's bathroom immediately upon reaching the top. But he still would have said that if he knew I opened them lmao.
One of the only two solo girls I opened. I don't know if this is really an "approach" because I was talking with my friend about "doing whatever the fuck you want" and she was some door girl who overheard us and said "yeah do whatever the fuck you want!" so I just went up to her immediately and opened her.
me: hey btw you're really hot
her: thank you!!!! hahahaha!
me: yo lemme get your number
her: haha, well i DEFINITELY have a boyfriend
me: oh yeah? you DEFINITELY have a boyfriend?
her: yep I definitely have a boyfriend!
me: are you sure you definitely have a boyfriend? i don't think you do
me: well let me DEFINITELY get your number
her: noooo! i definitely have a boyfriend
me: you're definitely going to give me your number
her: haha no sorry! i definitely have a boyfriend

Funny screw up from one of the numbers I got. I think I didn't get her number but I ended up getting her friend's (a girl named Ryan lol) and forgot to swap out the name. I don't remember haha:

I wonder if she'd have ghosted if I got the name right or didn't put her name in the confirmation text. Or what if she showed up and I called her Vanessa lmfao. Would be wild tbh.

I thought there would be some volume because I drove through here en route home back from Broadway to drop off my friend, but I show up an hour later and it's kinda dead. I open a girl who I like 100% knew was gonna be ultra unreceptive (sunglasses/PJs/messy hair) to take a rejection and she was straight up like said "not interested".

Later I see a girl sitting solo at a table and I open her, and she immediately accepts my instadate request. So we walk around a bit and then go to a Starbucks. She asks if I'm vaccinated and I'm like yeah, she's like "okay good...I just wanna be safe..." and I'm already like lol there's no way she'll pull. Anyway we got our drinks and then sit down outside. I go for a "let's listen to some tunes at my place" pull after discussing music we like and she's like "oh I have to meet some friends" and I'm like "when?". She says "oh whenever..." and I'm like "ok let's go to my place and then you can meet your friends afterwards" and she declines "they're kinda messaging me now and I wanna go now". I don't really bother pushing more and just acquiesce down to an exchange. I went for a hug but she was like "omg I'm scared of covid" so I just did a fistbump. I doubt this girl would have pulled and she'll probably ghost.

Kinda ehh volume and to be fair I think I actually pussed out on one or two girls. Decided to say "no you don't" to any girl who declined me with boyfriend and had some fun. Usually I just pushed 2-3x and dipped but I had this fun one where I think I pushed her over 10x in front of her friend:

her: I don't just give my number out
me: you should give it to me
her: but i barely even know you
me: yeah you can get to know me better lemme get your number
her friend: tell us more about yourself
*maybe like 2-3 min of conversation and me pushing*

^goes to show the length of the conversation has no effect on whether you'll get an exchange btw. I just felt like pushing really hard and having fun.

only part of that convo i remember is her friend being like "she's loosely seeing someone" and i was like "you can loosely see me too".

Then I ended on approaching a girl that looked kinda cute from far away, but was kinda ehhh up close. I decided just to approach for practice, and then to my surprise she accepted an "instadate". I was basically like "let's hang out in the park together and walk" and she was like ok lol. i wanted to see if walking with her for a bit would make me more attracted or something but i was like getting kinda more turned off the more i talked to her. she wasn't a bad person, i just really wasn't feeling it. i tried to go for a pull but she was like "well i live an hour away" and i didnt even bother pushing so i just said "alright nice meeting you" after maybe 10-15 mins and didn't even bother with an exchange lol. Sorry guys I'm really bad at lowering my standards lol.

Kind of an ok day I guess. Getting my rejection mileage in felt pretty alright but I didn't get as much as I wanted and I'm a bit disappointed in my second half of my session. But hey, way better than yesterday lmao.

I think my biggest issue now with approach has shifted from "approach anxiety" to "finding volume". I still puss out on maybe 1 in 20~30 girls but I think it's entirely handled for the most part. Now I need to make sure I go to the right places at the right time so I can get the volume I want.
Wanted a kind of easy Sunday so I chilled and did some approaches in the evening (don't know where to get good volume yet).

Whole Foods: 5/11, 1 instadate
Kroger: 0/3

Walked into Whole Foods a bit nervous because I'd never attempted an actual session here (only passive approaches if I happen to come here). No AA, but definitely felt really soft with my first few approaches. For example, I didn't even try pushing when a girl would decline, but not with bf (just not interested, etc).

