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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

I actually wasn't even going to go out but M dragged me out once again. Why am I naturally such a weenie aaaaaaggghhhhh.

I don't want to just make this log "good" stories, and since I need to hustle with nightgame for real and show progress/improvements, I'll be logging my nightgame sessions.

~15 approaches over 2+ hours between Midtown and Broadway.

I have a good deal of approach anxiety since I'm waaaay out of practice. Could have definitely done 25+ in that time.

notable interactions
- skinny + fat girl duo. i comment on skinny girl looking like she never eats. fat girl, who's eating a freaking hot dog, gets mad and says "that's rude!!!!!!!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- pink cowgirl hat duo, one with adidas strap/bag.
so ur getting married to adidas?
thats not funny...
oh ok yall dont know comedy i guess im gonna bounce (i start walking away)
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!! we know dave chappelle...etc, blah blah proceeds to explain to me for 2-3 mins about comedy

main sticking points
- Need to internalize that rejection is overwhelming majority of interactions, even at night. You're not entitled to "good interactions". I've already done this for daygame, so this will just be hustling to internalize it at night too. One kind of rejection I especially have trouble with is where the girl I'm talking to is super receptive, but the friends hate me for even existing. Rarely/never happens in daygame so I'm not as used to it.
- Keep defaulting to matter-of-fact interview mode platonic conversation. Excruciating for me, excruciating for the girl. Can't successfully escalate out of this and take rejection when she denies some sort of logistics change (bounce somewhere else, touching, moving to dance floor, etc etc).
- Too afraid to use the "childhood friend" roleplay because it "might get old". Need to also come up with more roleplay scenarios/openers.
colgate said:
- Too afraid to use the "childhood friend" roleplay because it "might get old". Need to also come up with more roleplay scenarios/openers.
Try "you're cute, I'm going to adopt you as my little sister" and put your arm around her
Met up with a hot black chick at a taco place from Tinder who had initially deferred. What's interesting is I had a date set up with this girl before I even had my first 2 lays, so if God rolled the dice differently, this could have very well been my first (or 0th) lay.

The vibe on the date was very platonic and I felt like she was interviewing me. There were little things like me saying "...so now I'm stuck in Nashville for a year" -> "stuck? what do you mean by stuck?", and a general sense of "prying" that made me feel like she was trying to be my "equal" or otherwise dominant over me. I wasn't actively thinking about these kinds of things at the time, but rather I'm trying to retrace what made me feel "off" about certain things she did. I tried to call it out with "ok but neither of us wants to hear about what I do in my job", but she was like "no I'm very interested in learning what people do", so I ended up just acquiescing to that and explaining it, as if I was just explaining it to a random person. snooooooooooooooooore.

Pull was 30-45 mins in after I had finished eating my tacos. I was actually surprised she even pulled due to how platonic the date was. I brought up that I'm a music producer and she wanted to hear my music, so that was basically the pull. Walked to my apartment, went in my room, put my laptop on the bed and played some of my music and shut the door. Then she asked to hear some music I like that I didn't make so I showed her that. Started touching her legs while we were talking, and then she said she had something in her eyelashes and I used that as an opportunity to get closer to her face, and then pretty much just went for the makeout.

It was pretty much on from there. But something felt different about this escalation. She was ordering me to "move the computer", "take off your pants", "suck on my titty". Since at this point I'm n=2, I was like uhhh ok I guess let's see where this goes.

But I was honestly turned off. It felt kind of like an escort lay. Additionally, I would try to take control at some point, but she would verbally object to things I was doing that she didn't like. "don't bite so hard" "not so rough" etc. This is like the equivalent of writing a song in a music software but the software tells you "which notes sound good", as if it's paint by numbers. That takes all of the joy and fun out of sex.

As you can compare to my first two lays, I enjoy crafting an experience for the girl, and part of that is my ability to hold dominance in the interaction, which I couldn't do with this girl. And part of crafting the experience is trying a lot of varied shit, not necessarily that the girl will like, but rather being able to freely explore her body and find out yourself what she likes. You try a lot of things, and there's certain things she won't react much to, but you find some other thing that she does react to and you can hear her louder moans, increased breathing, etc. Then you can do things like interleave the very arousing thing with something more neutral to enhance the arousing thing. For example, you can go from passionately making out with the girl to suddenly disengaging and SLAPPING her across the face and before she can react, go back to making out and you'll notice she'll be trying to pry her tongue into your mouth even more than before. I'm not saying every girl likes that, but the point here is you can gauge whether she liked that by how she viscerally reacts to whatever you just did, and adjust the interaction accordingly to maximize the pleasure.

