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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

story continued from: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=40366#p40366

First of all,
I have been incorrectly reporting this chick's height as 6'3".

She's not 6'3".
hey, by the way, you never asked how tall i was...
She's 6'5". I'm 5'5" btw.

This story has many more kickers than just that, so buckle up.

The date
Rather than inviting her straight-to-crib like I had done for the previous two meetups, I had decided to actually take her out on a little date before bringing her back to my place. I explain at the end of this post in more detail why, but in short, I thought this would be the optimal calibration to get me either laid or feel fine dropping her, given that she's a virgin and has little experience with guys.

And in general, I'm trying to work on actually giving value to girls, instead of autistically extracting what I want out of them.

I planned to take us to a little skeeball-bowling alley-arcade type place a few blocks from my place.

Now here's a kicker, she's 20, about to turn 21 in less than 2 weeks. The bowling place is 21+ after 8:00pm. We arrive at 8:03pm.

and the bouncer won't let us in

Real slim margins, but ultimately no cigar.

Fortunately, this girl is quite the small town country girl and hasn't been to the city much, so I change plans and tell her we will walk through this bougie city district she's never seen.

With the mindset of providing this girl value beyond sex, I had decided to get her to open up more about her interests and study to become a fashion designer because she likes being girly and designing clothes for tall girls. Teased her a little bit that she could make clothes for drag queens too. The conversation was at least 70% about her as we walked through the district.

I see an ice cream shop and say we'll go get ice cream now. I order a strawberry ice cream because I like fruit flavors, and she orders a chocolate mousse trap.

We sit outside on a bench and keep chatting. She says she wants to go to the Cheesecake Factory one day so I use the low-hanging fruit opportunity to future project that I'll take her there sometime and that I've been there plenty.

The wine
Then I drive us back to my apartment.

I wanted us to have shots of coconut rum because I'm Indian, however Troy had stolen it all with his girl.......the fucker...........................

We had some wine so I decided we will drink that. However, I only have one Walmart plastic cup and a Dasani water bottle...

I struggle to uncork the bottle, and then the wine cataclysmically explodes all over the floor. Real smooth.

I pour us wine, and then we instantly down it because it's fucking gross wine. Then I clean up the mess and then we head to the bedroom. Usually you'd have to go to the bedroom to make a mess first, but I guess there was some premature ejaculation here.

The bedroom
I show her progress on a song I had started in her presence immediately after I finished exploding all over her face the last time she was over.

Then I put on Maxwell - Urban Hang Suite, which was the new escalation album I had decided to use from the straight-to-crib chick from last night.

From there it was just standard escalation of making out, sucking her titties, having her stroke my cock etc. The pillows were oriented the opposite direction than I normally have them because she's 6'5".

I actually managed to undo her bra myself so this is the first time I've unhooked a chick's bra LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, she's doing things that I had previously taught her that I liked with less instruction from me (such as, I will mildly guide her hand over my pants, and she will start just stroking my dick and rubbing it). I told her to undo my jeans and eventually go into my underwear, as I keep making out with her because having a girl undo my pants turns me on.

I get up over her and continue fooling around. I start fingering her a little bit, but she's still hyper-sensitive. Eventually I tell her to spread her legs.

i'm gonna put it in

I was just fucking hyper-direct this time.


I gave her a weird look and then went back to making out with her again.
I try again, this time telling her to bend over. She's like i'm not gonna do that...

Now, I have to reiterate again that this girl is 6'5". I'm 5'5". Missionary is a logistical impossibility.

So I prop her bum on two pillows and try to navigate my cock into her pussy. But I've found another problem:
her pussy is like one inch from her asshole

So me kneeling while having her legs propped up is a no-go.
I attempt to stand on the side of the bed and move her legs off of the side with her bum still propped on the two pillows, and that doesn't work either.
Finally, I tell her she's going to have to bend over. This time she complies, likely realizing that it's going to be impossible otherwise.
I tell her to put her ass up high, and I straddle my legs over her right leg. She's like grabbing my pillows tightly.
I have like 12 missed thrusts trying to navigate my cock into her pussy, and accidentally wrong-holing a few times...

and then
and THEN


She gasps and squirms away from my cock almost instantly but we did it!!!!!!!!! lay 4/20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also she's officially no longer a virgin!

The coming
are u okay
ur doing great
...yeah im fine

I fumble around again to navigate my cock into her pussy. I get it in again, and this time she squeals a little bit but manages to stay put. I have to essentially play doctor and reassure her it's ok and she's doing great.

her pussy is so fucking tight.

she's also soaked!

