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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

August 5 is my KYIL birthday. I'm officially 1 years old 🧁

After my "red shirt" year on this site, I consider this day more important than my irl birthday.

Here's my required introduction post: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=18942#p18942
Here's the first post in my log: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=18958#p18958

I had found KYIL around June-July 2021 from half-assed internet searching for "tinder guide". But what made me stick was all of Andy's cold approach stories, which were basically unfathomable at the time.

I listened to 90% of Andy's 365 podcasts while I was driving around the eastern Tennessee Smoky Mountains and doing house chores. But what ultimately made me join the actual forums was seeing Toast and Manganiello approach racing and Master losing a lot of weight, putting up insane lifts in his workout log, and logging some crazy sex stories. So clearly this was a diamond in the rough community of guys on the internet actually not complaining and making positive changes in their lives, unlike nearly every other space on the Internet. If these guys didn't exist and didn't have public logs, I would have never actually joined the forums.

That's why I made my log public too, to give back to the guys who make their own journeys public. Many guys seem to make their logs private for "security/career/social" reasons. But I'm of the view that if any randos find my log and decide I e.g. shouldn't have a certain job, should get cancelled from another Internet community, should be assassinated, then fuck that and fuck them. I'm putting my own life first. You really have to put everything on the line for this shit. I'll get what I want by any means ultimately. Also I recognize the world isn't centered around me, and nobody cares about me as much as I do, so the scenario that "someone would find my controversial dating log on the Internet and then try to ruin my life" is highly unlikely. I don't have that kind of entitlement, nor do I currently run some large business where my "reputation" is on the line (which would be a more valid reason to make a dating log private).

The name "colgate" was an impulse-decision "I need to make an account but I need to make a name!!!!!! FUCK!!!!" username. I had received this label in an old Discord chat as some strange inside joke. I view it as a "placeholder" name for "myself", as in I realized early on the person I need to become to achieve my goals will be completely unrecognizable in the future. Of course I wouldn't choose this name now, but that's the point. I don't hold on to my "identity", especially if it's not getting me what I want.

I wrote more details about finding this site in this post: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=28204#p28204

Changes as a result of KYIL
The past 365 days have veritably been the largest delta of change I've experienced in my whole life so far. And I hope I can say the same for year 2.

My initial experience with girls was 1 "handholding" "gf" in high school and making out with 1 girl in India once. Then I went clubbing with some friends and madeout with the 2nd girl in my life there. But otherwise a virgin.

So I want to use this post to highlight the changes and accomplishments I've made in my life as a result of finding this community:

- gained the ability to approach girls with the intent of dating them (albeit still very haphazardly)

- ejected from my comfortable large mountain house to live in multiple cities, for the sake of dating. paid double rent for a while.

- made out with a girl in a classroom, and then got banned from a university campus for approaching too many of the girls

- became irl friends with lacroix who hit me up after I got booted off the campus, and then proceeded to join me in Austin when I moved there, and is still one of my roommates. we learn a lot from each other as he seems to be good at everything i suck at, and i seem to do well in areas he needs to improve in

- found many mentors (pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches), including one who is now my roommate (Troy)

- went from 0 to ~20 lifetime dates

- finding another group of guys outside of KYIL who go on "gamecations" and do nightgame in random US cities

- did over 2000 daytime approaches over 6 different cities (chattanooga, nashville, austin, phoenix, san jose, chicago) without even getting laid. tons of failed dates and pulls and great stories. i consider this an accomplishment because you can't be successful in business without having failed businesses too

- started taking roids and taking the goal of having an elite body seriously: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=32059#p32059

- having my own network and community of 15-20 guys over many group chats who are motivated and take their lives seriously with dating, all from KYIL

- got over my bullshit preconceived notions, "morals", insecurities, and general anxiety regarding using online dating apps (yes, I actually found using apps to be harder than daytime cold approach)

- dropped $10k on SMILE eye surgery to permanently never need glasses or contacts again, making my life 20% better all the time

- somehow finally losing my damn v-card, in the most magical possible way, and then also somehow getting my first 3 lays that same week