Anyway, I eventually stuck it in missionary no condom and did like 6 thrusts but she asked where the condom was. So I fumbled around and got a condom (yeah I had one ready on my bedstand but I still had to fumble around). The condom probably made this shift even further towards feeling like an "escort lay". Also my head shot up way above hers, so I felt like I didn't have proper access to her neck and lips without compromising how I was thrusting. Almost like driving a new car for the first time and everything's in a different place. I feel like this wouldn't have been a problem if I had a more dominant role in the interaction because I would have just manipulated her body to maximize my own pleasure, so I could attend to her. But I felt like I would get "rejected" for trying. And I hardly tried anything rough for the same reason.

She got on top of my cock and rode me cowgirl for a bit. This position felt very bizarre to me because she was trying to find the position and angle to maximally please me (and herself). Almost felt like I was the one being fucked. I ended up coming really quickly from this, in maybe 2-3 minutes of her bouncing on top of my cock. I just didn't have the desire to hold it in and control it, because I was being controlled by her. Of course, then my cock got soft so she couldn't ride me anymore. She was like, wait did you come? Why didn't you tell me?

Decided to persist and go for round 2, so I had her chill and makeout for a bit. She started ordering me to suck her titties and then eat her pussy and stimulate her clit. I think she liked it a little bit, but it wasn't super primal enjoyment that I can usually feel off of other girls when I'm in control. I guess at some point of doing "fake missionary" (rubbing my cock against her stomach while making out) I got hard again, so I put on another condom and started trying again. Also used some lube. But ultimately it was mostly the same as earlier. I tried doggy too which was okay, but I'm not as big of a fan of doggy because I feel like I can only thrust and slap/squeeze her ass (I throw in doggy here and there to "vary" things up, but I prefer missionary as the main). Again, I felt I didn't have enough freedom to really do what I wanted because I didn't feel in control of the sex.

Eventually after maybe an hour, she got bored and was like "I'm not horny anymo-, I mean it's okay we can finish for now". Ouch lol.

Dressed up and we walked to the elevator. She asked me if I needed to let her out through any more doors from there and I said no, so she was like "okay well I can just walk myself out, it was nice meeting you".

So this lay felt like a rejection. Like yeah, I got another lay, but it definitely didn't make me feel good. This is due to feeling like I wasn't in control of the interaction and the girl didn't feel like giving up control to me. But somehow she didn't have hangups about having sex anyway so it resulted in a very lackluster experience compared to my first two lays. Essentially I got to truly experience what having sex with a "friend" would be like, purely "platonic sex". Now I see why I've not generally liked the term "friends with benefits" and why before I got into dating, I always wondered why female friends were uncomfortable with dating males they saw as "friends". This lay pretty much illuminated that entire dynamic to me.

So it's further motivation to actually follow what pancakemouse has been bugging me to do for so long and that is to stop having so many platonic interactions. I see exactly what happens when you consummate a platonic relationship now. The lack of contrast between the sexual energies between the individuals results in low sexual pleasure for either. I feel like my coming quickly was a "panic response", similar to when I met the first escort and came <1 minute.

The first two lays already had some kind of pretext where I was dominant in the interaction leading up to the sex. With the cheerleader instapull, she was all ditzy and tipsy so I felt like I had to take care of her (out of necessity haha). And I had set some fantasy where we were like childhood friends on the initial approach, further adding to the tension of the situation. The resultant sex was a dynamic where I had 100% of the control and went 5 rounds with her, and the experience was mindblowing. And the 2nd lay was like, she couldn't contain herself so much that she wanted to come straight to my place and give me all the control. And she did, so that resulted in a long 2 hour round. Even when I had her please me, it was because I was allowing her to take control temporarily. With this lay, we just had some boring taco place chat and then I put a meat wand into a flesh envelope. Strongly contrasting masculine/feminine energy is hugely important for maximally enjoyable sex for both parties.

So my goal for future dates is to figure out how to create more dominant vibe and get the girl to relinquish control to me beyond the sex itself. And/or get more of the straight to crib lays and skip the dates :twisted:

Also I have a bet with MakingAComeback that if I can get 20 lays by the end of the year, he has to get a bulldog tattoo because of me. Sounds impossible but enough of a motivating challenge to keep me from becoming complacent for the rest of the year. So we're at 3/20.