I literally do like maybe 3 or 4 thrusts

I can't take it. I'm literally about to explode. I try to hold it in as much as possible.

but i cant fucking take it
i rapidly pull out and shoot jets all over her inner thighs and bum.

OMG did you come inside????????????
lol no ur good

I start making out with her again, cuddle, suck on her tittles
instantly rock hard!

I have her give me a handjob and a blowjob.

have her suck my finger while she jerks me off. this is my degenerate fetish guys.
Crimson likes to lick feet, and goldfish likes to eat ass.
I like girls sucking on my fingers and thumb

I tell her to put her ass up high again, mis-thrust like 8 times and then finally get it in once more.

I know I got it in again because
1. i feel like i'm going to instantly come
2. she squeals

I literally do 3 thrusts

I manage to hold in what would have been another massive orgasm by instantly pulling out and making out with her.

I stick it back in, and do literally 2 more thrusts, and then hold it in her as I am resisting every urge to just blast inside of her.

Then I push myself a bit. I do.....holy shit.... 5 thrusts this time.

i can't fucking take it
can't take this fucking shit

i pull out again, hold my hand over my super soaker and massively ejaculate into my hand.

so i've done not more than 10, maybe 15 thrusts into this chick over the span of 8 minutes tops and i've already come twice.

we cuddle for a bit and that's when she asks me
hey, by the way, you never asked how tall i was...
lol ok how tall are u
i'm 6'5"

lol!!!!!!!!!!!! what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha i guessed u were 6'3" tbh. i'm 5'5" btw

now here's a real kicker
Suddenly my bathroom door opens.

hey! wrong room

The door doesn't shut and a person walks in.

hey!! wrong room

I had mentioned earlier that Troy had a girl over and they stole my coconut rum.

Troy and I share a bathroom with doors leading into each of our rooms.

hey!!! wrong room, go back to the other room!

It's some ghetto af black woman who had just steamrolled and come into my room, despite my loud verbal objections.

She blankly looks around my room.

what are you doing this is not the right room
*incoherent babbling and pointing*

I can't understand her. My chick and I are completely nude in bed and my girl is trying to cover up her chest with her arms.

She points at my chick and confuses her for a guy, likely due to the room being dark and her being much larger than I am.

*more incoherent babbling and pointing* him *mumble mumble*
it's her
you need to leave my fucking room right now or i'm going to walk you out. there's the door

Suddenly, the woman snaps back into reality and scurries back into the bathroom/Troy's room.
oh wait...my bad...

i was straight up ready to get out of my bed and escort this creature out of the apartment unit completely nude if she didn't figure it out

my girl was like omfg what is happenin. but i nestled her head on my chest and told her it's all good, this is now going to be a funny story for the future.

we cuddle some more
my sister doesnt know im not coming home lollllllll

i check the bathroom to make sure the troll from above wasn't lurking in the shower or some shit and then escort my chick into the bathroom so she can clean up a bit.

The pizza
My chick says she's hungry so we walk over to Broadway and get some late night pizza.

Then we walk back home and she wants to watch Pea Valley which is some show about black strippers so I throw that onto my laptop and we cuddle while watching that.

this show is about strippers...so idk if ur comfortable with that...
lol it's fine hahah

i literally just fucked this girl and she's asking me if i'm comfortable watching a show about strippers 😂😂😂

I'm still fucking rock hard

After 2 episodes, I put the laptop away and start escalating on her again.

All the way to having her bent over with her ass up high and me straddled over her leg ready to insert again.

Some missed thrusts and wrong holing later, I get it in again.
I'm thinking, okay I've literally exploded twice less than 2 hours ago, maybe this time I'll last.

I do maybe 18 thrusts and I can't fucking take it.

I have to pull out and shoot jets again.

i cant control myself with you
haha i can see that

INSTANTLY rock hard again.

I get it back in her once more.
Start thrusting.
wait holy shit...i don't have the sudden urge to come

I start trying to go a little faster...

too much

pull out again and this time i orgasm
with ZERO ejaculate.

i came but nothing came out. i literally ran out of semen.

So recap so far. I've come 4x within maybe 2 hours and less than ~100 thrusts. And the first three had to have been under ~30 thrusts.


I didn't even go to makeout with her this time. I just stuck it back in again.

I'm cautious, I slowly start thrusting.
wait holy shit...once again i dont have the urge to suddenly orgasm
I start hitting it fast...
wait holy shit...this is normal....

