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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

colgate said:
tension is created by silence and eye-contact, and speaking in a slow, deep voice.
yeah fuck, my voice is still high energy and i talk very fast. how I'm talking in my videos is exaggeratedly deep and articulated, but i am cognizant of going into my fast, almost gay register in a conversation.

i think it comes from a base level of impatience and wanting to get the thought out as fast as possible, end my "native language" literally being "chat room on a screen", therefore being less aware and in tune with how my real and physical voice actually came off, flummoxed at apparently it was coming off as gay

for now I have vocal courses i should be doing that I've been procrastinating so that should be another action point for me
colgate said:
yeah fuck, my voice is still high energy and i talk very fast. how I'm talking in my videos is exaggeratedly deep and articulated, but i am cognizant of going into my fast, almost gay register in a conversation.

i think it comes from a base level of impatience and wanting to get the thought out as fast as possible, end my "native language" literally being "chat room on a screen", therefore being less aware and in tune with how my real and physical voice actually came off, flummoxed at apparently it was coming off as gay

for now I have vocal courses i should be doing that I've been procrastinating so that should be another action point for me
Yeah I remember that post about the gay tonality. When I "unlocked" the skill to speak from the diaphragm instead of from the throat, and when I became comfortable enough with myself to speak more slowly, it was real epiphany moment. Especially when I combined that with sending voice texts to girls.

I think it's just as important an area of improvement as style and body and it's greatly overlooked. It's one of those things that make an immediate difference.

People speak fast because they're insecure and scared of being interrupted. I truly believe that speaking slowly is not just a "technique" but a consequence of simply being confident, but like so many things in this game, it's a matter of "fake it til you make it"
colgate said:
the time has come

this is a new era

mother nature,

you've tested us browns for far too long

you've decided we're the dogs of humanity

and our response is:


we know, literally everyone we see start at the same time we do blast off immediately

we know, there's the guy girls immediately go up to no context "i wanna have sex with you!!!!"

we know, even the guys who go to a foreign country who have girls just throwing themselves at them, crying when they can't meet in person, asking to come soon, asking if they can stay again

you said that's not for us, we won't get that

you just give us the girls who don't want to do anything as a consolation prize










"oh yes, here's your little hot cheerleader, oh yes here's your giant girl" *pats on the head and smiles*

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






MOTHER NATURE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT'S BROWN VS THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I know you are not making any type of point and just clowning around like usual, but I found this so fucking hilarious, I just wanna spin some thoughts.

We are brothers in this war, we must assemble together because all we have is the guy beside us. This is trench war far brother and we must push with everything that is in our brain, body and soul. Uniting every man in the process: black, white, brown, we bleed the same in this game and our pain is very real. The only way we can succeed is if we come together, learn from each other, and empower each other through sharing our unique strengths and weaknesses.

And the brown man has a unique strength: Top, top tier mental fortitude and basically inhuman drive, inhuman willpower. it is a spiritual journey. What we have outside of us is not really our strength, rather, it is internal. Sheer heart, sheer bravery in the face of literally impossible odds. That is very positive and you embody brutal, brutal fucking work ethic and rock solid values that brings everyone together and pushes everyone (of all stripes). A truly solid individual who is consistent and hard working is appreciated by all men (men value substance, women value fleeting hedonistic emotions).

You'd think being 6 ft 5 would be an advantage. You'd think losing 55lbs would be an advantage. You'd think doing photoshoot after photoshoot would be an advantage.

Guess what?

That is not even fucking CLOSE TO ENOUGH for this demographic of man. Lived it, and unlike those who want to talk a big game, have the experience. ;-)

We are one and no man gets left behind in this community. We are prepared to go out on our shield and show no mercy to the enemy before us.

I just laughed my head off at this post, because it is all too true, all too human, and all too indicative of a truth we all know, but do not want to touch on because it is against the ethos of self-improvement and also serves to alienate our brothers in arms from our experience. That is totally unacceptable, and will not support victory. As such, there is no possibility for this to happen & it must be ripped up root and stem.

Some disadvantages, however, can become advantages.................think about this for a moment.

As a brown man, you are not just playing on hard mode. You are playing on borderline impossible. And if you STILL find a way to become very successful, you are basically one of the top guys on this fucking earth. Period.

There is no free lunch for you, nor is there one for me. Women are not likely to be kind or receptive to me for the rest of my time on earth, nor is it likely that this will ever get easier. It has not. And I do not expect it will. Likelihood is, I'll probably reach a point where I know I've given it my all, and just travel and be in nature for the rest of my life.

There are hard truths that only those who are put through hard times will know:

Some need to go hard as humanly possible, otherwise, THEY WILL FAIL

And guess what?


I know how harsh the world is: I was treated like dirt for 30 years of my life.