Remember this motherfucker did 3k approaches before this

Was banned from campuses

Travelled from city to city

Worked his rear end off pretty much and took more action than most. Now the Bulldog Era will unfold,

You know it's absolutely crazy how everything just blew up all of a sudden.
Seemed like your dates and pulls were trickling in and then bang 3 new girls in 5 days.

I think the better part of this is just HOW MUCH you were doing to get here.

Different cities. Different mentors, different tactics, etc.

It's stuff like this that reminds me how powerful a relationship to a new acquaintance can be.

Like maybe you would've done all this stuff without Troy anyway. But would you have?

Much deserved Sir Chadwyn.

The world is your plant-based oyster.

colgate said:
This entire thing would have NOT happened the way it did if I didn’t hire those two escorts.

I know it’s pretty controversial to hire escorts, but for someone with absolutely zero sexual experience, it really does de-fantasize and de-sensationalize sex

It's weid, I don't think I really had this hangup with the first girl. I was nervous AF but somehow hid it well enough to escalate.
Looks like your body blew up too.

And yeah girls like her are lame as fuck. She sounds like a real turn-off. Not sure how I'd have reacted in your shoes, probably either cut the date short, or if it came down to a pull, just cum quickly and send her home
Holden said:
Looks like your body blew up too.

And yeah girls like her are lame as fuck. She sounds like a real turn-off. Not sure how I'd have reacted in your shoes, probably either cut the date short, or if it came down to a pull, just cum quickly and send her home

I'm predicting I'll have unsatisfying lays like this in the future sometimes. My goal will be to mitigate these as much as possible (ie: being more firm about letting the girl know I'm the one in charge here), so more often I have sex both she and I enjoy (because I'll be dominating everything 100%)).

I don't think pure "lay count" is the precise end goal I personally want but rather my own subjective opinion of "good lay count", which would be something along the lines of I made the girl come multiple times over a long sex session and then when I think I have sufficiently pleasured the girl, I will come as well and finish it off. (but my bet with MakingAComeback will be regular lay count of course).
colgate Honestly if you go for speed I don't think it's possible to mitigate these lame lays completely. It's part of the game because if you fuck a girl within 10 messages and 10 minutes, yeah you can't really get to know them and feel out the compatibility that way.

I would actually love it if you could court girls like in the old days and have multiple dates and work up to a satisfying conclusion and build tension. But that's not how modern dating works anymore. Girls will lose interest if you try to go slow, or put you in the boring boyfriend category and not show their full slutty selves.
So clearly, I have the potential to get laid a lot now (3 in 5 days, with very low effort in the micro, wow!). So if I want more and I want MakingAComeback to get inked up, it's TIME TO HUSTLE.

Posting this in advance for accountability like I did last time. Will be much harder but I can feed off the momentum I already have (unlike June, where I was trying to get out of a rut)

If I don't hit these action goals by August 5th, I will quit my job.

Boxing: 8 times
(now: 7)

Gym: 16 times
(now: 12)

2700+ calories a day: 24 days
(now: 10)

7/20 onwards: 150g protein under ~1900 calories (7/26 onwards, 1650 calories)

Online: 20 sessions (as in, use 1-3 boosts + swipe + message girls)
(now: 14/18)

Nightgame: 12 sessions
(now: 12/12)

For the dating hustle sessions, I can remove one required session (from either online or nightgame) per date I go on. Going on the date will take up the amount of time needed to do a session, and the point of the dating sessions is to get the dates in the first place.

Will do a recap of this like I did last time on August 5th (which coincidentally happens to be one year since I've joined the forums).
Boxing: 1/8

Online: 1/20
I had re-read Andy's tinder guide, Manganiello's guide, some notes from pancakemouse's site and some example texts from various other guys. then, I made this template to hustle on tinder

GOAL: get a GREEN LIGHT from the girl, then extract the number

- something unique relating to her pics/profile
- can't think of anything in 20 seconds
-> hey i've got just one question for you
-> ask others if you still have no ideas after she responds

- roleplay
- tease
- tease + insert that you're doing "high-value activity" + inquire about girl (or some other way of you and her-ing)
- just got done at the studio for the day, what are you up to?
- just got back from the pool, what are you up to?
- just got back from the gym, what are you up to?

green light - asking you multiple questions about you specifically
yellow light - just responding/asking questions about what u said rather than about you, rather than ones "investing in you"
red light - being combative, etc

green light:
- tell her we should meet and go for the number

yellow light:
- keep bantering (initial) until you can get a green light

red light:
- stay non-reactive, just keep teasing+dhving

So I'll be following this for my online sessions. Example responses are only fallbacks if I can't think of anything but somehow that hasn't come up. I think previously I had so much trouble doing online dating because I had a bunch of dumb "intellectual" excuses that allowed me to escape it. But that's dumb, and all I care about is getting laid. No time for whining. Internalizing this mindset and my 3 lays in 5 days have basically made messaging girls much smoother and enjoyable for me, feels like doing a real cold approach session now.

