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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

still flummoxed at how people write daily logs lmfao

been sleeping too much and incessantly napping so schedule has been atrocious and haven't been keeping up with anything. barely hanging onto the dating stuff.

literally me rn: https://youtu.be/0Rgj1efv0Js?t=56

Wed 7/27: boosts 9:00pm, 10:15pm, 11:00pm.
messaged 14 girls, 9 new, 6-7 convos, 2 numbers

had a date planned but girl flaked. had been chatting on snapchat.

tried to arrange date with girl who was "enthusiastically" messaging me, but she lives 50+ miles away with no car. rip

Thu 7/28: boosts 8:15pm, 9:00pm, 9:45pm
messaged 5 girls, 2 new. trash volume

called a girl whose contact i got on wednesday. was per Holden's previous idea in my log. here was the preceding chat:

we ended up calling for about 20 minutes. kind of felt like the first part of a date? but she went onto ramble about shit like how she's "wary of guys" and doesn't "kiss on the first date" because she had some experience with some guy pinning her down blah blah etc. when i probed her schedule, she said she has plans for this weekend and works during the week but she'll be starting school soon and "maybe then". so basically no.

also managed to arrange a date with another girl who has deferred me twice already by sending her a picture of indian food i made because i'm indian.

Fri 7/29: boosts 6:30pm, 8:15pm, 9:00pm, 10:00pm
messaged 7 girls, 4 new, 1 number, 1 date arranged. trash volume again despite extra boost 🤷🏾‍♂️

date schedule:
Sat 7pm
Sun 4pm
Sun 8pm

all black girls. about to experience jungle fever.

Wed 7/27: 2 approaches

Troy and lacroix dragged me out.

Second girl I approach who has a rose in her hair (similar to the rose I posted the other day). Said some dumbass line like "what field did u get that rose from". She was standing right outside this live music venue and it was way too loud so I pretty much immediately "micro-isolated" her to the other side of the street near a barrier where it was quieter.

I'm going to write this story from my own perspective. But I'll preface it by saying that Troy knew that the set was basically going to go nowhere from the beginning, and more experienced guys would agree. The interaction was somewhat novel to me though so I'm going to write about it in detail. Also, there's a lot of value in seeing the disparity in how a noob like me would try to calibrate and what a veteran like Troy would do in the same set.

She was a really hot, i mean it guys! tan 20 year old from Ohio. Just imagine "hot spray tan slim white girl" and you'll be spot on. We were very touchy and she was flirty and giggly while we chatted, which was obviously a green light. Troy and lacroix were distracting her symbiotic parasite fat friend.

But this was a novel situation to me, I didn't really know what to do from here. As in, she would likely follow along with what I have to say, but I didn't have a plan. I was out with two friends and she's in a duo and we just met. How could I pull or make anything of this interaction?

I tried to invite her to a low-key bar to get some drinks but she's not 21. I eventually just decided to stall and tell her we should go two blocks away to a more low-key area, mentally making plans to try to Uber everyone home. But she wants to consult her friend and bring her along so we go back to her friend and my friends.

Then she demands we sing her happy birthday because she just turned 20. In my head I would have sang it just to placate her so we can advance the interaction, but Troy immediately shoots it down with "we'll sing it to you after you come with us". After a mini "argument" Troy sings it hyper fast, they're not "satisfied", I sing it fast-ish but as a "song" and then they're like ok fine.

So we're walking and I have my arm over the tan girl's waist while she has her arm over me, and Troy and lacroix are entertaining the fat friend. Then the tan girl falls down, ditzy night girl style. She demands us to tie her shoe.

My instinct would have been to do it, but Troy immediately shoots her down again and says "hell no, we ain't tying your shoe". She demands it a few more times, and Troy remains firm. Eventually the fat friend sighs and ties the tan girl's shoe and we continue our excursion.

At a crosswalk, I decide to pick up the tan girl and carry her across. It's a move I've seen Troy do at night and I wanted to try it, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. She kept saying "omg plz dont drop me" to which I replied "lol im gonna drop u ur gonna be in the hospital".

Anyway I had to hold her up and keep her from falling like 3 or 4 times. She basically got even ditzier after I had carried her. Great.