I know what happens to people who are naive: they cut their fucking THROAT SLIT

I know what happens to those who retract into comfort: they will grow old and weep, curse God, and be embittered and resentful for the burden of life.

Life is NOT FAIR. Some people are put in the sewer of life and expected to crawl out in the darkness, with no map, and with no one helping them. That was me for many years.

In the grit of life, you find yourself, you live many lifetimes when most just live one.

I have never been angry or bitter about having to play this game on the hardest difficulty any human being can possibly play on. Because I get up EVERY DAY, put on my armour, sharpen my sword, and get into the arena not to win, not because I think I am great (I know I'm weak, I know I'm scared), but because I too want to be a competitor and refuse to allow anyone, or anything, to stop me from leaving my entire heart, soul and spirit on the field of battle.

This is MY LIFE, MY OPPORTUNITY, and I want to get into the arena and taste my own blood, I want savour the nicks and cuts of the blade, the lacerations from armour colliding with armour, steel against bone. Sweat, tears, and blood, the river of life, all come together amidst the mayhem of battle. The arena is life. The gladiator is you.

Brown man, keep working. There is no other path for you other than the path of most resistance, the warrior's path.

Keep maxxing yourself out.

Keep building competence and getting experience.

The flakes, the rejections, the LMR, the woes of poor game and frame. All of it will be worth it in the end.

Because you will know in your heart of hearts you left it all out there on the field of battle.

The chips will fall where they may.

colgate said:
ok...how do you effectively communicate wanting sex to a girl then...

Show her you want her. I'm at a similar point where you are.

Where I want to be more sexual and show that side of me right away.

And one thing I'm learning, which is very similar to some of the best tinder profiles on this site is, that you show her you are a sexual being. You want to fuck.

One of the dates I was on a while back and one girl that I flirt with always around here, the sexual tension is present because I showed them that I want them. I touch them. I caress them. Look deep in their eyes. Their lips.

I even have the thought in my head while I look at them "I want to fuck the shit out of you."

Girls are very quick to pick up on that and for those two, I can see it excites them.

Their eyes turn to saucers. Dilation as if she was on molly.

Except desire was the drug.

And the times I have a touched a girl and she wasn't with it, she let me know immediately "Nope." Which is perfectly fine. In fact, I was thankful for it because I knew now that she wasn't down. I didn't have to spend time with her.

Regarding your talking speed, make it a point to record yourself at least 30 minutes every day.

Be intentional with how you talk during that practice session.

Imagine as if you were on a date.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

You got this.

You've come a long way.

And you'll go WAY further than this. Count it.
Slickbackkhair said:
the girl must know you want sex -> but telling a girl "i want sex" does not communicate that
ok...how do you effectively communicate wanting sex to a girl then...

the girl needs to be turned on to want sex (logically too, not just "soaked") -> you need to do small steps to show her that you want to have sex
^ see this date+pull report where i turned on the girl "primally" and she was soaked! but she was repeatedly objecting me and i didn't get past some unenthusiastic handjob: viewtopic.php?p=38751#p38751
ok...but what are the small steps...and you often get rejected on the small steps too...

The easiest way I know of to communicate my desire for her AND turn her on at the same time is to make sure you sit right next to her on the date (not across from her with a huge table and menus and plates and a bunch of shit in between you, and you both looking in the opposite direction like most weirdos do it) and then simply put your hand on her leg or your arm around her, almost as if she is already yours and someone you feel comfortable being physical with (also communicates that you are comfortable letting others know she is yours, which is something women love).

This will most likely feel awkward at first, but I have had several women tell me that it really turned them on when I touched them like this, and that it was basically when they decided to sleep with me.

Another wonderful effect that touching a women like this early on a date will have is if she doesn't feel comfortable letting you touch her in this way then she sure as hell isn't going to feel comfortable fucking you, so you can pretty much find out right away whether she's up for sex or not, and if she's not you can either end the date there without wasting either of yours time (sometimes you're just not gonna have good chemistry or a mutual attraction with her, which is totally fine!), or you can spend some time helping her feel more comfortable (usually just by being relaxed and nonjudgmental or pushy about her not being ready yet) before you touch her again and gage whether she's now ready for sex.
Had a date yesterday afternoon.

Somewhat below average Caribbean SMD chick who's in med school, and had short hair. Didn't dress up for the date really either. Probably should have teased her about it but I didn't. Next date I'll just tell her to dress up haha.

The Date
We had a date at a juice shop next to my place. I ordered a buffalo chicken sandwich and she ordered an açai bowl.

Talked for 20-30 minutes, and I was able to summarize to her that she was a "problem-solver, independent, and likes helping people, so that's why she wants to be a doctor".

She had asked me a question about what I think about "gender roles" (mildly in context of the fact that I'm Indian raised in America as opposed to an India-Indian), and I had basically given a non-answer like "my parents raised me pretty much American so I just roll with how we do it here, I'm not about that arranged marriage shit lolollolol" and it worked out fine.