Then I got surprised when a girl accepted my instadate proposal (but she said she had to go study after we ate). I felt very deer in the headlights about her accepting it, and I think I've felt very deer in the headlights every time a girl DOES accept my instadates. So it was just a very casual conversation for like 10-15 mins while eating. She asked "what I was doing here at whole foods" and I did say "I'm talking to all the cute girls here....jk!!!!" and she laughed at it. She ended the date first and said she needed to study (she was gonna study at the Whole Foods cafe) and I didn't even try to pull at first. I went up to her when she was studying and asked if she wanted to come over to my place after she was done but she declined with "I'm gonna be busy all week but I have your number". I'll text over the weekend maybe but def ghost lol.

Went to my car for a hot minute and was deciding whether to continue approaching at Whole Foods, and decided to keep going for a bit. When I started just seeing all of the same girls I talked to, I dipped and went to Kroger for maybe 5 minutes lol.

Notable approaches:
Hispanic girl says she doesn't speak English. I say "yo poquito habla espanol" (I don't actually know any Spanish lmfao). I just tell her to give me her phone number and she does
Open one girl in the freezer aisle, declined. See an ultra hottie immediately go into the same freezer aisle. I puss out for 15 seconds because this is an ultra dicey approach, probably the diciest I've ever done. Do the approach in front of the other girl I just opened, also declined. The other girl kinda looked at me I think lol.
I'm really glad I did this approach because this shot up my confidence and pushiness for the rest of my session
Open a girl who is literally leaving the store with her cart (like a 2 second approach window). Exchanged. It's always the approaches you don't make that would have exchanged.
Pushed a girl 5x and exchanged.
me: lemme get your number
her: ohh...i dont know if thats a good idea
me: it's a good idea you should give me your number
her: ohh....i dont really do that...idk....
me: you need to be more spontaneous, you only live life once. you should do it
her: yeah....maybe.......idk tho....
me: *pulls out phone* yeah so whats your phone number
her: uhhh...do you think its a good idea for me to give you my phone number
me: yeah it's a good idea what is it
her: uhhh...okay.........*exchanges*

The big lesson I learned from this approach is that if you feel nervous about approaching in a new venue, seek out and do some dicey approaches. It really amps up your mojo. I would have not been able to be this pushy at Whole Foods if I didn't do the previous ultra dicey approach in the freezer aisle.
Told a chick who said she's "into women" that we should have a threesome. Declined :(
Finally got this kind of reaction (was looking forward to it). Asian chick tells me I said the same thing to her roommate. I say "did I?" and she's like "you think we're all the same person huh" and scurries off. lmfao.

Probably should have used the threesome line on this chick too.

Later I went to Broadway. Kinda had low energy so I was like imma just chill for a bit. Watched some show for 20-30 mins at the Big Ass Honky Tonk, and scoped to see if anyone had any game to get some lessons, but no dice. I walk out about to dip and see this group of guys and girls discussing going to karaoke, and it's obvious to me the guys approached the girls and they didn't know each other. I butt in and ask if I can join and a girl is like only if you buy me a shot, so I'm like alright lol. I go with them inside and chill for a bit and kinda talk to her but other people. Then this one dude starts talking to the girl that I talked to earlier. I literally get a nightgame lesson in person, in like 2 minutes. He starts touching her waist kinda and she reciprocates and starts touching him, and then he kisses her and they start kinda kissing. I'm like, okay cool. Literally everything Chris from GLL says about nightgame is right. I dip out of the bar (I didn't buy the girl a shot btw haha) and realize a couple things from my past few experiences with girls at night.
- General guidelines for pulling a chick at night:
1. start talking to her and gauge if she's receptive
2. start touching her in some way (arm around her, etc)
3. go for a kiss
4. solo her out of the venue, somewhere away from the group
- A receptive female at night is always going to acquiesce to the most forward male
- The "most forward male" for a female is transient. If you fail to keep moving it along, she will ditch you for a male that's more forward. Or she even might just ditch you and not go for another male if there are no other forward males. Even if you're already kissing, if you don't take her out from there, she will ditch you. You basically have no room to puss out and "think about it" (in contrast with daygame dates, I've felt like I had some leeway there and I could still "close")

^ The above is mainly for me and from my own experiences. Let me know if I've gotten it right/wrong haha.
colgate said:
Told a chick who said she's "into women" that we


For volume on Sunday:

Volume atleast in the city I live in is malls from 11am to 5pm and then the streets with bars after that.