I hit it super fast. holy fuck now we're having sex.

off to the races for me
i start slapping her ass and biting her from behind. playing with her titties and etc. choking her.
she's squealing and moaning constantly.
hahahahahaha yesssssssssss

it took me literally near-instantly coming 3 times, coming after maybe less than 2 minutes a 4th time, and somehow still maintaining an erection to finally properly fuck this girl.

After around ~15 minutes, it starts getting really hot and sweaty so I start to lose my boner a bit so I stop
do u want water lol
yes please

i change clothes, then i solve my rubik's cube a couple times, and then we fall asleep

The morning
We wake up around 9:15am and she's showing me random things on her phone that she likes and etc. Then I go on the fruitless endeavor of attempting to explain what modular synthesis is.

I get hard again, and then escalate. Have her bent over with her ass up high and my legs straddled over her leg ready to fuck.

I'm thinking, okay, we've literally done 5 rounds so far and I should hopefully be out of fucking juice so we should have some proper sex.

LOL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do like maybe 23 thrusts and then can't take it and have to pull out.

I actually manage to not orgasm and hold it in.

This time I decide to do a throwback experience. Have her give me a bj while I stroke her hair and move her head occasionally. She's getting really good at sucking my dick. She's also getting good at giving me a handjob and i have her suck my finger while she jerks me off.

Then I decide to just make out with her while I jerk myself off. Eventually I orgasm and little drops come out.

We clean up, and then I take us out to what was apparently

Rather than properly read the description of the place, I was just like oh ok, I'll trust the first Google review I see on the place to guide my decision.

But turns out it's some hyper-bougie fancy restaurant with $30 small plates and bullshit. They have some "brunch taster" which is $55, so I'm like ehhhh fuck it let's just get this for both of us.

It's honestly kinda ehh alright.

But then I get a bill of $132. what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! turns out it was $55 per person. now there's a kicker!!!!

but i'm so much of a top G hustler baller that i dont give a fuck LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets spend total $180+ on a chick we slept once with over a night because we can 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

we walk out of the brunch place

lol we shoulda just gone to ihop
yeah, i would have loved waffle house actually

So now I've had a chance to take chick's virginity. Far-cry experience from the previous three girls I've hooked up with.

I think in terms of enjoyable sex, I actually prefer the girl have a good amount of experience. As in, her pussy isn't so tight it makes me instantly come, and I can focus on doing shit like choking her and fucking her silly.

On the other hand, this girl is going to be a project. I'm glad I've had "amazing sex" before because I at least have a solid baseline for what the standard of sex should be like. But this feels like I picked up a bari sax and I'm trying to figure out how to make it sound good as a clarinet player. It will take some getting used to and I'll have to get better at controlling myself.

Why did I take her on an actual date, rather than inviting her straight-to-crib?
As I reported for our third meetup, she had been worried that I was "just looking for sex" and that she's "not in a rush". I had failed to implement a plan where I only makeout with her and stop there. I couldn't control myself and went for pretty much everything I had done with her already up until that point.

So I was at a crossroads. I don't want to spend more time stalling with this chick, but I don't want to drop her so soon. Especially given that my options are slowly starting to open up, but I have to put in the effort and hustle for it. Essentially, I was evaluating whether I was in a sunk-cost fallacy.

Another event setting the tone for what I needed to do next was from this blunder date I had with a cute Indian chick some days ago. The main learning point for me is that up until that date, I had been viewing my own interactions with girls from a "take take take" perspective, seeing how much I can "take" from girls (e.g. being hyper-pushy in general, not putting in effort to provide value/incentives for girls to spend time with me).

This wasn't intentional on my part, it's just how I've generally operated in the world. I don't have a desire to be "altruistic" or generous to others. That doesn't mean I don't have anything against it. But it's part of a belief I've had where I have no value in the first place, so what would I even have to give? When I mean I'm not "against" giving, if a friend asks me for help, I'll help them to the best of my ability, but I don't "just know" what people want or go out of my way to help others.

Now that I've been clearly gaining more "value" to girls, I've been e.g. getting matches on dating apps. But I still need to view interactions as a value-exchange, rather than "I'm going to get sex out of this girl, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's why I had opted for actually taking her out on a date, rather than straight-to-cribbing again. I was trying to take into consideration that this girl was a virgin, so she doesn't necessarily hyper-value sex itself, but rather the idea of a guy liking her and spending time with her. And I'm sure that's actually "part of the foreplay" for this kind of girl.