The juice blender was obnoxiously loud so I used that as an easy pull excuse (I might come here more often because of that lolol).

actually i have to go meet a friend in 30 minutes, let's walk around outside

I've already been going into every date with the mindset that I'll get a second date and there's no need to be hyper-pushy. Plus we could walk around outside for a few minutes and then I could figure something out there.

But the universe decided to give this dog a bone by bitchslapping his hoe mother nature and making her cry, so it started lightly raining as soon as we walked outside. Easy excuse to segue into just going to my apartment.

The Pull
Rather than immediately sitting on the bed and getting her to sit with me, I decided to take the office chair, and have her sit on the bed. And since I had not done very many touches/babystepped the escalation enough, I decided to just relax. Showed her 1 of my songs, then some Rei Harakami because I like Japanese music, and then we talked about R&B and I switched to Incognito.

She kept talking a lot and asking me a lot of questions about me, which now I don't even remember. But as we were talking I just kept touching her leg, getting closer to her, at some point having my leg touching hers, and she hadn't moved or objected a single time.

Eventually I made an excuse that I wanted to "know the story of her hair" (it was short with platinum blonde in the front), and I started to touch it and play with it a bit. Note that I'm still sitting on my office chair, and she's sitting on my bed.

I was not sure how far I could go, but as we talked, I started to just zone in on my 2nd escort experience. I remember I had been somewhat just platonically-ish cuddling with her and talking about nonsense, and then at around the 30 minute mark, I just went for a makeout.

Second guessed myself several times because she just kept talking and talking and we didn't have a single moment of silence longer than 5 seconds, so now I became hyper-aware of that. Eventually ~20 mins in my bedroom and I caught her trying to think about what to say next when I just pulled her cheek in and went for it.

This makeout was great, she was immediately into it, feeling up my body and shit. I placed her hands in different areas, etc. Eventually I moved to the bed with her and had her lay on top of me while we made out.

Then maybe 5 minutes later she got some notification from her phone and she said she had to go study with her friend. I was like ok, and just walked her out. She then said she forgot something at my place, so we went back and I gave her like 4 seconds of a passionate makeout again before disengaging.

Started planting more seeds of second date (curry) and then walked her to car, and kissed goodbye. That's it.

So I think this is a pretty decent trajectory for how a non-lay first date should go. And I had specifically tried to create more plausible deniability with the girl about whether we were actually going to hook up or not.

Some things I did differently
- Made sure to touch her at least a couple times at the date venue
- Given that I don't think I touched her enough at the date venue, treating the pull like we were still on the date rather than immediately sitting on the bed.
- Doing more touches and finding random excuses to touch her in certain ways (hair) to see how that would go
- Zoning into previous positive experiences to apply to the situation I was in

Some things I need to still work on
- I can't rely on the girl to keep conversation going. I got a little lucky because she liked talking a lot, but otherwise I need to be able to keep a conversation going for longer than 20-30 minutes (that's why I pull so quickly and it still flabbergasts me that you guys have trouble pulling "quickly" when even 20-30 minutes seems like an eternity to me)
- Teasing way more than I did, there was not much of that at all during the date
I'm reposting my "action points" from here in my post from here for accountability:

⚪️ A. study text convos that mimbe sent me and develop a new texting stack to reduce my astronomical flake rate
⚪️ B. plan how to learn creating (sexual) tension with girl (i have enough resources for this, i just have to do it)
⚪️ C. probably learn how to uhhh be more empathetic somehow which i still don't know how to do ("empathetic conversational skills", "authentic relating")
🟨 D. revise my pulls so that i'm not literally cornering the girl into sex which gets me into LMR land
⚪️ E. modify my date stack to include these points
⚪️ F. work on voice so it's masculine, deep, slow and can be sexual

D. date/pull from sunday where i sit on chair and have girl sit on bed and pretend the "date" is still happening might be a good call, rather than immediately sitting together on bed
colgate said:
Rather than immediately sitting on the bed and getting her to sit with me, I decided to take the office chair, and have her sit on the bed. And since I had not done very many touches/babystepped the escalation enough, I decided to just relax.

Love this!

colgate said:
And I had specifically tried to create more plausible deniability with the girl about whether we were actually going to hook up or not.

And this!

colgate said:
- Made sure to touch her at least a couple times at the date venue
- Given that I don't think I touched her enough at the date venue, treating the pull like we were still on the date rather than immediately sitting on the bed.
- Doing more touches and finding random excuses to touch her in certain ways (hair) to see how that would go
- Zoning into previous positive experiences to apply to the situation I was in

And this!!!