- spending around ~$40k specifically for dating-related reasons

random shoutouts to these guys also:
goldfish: one of the first guys i hit up from the forums. a year ago he was trying to approach 300 girls total as a total virgin and that motivated me to start hustling with daytime cold approach too.
september: my KYIL twin, in that not only did we both join and start around the same time, we also have like ~70% of the same background and personality type. most slept on log in the forums imo (u need to post more lmao): https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=19280#p19280
MakingAComeback: the man who doesn't need a description lmao, but specifically for making the closed group chat i currently default to which has resulted in the most comprehensive dating resource i have now outside of Troy, pushing me to adopt the "bulldog" identity, and giving me a goal that's forcing me to go into overdrive for year 2
Mimbe393939: for being hyper-motivated by seeing my log and spamming me in DMs about all the action he's taking, which also effectively got me out of my May slump

if i didnt tag u, that means u suck 🥰 just kidding LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here's to another year of gainz!!!!!!

and just remember

every time you get laid
you have to walk back and say...

I'M A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIME TO HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
colgate said:
After my "red shirt" year on this site, I consider this day more important than my irl birthday

Pretty great red shirt year honestly. Definitely one of the most inspiring logs just from sheer force going from a guy dealt a bad hand to crushing it with overwhelming action.

What's the 2 year goal?
Manganiello said:
Pretty great red shirt year honestly.
It's honestly pretty crazy that I got "rewarded" literally right at the end of this first year. As in, I got thrown into the grinder non stop and every time I decided to jump back in, I kept getting inklings of progress attached with even greater setbacks until eventually it had to burst. Really feels like it was my "test" year to see if I even had what it takes to persevere. That's just how it is.

Manganiello said:
What's the goal?
The goal in my profile and signature, 20 lays before 2023. Mentioned at the end of this post also: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=854&p=38158&hilit=20+lays#p38158
colgate said:
@Mimbe393939: for being hyper-motivated by seeing my log and spamming me in DMs about all the action he's taking, which also effectively got me out of my May slump

Happy one year birthday 🎂🎂🎂!!! I appreciate the shoutout

You've truly been a huge inspiration for me, and helped me in more ways then I can explain, contributing to my on-going success.

I can't wait to see what circumstances we find ourselves in the next coming months-years, keep killing it bro. You know you have my support.


Let's fucking get to it
colgate said:
I'M A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIME TO HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everytime I have a slow part of the week where I don't have a date lined up, I literally replay your video in my head of you saying this.

Happy 1 year. Rooting you on to see MakingAComeback get a bulldog tat.
august 2022 plan
timeline: aug 8-sep 2

- starting stats: 149 lbs, ~18% bf (visual estimate)

cut: 1650 calories max. 150g protein. 120g+ carbs.

I also have determined using online calculators to find TDEE is bullshit and I’m flummoxed at how many calories I should be eating for bulking/cutting. So I’ll resume my existing cutting diet and autistically track everything to derive my TDEE from my own personal data, which is what Manganiello does too.

private lessons: wednesday, friday

I'm used to going to boxing now so I think I don't need to count my sessions.

- saturday - legs
- sunday - shoulders
- monday - chest
- tuesday - back

Now that I've managed to sort out and associate days with specific body parts, I don't think I need to count sessions anymore here either.

This is the optimal schedule for my body that I stumbled upon for now to balance with boxing. It's derived from these constraints I discovered:
- shoulders cannot be immediately before or after a boxing day (shoulders are most tired after boxing, and i can't throw punches effectively if my shoulders are sore)
- legs cannot be before a boxing day (ducking becomes impossible for the boxing sesh)
- back cannot be immediately after a shoulders day

dating improvements
15 sessions
session - read and take notes on some game-related book/resource

Many guys in my groups actively read and study various books and "game"/pickup material. And I've seen guys like september somehow "naturally" be good at things like texting and understanding the general structures of dating and male-female interactions, when really they've also been hustling at studying and implementing material they've read.

My natural tendency with learning something new is literally blindly jumping in the deep end and trying to figure it out. It's why I was allured to Lord Voldemort's approach to...approach. And this can work if you're a "natural". But clearly, I'm not.

I often get frustrated with random shit like this:

After about a year of "just winging it" and using my existing "social skills" (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you can call it that) to fudge my way through, I think it's time I actually open pandora's box and dive into the vast world of structured game content.