This is what I had boiled down the decision tree to:
View attachment 1

Essentially, if I straight-to-cribbed, and then got a repeat of dates 1-3 (just fooling around with no lay):
1. I would have been forever wondering "what if I just fucking took her on a date, what if I did something for her instead of just escalating instantly like an autist".
2. She would probably distance herself farther because beyond her just being "my toy", she wouldn't see the point in continuing to see me, and I think taking her out on a date for the theoretical fifth meetup would have been less effective than now.

Fortunately, for both of us, scenario #4 happened so it's likely this is going to be a real plate now.

But I'm not going to go all ovnidos on everyone because...


jk, miss u bro, hope ur havin fun 🥰

btw also i'm not inserting my cock into a pussy right this moment so that means...................

this is probably the most astonishing thing i've seen happening in a while

Blackpillers BTFO . a 167cm guy deflowers a 2 meters woman. E P I C O

So many highlights. The height difference. The "creature" entering your room. "Pea Valley". Drinking shit wine out of a plastic cup and Dasani water bottle (let's live in a LUXURY apartment complex and not own nice things).
colgate said:
I struggle to uncork the bottle, and then the wine cataclysmically explodes all over the floor. Real smooth.
This is exactly why I always buy wine with a screw cap ;)

Congrats. I never had a virgin myself.
She’s 6’5 WTF!

What a story, this lay report is a big FUCK YOU to all the short guys who think they’re height is the reason they won’t get laid. Congrats, you’re a legend.
6'5", holy shit. That's gotta be like 1 in 100,000, legit
i have an unfortunate announcement to make

people on twitter debunked that this story is actually fake.

i'm missing a couple key details and embellishing parts of the story.

so let me come clean:

for example, i'm not 5'5"

I'm actually 5'9"

and the girl isn't 6'5". she's actually 6'0"

and she's actually a trans basketball player.

see more mythbusting of this story here. more details of this story are being taken apart as we speak

i'll come clean myself and debunk one of the details i misrepresented as well.

colgate said:
I order a strawberry ice cream because I like fruit flavors,
i said i had ordered strawberry ice cream during the date because i like fruit flavors. well i actually ordered vanilla, and I don't like fruit flavors at all.

i'm sorry for letting everyone on kyil down, but you know we really promote brutal honesty on this forum. so i couldn't cloud my conscience knowing i lied to you guys.

lol jk!!!!!!!
Ah the twitter arm chair Pua's coming after you , careful because I heard their game is KILLLLLLERRRR
Dude - as a fellow 5'5 guy, this 6'5 girl story is really fucking crazy. It reminded me of this date I had last December with this cute 20 year old black chick who was 5'11 and wearing 3 inch heels. We never made out/had sex/or anything so I didn't think it was worth posting about. I always thought it was a fluke that I even got her on a date,, but you really opened my eyes to the possibility :)

Thanks for keeping strong dude- this story really gave me motivation to grind even harder.
This is one of the greatest things I've ever read, worthy of inclusion in the memoirs of Casanova himself.

colgate you are a god among men, a star among embers, a legend among losers, the hero we need but don't deserve...

(and I mean this in least gay way possible)
I love you brother.

Amazing, amazing, amazing job
Good shit brutha

colgate said:
i change clothes, then i solve my rubik's cube a couple times, and then we fall asleep
After the whole story you dropped this line and i busted out laughing

date stack
date stack i will implement going forward

key differences from earlier will be
- framing interactions and dates with girls as a value-exchange rather than trying to push my way into trying to get laid
- emotional connection rather than boring chat
- not being obnoxious and trying to strategically pull at all costs, assuming the girl wants to see me for a second date even if she doesn't pull on the first

digital/chatting addiction
been going through september's addiction recovery notes as he's been able to kick many habits through the easyway/rational recovery method. going to start with reading this note he wrote and adapting it to my own situation.

this has been repeatedly been my achilles heel for my slow pace at accomplishing goals and being inconsistent with many things such as the gym and other hustle i need to be doing. most of the hustle i do tends to be just things i'm "motivated" to do, but the universe doesn't care about how "motivated" you are

going to give you guys an update with my own notes by next sunday sep 7.
colgate said:
digital/chatting addiction

As grateful as I was to be invited into one of the KYIL telegram groups with some of the other guys here, I ultimately had to delete it from my phone because I wanted to check it to often throughout the day.

It's the same reason I don't have any social media accounts, they are just to much like crack for me. So while I don't get the benefit of getting immediate feedback from those guys, I gain the ability to focus on my goals which is more important to me.