Good work boss 🫡
ok no this is not that cheerleader.

it's a different cheerleader. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


let me get all the flexing out of the way 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
this chick is
- a cheerleader
- a model
- goes to kids' birthday parties dressed up as elsa from frozen and gets $500 a gig
- 95 lbs at like 5 ft tall

The Texting
How I even got this girl out in the first place is a story in and of itself.

I had matched her in July, and she had opened me with a ❤️ emoji, and I got the contact.

Then I tried to make plans, but she "had to go to the Caribbean" lol

Then she wrong texted me about some other thing and I teased her about it.

Then I sent a respawn but that didn't work. Interaction ended July 25.
View attachment 4

Mechanical Bull Respawn
I had spammed a video of me riding a mechanical bull (from the day I instapulled a cheerleader to lose my v-card, mind you) to a bunch of dead leads.
View attachment 3

I got a couple of responses and some inroads into certain conversations but they all died out.

Except for this girl I had mentioned above.

Planned a tacos date for August 28, but then she flaked, but said she was free the next day. Attempt to reschedule the next day and then ghosted again.

I had taken a picture of the plates with curry with the bazonkers chick date from a few days prior. I decided to send that pic to this girl with the caption "could be us".

Still some rounds of bullshit, here's the following segment:
View attachment 1
Ghosted here

let's respawn again

now here's a huge autism fuckup!!!!! she literally invited herself over to come that night. it threw me off guard, and i was still stuck in my head that we were going to meet the next day. she even re-confirmed one more time, asking "tonight or tomorrow?", and then there was like a long pause where i was like wait wtf...

but then she confirmed tomorrow. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like a blunder in chess LOL!!!! but somehow got away with it.

Additionally, I had planned for my plate to come over that same night, but she hadn't responded to my time confirmation text. So I was like LOL fuck it let's accidentally double book. I literally waited until this chick said she was in the parking lot to cancel on my plate ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa ok anyway

anyway, so somehow after a freaking quadruple respawn i got a girl volunteer to come straight to crib and ask to stay the night. the only reason i kept shooting texts/respawns was because she was responding and teasing too.

I had received this comment about it from my group chats btw:
View attachment 2
and my remark to that is the following:

BURN THE LEADS!!!!!!!!!!!! BURN THEM TO ASHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN BURN THE ASHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋
DOUBLE TEXTING, TRIPLE TEXTING, SEXTUPLE TEXTING, GET YO ASS BLOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💬💬💬💬💬💬🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫

The Bedroom
Chick would not stop talking the moment we met up.

Comes to my place, I say I have to soak the rice for an hour so let's chill in my room.

Now coming to my place and staying the night was her idea, not mine. But upon entering my room, she immediately tells me unprompted

sorry, i can't stay the night, i have to walk my very old dog tonight because my mom isn't home

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like i'm seeing a girl come up with a text excuse in real time

Anyway, I sit on my chair like last time, and this girl immediately sits on my bed without me saying anything.

Standard, I show her my music. She tells me that she writes music too. wow a girl who has the same interests as me??????????????????? preposterous!

We show each other one of our songs each. I move to the bed when she shows me her song since it's off of her phone, and begin lightly touching her. She is responding by touching me back and we even briefly interlock fingers. ok good sign.

Then I flip on Maxwell - Urban Hang Suite as per standard (hey let me show you one of my influences btw) and move back to the bed.

Random touching and etc while we talk for a few minutes, and then I go for the makeout, and get it.

I start to touch her body in random places,

hey shouldn't you go check on the rice
rice takes an hour to soak

and then slowly head for taking her arm out of her sleeve.

hey you know we're not going to have sex right
i'm on my period
i don't mind
i do!!! i'm insecure about that!
ok we will just fool around

I think I should have de-escalated and cuddled with her a little bit as I had the tendency to do previously when I ran into some initial layer of female resistance. But I didn't for some reason and kinda bulldozed...lol rip ok

Also rather than pure neutral non-reaction, I probably should have pushed it back on her like "you're already thinking about sex???" or something.

u know i didnt just come here to makeout
can we watch the big tv in the living room
we dont really use that tv

i don't remember how the convo exactly went but she basically depulled us to the living room couch. uhhhhhh ok

The Couch???
I sat down on the couch and she immediately latches onto me and i hold her legs. We watch Love, Death & Robots which is too weird for her lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok dont put weird shows for girls, i need to put normie crap on

We cuddle and makeout on the couch and she talks etc.

is there a gas station? i have to buy whiteclaws for my gay best friend

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok tbf she had talked a bunch about her gay best friend earlier so it wasn't a complete curveball but still

and i didnt have any alcohol either lmao damn should have probably not done this

ok let's go after this episode

We go to the alcohol store and I buy coconut rum because I'm Indian, and she buys her whiteclaws.

As we're walking back, she's bragging to me about how good she looks in a bikini and etc.