I won't mention specific resources here for now, and I'll generally avoid just reporting shit like "OMG guys, I read this thing, and it said this, but I'm like this WOW!!!!!! so insightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" without it being tied to an actual experience to avoid noise on this log.

If I do implement something from a resource in any of my dating action, I'll mention it there specifically. I want to tightly couple any concepts I learn to real experiences, rather than just having it be theory and introspection wank in a vacuum.

lessons 1-8/16 from https://vocalpowerbootcamp.com

It's the course that Mimbe393939 and september have been doing.

My voice SUCKS. I talk way too fast and energetically, I have a gay accent, I can't talk coherently, and it tends to go in the higher registers. I also tend to talk extremely loudly though and have zero volume control and people have to often tell me to talk quietly (which I don't mind when people do, because I'm literally not aware of how my voice sounds).

I'm pretty sure my voice and tonality are minus SMV points. As in, if there's some girl on the fence about me regarding my looks (which I think are actually decent now) and other initial impressions, they're going to be completely turned off the moment I open my mouth.

Basically, people who don't have the above problems with their voice can't even comprehend how they're problems until they hear someone like me talk in person. Even KillYourInnerLoser didn't get it when I complained about it the first time it was brought up to me.

I want to be at a point where I don't cringe at hearing my voice and my voice is masculine and attractive. So I'll have to put serious effort into it.

I've also bought a voice recorder, and will be able to record all of my approach sessions and possibly dates in the future. I regret not buying this a year ago because the potential gains would have been huge, but it's better late than never.

Having to manually trigger recording and stopping it using my phone was enough of a hump to not make me consistently record my approaches. With this device, the storage is dedicated to audio, so I can just let it record for many hours and cut it up/post-process it when I get home.

22 sessions
session - x+15 seconds. starting at x = 3 minutes.

My erect penis size is ~5.5 inches (14 cm). This is actually about where Chris from GLL started.

Honestly my dick size hasn’t been a point of insecurity and I can have good sex with what I have. But I just want a huge cock!!!

I bought the Bathmate HydroMAX7 some months ago and use it sometimes before I think I’ll have a girl over, but my usage has been very inconsistent (randomly 3-5 times a month). Additionally, I wanted to avoid penile enhancement until I lost my v-card, but now I have and I’m fooling around with girls more. I spent the money on the device so I might as well get my gains.

Just putting this in my plan because I need to make it a habit to use it consistently

dating action
online (primary)
20 sessions, -1 per date went on
session: boost 3x + swipe + message girls

Same as last month. Also I will set up Bumble and Hinge with my new pictures.

Also I really need to just be messaging chicks 24/7 like Mimbe393939 does rather than limiting it to sessions. Sessions help me focus and reduce my “messaging anxiety”, but I’m starting to feel less anxious with messaging and I’m discovering patterns, so I really need to be on top of this shit all the time.

15 sessions, -1 per date went on

I've been sleeping on daygame, mainly because Nashville doesn't have huge volume centers (except for the university where I got kicked out of last year, LOL!!!!!!!!!!), and I have to go out of my way to do it. But the barrier of entry is way lower for me and I basically have zero daytime approach anxiety (I already do random one-off approaches in the grocery store).

I’ve planned out some potential "circuits" I can take to pick up volume during the week, and I'll go to the malls for weekend volume. For the week, it'll just be a combo of grocery stores and streets.

Also, since my 6’3” plastic plate (plastic, because we’ve met up twice but I’ve only gotten an explosive bj off of her and no lay yet) is from a bumblefuck nowhere city, I want to try out driving to random small towns surrounding Nashville and do maybe 5-15 approaches there. Seems like there’s potential to find very feminine small-town chicks with southern country twang accents who think I’m the cool city guy.

I will also record all of my approach sessions and take a more deliberate approach to...approach. As in try to keep track of all my approaches so I can specifically tune in things that are hampering my results. pancakemouse spreadsheet style shit.

I need to get good at this. This is the primary reason I am choosing to stay in Nashville. I wrote my thoughts on why previously.

But to sum up, the only way for me to get over nighttime AA is to go out every night until I actually enjoy the act of going out at night to talk to girls. Just like I did with daygame.