We get to this low-key karaoke bar and Troy leads us all to enter, but of course the tan girl can't get in because she's not 21 yet. So they wait in the entrance area and talk with the bouncer while Troy, lacroix, and I just go inside and go to the bar. This is when Troy was telling me that the set wasn't going to go anywhere. Not knowing what else to do, I believed him but I was still kind of looking out for the girls. And lacroix didn't really care about it because he was just kind of third-wheeling us ahaha.

Troy approached some black girls because he likes black girls. During that approach, the tan girl and her fat friend left the venue.

Later, we saw them riding on a buggy and they passed by us. They stopped and chatted with us. The tan girl pointed at Troy and said "I want your number!!!" so he gave it.

We could sit here and say "oh Troy looks better than you, so he wins out" even though that was "my" girl. While that's true, I also didn't lead the overall interaction and clearly I wasn't leading our group. When it was just the tan girl and I, the interaction was fine and I was leading her. But the moment Troy and the fat friend came into play, Troy was being the leader of our group. Additionally, I was instinctively about to "bend over" and do "favors" for the girl whereas Troy basically shot down anything the tan girl requested. Basically, my needy behaviors deep down surfaced and resulted in additional minus points for me, in contrast to Troy's idgaf attitude and willingness not to cater to the girl.

Though the girl never responded to Troy's text later so it doesn't matter in the end. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Thu 7/28: 10 approaches
Fri 7/29: ~6 approaches

Debilitating approach anxiety. I'll spare the details from my log and promospam my approach anxiety Telegram broadcast channel again: https://t.me/+gUWGmTw2s89mOGU5

Something had happened to arcade_fireee some weeks ago where he was having a "great" interaction with some girl and then she asked him to pull out his phone and she followed herself on Instagram from his account. I actually thought this was genius.

So I decided to do the same. There are so many times I have some yellow light "platonic" interactions that won't escalate, and the girl is about to leave, saying "nice meeting you" and etc, or you can't figure out what to do with the set. And they might even accept a contact exchange but you just get ghosted.

So in 3 of the approaches over the past 2 days, I told the girl to pull up her insta, and then I typed in my username and followed myself. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i can have a bunch of hot girl followers if I keep this up over time. Also, it might be motivation to actually post stories on instagram and use the platform. I really don't think girls will go through the effort of unfollowing you anyway (none of the 3 so far have, and I'm going to guess maybe only 1 in 10 will). Have even been messaging one of them who lives here.

This is basically a last-ditch idea to make certain lackluster approach interactions not go to complete waste. Hey, at least you get another follower and it's a hot girl. I got 3 within ~16, so if you actually approached at volume, could easily get 10-15 followers a week this way from random hot girls to inflate your profile lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nightgame Takeaways
So that's 12 sessions for the month as I set out to do as one of my July goals: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=38247#p38247

I'll take a break from it and revisit it after my photoshoot in Austin next weekend for my August plan.

The main thing I've learned is that I cannot simply sporadically go out and do nightgame on random nights if I still haven't handled my approach anxiety. I got over daytime approach anxiety by approaching 11 days in a row. If you read my log between those posts, I had made sure to approach at least 1 girl a day and in general was trying to approach x+1 girls each day, until eventually something "unlocked" and I just enjoyed the act of prancing up on girls itself, independent of the outcome. And I set the bar retardedly low from the beginning, like doing one approach. And then doing one approach "quickly", then two, etc. Until one day I just did 17 and didn't even care that I got rejected all 17 times.

Additionally, I have far more night approach anxiety now than I did back in e.g. Austin and during all of those gamecations. But at that point I was doing regular daygame, and for the gamecations I would arrive a few days before everyone else specifically to do lots of solo daygame to "prime" me for the nightgame. Nowdays, my daytime approach has "meteorically collapsed" to zero, and the only approach I do is at night. Even though I have zero approach anxiety when I do make the occasional bullshit daygame approach here and there.

The two points above will be things to consider for my August month plan. I think nightgame is only "easier" for people who actually enjoy clubbing and going out at night. But for people who don't, daygame is much easier. WIth daygame, you don't already have to be in the "party mood" and girls' egos aren't automatically inflated from being in their playground, and you don't get those strategic dynamics such as "hot girl/fat friend" symbiotic duos.