But on a Sunday everything dies down after 5.

12-2 is really good at the mall. It's not as crowded but there's more hot girls. And hot girls shopping by themselves.
Manganiello said:
General guidelines for pulling a chick at night:
1. start talking to her and gauge if she's receptive
2. start touching her in some way (arm around her, etc)
3. go for a kiss
4. solo her out of the venue, so

Ok interesting. I haven't done any night game. So this is something I'm taking note of
Gym: 0/3
Whole Foods: 2/3
University: 12/50~60, 1 instadate no pull attempt.
Broadway: 0/1. lol i didnt even try to do anything after i opened her this doesnt even count
Total: 14/55~65

I was like 4/35~40 in the first half of my session and got a bit demotivated because I was getting a lot of aggressively unreceptive girls (like I would open them and they'd be like "hell no!"). Actually ended up taking a break for an hour somewhere else because I let it get to me too much, but then I realized that things come in waves. Surely enough, I ended up going 8/15~25 in my second half lolz. Goes to show that you need to be impervious to negative tilts and just keep going.

Experimenting with telling girls that ask me what I'm doing on their campus that I'm "going around talking to all the cute girls", and then when they react I'm like "haha just playing". Those ones all exchanged anyway, but let's see if they respond to me later.

Notable approaches:
Instadate. She was like I have to go at 1:30pm to study so I didn't even bother pulling. I bought her a coffee and we chatted for like 15 minutes. She didn't even want to give me her number at the end of the date and I had to push her 3x for her exchange. She was like "you don't have a snapchat or instagram?? what do you even do with your life...". I decided to quit pushing for instadates for the rest of my session because it seems like I was only getting them when it was "convenient" for the girl, but Mike Mehlman told me I should inquire what she's doing on the approach and decide between instadate or exchange instead of just not going for the instadate (I had been going for instadates on every girl up until this point, which is why I've had at least one instadate in each of my past 4 sessions).
Immediately approached another girl who sat at the same table after my instadate. Exchanged.
I approach a girl I'd already approached before for the first time.
her: "I don't know why you're trying to go around approaching young girls on this campus."
me: "I'm 25"
her: "I'm 21"
me: "yeah that's like the same age"
*she scurries off*
her: I'm not looking to date
me: let me get your number anyway and we can see where it goes
her: uhh okay...sure
her: do you go to this university
me: no i don't
her: uhhh I'm good actually
(I didn't push from here lol)
Did another approach where I approached a girl in front of a girl who just declined me. Both girls declined, and I noticed the first one was looking back at me and briskly walking away hahah.
Approach yet another girl that I'd already approached before. I recognize this one and I'm like "wait have I talked to you before" and she's like "yeah" and I immediately eject.

Later I went to Broadway again to chill and play hawk mode and observe any dudes who have game. I think I understand what to do now but I'm still too nervous to actually execute. It's like when I just started approach, I knew what to do but it took me a few sessions for it to "click". So I'm just gonna go out every night and see what happens.

I walked into this one bar and immediately this 50-60 year old woman grabs me and is like "I love Indian men!!!!!" I hold her back and we talk for like 5-10 minutes. I'm pretty sure she would have let me kiss her but I didn't want to lol. Maybe I should have for practice.
You're definitely getting some awesome stories from your approaches which I'm jealous of! Loving the cockiness you're putting out too, really works to one's advantage. Wish I could do that haha
So tired and changed by this experience I don't even wanna write this log, but here it is.

I counted my approaches today because I wanted to beat the KYIL cold approach in a day record (124) by RogerRoger
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tl;dr summary:
I went between Kroger, Whole Foods, 2 university campuses, and the streets for about 6h.
40/107 + 1 instadate (two of these contacts later texted me to retract their interest).

Then, I ran into my instadate 6 hours after we met with her lanky 6'5" male friend and she interrupted me opening another girl. We then proceeded to have a contentious argument on the street for 7 minutes. Not long after, I was chilling on a bench in the campus and I got caught by campus police and banned from there for approaching girls. I went home at first, walked 3 steps into my house and was like....nah bro I'm gonna continue this. So I had another session between some different stores and Broadway for another 2h.