My overarching goal here is to get 20 lays by the end of the year. So I want to do all avenues of dating action that I can. But relative to daygame and online, my nightgame "skill" is quite low and requires a larger hump to start being able to hustle for real.

Considering that I have to basically commit to doing nightgame every night to begin to get good at it, I will start by just doing online and daygame, and once I get the flow of doing those two and my other daily actions, I will see whether I can pull the trigger on nightgame this month.


TIME TO HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've officially received the pictures that MILFandCookies took of me last weekend in Austin and had my crew choose the best pictures for my new profile. Ed_ made a cameo in the social shot.

old profile
~110 matches over 1 month

new profile
View attachment 1

Further volume improvements for me at this point would come from:
- better body (I still have a long way to go for elite body, need to lose at least 5-7% more body fat and gain more muscle)
- improved style. my style is from "2017" right now and not polarizing/fuckboy enough still (and especially since I have pretty "friendly" facial features)

So at this point, whatever volume I get is what I will get.

Also I need to set up Bumble and Hinge with the new pics.
MattsCrib said:
Holy shit... Insane physique. Do you really roid? Or is it more or less achievable natty? Also, super wholesome to blast cute anime music while doing the deed :D :D

Yes, I actually take roids lol

I think my current physique is still achievable natty. It's just with roids I got to the point I'm currently at within 3-4 months instead of perhaps 9-12. I'm definitely not anywhere close to my "natural" potential, let alone roids potential (will take 2-3 years).

And my body fat is still ~17% so I am currently doing a cut to get it down before I decide to lean bulk.

This picture was the last time I was natural: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=32059#p32059
story continued from: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=39900#p39900

"plastic" plate because she's given me an explosive blowjob, and we've met 2+ times, but no lay yet.

Before I met up with the current 6'3" chick I'm seeing, she sent me these texts:
View attachment 1

I had discussed this with some of my groups and I got the suggestion for the next time we meet up to:
- only cuddle and makeout
- "abruptly" cut it off and do something else
- send her out

The idea is this "makes fun" of her frame so that there's a chance she'll wonder why I didn't go as far as I normally do, and then try to invest some more herself.

But whether that's effective or not, we won't find out.

Initially when she came over, she asked me if I was seeing other girls. I said "you're the only girl I'm seeing right now", which is technically true. But I'm not sure it was the optimal response.

She said she noticed that I had changed my tinder pictures. So I told her that I went to Austin over the weekend to meet some friends. Then she said that I don't mind if you see other girls.

We cuddled and madeout.

Then I "ended it". I was in the middle of cleaning my room and had a bunch of washed clothes.

So I told her to fold my clothes, and she did. Great.

I cleaned my room while we chatted about random bs.

Then she still had about 2 hours to go before she had to go to work. If I were following the above plan, I probably should have just sent her off. But I made the dumb excuse of "well she lives really far away and what is she even going to do in the meanwhile"

So I sat back on the bed and turned on some YouTube videos and we cuddled while watching them.

Then I randomly made out with her, and disengaged.

I was getting way too turned on and I put her hand over my pants. Kept disengaging and repeating.

Eventually, I couldn't control myself and I just whipped it out and had her jerk me off. Then I had her suck my dick again. I interspersed the dick sucking with the handjob and just watching the video. Also mixed in putting my finger in her mouth and having her suck that while she jerked me off.

At some point I had my finger in her mouth, jerked myself off, and exploded all over her face.

She went to go wash her face, I started to make some music on my laptop while she sat besides me. She was telling me she starts school next week and inquiring about my schedule and asking what other times she could come over. Then after a few minutes she said she had to go (she had work).

Reflection and next steps
I don't like how I handled this. First of all, I failed to stick to my initial plan and couldn't control myself. I did deliberately decide to not undress her, but I felt that was out of playing it way too safe. As in, I knew I could get myself off without having to do anything with her. So I really don't like that I not only failed to follow the plan, but I also stayed completely in my comfort zone. And my excuse for not following the plan was clearly lame.

I had told my groups about the story again, and it was also suggested that I'm not doing anything for the girl either. As in I'm not taking her on any other dates and etc, she's just coming over. It would literally take one other guy on Tinder to take her on more than one date and I would essentially "lose" her.