I want to get good at nightgame because I basically want to suffer (lol just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....maybe........), and I can potentially get the hottest girls from nightgame instapulls (as in, girls who probably wouldn't agree to go on a future date with me from daygame nor match with me on Tinder might be dtf at night and if the stars align like that cheerleader lay, I can make it happen). Plus, I just want to get good at nightgame because I think in order to be good at nightgame, you have to be maximally in tune with social skills + coolness/vibe + looks, more than any other method of getting girls. It'll be a multi-year project for me I think, and I plan on staying in Nashville until I enjoy and am good at this. I honestly have no other purpose in my life right now.

Online has actually helped me with my nightgame interactions too. When I finally have the balls to make an approach and get into a conversation, I feel like I'm teasing girls more and playing around rather than just asking dumbass interview questions entirely. Online dating interactions are teaching me the pace and flow of how to go from "meeting" a girl to getting her out on a date (essentially getting her to greenlight), rather than just stubbornly pushing forward like an autist and like how I used to. I really enjoy the cross-pollination effect from doing these simultaneously.

Online only helps with the actual interaction part. I think I can get maximum gains if I incorporate daygame again. I didn't really have night approach anxiety when I was also doing daygame so I think I need to do it again. Also I can get more dates of course, and I'm literally sleeping on the avenue I'm the most "comfortable" with when interacting with girls.
We could sit here and say "oh Troy looks better than you, so he wins out" even though that was "my" girl. While that's true, I also didn't lead the overall interaction and clearly I wasn't leading our group. When it was just the tan girl and I, the interaction was fine and I was leading her. But the moment Troy and the fat friend came into play, Troy was being the leader of our group. Additionally, I was instinctively about to "bend over" and do "favors" for the girl whereas Troy basically shot down anything the tan girl requested. Basically, my needy behaviors deep down surfaced and resulted in additional minus points for me, in contrast to Troy's idgaf attitude and willingness not to cater to the girl.

This is a very valuable insight actually. THAT is the definition of Game imo: core beliefs that surface in subtle behaviors.

I highly recommend this book, if Pancake hasnt recommended it to you already:


It was probably the best thing I've ever read on "Game", besides goodlookingloser
ok children gather around

So I had three dates planned for the weekend and two of them flaked. Looking at my scheduled dates vs dates that showed, that's roughly a 66% flake rate. I'll post a breakdown of my current Tinder stats later but let me get a story out of the way first.

I had a date planned at 8:00pm, but the girl texted me that she was running late. The girl was profusely apologizing over text for being late so she was on her way. I stay at home and chill for 30 minutes before leaving and wait outside the taco place.

Now based on the girl's pictures, I was expecting a chubby-ish mixed black girl. This wasn't going to be one of those "guys she's so hot!" girls.

I see a tall female figure walk around the corner and she looks at me and says "hey!"


I stand up.

She's like 6'3".

And she's not chubby either. She dolled herself up quite a bit for the date and was more attractive than her pictures made her seem. Kind of a reverse catfish.

But she's 6'3".

I'm 5'5". Since I'm wearing the ovnidos shoes, I was 5'7".

I was taken aback and didn't even go for my usual hug. Just was like hey. Held the door open for her but then I impulsively went in first.

I think it wasn't the fact that she was so tall that startled me, but rather that I didn't expect it. She didn't write her height in her Tinder bio and her pictures didn't make her seem tall either. It was a total surprise. And I've gone on some dates with girls taller than I am, but this was on another level.

I said I'm probably just going to get nachos and beer but you can order whatever you want. She was like "ok"... in a quiet voice. We proceeded to then stare at the menus in awkward silence for like 5 minutes and I randomly recommend menu items. Then she keeps staring at the menu and I'm like "do you want to just get water" and she's like "yeah". So I order the nachos and waters for us.

This is when I realized, wait, this girl has the energy and vibe of a tiny Asian girl. She's obviously insecure about her height. That eased the tension for me a bit and I just started talking normally like the preceding autism didn't just happen.