Total: 41/130
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Notable approaches:
Approached yet another girl I've previously approached. I kinda recognized her but wasn't sure so I just opened her anyway
her: "I think we had this conversation last week"
me: "oh yeah lol"
girl asks me if I rehearsed this. I say "nah I just talk to a lot of people"
exchanged with girl from a quad with 2 guys in the group. she stopped for me and split off from her group to exchange.
accidentally hit on both girls in a duo at whole foods within 3min of each other. i didnt recognize the other girl because i dont pay attention to anyone else in a group when i approach.
girl said she's seeing someone. asked for an exchange anyway, and immediately gave it
actually fucking exchanged with a girl who called me "bold" for approaching her
group of high school boys try to say hey to this hottie asian (professor?) but she ignores them. i open her in front of them by aggressively getting her attention (i think she was listening to something on air buds so she prob just didnt hear the high schoolers). they're like OH SNAP OHHHH. i take a rejection cause she's married and then i'm like "thats how you do it boys" *and then everyone clapped* jk lolz this isnt reddit
girl excessively compliments my nail polish while i'm exchanging with her
almost opened a girl twice in one day. i was walking towards her and she saw me and was like "twice in one day, huh?" and smiled. i honestly totally forgot
"you just said that to two of my roommates" yeah ok but if i matched you and your two roommates on tinder that'd be ok lmao (i didn't say that, if i thought of it in the moment i would have, was an afterthought). ended up saying "oh nice" and ejected
girl declines me with age gap after i say i'm 25 and she's 18. i don't push.
girl i exchange with tells me there are no more dominant males and she was "so happy" that i approached her in person
friend says "good for you" to girl i exchange with in a duo
girl tells me "yeah i know you've been going around and asking girls".
me: "yeah i have been"
her: "you know that's not ok right"
me: "what do you mean its not ok, its fine"
her: "no it's not"
me: "yeah let's just swipe on tinder all day then- I'll let you get back to what you're doing"

I started at 9:45am and went to Kroger and opened literally the only girl I thought was cute, extremely receptive asked if she was free later today, she was like "omg yeah!!!!!!!". I texted her a few hours ago and she didn't respond lmaoooo. I need to start making plans on the spot with chicks. Then I just decided fuck it, I'll go straight to campus.

Used up 25 minutes for an instadate on approach 7. It was alright and she wanted me to walk her to class and we hugged at the end. But I just wanted lots of approaches today so I decided to quit asking for instadates like I normally do.

Got an extreme positive tilt for a while, I'm pretty sure I was exchanging more than getting rejected for a while. I was definitely less pushy than I've been lately because I didn't want to waste a lot of time, but if I felt like having fun I would push to some degree.

Walked to Whole Foods and I literally got like 15 approaches trying to get out of the campus area, but then it was dry for a while. I did some approaches there and got some pizza and headed back. In retrospect I'm not sure if walking was really worth it because there was 18 minutes of dead space, but the moment I was back at campus, it took me another 13 approaches to get to my car.

Then it was just brutal volume. Between 12:43pm and 1:09pm (26 minutes) I made 16 approaches. Then I walked down the street and headed over to another nearby university and got more volume. Then I headed back to Vanderbilt. Volume started dying around 3:00pm but nevertheless, I knew it was gonna start picking up at around 4:00pm.

I was at 107 at 3:35pm (less than 6h) when my instadate from earlier today interrupted one of my approaches. I actually kinda didn't recognize her at first because she changed clothes and I never brought up that we met earlier in the day. Nonetheless, she brought her 6'5" lanky male friend to try to intimidate me or something, but his voice and attitude did the total opposite basically.

We had a contentious argument on the street for 7 minutes about how it's "not okay for a 25 year old man to harass 18 year old girls" and I stood my ground the whole time. I basically told them I'm not harassing anyone and any girl has the right to decline me. They said I wouldn't "leave their friends alone until they gave me their number" and I was like yeah, sometimes I'll ask multiple times but they can still decline and I'll dip sometimes. I told the dude he should start approaching girls and he was like "why would I do that I'm not a creep". Their definition of "harassment" is literally "talking to girls you don't know" according to their own words lmao. Also said that I can either sit in my room swiping on Tinder all day or take 30 rejections in a row in person to meet someone who's receptive and he was like "if you're getting rejected that much, maybe you're doing something wrong". Anyway at some point I was like "I don't have time for this, see you later" (I said it once halfway through the convo but kept talking, then later, the girl said "I thought you said you didn't have time", and then I was like "yeah you're right, I don't. see you later" and actually left). She closes the discussion with "security's gonna find you, you've already been reported" as I'm walking away.