Then we return to the apartment and she flashes me in the kitchen (with her bra on).

see, i might be tiny but i won't disappoint you~
she probably has like B cups but for a 95 lbs girl, they look bigger than they actually are.

oh yeah you have good proportions
and i squeeze her titties lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pull out the cutting boards ready to start making curry, when she's like

i mean, i have to go soon, can we just go to the burger bar across the street?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm...well you can't get curry anywhere else
well....i never go to that burger bar either
hmmmmmm....why don't we just have drinks and chill here

i was not about to get depulled again and turn the straight to crib into a date LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I pour us shots of coconut rum because I'm Indian, and then we sit on the couch. I put on a more light-hearted movie instead lol.

Immediately she pulls my head to rest it under her neck as I hold her body from behind.

She is sensually stroking my arm and etc while we talk. We make out here and there.

I go for her breasts over her shirt, then under her shirt, and then under her bra and play with her nipple.

Then I hold my hand over her neck like I'm going to choke her.

omg, you're turning me on like that

Start kissing her a little bit, but then I pull back.

Shortly after she talks about how she used to play flute and we talk about instruments. She uses the word "embouchure", so as a troll I'm like

you saying the word "embouchure" turns me on

And we makeout again

you know if you get under my bra i won't say anything right

lol oh shit!!!!!

lol ok how about you take off your bra

she takes off her bra and then we continue cuddling. start to fondle her breasts

then lift her shirt up and expose dem titties!!!!!!!!!!

i gently suck on her nipples while lightly choking her

you're engaging in bad behavior~
you're going to have to arrest me then

i feel like i disengaged here actually for some reason but i kinda don't remember what happened immediately after. whatever it was, i feel like it wasn't optimal

we end up changing positions to where i'm full on spooning her from behind while talking etc.

let me show you what i look like with glasses

she pulls out her phone and it's a convenient excuse for her to show me some nude pic of her where she's like bent over with her pussy out lmaoooooooo

i try to move her hand over my pants

oooh, you're engaging in bad behavior again~
i give really good head btw
you will have to show me that
omg i have to go walk my old dog now. also i want to give you a reason to see me again. u like me right??
yeah sure i like you
i like you a lot too 🥰🥰🥰

she goes to the bathroom to put her bra back on, and like clockwork Troy comes home immediately.

We leave, and then as soon as the doors close,
she pulls my shirt into her and starts passionately making out with me

That's the first time a girl has tried to makeout with me lol

Walk her to her car,

i really want to see you again! i hope i wasn't too much of a tease
yeah we can meet up next week because my friend arcade_fireee from california is coming to Nashville this week

kiss goodbye, ok thats it

Yeah, so this feels like a major cocktease. As in she was very sexually expressive, but we didn't actually do anything. And based on her texting history, I'm not super sure if I'll get a D2. But maybe through enough rounds of respawning, potentially.

I definitely thought about doing some shit like straight up carrying her off of the couch while making out but I wasn't able to muster up the courage FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of the makeouts were long enough, and this girl doesn't really seem to like doing makeouts specifically beyond just signaling interest. Also she's a white chick so she has smaller lips that I'm not used to..................................

Also I don't know why and I kind of almost have amnesia about it as I'm writing about it rn, but I feel like there were at least 5 or 6 points I disengaged for no reason when I could have just kept escalating. It's like getting burned from being "too forward" has made me shoot in the other direction where I don't ramp shit up enough now. I'm becoming a normie guys!!!!!!!!!

If it's not a cocktease though, then this is probably the girl who has outwardly shown that she likes me the most, and it felt like she was almost "gaming me" to commit to her/keep her/look forward to seeing her again, without giving me too much on the first date, in addition to escalating on me at times. Also wow, we actually have common interests!

It's funny that if this exact experience were to happen in e.g. November 2021, I would have been like HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING, THIS GIRL ACTUALLY LIKES ME, I GOT TO SUCK ON TITTIES WTF HOW DID THAT HAPPEN and it probably would have been a milestone/bookmark for me. But at this point, I just feel ambivalent, if not mildly annoyed that I couldn't get very far.

I've madeout with every girl I've pulled (except one) since July (about 7-9 girls) and gotten a few handjobs, but except for one D4 lay, I can't seem to get past that. Lots of room for improvement regarding escalation. It's usually I'm too pushy up front, but now I'm dialing it back, and in this story, it seems like I ended up just not being forward enough and out of my frame because I'm trying to learn restraint. Mildly frustrating but I guess I need some more data points.

wish i had sales experience or something so i knew how to do objection handling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

other points:
- don't be hyper autistic about actually making curry and initial plans, sometimes all you need is the excuse to get her over. read the air a bit more, get the girl over asap, and see if making food would actually be appropriate lol
- push back on girls "insinuating" sex in the middle of escalation maybe
Sending girls videos of you riding a mechanical bull and telling them they're next is hilarious 😂