The girl has never been outside of the South in her life and had a soft country twang to her accent. I love southern accents so that's a plus for me. She used to play basketball and volleyball, but now she's into fashion design because she wants to make feminine clothing for tall girls. Wow, I'm liking this girl more and more. Total 180 from the "I'm researching pharmaceutical technology and I've been in school for 7 years" type.

We get into a "deep" conversation about how we're both "height outliers". I got her to talk more about her situation and I talked a little bit about mine.

Eventually I got into my standard conversation about how I make music. The date wasn't very long and it had only been about 20 minutes, but I decided to just go for the pull when we had a silence. Usual "let's listen to my music at my place". She instantly agrees.

We go to my room and she has to duck under the doorway. She sits on the side of the bed and I open my laptop with my pre-opened Logic project ready to play. "ok here's the song I'm working on" (even though I've already finished it. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

We listen to the song. I tell her to take off her shoes and come closer on the bed, but she "ignores it".

So, I show her another song I made. Then I tell her again to take off her shoes and sit up on the bed. This time she complies.

I put on the standard album I use to begin escalation. I get closer to her and rest my hand on her thigh, which is like a big armrest for me lolzzzzzz.

I go for the kiss....

and get declined. Mouth full of her saccharine lip gloss.

My recent escalation pattern does not include any kind of cuddling before I go for the makeout. I've found it unnecessary so far and I've found cuddling to be awkward if we haven't even made out yet (I used to try to cuddle girls before making out, but they often squirmed away or "starfished", and I would rarely even get the makeout somehow).

But this was the first time I got declined on the makeout so far with my current escalation pattern. So I immediately set up the pillows and told her to lay down and put my arm over her. Her legs were scrunched up because she's tall. Told her to move her legs closer to mine, she inched them, so I just grabbed her huge legs and placed them over mine. Then she started nuzzling into me more herself.

I made more small chat about nonsense while stroking her hair. I deliberately placed her so my head was above hers. When the brief chit chat turned to silence, after maybe 2-3 minutes, I pulled her chin up into my face and attempted to makeout again. This time it worked.

We made out for a few minutes. I basically had to position her hands where I wanted them on my body. Sounds great to me, girl just does whatever I make her do.

Then I was just like fuck it let's see how quickly I can push this. I told her to sit up and take off her shirt.

*with a lot of sass* nuh-uh!

So I reverted back to cuddling again (rather than immediately making out, since I took a gamble on steamrolling the escalation). More chit chat, then I started making out with her again.

I decided to start taking my shirt off, rather than asking her again.

b...before we go farther...i'm on my period
that's fine, we can put a towel down (note that I have never had period sex before or was really even prepared, but I did have a towel ready under the bed).

She made a slightly disgusted face.

oh...i'm also a virgin...

I'M A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIME TO HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's fine with me, we won't do much

I ended up taking off my shirt. We went back to making out some more. I started to lightly bite her lip, choke her, and rub my pants over her doing "fake sex". She responded with mimicking how I was kissing her, sucking on my lips and biting on my lips too. Excellent. I would start tonguing her, and she would tongue me, it was a great call and response.

I compliment her with "you're a great kisser". This is more than I've talked during any sexual interaction ever, but I liked that she was trying to copy what I was doing. She giggled and then we continued making out.

I started to wander my hand under her shirt this time, rather than trying to get her to take it off. She let me do that, and I fondled her breasts over her bra. Then I get up and tell her to take off her shirt. This time she not only takes off her shirt, but also her bra without me telling her to. Great.

More making out, finally get to suck on dem tittiezzzzzzzzzz.

Now I unzip my pants and place her hand on my hard cock! I tell her to move her hand up and down. I basically have to instruct her to do everything, which is awesome. This is how all girls should be lol. She starts making very slow but exaggerated movements on my dick, which was quite uncomfortable. But I just continue the makeout and etc.

I try to navigate my hand over her pants, but she objects again with the period thing. I don't have enough experience yet to navigate around it, and I don't want to end this with me being blueballed again like the last girl I had over.

So I just go back to making out, and then move her hand again over my hard cock!

ok here's the handjob tutorial!!!