Good luck on the dates this week!
colgate said:
digital/chatting addiction
been going through @september's addiction recovery notes as he's been able to kick many habits through the easyway/rational recovery method. going to start with reading this note he wrote and adapting it to my own situation.
Trust me, you are far than alone on this one. I have this too, and it makes me procrastinate a bit too much some days. That is why I don't use Tinder anymore and I should still limit more my Telegram/Whatsapp use. Working on it.

I will check these notes and your log to see how you're doing with it. Get after it man!
first bumble date ever lol (mini-milestone because i previously never got a single message from the app before my new pics. volume is still low tho).

In the interest of "providing value to girls" I thought of an experimental date idea where rather than just some drinks or tacos, I take the girl to a farmers market, make her curry at my place, and go from there. I hate having bullshit conversation and have no idea how to do that overly sexual dialogue style yet (could be learned tbh), and I think I would project my vibe better doing something I would already enjoy and showcasing more "practical" value than just autistically showcasing my music.

Obvious downside of this type of date is 2-3 hours long instead of 20-60 minutes, but upside of being "unique", I can get the vibe of the girl better, and she can see how I act towards other people. Plus there is way more time to get the girl to open up to me, and I literally don't have to pull. I also have food for myself later too.

The Rice and the Pool Noodle
We meet at the grocery store below my apartment.

She has huge bazonkers. I stg she has F cups. and short pink hair and red eyeshadow or something. But huge bazonkers.

We start heading up to the parking garage floor with my car.

But I forgot to start soaking the rice

I tell the girl we need to go to my unit real quick so I can soak the rice before we leave. Joked about how she's going to tell her friends later that "omg I met this guy and we immediately went to his place after 2 minutes after saying something about rice it was so weirdddd" and she giggled.

Then some guy knocks on the door while we are at my place.

He dropped his pool noodle onto my balcony ledge

these crazy ass mfers partying at 3:45 on a tuesday

ok if i die right now tell my mom i love her
hehehe ok 😊

Jumped over the railing, walked over the ledge, and handed him his dumbass pool noodle.

Then we were off to the farmers market.

The Farmers Market
Chatted in the car, trying to probe the girl about what topic she would open up to as per my date stack. I think I kept stalling at the specific details of what she likes/does and couldn't figure out the "emotional connection" part still because I'm a robot and need the mirror neuron hardware update. Will actually read this before I go on my next date.

Regardless, the girl was very feminine and had a super girly voice which was great. Had accidentally

Headed over to the market and I bought heirloom tomatoes, giant! garlic, chicken thighs, and shishito peppers which are not spicy but I'm making curry for an American so it's okay. They have a decent smoky flavor though.

Then I bought us bubble teas at a stand.

Since I literally have no plates (ok I have one now.........maybe...................) we headed over to Wal-Mart.

En route, I tried to get the girl to talk about her first job and crazy stories there, and also some of her past relationship stories.

The Curry
I had her chop the onions, tomatoes, and chicken while mansplaining and ranting about random cooking tips, like how to hold a knife properly, how moms never measure anything (although now I never measure anything either so I'm a mom now I guess), and how to properly cook rice.

Here's how to properly cook rice btw:
0. Make sure you have washed and soaked! the rice for an hour already. To wash rice, pour some water into a bowl of uncooked rice, use your hands to mix it up, and dump out the cloudy water. Repeat 2-3x until the water isn't cloudy anymore.
1. Get water to boil in a pot with some salt and a tiny bit of coconut oil or ghee.
2. Put in the washed and soaked! rice
3. The water's temperature will reduce so the water won't be boiling anymore, but it will get up to a boil again
4. Wait a few minutes and "test" one of the rice kernels by taking one out of the boiling water and biting into it. If it has a white "dot" inside, it's not cooked. Cook until you see no white "dot" inside the rice kernels
5. Turn off the stove, cover the lid and drain out all the water
6. Put a spoon of ghee onto the rice, mix it, cover the rice and let it steam for 5-10 minutes.

I'll be honest, while she was in the kitchen I wanted to slap her ass and start doing mild escalation but I actually didn't have the balls to. This was an obvious opportunity to do it. Not sure if it's necessary to do it anyway, but I was mainly nervous about whether it would decrease or increase my chances of a lay in the bedroom, or if it has no effect. So I ended up just status quo-ing eghhhhh probably someone can give me advice.