In retrospect, I wonder if the instadate was baiting me to check out her side of the campus because that's where all the freshmen were. I didn't know that side existed but I didn't even think of approaching there after she showed me. I honestly don't give a fuck about age and I've opened plenty of professors and nurses (see my notable approaches below), universities just have a high volume of people. Anyway, I don't need to defend myself, but I'm just mentioning this point tangentially.

I walk back inside the campus grounds but I'm a little wary now, and don't do any more approaches. Literally 2 minutes later I see one security guard and I'm like...lol this is over. I chill on a bench and wait my impending execution, and surely enough two other security officers (cops?) surround me and they tell me to stay seated. We have a 35 minute discussion from here.

What's interesting is that they basically completely leveled with me. They said they got 15 girls who reported I "harassed" them. I made the point that I'm not harassing anyone, I'm just going up to girls and talking to them and if they're not interested they can decline. I also said that the majority of girls don't have a problem with it and if we assume that 15 more girls "felt uncomfortable" but didn't file a report, then we have about a ~10% rate of "girls who felt uncomfortable", given that I've approached about 300 girls around this campus, and therefore we just have some minority of antisocial females setting the standards for everyone else. The cop (who was also female) actually ended up leveling with me and said "yeah I actually think you didn't harass anyone either, and personally I'm the type of gal who would rather be approached in real life", and I saw the other cop (male) kind of nodding his head. Also they leveled with me in that the definition of "harassment" is basically non-existent and it's impossible to tell on the surface what someone's personal boundary of harassment is. However, they further explained, "But in today's day and age, no one is comfortable with real life social interaction and you have to do everything online, especially with COVID and all.", which I felt like was a passive rant at how things are these days hahahh.

Nonetheless, they said I'm still banned from being on Vanderbilt property because I'm not a student and it's private property and therefore I'm trespassing. I'm basically like alright fair enough, you have the right to ban whoever you want since it's your property. But they did confirm to me that I wouldn't be in trouble because I was harassing anyone. I joked that they were probably just tired of getting so many complaints that they decided to finally kick me out and they kind of laughed at that. Then they take my photo and escort me off of the campus.

I don't regret going back inside the campus after my argument on the street btw. I think I was already bound to get kicked out at this point so if it wasn't today, it would have been tomorrow. I think it was just an inevitable outcome and I just put the tape on fast-forward.

I drove home and wanted to just end the day at first. Parked my car and took 3 steps in my house and was like...."wait this isn't right...you need to finish this bro" and came out again. Manganiello also told me I need to get to 125 and continue and not cop out.

So I went to some other Kroger and did like 2 approaches. It was really bizarre because my mind was back to the state it was when I first started approaching a month ago, and was spending like all day out, not able to talk to a single girl, but my body knew how to approach. I was like "omg I have so much AA" again, but I saw a girl and just went up to her without thinking about it. I even pushed my second approach 2x (no exchange) like it was nothing. It was like an out of body experience or something.

Then I decided, fuck I just need to get this shit done and decided let me just do some daygame strats on Broadway and finish this up. I said I'd go up to 130 for the hell of it and it took me a while because the volume here actually sucks ass at 7pm. The only exchange I got was a fucking dominatrix who wants to "stab me".

Celebrated by buying myself an ice cream.