I'm not too concerned about losing this girl specifically, because I am talking to other girls. But it would be out of my own fuckup.

I'm also not sure whether the next time she comes if I should redo my plan again, take her on a "date", or just be forward and try to get the lay next time. That is, if she comes over next time.

update: story continued https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41104#p41104
"Are you just looking for sex?" signals that she's looking for a boyfriend.

If you don't want to be her boyfriend, at the end of the day, there's nothing you can do. At most you can delay the inevitable (her leaving for another guy)

The default state for girls is to look for boyfriends. Some are faster to give you the "what are we" conversation than others. But it will come up sure enough (unless your vibes are fuckboy enough for it to be completely obvious you're not boyfriend material, in which case she'll just next you without such a convo)

I'm guessing you aren't fuckboyish enough and therefore you run into this trouble. Doesn't help that you're "willing to wait" either.

This girl doesn't understand why your pictures and physique makes you look like a fuckboy while you're also waiting around for her to grant you the privilege of fucking her pussy.

A guy who gets laid 3x a week wouldn't behave like this, he'd ditch this girl for one of the other 10 girls on his radar who are more than happy to fuck him.


This is pure conjecture on my part though as I don't know you or how you behave with girls/on dates. But I think I'm fairly on the mark. Take it with a grain of salt though.
Holden said:
If you don't want to be her boyfriend, at the end of the day, there's nothing you can do. At most you can delay the inevitable
whatever i can do to get laid lol (whether it's with this girl or not)

Holden said:
I'm guessing you aren't fuckboyish enough and therefore you run into this trouble
you're right. although I doubt I'm "boyfriend material" to most girls because I literally don't have experience with that either.

as you might know, i came into dating with basically zero experience with even having a girlfriend. so it's like somehow i'm neither fuckboy nor boyfriend right now lol.

i think this girl is just defaulting to seeing me as boyfriend because she's a virgin, super inexperienced, and is basically a country girl.

Holden said:
Doesn't help that you're "willing to wait" either.
i mean if i get ghosted or the "i don't feel a connection" text down the line, i probably won't think much. i'm just trying to navigate this current situation (and i'm also talking to other girls of course)

Holden said:
he'd ditch this girl for one of the other 10 girls on his radar who are more than happy to fuck him.
problem is i don't have "10 girls on my radar" atm. i'll need to hustle for a while with my current pics and also start doing cold approach again to generate my options, but i definitely don't have an abundance of girls (which is essentially what i'm striving for with my current 20 lays goal)

Holden said:
This is pure conjecture on my part though as I don't know you or how you behave with girls/on dates. But I think I'm fairly on the mark. Take it with a grain of salt though.
yeah, i agree with you. i've posted all of my date reports in my log.

i think my "vibe" on dates is essentially just "friendly and normal" because while i don't have previous dating experience, i used to have a lot of female friends, so i think i tend to just channel into that energy (which is probably the wrong energy to channel into, but it's my default). then i just go for the pull whenever i feel like it and escalate in the bedroom.

i don't exactly know what "fuckboy energy" would be on a date.

i tend to avoid doing any kind of escalation on the date itself and save it for after the pull because i haven't found it to be useful, but i know many guys that do e.g. kiss on the date and etc.
colgate said:
whatever i can do to get laid lol (whether it's with this girl or not)

Probably focus on other girls. If you want to get laid at all costs with this girl you can just lie. But I assume you want to get laid ethically... In which case you're not exactly awash with options here.

Regarding the "10 other girls" thing... Yeah I know you're not in abundance right now, but you should behave as if you were. The point I was making is that your Tinder profile does make you look like you have 10 other girls, so girls will expect behavior congruent with that. Then when you don't, it's weird to her.

Btw I don't do any escalation on dates either, other than touching girls lower back when we're crossing the road etc. I believe most of it comes from style, vocal tonality, and eye contact. I think to an outside observer my dates look fairly boring. I sit back, relaxed, talk slowly, might even look a little bored. But everything is communicated through eye contact.