Did I mention how she has bazonkers

Then we sat next to each other on the sofa and ate the curry, and she ate it faster than I did.

i take that as a sign that you liked the curry

The Bedroom
Pretty much immediately pulled to the bedroom with "have you tried mango cream liqueur", which I had deliberately stowed in the bedroom ahead of time. Mainly so Troy and his girls don't steal it lolz!!!!! Might actually start having an actual alcohol setup in my room going forward.

I had bought the mango cream liqueur because I'm Indian, but I'd never tried it. Poured us small amounts to try...

it tasted like soap!

fucking GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we're going to stick with coconut rum...

Standard escalation from here where I show her 2 of my songs, then threw on maxwell - urban hang suite to begin the makeout, which I got. She was already leaning into me before a little bit.

We makeout for maybe a few minutes when she suddenly gets up and sits up completely.


I pretty much stay lying down and non-react. We look at each other for an eternity (ok like 30-60 seconds) and then I grab her arm and tell her to lie down again with me.

Cuddle, go for makeout again. Start feeling her up a little bit. She gets up and sits again.

are u ok...
come lay down

Many rounds of this. I progressively tried to touch her in more and more sensitive areas but repeatedly got my hand batted away from her breasts/pussy region. Additionally I would move her hand over my chest, onto my bare chest (I had unbuttoned my shirt at some point), and she would enjoy it, play with my necklace, feel my chest etc, but would instantly pull back and resist when I tried to move her hand over my crotch area. Eventually she would randomly sit up again and stare at me, I would get her to lay down again, and then she would enthusiastically cuddle and nuzzle, only to repeat.

while cuddling and stroking her hair
are u ok...
are u worried we are going too fast
well i'm a man and you are very cute. so this is what i do

One more round of the makeout + get up, but now I'm just irritated so I'm just like FUCK THIS and aggressively grab her leg and put her on top of me.

Now, to my mild surprise, she positions herself more comfortably and starts dry humping me cowgirl while continuing to make out with me. I am diamond hard!

Finally, I pull her slut strapless top down and expose the BAZONKERS.

Start to squeeze and suck on them and also making out with her.

After maybe 2-3 minutes of that she "pats my chest" and gets up, pulls her top back up. Gets off the bed and stands and says

I think I'm going to go now

ok in retrospect maybe i should have attempted to pull her pants down or told her to take off her bra (I had just pulled her breasts out but she never actually took her top/bra off.

Anyway, now she just blankly stares in the room and looks around for like a whole minute while I sit in bed and do nothing.

how about you stay for 30 more minutes

So she comes back on the bed.

I'm thinking, FUCK i am not about to get blueballed after what just happened.

Decide to future project the second date while we cuddle with a lil arcade skeeball-bowling alley.

omg!!! i love that place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time I get a makeout and I start to unbutton my jeans.

Then I move her hand over my underwear with my hard cock.

She doesn't pull back this time and starts caressing my cock and playing with my balls with zero guidance from me other than putting her hand there. Yeah, exactly.

I try to put her hand down my pants, but she immediately completely disengages.


TIME TO WHIP IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I expose my bare cock and start jerking off.

Then I start playing with her bazonkers, including moving her strapless top down, without kissing her.

She complies, so I start making out with her again.

Then I move her hand over my bare cock and she starts jerking it.

I have to teach her how to do the rhythm I want using my handjob tutorial and now it's good.

Then I pull back

suck my dick
...n...no??? <-- the nuance here was she was trying to be like "bad bitch" sassy but ended up just coming off really nervous so that was kind of cute actually

Disengage and relax for a second. Get everything going again with the breast fondling, her stroking my cock, and making out. This time I decide, ok fuck it time to explode.

I guide her with the proper rhythm and intensity again and let her go off to the races.

And then explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all over my chest.

I quit everything immediately, pull her strapless top back up, pull up my pants, clean my chest with toilet paper, button my jeans and shirt.

ok you said you had to go right

So I walked her out to her car. Started bringing up the second date idea again while walking and how I'll beat her score, etc.

She didn't give me the "i'll find my car by myself" spiel at the bottom of the stairs, ok good sign.