I take her hand and move her fingers so she has a more comfortable grip, and then simulate jerking myself off with my hand over her hand at the pace and intensity I want it at.

Then I let go and let her go off to the races. Similar to the lip biting and making out, she mimics exactly what I did and the handjob feels great because she's doing it exactly how I would jerk myself off.

I start to feel myself about to come. I hold it in once. Then I decide I want to just explode! everywhere.

I cover myself in silk streams as she continued stroking my cock.

that was good, you're good at this for having little experience

She makes a shy giggle and I decide to get dressed. She looks at me with her head turned to the side like "huh"? I tell her to get dressed, and she does. I didn't know how to navigate around the period thing, plus I just came.

I tell her to go wash her hands and then I give her a tour of the apartment clubhouse.

She's following me like a puppy, which I find adorable. I said "I like that you just follow me around, not a fan of the girls who race ahead of me". Troy would later tell me I should not say that next time because it's uncalibrated. But I would like to know a better way to compliment behaviors I like from girls.

I walk her to her car and have to go on my tippy toes to give her a kiss goodbye.

If I don't get ghosted or Crisis of Connection style "I don't feel the connection" text, it would be cool to see this girl again and see if I can get the lay. Will be great to say "I'm 5'5" and slept with a 6'3" girl, no excuses", but it'll actually have to happen first.

update: story continued
colgate said:
We go to my room and she has to duck under the doorway.

I laughed out loud.

Glad I don't have to go through 2,000+ whatsapp messages for this story. Congrats for not getting intimidated by the height difference and enjoying the bj.
Here are my stats for July 2022 from Tinder:
- ~100 matches.
- 25-30 numbers, 1 instagram, 1 snapchat. I actually arranged dates with the instagram and snapchat, but they both flaked. The snapchat girl wasn't from here and is sending me snaps from her home, which is some island in the middle of the Pacific so I'll enjoy the random beach and coconut pictures (I'll enjoy the coconut pictures especially because I'm Indian).
- 13 dates arranged (10 girls). including one girl who flaked 3 times
- 5 dates showed up
- 4 pulls/fooling around (let's just count straight to crib as a "pull"......🙄)
- 2 lays

It's crazy because I literally never got a single phone number from Tinder before this month. I had tried to hustle it back in November in Austin, but I relied on mostly soup texting and gave up after getting one number from a fat old dude playing pranks.

Don't feel like going through all my tinder chats and finding how many started conversations with me. But I think my app->number conversion is alright, especially if I don't get ghosted on the first message (if I can get the girl to talk, I'd say the trajectory will end up in me getting her number about 1 in 3-4 times).

I think I'm atrocious at texting once I get the number though. Still haven't found the right balance of being forward through text but still not come off like a total autist. And additionally, I get too eager and pushy to get the date happening and ignore yellow-red/red lights. The above stats might look "decent" for getting a date from the numbers, but I'll post my text conversations to my group chats and get lots of feedback on random fuckups I wasn't even aware of. But as I learn and implement more feedback, and keep shooting myself in the foot I *should* be able to figure it out.

I had to write up this flow for trying to get a date out of a number. But I still haven't gotten the details down of executing it properly:

GOAL: show you're a real person and invested in texting you, then arrange a date
- say hey it's me

- talk about your current plans etc in creative way, ask about girl's plans

🟢green - she's responding to you etc, talking about herself etc
-> go to date arrange
🟡yellow - she's just saying like "ok lol have fun"
-> keep bantering, tease a bit more, you+her etc
🔴red - ghost
-> shoot respawn in few days. if respawn unsuccessful, dead

date arrange:
- ask when girl is free wrt her plans

🟢green - gives date she's free
-> agree to it, pitch place and stay firm on it (disagrees->"i'll get ur uber here" etc)
🟡yellow - says she's busy, not free this week, etc with no alternative
-> tell her you'll ping her in x time to check up
🔴red - ghosts
-> shoot respawn in few days. go back to investing

I've found I often get immediately ghosted if I just go for pure logistics even after I get the number.

On the other hand I can get into some conversations and "investing" and often still get ghosted when I try to pitch meeting up (so maybe those are just time wasters)

And then I can arrange the date but get a typical female excuse when the day of the date happens.