I almost banged a girl off a double text (Couldn't get dick up lol) and banged a girl from the same double text




colgate said:

we know, literally everyone we see start at the same time we do blast off immediately

we know, there's the guy girls immediately go up to no context "i wanna have sex with you!!!!"

we know, even the guys who go to a foreign country who have girls just throwing themselves at them, crying when they can't meet in person, asking to come soon, asking if they can stay again

you said that's not for us, we won't get that

you just give us the girls who don't want to do anything as a consolation prize










"oh yes, here's your little hot cheerleader, oh yes here's your giant girl" *pats on the head and smiles*

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






MOTHER NATURE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT'S BROWN VS THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy fuck not to be racist I'm not brown but I can see how tough it is for guys like you to get laid compared to other Western guys. I know you're clowning around but if I see a brown dude make it in dating I just have nothing but utter respect because the transformation, effort, & mental fortitude it takes is unreal, compared to normal.

Speaking of transformation, I've been gone a while from the forums & seeing your transformation is just unreal. You look like 2 totally different people holy shit!! Keep it up bro
SIGMA_1234 said:
colgate said:

we know, literally everyone we see start at the same time we do blast off immediately

we know, there's the guy girls immediately go up to no context "i wanna have sex with you!!!!"

we know, even the guys who go to a foreign country who have girls just throwing themselves at them, crying when they can't meet in person, asking to come soon, asking if they can stay again

you said that's not for us, we won't get that

you just give us the girls who don't want to do anything as a consolation prize










"oh yes, here's your little hot cheerleader, oh yes here's your giant girl" *pats on the head and smiles*

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






MOTHER NATURE YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT'S BROWN VS THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy fuck not to be racist I'm not brown but I can see how tough it is for guys like you to get laid compared to other Western guys. I know you're clowning around but if I see a brown dude make it in dating I just have nothing but utter respect because the transformation, effort, & mental fortitude it takes is unreal, compared to normal.

Speaking of transformation, I've been gone a while from the forums & seeing your transformation is just unreal. You look like 2 totally different people holy shit!! Keep it up bro

I really appreciate you saying this, Sigma.

Thank you for acknowledging this.

We do not want to divide ourselves from our brothers of all backgrounds, we love and respect you and need your help.

We are just here fighting for a better life man. But it is hard, very hard, for brown people to try to get forward in this game. It can be done, and it isn't all doom and gloom: look how far I have come! But it is truly insane work.

For someone worthwhile, it is worth it.



I was going to write this one along with the post where I hosted arcade_fireee last weekend, but the post became too long, so I will separate it into two posts.

story continued from: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41733#p41733

I met up for a second date with the bazonkers chick. Was going to take her to the mechanical bowling place but like my 6'5” plate lay, we couldn’t get in the damn venue. This time some boomers decided to rent out the whole place for some private event, probably a funeral.

So I took her to the same ice cream shop as the 6’5” chick. I ordered a rainbow sherbet ice cream because I like fruit flavors, but unfortunately, and I apologize for this in advance, I do not remember what flavor she ordered.

While walking, I was trying to get her to open up like I try to do with all chicks now. Got her to talk about her relationship with her parents and how they have influenced her life and etc during the walk.

Then I pulled to my place with coconut rum because I’m Indian. We had some shots and then went to the bedroom to chill.

Given how sexual the previous pull was, I thought this date was going to be a guaranteed lay. I just casually showed her Ellie Goulding - Lights because that song was stuck in my head for some reason, but then autoplay eventually got into my usual girl-in-my-room music of Maxwell/Incognito/D’Angelo.

However, this time the chick started resisting even earlier than last time. I merely went for her titties and she was already batting my hand away. She liked cuddling and making out (at least initially) but this felt like I had a girl over on the first date rather than the second…

She was doing the same thing she did last time where she would randomly get up and disengage during escalation, this time seemingly at earlier points than last time? Again, this felt like the first and second date pulls were reversed in terms of intensity.

Between her disengagement, she was also deliberately talking about strange topics, such as how she enjoyed watching this one documentary about a guy who chopped off a voluntarily accepting other guy’s penis and ate it. I usually completely ignore what girls actually say so it didn’t really affect anything I did (I didn’t even lose my boner, maybe I’m the one who’s fucked up?????????????), but I just had some awareness that she specifically brought this up after immediately disengaging from me. (she brought it up as “what kind of documentaries do you like” -> i answer -> she brings up this one)

I know some girls actually enjoy pushing back and then you overcoming their resistance, and based on the first pull I had with this girl, I remember I had aggressively grabbed her legs over me last time and she got into some heavy grinding over clothes, so I was imagining if I were to convert this girl, it would be from some similar action, but I’d have to just put up with her resistance.