Walked her to her car and then kissed goodbye.

ok that's it

did i mention she had bazonkers btw

update: story continued here https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=42513#p42513
colgate said:
Here's how to properly cook rice btw:
0. Make sure you have washed and soaked! the rice for an hour already. To wash rice, pour some water into a bowl of uncooked rice, use your hands to mix it up, and dump out the cloudy water. Repeat 2-3x until the water isn't cloudy anymore.
1. Get water to boil in a pot with some salt and a tiny bit of coconut oil or ghee.
2. Put in the washed and soaked! rice
3. The water's temperature will reduce so the water won't be boiling anymore, but it will get up to a boil again
4. Wait a few minutes and "test" one of the rice kernels by taking one out of the boiling water and biting into it. If it has a white "dot" inside, it's not cooked. Cook until you see no white "dot" inside the rice kernels
5. Turn off the stove, cover the lid and drain out all the water
6. Put a spoon of ghee onto the rice, mix it, cover the rice and let it steam for 5-10 minutes.

Come to KYIL for the Tinder guide,
but stay for the cooking tips!
the time has come

this is a new era

mother nature,

you've tested us browns for far too long

you've decided we're the dogs of humanity

and our response is:


we know, literally everyone we see start at the same time we do blast off immediately

we know, there's the guy girls immediately go up to no context "i wanna have sex with you!!!!"

we know, even the guys who go to a foreign country who have girls just throwing themselves at them, crying when they can't meet in person, asking to come soon, asking if they can stay again

you said that's not for us, we won't get that

you just give us the girls who don't want to do anything as a consolation prize










"oh yes, here's your little hot cheerleader, oh yes here's your giant girl" *pats on the head and smiles*

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






MOTHER NATURE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT'S BROWN VS THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday Night Date

Last night I met up with a 24yo Colombian-adopted chick for drinks. I had arranged this date before I had decided to do experimental date ideas.

This girl was very enthusiastic over text and even had randomly texted "hey how are you doing?" a few days before the date. Also, I had done more investment over texting like how Mimbe393939 does, so I'm like an actual real person and not just another tinder number.

I tried to follow this date stack i had created for figuring out emotional connection instead of being a soulless robot running code.

holy shit that was fucking exhausting

I had set up the conversation in a way that got her to talk about her passion for children, as she is a primary school teacher.

I actually let the date last around ~45 minutes which is longer than I usually go just to really make sure we went deep. The main takeaway I got was that she likes interacting with children because they are "honest and pure", and I chimed in with my own experiences with kids here and there, and agreed, etc.

I go for the standard "let's listen to my music at my place" pull and she agreed. We went to my room and I sat on my bed with my laptop.

but she's like i'll just sit on this chair here


i told her she can sit on the bed but she declined so i was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok we will roll with this (because my chair is a rolling chair).

Played 2 of my songs, then turned on bossa nova because I had talked about that with her (she's a latin dancer, but somehow didn't know about that).

I told her to sit on my bed again and she said she's ok. ffffff ok. In retrospect, rather than telling her to sit on my bed again, I probably should have just gone for the makeout even though she wasn't on my bed, but the whole "oh im not going to sit on your bed i will sit on this chair" thing threw me out of my zone. dumb excuse i know FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I told her to show me some salsa music, but she was like "oh...i dont know any of the names....i just dance to it" wtf???????? uh um ok.

I am literally restraining myself as much as possible, like never before.

I end up bailing on the pull after another song like "ok let's walk around outside" in an attempt to show her the second date place and chill.

So we leave and we walk around for like 2ish minutes before she decides "hey i actually gotta go home, i have to wake up early for school" so im like ok.

I walk her to her car and make some forced chat and then we hug goodbye.

I come back and I have a fucking headache from trying to "emotionally connect" with a girl lmfao

Get a good debrief from Troy and rant in my group chats for a bit and that's it

Lots to unpack here. With this specific date there are a lot of obvious things I could have done to be more direct and screen at my place
- try to kiss her even though she's sitting on my chair
- get her to dance with me in the room by just getting up and taking her hand (i had soft-asked her which is lame af. thats like asking a girl "hey do u want to kiss" who does that)
- maybe next time have 2 chairs so i can babystep the bed thing more and i can just get the makeout while we're sitting down on the chairs, rather than going straight to bed
- maybe babystepping going to my bedroom by showing her the balcony and chilling in the common area for a bit

But there are a lot of general things I am not doing that would be effective
- making sure i do touches during the date. i'm honestly pretty inconsistent with touches during dates, i do it sometimes but sometimes i don't. i think i need to explicitly add it to my date stack
- building sexual tension, or for that matter any kind of tension during the date. pancakemouse and others have given me plenty of resources to dig into this and so why i haven't bothered looking into it seriously is beyond me. fuckin retard LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had written this set of notes while talking to Troy:
the girl must know you want sex -> but telling a girl "i want sex" does not communicate that
ok...how do you effectively communicate wanting sex to a girl then...