I did get one date arranged from immediately jumping into logistics upon getting the number, but that girl messaged me first on Tinder (the 6'3 girl I talked about in my last post). So it made sense.

The above tangent about texting is all fine and good, but what will really improve my results is increased volume. From looking at Manganiello's prime period, he was getting more matches per week than I'm getting per month.

Additionally, I've barely touched Bumble because I literally get maybe 1-3 likes per night and zero messages. And on Bumble, the *girl* needs to message you first to even start anything. I've also not even tried using Hinge or other apps.

Fortunately, I somehow intuitively knew my initial volume was going to be pretty low (although usable), so I had decided to set up a photoshoot with MILFandCookies as soon as possible. That led into being recommended into switching to cutting to lose some facial fat and get more muscle definition and abs. Although the results from that are very subtle as I've only cut for about 2-3 weeks. But hopefully this cut + photoshoot routine I'm doing this week + his professional expertise will give me some photos to blow up my profile. This will be synonymous with me moving from Chattanooga -> Nashville to approach more girls back in September 2021.

And if I still don't get the desired volume, there's some additional points I can improve:
- continued cutting
- (ephemeral) tattoos
- updated style. my style is from "2017" apparently 🥲
I'd be willing to do another photoshoot in October if my August one doesn't cut it with an even better body and style. But the volume I get from this photoshoot should definitely increase my volume.

just remember

here's the mindset u need to have in dating for success
everytime u get laid
u gotta walk back
and say
I'M A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIME TO HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

colgate said:
~100 matches.
- 25-30 numbers, 1 instagram, 1 snapchat. I actually arranged dates with the instagram and snapchat, but they both flaked. The snapchat girl wasn't from here and is sending me snaps from her home, which is some island in the middle of the Pacific so I'll enjoy the random beach and coconut pictures (I'll enjoy the coconut pictures especially because I'm Indian).
- 13 dates arranged (10 girls). including one girl who flaked 3 times
- 5 dates showed up
- 4 pulls/fooling around (let's just count straight to crib as a "pull"......)
- 2 lays

For your level of experience this conversion rate is honestly incredible, probably better than mine. 100 matches - 25 phone numbers is DEFINITELY better than I do, though I'll be the first to admit I'm the laziest possible texter. Fucking love reading your log dude, socially speaking you have almost the exact energy that I wanna cultivate in my life.
ytlord said:
For your level of experience this conversion rate is honestly incredible, probably better than mine. 100 matches - 25 phone numbers is DEFINITELY better than I do, though I'll be the first to admit I'm the laziest possible texter. Fucking love reading your log dude, socially speaking you have almost the exact energy that I wanna cultivate in my life.

Thanks man.

My app->number conversion rate is probably relative high compared to many guys because I don't do the near-"soup texting" approach that's in Andy's Tinder guide (including Manganiello's was, he was getting about 1:10 for matches->numbers).

I listed my main number extraction strategy here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=38320#p38320

The main flaw I see is that while I do a lot of teasing and make the conversation "entertaining", I'm not sure how sexual it is and I am definitely not doing proper filtering. But I'm also at the stage where my experience is so low that I just need a high volume of dates with many girls to really hone in on what I want, based on actual experience, rather than my preconceived notions of what I "should be getting". That inevitably includes (unintentionally) dealing with timewasters and etc until I can recognize the patterns myself and avoid it.
colgate said:
was, he was getting about 1:10 for matches->numbers).

That ratio could be misleading.

I was leaving a lot of matches without messaging (mass swiping and sorting later).

I did a large count of how many girls I messaged vs how many #s I got and it was roughly 1:4.

Every ~4 girls I messaged I would get 1 #.

This was off of 2 months of data with close to 150 #s.

colgate said:
My app->number conversion rate is probably relative high compared to many guys because I don't do the near-"soup texting" approach that's in Andy's Tinder guide (including @Manganiello's was, he was getting about


Me and Rick Dee went back and forth on this. He is the epitome of highly thought out custom messages and he still wasn't doing any better than me when I was running Andy's script message to # wise.

Does the spam-a-script strategy ultimately mean less girls go on the date later? Idk.