3 boosts between 9:15pm-11:30pm
10-12 likes, 9 matches, 5-6 convos, 2 contacts

One number ghosted when I tried to pitch straight to crib haha. Okay, I'll be more patient and just do regular dates.

Also I almost had 3 contacts, but I think web Tinder glitched on me and didn't send me the girl's message, and my reply was irrelevant, and then I saw her message come out of order and it was like "whoever wins the boxing match has to give the other person head" but it was too late and she unmatched. AGHHHHH. Anyone else experience message loading issues with web Tinder?

Nightgame: 1/12
12 approaches over 2 hours.

I did one childhood roleplay approach like my cheerleader lay, and 2 of the "little sister" approaches that Holden recommended. Had anxiety behind it so I couldn't do them until around approach 6-10ish

Still have a lot of approach anxiety. Could have done 25+. Just dumbass excuses.
- in bachelorette party
- in 3+ group
- dancing (lol why cant i do this one?? used to do it just fine)
- "I'll wait until she stops at the crosswalk"
- girl's body language looks too "dominating" and "confident" (e.g. wearing shades and deadpan face with head looking up)
- prematurely abandoning approaches because i don't want to continue convo with yellow light girl
- girl looked alone but she joined a friend group aaaaa

I will also start posting live nightgame notes (approach anxiety, interactions, etc) in this telegram channel, feel free to subscribe and dm me: https://t.me/+gUWGmTw2s89mOGU5

I know these are dumbass excuses, I will get over them. Just writing to be transparent.

I will read the Technical Game Bible book that pancakemouse has recommended to me since like February to see if it can help me out a bit. I think it might help me escalate the conversation a bit. I should be good once I have the girl as a "green light" because I'm very forward with pulling/steamrolling girl objections but getting to the point where a girl even trusts me and thinks I'm a cool guy is my weakness.
Gym: 1/16 - chest
2700+ calories: 1/24 - 2986

Online: 2/20
3 boosts | 7-10 likes | 3-4 matches | 1 convo which turned into me being rickroll'd (yes that's right)
Also got 3-4 additional likes over the previous day.

Low volume today, and I swiped left on over half of the likes because they were too fat. Chubby is fine (like my 2nd lay) so long as they're facially cute and/or feminine, but I can't do it if they're hyper-fat. lol

The one convo I had was with some FOB Indian chick, typing completely how a native Indian types. Seemed like she was just playing around/having fun but I just followed the process anyway. Sent me her contact. Told me to call it. And then I got rickroll'd. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posting the convo (number isn't censored because it's not real anyway)
View attachment 1

Mileage day.

Nightgame: 2/12
15 approaches over 2 hours.

Trying to generally reprogram "I don't want to go out" to "WELL I WOULDN'T HAVE TO GO OUT IF I HAD GIRLS, WHERE ARE THE GIRLS GIVE ME THE GIRLS".

I had given myself a quota to approach 15 girls, and try to get past "level 1" (from technical game bible) with a girl by asking her a "deeper" question ("level 2"). I thought "how would you feel going up there and singing" would be a good one, because all of night venues here are live rock/country music. I ended up doing that on my 13th approach to some girl in a group of 4, but I then just ejected from the set even though I probably could have still kept talking to her. MAXIMUM WEENIE MODE ARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More instant deflections/blowouts than usual. Had painful amounts of AA. Literally felt like a total loser around approaches 7-9, as I kept walking by girls telling myself dumb shit like "not possible". It's like I was more willing to not endure and suffer pain than actually just handle it and get what I want. Reminds me of the attitude of depressed guys in Internet communities. But since I had given myself a quota, I had to just power through anyway.

"Farthest" I got in an interaction was some flirty/handsy black chick I approached doing gutter game. Then her friend with her bf showed up, introduced myself to them. Then kept talking to my girl. She was doing the usual girl bs of being super indecisive and wanting to do 12 things like "finding her friends" and "i'm hungry" and "i want to listen to music", blah blah, like the cheerleader lay was doing. I attempted to steamroll it into "let's go to the hot dog stand and tell your friend to meet us there", but after 3-5x pushes, no dice. Ended up exchanging contacts but I don't really know why I did honestly. Also had done 2 other dumb contact exchanges, including a definite fake number with way too many 7s.