Yeah so I doubt I can do another 100+ session in a day here in Nashville now that I'm basically banned from my main source. I'm technically not banned from approaching on the side streets of the campus but I kind of don't want to approach there anyway for now. I think if today's milestone event didn't happen, I probably could have gotten 140-150 given the volume patterns at Vanderbilt. I wasn't really thinking about the number of approaches I'd done up until that point and was just zoned in. I only got caught up in the last 23 because I really wanted to finish this day off and do what I set out to do.
This shit has basically skyrocketed my confidence. For the first time in my life, I actually feel like a *THREAT*. Up until now I just felt like some submissive bitchboy who couldn't stand up for himself, but I basically kept a level, but firm head throughout all of today's incidents. I never apologized but I never raised my voice or got angry, and I felt a zen that I've never felt in my life. Also this is just theory, but I think I'm really not going to be pussing out on making moves on girls in the future, or at least this will significantly contribute to that. I say this because the only reason I was able to makeout with that one girl last week was because I was like "dude you literally spent a whole month approaching, are you really gonna fuck it up now". Now I'm like "dude you literally got BANNED from being on a campus, are you gonna fuck it up now". We'll see though.
I also determined I don't even want to fuck with online dating until I get laid once from approach. I can't see myself being this driven and motivated from OLD at this point. Maybe when I have more sexual experience and I want other avenues of sex I'll take it more seriously, but I feel like pushing cold approach to the limit is forcing me to break myself down and man up. I'm also a masochist in that sense.
I feel like today's social climate+my natural inclinations want me to just be some submissive gayboy in order to comply with this world. But that's not what I want and I'm gonna continue pushing for what I want in life.

Future plans
- I'm gonna go through my contacts (I have like 50-60 that I've not shot a message to yet) and see if any of them will go on a date with me, but I'm not expecting even 1 to say yes.
- I'll probably approach in stores and more low profile venues. There's a guy in the daygame chat who had results from 10-20 approaches a day in those places and he has some tips for getting better results here (since he used to live here). I'll probably follow him for a while. I don't think I'll be doing any more approach marathons in Nashville, but we'll see.
- Going to start taking nightgame more seriously. I think it's easier to pull at night if you can find a receptive girl and I have a vague idea of what you're supposed to do but now I just need to execute it. So I'm gonna go out every night to Broadway. Approach is easy for me now, but advancing the interaction is still difficult so it'll be a good way to practice that.
King shit right here. Fuckin amazing work bro

colgate said:
I need to start making plans on the spot with chicks.
Even if u do girls still flake. On paper it would seem like setting up a date or plan in person would mitigate flakes but unfortunately its not the truth. Maybe in a small particular case but that's the minority. You already know it all just comes down to the girls state.

colgate said:
I also determined I don't even want to fuck with online dating until I get laid once from approach. I can't see myself being this driven and motivated from OLD at this point.
Definitely keep going with cold approach. Honestly you are doing amazing so far. The satisfaction from pulling via cold approach compares to almost nothing else in life. It really makes a man out of you.

OLD is boring, tedious, and unfulfilling imo. Maybe my opinion will change once I get laid from it, but I don't really think so. The hard work of attaining a great physique and pulling a chick from that pales in comparison to the actual mental and physical work of going out and approaching. As well as pulling from a date that came from cold approach.
This is absolutely stuff of legend.

Great job man. Pretty historic.

Contact acquisition today could easily be a 1 in a 100,000,000, maybe 1 in 500,000,000 level accomplishment.

Not to mention getting banned from a university while doing it.
Manganiello said:
Contact acquisition today could easily be a 1 in a 100,000,000, maybe 1 in 500,000,000 level accomplishment.

Based on the daygame chat and my own experience with campus approach, high contact acquisition is normal on a campus. Except for 2 days ago, I was getting 1:3~1:4 days on average, and I got a 1:2.5 tilt yesterday somehow. I didn't realize this would be the case but I think it's because many university girls are more willing to acquiesce to a contact exchange in the moment because you're forward and right there in front of them, and perhaps they just want you to go away, but they're also more likely to not respond or decline you over text.

If I did 130 in more conventional approach venues, I think I would have gotten something like 16~25 contacts, so I'm not impressed by getting 41 contacts (especially since I'm expecting literally 0 of them to respond, 2 of them already preemptively declined me).
I agree with everything the 3 previous guys said. Amazing work. Gonna think about your balls (uhhhhh) as I approach at the mall in 1 hour.
colgate said:
Manganiello said:
Contact acquisition today could easily be a 1 in a 100,000,000, maybe 1 in 500,000,000 level accomplishment.

Based on the daygame chat and my own experience with campus approach, high contact acquisition is normal on a campus. Except for 2 days ago, I was getting 1:3~1:4 days on average, and I got a 1:2.5 tilt yesterday somehow. I didn't realize this would be the case but I think it's because many university girls are more willing to acquiesce to a contact exchange in the moment because you're forward and right there in front of them, and perhaps they just want you to go away, but they're also more likely to not respond or decline you over text.