But I just don't think it effects if the girls will give you their #.

And to kind of highlight the larger point.

You were still getting a lot of #s at Vanderbilt doing short machine gun approaches. I'm not sure if the initial interaction actually changes how likely a girl will be to give out a #.

But thats day game.

For online I think it's more so about how QUICKLY youre messaging her after the match/replying and getting the convo off the apps.

ytlord try messaging super fast and be fucking diligent (like its your full-time job) to be getting back to girls quickly, if you're not doing that already
Manganiello said:
But I just don't think it effects if the girls will give you their #.

I'll have to experiment again the future. But I remember getting jack shit for convos and zero numbers until I started sending somewhat-custom openers, and my pics haven't changed. I don't spend as much thought as Rick does though. Still feeling it out myself and I'm new.

All I know is online is actually usable for me now that I'm being somewhat unique and "gamey", and it's only getting easier because I'm discovering certain message pathways I can spam to many different girls on my own (I also just find this fun).
colgate said:
I'm discovering certain message pathways I can spam to many different girls on my own (I also just find this fun)

You should share those at some point
No value other than I can provide a tutorial on how to get your chick to give you a good blowjob and explode all in her mouth.

Had the 6'3" chick from Sunday come over this evening before she went to work.

Showed her some outfits I've been trying for my photoshoot this weekend and then turned on weeb anime music because I like to listen to Japanese girls singing while escalating on girls.

Escalation was mostly a repeat of last time except zero resistance to any things I had previously tried.

She didn't object to me rubbing her pussy over her pants. Then I told her to take off her pants and she did. Kept rubbing her pussy over her pants and getting her to also jerk me off.

Tried telling her to pull her panties off but she declined with "I don't want to do that this time"

So I told her to suck my dick, and she did. Like the handjob, she was kind of clueless at first and was just kind of putting her mouth over it without doing anything. so I used it as an opportunity to move her head up and down on my cock like I was fucking it. Then I stopped moving her head and she was moving her head somewhat close to the rhythm that I had it at.

Then back to making out and etc.

Then I rubbed her pussy over her panties. Eventually I got my fingers inside her panties and she was sopping wet. Great.

I decided to just take her panties off myself this time. She obliged. Went back to making out and etc with her.

Then I ate her out a little bit. Told her to bend over. She was like "no, I don't want to do that...." so I stepped back and told her to suck my dick again, and she did.

To get the most pleasurable experience I told her to suck on it harder and use her tongue, which felt great.

Then I went back to fingering her and sucking her titties. I think she was actually for real when she said she was a virgin, because she was hyper sensitive to me putting my fingers in. Like she was panting and squirming and gasping. She was otherwise quiet for the most part.

Told her to bend over and she said "what for?" -> "just do it" -> "i don't want to"

Decided at this point since she's obviously inexperienced and I am already way farther than I was last time to get her to suck my dick again. Opened my legs and told her to sit in between "what for?" -> "i want you to suck my dick". so then she moved there.

Like the handjob from last time, I basically figured out the way with my hands and a couple instructions like "suck harder" to feel the maximum pleasure. She is very good at just following what I teach her (mostly implicitly) and mimicking what I want when I show her. That's how girls should be.

After about maybe 2-3 minutes of sucking my dick, I start feel that I'm about to come. I hold it back once just to make sure I'm still mentally control of everything. Then I decide I will blast off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in her mouth.

I EXPLODE ALL IN HER MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and she takes it all

She's a little grossed out and making a weird face so I give her a bottle of water. She swallows my cum along with the water.

Then we get dressed and I take her to the grocery store so I can buy some onions and beef, and I get her a soda.

I make beef curry and show her how to do it while we chat because I'm Indian.

She's like "My dad had all girls. My sister was the tomboy but I liked to stay in the kitchen". Great.

Then we have dinner together and I send her off.

In the elevator some guy asked her if she plays basketball. She shyly answered "yes...in high school". Then he was like
good don't let that height go to waste

I walk her to her car and then I have to get on my tippy toes again because I'm ~5'6" with the boots I was wearing and she's 6'3".

update: story continued https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=40366#p40366