So I think what I need to do for next time I just stick with focusing on volume quotas like I did with daygame, and keep just hitting the quotas until I genuinely enjoy just going out and approaching, like I did with daygame. Then I can have enough data to understand what specific part of nightgame I need to focus on next. I'm way out of practice with regular approach (I was last active nearly 4 months ago!), and I feel nightgame is harder because the girls inherently have their egos and status "inflated", as opposed to daygame where it's just "oh she's just out and about minding her own business". (many people consider nightgame easier than daygame because talking to girls at night is "more socially acceptable", but as an internet alien coming from the planet Discord, anything involving social rules and social structure scares me and I try to avoid it as much as possible, and I couldn't care less about "socially acceptable").
I don't really respond to the logs but I read yours the most colgate. Thanks for being an inspiration to us, aka the people who lurk.

I'm wondering (if you're comfortable answering) where tf you work at. You said,
colgate said:
If I don't hit these action goals by August 5th, I will quit my job.
My guy is cold approaching in the afternoons, doing night game in the late night and early mornings and been moving back and forth / traveling all around the country for over a year now.
Holden said:
I would actually love it if you could court girls like in the old days and have multiple dates and work up to a satisfying conclusion and build tension. But that's not how modern dating works anymore. Girls will lose interest if you try to go slow, or put you in the boring boyfriend category and not show their full slutty selves.

Yeah I respect girls more who do that. Of course we all know "that girl" who goes 3+ dates no lays and then sleep with guys within 6 hours of meeting them. If a girl consistently makes all guys wait thats much more respectful.

It was weird though this girl was a rave girl and wouldn't put out on the first date. I knew something was fishy there. But then again shes a rave girl so they are questionably worth waiting for.

colgate said:
I feel nightgame is harder because the girls inherently have their egos and status "inflated", as opposed to daygame where it's just "oh she's just out and about minding her own business". (many people consider nightgame easier than daygame because talking to girls at night is "more socially acceptable",

They are both easier and harder in different ways. On the one hand more competition in nighttime. But its more "socialy acceptable" I think they are both equally socially acceptable but nighttime is the more socially accepted one even if the girls are lesser quality. The girls who go out every weekend get run through in my town I steer clear of them. But I've heard 2 strategies play sniper game or hit on every girl.

Honestly I play sniper for the first couple approaches then I just approach every girl in the bar. But of course I get distracted by my buddies. So lately nighttime has been dog shit. I say shoot for 10 approaches a night then go from there. You may find you like nighttime more or less. I wear earplugs so I don't go deaf.
Hydro said:
where tf you work at

I have a remote job.

That being said you can work 40 hours a week and still dedicate the same amount of effort as I do to dating. Just look at Manganiello's history. If anything, I'm not even putting remotely enough amount of effort considering how much free time I have and how much time I waste. I'm pretty sure MakingAComeback has a full time job too and he does way more than I do.

And I know a literal surgeon doing 50 hour work weeks who still has time to go to the mall on weekends and daygame, and keep up with the apps and has basically a plate for every day of the week.

If you really want it, you'll find the time. Hell, you'll make the time. In other words, if you don't "have time", you don't want it.
colgate said:
Hydro said:
where tf you work at

I have a remote job.

That being said you can work 40 hours a week and still dedicate the same amount of effort as I do to dating. Just look at @Manganiello's history. If anything, I'm not even putting remotely enough amount effort considering how much free time I have and how much time I waste. I'm pretty sure @MakingAComeback has a full time job too and he does way more than I do.

And I know a literal surgeon doing 50 hour work weeks who still has time to go to the mall on weekends and daygame, and keep up with the apps and has basically a plate for every day of the week.

If you really want it, you'll find the time. Hell, you'll make the time. In other words, if you don't "have time", you don't want it.

"When you think you're working hard, you're probably going at about 40%"
-some random guy
colgate said:
I have a remote job.

That being said you can work 40 hours a week and still dedicate the same amount of effort as I do to dating. Just look at @Manganiello's history. If anything, I'm not even putting remotely enough amount of effort considering how much free time I have and how much time I waste. I'm pretty sure @MakingAComeback has a full time job too and he does way more than I do.

And I know a literal surgeon doing 50 hour work weeks who still has time to go to the mall on weekends and daygame, and keep up with the apps and has basically a plate for every day of the week.

If you really want it, you'll find the time. Hell, you'll make the time. In other words, if you don't "have time", you don't want it.

This post spoke to me. I'm wasting so much fucking time