I've also gone on 200 dates probably (just a guess based on my laycount) so there is zero nervousness, which translates to "effortless confidence" which is a big part of it.
colgate said:
i tend to avoid doing any kind of escalation on the date itself and save it for after the pull because i haven't found it to be useful, but i know many guys that do e.g. kiss on the date and etc

Yeah that's probably what puts you in that box.
I don't mean go all the way ( i rarely kiss a girl outside of my house) but the way i move, talk and touch makes it all clear.
You can do physical escalation because if you don't it's easy to fall into the platonic/bf box
Holden said:
Yeah I know you're not in abundance right now, but you should behave as if you were. The point I was making is that your Tinder profile does make you look like you have 10 other girls, so girls will expect behavior congruent with that. Then when you don't, it's weird to her.
I guess this is one of those "chicken and the egg" problems. As in, if I knew how to behave as if I had 10 other girls I probably would, but I don't, and I'm not sure what parts of my behavior are revealing to her that I don't have options.

There are some specific parts of the interaction I think threw me off guard and I could have handled better:
colgate said:
Initially when she came over, she asked me if I was seeing other girls. I said "you're the only girl I'm seeing right now", which is technically true. But I'm not sure it was the optimal response.

She said she noticed that I had changed my tinder pictures. So I told her that I went to Austin over the weekend to meet some friends. Then she said that I don't mind if you see other girls.
I didn't change my response when she said "I don't mind if you see other girls". I'm not really sure exactly what I should have said other than what I actually said (which was actually true).

colgate said:
Then she still had about 2 hours to go before she had to go to work. If I were following the above plan, I probably should have just sent her off. But I made the dumb excuse of "well she lives really far away and what is she even going to do in the meanwhile"
I went against my plan.

I think because I had this plan in mind, I didn't act maximally forward to try to get the lay at all, but I didn't follow the plan either, resulting in this 3rd meetup being zero change from last time.

There are a couple options I have, I'll reiterate them
1. redo the "plan" next time she comes
2. take her on a "date" (and play (m)ltr game with her), maybe/maybe not bring her back after and maybe/maybe not go for the lay
3. go for the lay the next meetup and straight to crib
4. don't hit her up and wait for her to hit me up (and if she doesn't, lose her, which would be fine because I probably need to get burned atm)

very confusing situation for me haha. after the second meetup i thought the lay was inevitable down the road. then she sent me those texts and after this meetup i'm not sure if this is salvageable or if i can veer the trajectory towards a lay (and if i do, it'll probably teach me a lot of "comfort" calibrations)
AskTheDom said:
You can do physical escalation because if you don't it's easy to fall into the platonic/bf box
I think I already touch girls here and there if she's sitting next to me, especially "incidentally". But I don't know how to talk "sexually" and I'm not nearly aggressive enough.

What would you recommend to get me out of the "platonic/bf" box? I know my pre-existing "experience" with girls means my comfort zone is just generic/boring chat.
colgate said:
I guess this is one of those "chicken and the egg" problems. As in, if I knew how to behave as if I had 10 other girls I probably would, but I don't, and I'm not sure what parts of my behavior are revealing to her that I don't have options.
You can think about it logically to some extent. Would a guy who fucks 5 girls per week bother dating someone who won't put out for 3+ dates? Probably not.

When in doubt, just think to yourself "how would a guy who fucks 5 girls a week handle this" and the answer will probably reveal itself. It also works with texting, it ensures you don't waste time becoming her texting buddy or that you don't act overly excited all the time.

Regarding this particular chick, I don't have any advice to offer based on experience because I never went more than 3 dates without sex. Nowadays two is my max unless a chick ticks literally every box.

Honestly I'd just ignore what she says and go for the lay every time we meet up. Last thing I'd do is take her on a date and put in a lot of effort. If anything it should be the opposite: cute dates are reserved for cool, sexual girls who go the extra mile for you.


Actually there was one time I dated a girl without sex. I'd seen an FB for the longest time until she got with a serious 40 y/o Dom guy who allowed her to see other guys but no penetration lol. So I basically used her mouth at my leisure and made her do every degrading dirty thing under the sun short of P-in-V sex.

But at that time I was seeing 3 other FBs, and I wouldn't recommend chasing an arrangement like this without actual abundance surrounding it because it will frustrate the hell out of you otherwise.