If I did 130 in more conventional approach venues, I think I would have gotten something like 16~25 contacts, so I'm not impressed by getting 41 contacts (especially since I'm expecting literally 0 of them to respond, 2 of them already preemptively declined me).

You're being modest.
Still pretty insane contacts you picked up.
Holy crap
That is absolute insanity dude.
I will say, getting banned/kicked out of somewhere--one of my greatest fears. Sounds like it didn't even really bother you?

You will get laid by the end of October for sure
lacroix said:
Sounds like it didn't even really bother you?

It's really interesting because my initial anxiety a month ago was shit like "oh the girl is gonna be like no!!!!! and run away" or call me creepy, or other people would be like "omg why are u harassing girls". Not only did all three of those things happen, I never imagined that I'd literally get banned from a place for approaching girls, and now that it's happened I'm like lol. I'm actually pretty pissed about it more than scared, because it just shows the antisocial minority of people get to dictate how everyone else lives their lives, but I'm not gonna get anywhere by complaining. I still have plenty of other venues to approach and now it's a really insane story I can tell at a party or something hahah.
I just did 2 whatever approaches at the gym. No contacts. Also I've been rolling out messages to my 60+ contacts with no expectations. Mostly no responses, a couple lingering convos.

Also the girl I made out with last week in the classroom said that she just wants a single partner (her fwb) for now and declined hanging out with me again. But I'm fine with that because it's just a taste of what's to come if I keep hustling. Also I'm surprised she even responded to me anyway. Maybe I could have pushed more through text and maybe it was some advanced shit-test but I'm too new to be trying to figure out this game so I'll take the rejection I suppose haha.

I've only done about ~300 total approaches in Nashville so far, and I still have to wait for my current generation of text convos to "simmer". But the reason I don't even care about my contact acquisition is because I've literally had 0 dates from any of them, and a couple responses declining me. And seeing that I definitely can't do daily Mike Mehlman volume in Nashville, I'm going to change my cold approach strategy a bit, based on the feedback of a daygame chat member that actually did approach in this city.

So I think the "pinball" style of approach that Mike Mehlman does is basically insane, especially if you just go around asking for contact exchange (like I was yesterday). His style is evolving into pushing for instadates instead and not really caring about contacts (even as far as not even bothering to ask for them). Except for yesterday, I was doing something similar, but then I was extremely pushy with the contact acquisition (not as much with the instadates though). Regardless, I think it's highly effective in a place like intra-station Japan, where you could do 200 approaches in a day with not much trouble.

As I've iterated a few times on this thread, campus contact exchange rates are unusually high. But the response rate is way lower, so it's almost pointless, because many girls probably just felt pressured to give me their number, but then when I'm not in their presence and just texting, they can decline me.

I've been DMing the guy who used to approach in Nashville a lot for advice and he's provided a lot of value for me, and I want to try out his way for a while. I'm gonna be probably doing 10-20 approaches a day, but actually have a conversation with the girl I'm opening for a bit, and *then* go for the exchange. I think the Mike Mehlman line of reasoning against this is "you can have a 16 minute conversation with a girl and she'll still decline the exchange, so the length of the conversation doesn't matter", which is true to some degree if all you care about is getting the contact. But in this guy's observation, it's more likely the contact will actually still be receptive to you over text if you *do* have a brief convo with them (even with 3-5 canned questions). For context, most of my approaches have been "hey I think you're really cute/hot/attractive. are you free right now do you wanna grab a coffee. ok lets hang out later and exchange numbers" for the most part. He says that soup doesn't work as well in Nashville, and I like trying new things. Of course, rejections are still mileage and a prerequisite to positive outcomes. Arguably, this would harden you even *more* than 30sec-1min approach rejections, because now you have to be okay with investing a few minutes into a girl and taking a rejection. Also, you're forced to be vulnerable to the girl, and it's like a mini-date. Obviously I'd push for an instadate if possible which would be even better.
^my main point is that I want to put less emphasis on contact acquisition from now on.

That being said, I don't want to just "go to low profile venues and approach". I'm not banned from the side streets of the uni and I have some insatiable urge to still have a presence in the area. It just sounds insane. So long as I don't step inside the campus property, I should be good. But I'm not gonna be playing approach pinball, and I'm gonna be deliberately targeting girls who are probably just doing nothing. I've proven to myself that I can do dicey approaches and high volume, and now I have no fears about directly opening girls.