So the escalation process on this girl was basically:
1. escalate up until a certain point where she inevitably disengages
2. chill out for a bit, then get her to cuddle/lay down or move towards her
3. start escalating again, but much slower than last time and in a slightly different way
4. go to 1, but you will probably be farther than you got the previous time even though it took you way longer

Basically, many escalation rounds that got exponentially longer each time, but the “progress” was farther. I had eventually taken off all of my clothes progressively every time she disengaged.

…or so I thought. The farthest I got this time was unhooking her bra and sucking her titties while I was on top of her, and I got to unbuttoning (but not taking off) her pants. (last time I got an explosive handjob).

At some point she was less into the makeouts, and started disengaging me at earlier points.

Realizing what was happening, I tried to see if “pulling the trigger” (taking the plunge!!!!!!!) and being more aggressive (pinning her down, forcing her hand) would get me anywhere, but I was met with even more resistance than last time.

At some point, after I had sucked her titties and she was moaning, she disengaged and her hand started trembling.

Then she started crying

are you okay
yeah …while still crying but then she ate up her tears

I had figured at this point there was a <1% chance that I would get any farther than this. Partially as a “calibration”, I had put back on my underwear and then I just chilled for a while.

In this moment, I pretty much just felt annoyed. Like there is literally zero reason why I should be getting this much resistance on a second date pull where the first time was intense grinding and a handjob, and she’s just trying to stir up drama. Sure, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a lay, but we should at least have our clothes off and getting to third base here. And this feeling I had only intensified when she started trembling and crying.

It’s like I have negative empathy or something.
If empathy is being able to feel the emotion another person feels, I definitely do not have that.
I am starting to be able to perceive others’ emotions, and if I can logically deduce why they felt that way I am very sympathetic and understanding.
But if it makes no fucking sense I basically just feel annoyed and think they have no right to feel that way and they should get over themselves, “negative” empathy.
This situation was a case of the last scenario for me.

I hate that I have this “negative” empathy (I just became able to describe what exactly this was after this experience). It’s a totally involuntary response, and it is going to bite me in the ass for months to come.

If I had normal fucking emotional responses to other people’s emotions, I would be able to handle situations like this better. Not just in dating, but regular social interaction too. Maybe I’ll never be able to develop true empathy, but at least if I could convert “negative empathy” into sympathy->understanding without requiring myself to “logically understand” their feelings, then all areas in my life involving social interaction would skyrocket into another echelon (read: freaking normal lmao). The way I could see potentially making progress on this is pretty much overriding and shutting down my own emotional response to “illogical emotional responses” from other people so I can just be universally sympathetic and understanding.

Anyway, back to the pull story. At some point, just to fully 100% confirm to myself that I should end the date, we cuddled a last time and she was ok with that, but absolutely refused to let my hand get around her thighs.

Called it with “I have some stuff to do now, let’s meet up again”. She nodded and we left.

The mood was quite intense and I didn’t really want to talk. Walked her to her car and we looked at each other for a bit.

sorry for making it really awkward…but…i didn’t want to do it my first time…so i didn’t like you pinning me down when i said no
it’s all good. sorry about that

We’ve been continuing to text. She’s interested in me on the surface but wants to “know me better” before we can “do anything more”. lolz great! If I decide to continue seeing this girl (not even a plastic plate yet), the trajectory is somewhat similar to my 6’5” plate, in that I’m going to have to take a sacrifice rapport date and go for the lay on D4-D5.

Some guys might read this and tell me “fuck that shit bro drop that girl she’s a TIMEWASTER”, and I want to agree so badly, but on the other hand my experience and probably value is still somewhat low (also given that I have never had an actual girlfriend, I’m missing a lot of “comfort”/“emotional connection” calibrations), so continuing this one is in my best interests (also I don’t really mind because I have somewhat of an abundance now, at least in terms of girls I can talk to and get out on dates, and I know I can get more of those).

update: story continued https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=43056#p43056

TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



video thumbnail is literally a toilet?

Yes, you are going to get this girl pregnant and have to pay child support for 18 years.
Yes, this escort is going to give you an incurable STD.
Yes, you will get into a car accident on your way home.
Yes, you will get arrested for possessing illegal drugs.
Yes, you will be kicked out of the approach venue today by the police.
Yes, you will go to the gym for months and gain muscle and yet seemingly your success with girls won’t change. (Keep going to the gym.)
Yes, the laser is going to be miscalibrated and you will become permanently blind you when you wanted LASIK
Yes, you will never be able to have kids and your hormone levels will be permanently fucked from taking steroids.
Yes, you will quit your job and never figure out how to make income again, and become homeless, and die on the streets from being knived.

In order to make a potentially life-changing decision, you need to accept that there's a chance the decision will turn into an irreversible catastrophe.
But do you really want what you say you want?