the girl needs to be turned on to want sex (logically too, not just "soaked") -> you need to do small steps to show her that you want to have sex
^ see this date+pull report where i turned on the girl "primally" and she was soaked! but she was repeatedly objecting me and i didn't get past some unenthusiastic handjob: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=38751#p38751
ok...but what are the small steps...and you often get rejected on the small steps too... -> non react on the rejections (i've done that before, but it's good to mention)

And in general, the mindset with dates is really: the male is the performer, and the female is the audience. The female, and for that matter the universe, doesn't care how much you're "cognitively overloading" yourself and trying to make shit happen, just like how when I go to a movie, I don't fucking care about the millions of dollars spent, hundreds of hours of acting rehearsals, video effects, and editing that went into the movie, I just care about the movie being good. So the girl is going to be more perceptive of everything you're doing because she just has to show up to the date and do literally nothing except worry about "omg is this guy going to kidnap me xDDDDDDDDD i'm so scaredddddd!!!!!"

July-August 2022 online stat breakdown
I won't count my luck of the draw first two Tinder lays because I wasn't actually hustling yet, I literally was playing "sit on the toilet and passively use tinder" game.

So I've gotten around 200-240 matches, 22 dates arranged, 8 dates showed, 6 pulls/straight to crib, 5 makeouts, 3 hjs, and 1 lay (on date 4)

pretty abysmal stats.

Here are the points to improve:
- high flake rate (over 60%!) -> improved text game that involves also investing and getting the girl to not only open up, but also you have to open up to her. case study Mimbe393939 has had only a 10% flake rate during his 7 lays in 3 weeks spree (9 shows from 10 arranged!)
- pulls/escalation -> my pull rate is actually very high, and i think it's because i talk about being a musician in nashville, and then use "let's listen to my music" to pull, so it's a mild DHV rather than a generic "let's watch movies" pull. however, my music is very cute and bouncy and most fatally, not sexual (i was already aware of this, and that's also why i switch to other music for actually escalating). although i might be able to ditch this cheat pull by doing more "activity" first dates like going to the farmers market and cooking curry, where i don't even have to pull. additionally, all the crap above about no screening and tension done by me

ok i dont want people in the replies being like "omg colgate-sama, give urself credit, ur so great man! u have come a long way! ^o^". like yeah that's true. i can acknowledge that.

a year ago, i was a total virgin with only 2 makeouts in my life. my problem and goal then was literally getting laid once. and that took me forever partially due to my own initial lack of experience and "base stats", and partially due to making a lot of mistakes regarding my strategies. hell, i'd only been on literally 2 dates at that point, both thanks to kyil.

now my problems have become "omg guys, im going on dates but they're not hooking up" "omg guys all i got was a handjob", which if you told me that this would be my problem in the future, i wouldn't have been able to imagine it. but at least now i do know if i sit and hustle tinder for a week or two, i will definitely get at least 1-3 dates. low, but existent date volume. and damn, i'm even inviting a plate (u know who) over the weekend, which a year ago if you told me "yep you're going to get guaranteed sex in a few days" i would look at you like you're crazy

but they are still problems to work on, i'm not where i want to be and i won't stop until i'm there.

Action Points
ok to distill all the analysis and crap from above, this is what i need to do going forward
- study text convos that Mimbe393939 sent me and develop a new texting stack to reduce my astronomical flake rate
- plan how to learn creating (sexual) tension with girl (i have enough resources for this, i just have to do it)
- probably learn how to uhhh be more empathetic somehow which i still don't know how to do
- revise my pulls so that i'm not literally cornering the girl into sex which gets me into LMR land
- modify my date stack to include these points
- edit: work on voice so it's masculine, deep, slow and can be sexual
omg colgate-sama, give urself credit, ur so great man! u have come a long way! ^o^

In all seriousness though, tension is created by silence and eye-contact, and speaking in a slow, deep voice. You don't actually have to *do* much

Sometimes when I invite girls they also sit down on my chair instead of my bed next to me. Then I just tap the bed and tell them "come sit here". That works 50% of the time. The other 50% it's a sign she needs to be more comfortable so I just talk a bit more. I'll make up an excuse to show her something on my pc, then tell her to get up from my chair so I can use my pc, have her sit on my lap. Then try to get her on my bed again after I showed her a video or whatever.

Or I stand up, pour ourselves some wine, stroke her thigh, try to kiss her that way, but honestly it's pretty awkward with me standing up and her sitting down. Not ideal and only works if you've created a lot of tension