Also based on my own observation and this guy's observation, looks DO matter. Not that I look bad or anything, but I definitely need to be more serious about getting jacked and looking more edgy, even for day/nightgame strats. I also need to be around more masculine energy in general and be more of a fighter, so I'm gonna sign up for boxing classes. While I go to the gym 3x a week and have never missed a day (I like going to the gym lol), I really slack with eating enough calories per day. I bought a portable smoothie blender so I can make protein shakes on the go and fill up 3000 calories a day. I've literally been stuck at 138 lbs since I joined this forum and it's my biggest weakness right now. My goal was to be 150 lbs, but the Nashville approach guy said 160. I just wanna hit 140 god :cry:

Had another discussion with Manganiello as well, and he and I are kind of on a similar wavelength. Yeah, OLD is more productive and will produce results faster if you follow Andy's guide, and I can also lower my standards (I could have easily made out with the 50-60yo chick 2 nights ago), but I basically hate feeling "lucky". I did listen to Andy's podcast "You don't have to SUFFER to reach your goals", and I agree with the point that you shouldn't suffer to reach your goals just to get social credibility. But I realized that's not why I'm such a weird masochist about these kinds of things. I'm just very sentimental about first times and first experiences and feeling like I really earned my rewards instead of just winning the lottery. It could be counterproductive, and I don't expect praise or people to laud me for it, but that's just how I am. I still swipe on Tinder because I set up a profile and paid for Platinum anyway, but it's not going to be anything I really care or focus on, because I really want to lose my v-card from cold approach (day or night game idc), and not feel like I just got "lucky". For context, I had 2 kisses before joining this forum but I didn't feel like I earned them at all, the stars just aligned and they happened. On the other hand, the one I had last week felt like my "real" first kiss or something. It's kind of silly I suppose, but again, that's just how I am.
colgate said:
Also based on my own observation and this guy's observation, looks DO matter. Not that I look bad or anything, but I definitely need to be more serious about getting jacked and looking more edgy, even for day/nightgame strats. I also need to be around more masculine energy in general and be more of a fighter, so I'm gonna sign up for boxing classes. While I go to the gym 3x a week and have never missed a day (I like going to the gym lol), I really slack with eating enough calories per day. I bought a portable smoothie blender so I can make protein shakes on the go and fill up 3000 calories a day. I've literally been stuck at 138 lbs since I joined this forum and it's my biggest weakness right now. My goal was to be 150 lbs, but the Nashville approach guy said 160. I just wanna hit 140 god :cry:

100%. Probably some low hanging fruit with style as well. Also if you're not wearing inserts you should slap yourself
Rags2Bitches said:
Also if you're not wearing inserts you should slap yourself

I purchased the inserts that Andy recommended, but none of them actually fit in my shoes. Like my shoes are too loose then and come off, even at 1 level.

If you have inserts, do you have some shoe/boot recommendations that go along with yours?
nah i only wear comfortable 0.5” ones but i’m 6’1

gotta be high top sneakers or combat/chelsea boots. all my combat boots have 1+ inch heels anyway. not sure if going up a size makes the inserts more comfortable, lemme ask around
colgate said:
Sorry guys I'm really bad at lowering my standards lol.
NEVER lower your standards!!! You are a king!
colgate said:
I think I was already bound to get kicked out at this point so if it wasn't today, it would have been tomorrow.
They banned you for being ballsy you STUD! https://youtu.be/DklAU4GNpxA
colgate said:
I don't even want to fuck with online dating until I get laid once from approach
NOOOOO!!!! Just do it. I was in a year and a half long dry spell and Andy's guide saved my tinder life. I was with a smart girl really cool earlier this year who straight up said she was too afraid to approach people in public. Just do OLD as extra it takes minimal effort and gets you dates. The approach is nothing to you now but it could still be nerve wracking for her. Also my smarty pants was super freaky and submissive in bed just the way I like them. ;) Never discount the quiet types. Hey however you are fucking killing it and are at GOD level status for approaching what 150 women in a single day. You do you man, I'm rooting for you no matter what path you go down to win.
colgate said:
If you have inserts,
I've found walking around with inserts makes my feet and legs hurt if im doing a lot of walking. I'm 6' though so height isn't my issue but hey i'll never deny an extra inch. ;)