(current-situation) or (what-you-want / negative-outcome)

People don't get out of their stagnant lives and fail to make potentially important decisions because they’re more afraid of “avoiding the negative outcome” rather than being able to accept at some point, they should just take the risk and go for it.

you should just say
TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The longer you wait to take the plunge, the more you are allowing yourself to rot away in your damp cave hole.


colgate said:
yeah we can meet up next week because my friend arcade_fireee from california is coming to Nashville this week

Enter arcade_fireee. He moved to Los Angeles about a year ago and has been gaming ever since. Has gotten some solid daygame results over 2022 with his cool beach guy vibe and the various Asians of California.

On the other hand, he’s been hustling like a MOTHER FUCKER with nightgame. I’ve seen him post nightgame reports every weekend, and has gone out 20+ times since this spring.

Failed makeouts, instagram unfollows, even phone numbers calling him gay, but not a single date, let alone a pull. (EDIT: ok apparently he actually did get one date but it sucked)

In one of my group chats, he had expressed interest in coming to Nashville to see if he can get some advice from Troy and maybe if the change in location will improve his night results.

Told Troy about it, he was like “fuck yeah!” and a plane ticket later, arcade_fireee’s here.

In total, we did 1 short daygame session, and 3 nightgame sessions together.

For the daygame session, we were at the classic Vanderbilt university, where I got banned for doing too many approaches a year ago.

At the end of the session, we were about to drive home and arcade_fireee had spotted a very hot chick walking down the sidewalk.

you know i won’t say anything if you just jumped out of my car to approach her right

This guy jumps outta my car and chases her down to make the approach while I stall. Girl ended up being quite receptive.

And then he does it again. But the second car jumpin chick instantly blows him off.

Thursday and Friday night, we both went out to approach (Troy joined us for Thursday). I took a lot of videos of arcade_fireee approaching and noticed how quickly he physically escalates on every girl and generates sexual tension. Like he’s immediately trying to start “foreplay” within 1-2 minutes of the approach. Most of my approaches and the other approaches I see guys do are just conversational, platonic information-exchange interactions, even if they’re confident and the energy is “good”. And especially in my case, I don’t know why I rarely do any kind of escalation on girls. Maybe I just don’t know what the ideal stack is, and I need to try now. FUCK IT! TAKE THE PLUNGE!!! 🚽

He told me he didn’t book an AirBnB because he just wanted to hang out with us and chill. I was like lol ok

When I went to Austin the first time, Troy gave me his room to pull to in the odd chance I did pull (I didn’t).

I didn’t report it for some reason, but I visited Rags2Bitches too in December and he gave me his room to pull to as well in the odd chance I did pull (I didn’t).

There are so many fucking awesome guys in this KYIL/self-improvement space who are literally willing to host you and take you out for day/nightgame and I don’t think I would have gotten as much progress as I have so far without meeting these guys in person and doing what they say.

There have been several times I didn’t do what they say, and it costed me months. There are still things I’m not doing that they’ve been telling me, and it’s costing me now too.

And it pisses me off seeing people not take these opportunities when given to them. Guys will reach out to others saying “dude come here I will help you out”, and the other guy will just make excuses of work, being scared, “scheduling”, “guys i wish i was gay it would be so much easier”, etc.

man FUCK that.

listen to this audio I sent Troy back in October 2021 when he invited me to go to Austin

and then as you can see here, i IMMEDIATELY booked tickets to Austin:
View attachment 1


I had been ranting about the above in a group chat, and arcade_fireee had been like “wait, can I come to Nashville?”.
Nobody asked him to show up.
But he wanted his nightgame results.
And came here.

arcade_fireee was about ~11 approaches in for Saturday night, when he saw this tiny tiny tiny solo chick.

He confidently walked ahead of her, stopped her, and opened her.
View attachment 2

He called me and Troy over to introduce us, and the moment she agreed to hang out with three random guys, I knew this was the fucking lay.

We walked up to the neighboring Nudie’s bar, and Troy and I pretty much separated off from them. Then I separated off from Troy.

I saw arcade_fireee and the girl passionately dancing in the corner near the bar area.

There is no way this isn’t going to fucking happen. It needs to fucking happen. This is fucking it.

I was just internally screaming OK THIS GUY JUST NEEDS TO GO FOR THE DAMN PULL LET’S GO.

I sprinted back to the apartment, set up the mood lighting in my room, pulled up sex music on my laptop and dm’ed arcade_fireee the password.

Unlocked the door in the 1% chance he forgot the key and told him the room is his for the night.

I'll let him take the rest of the story from here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=42396#p42396
colgate said:
sorry for making it really awkward…but…i didn’t want to do it my first time…

Is this girl another virgin?
colgate said:

I had been ranting about the above in a group chat, and @arcade_fireee had been like “wait, can I come to Nashville?”.
Nobody asked him to show up.
But he wanted his nightgame results.
And came here.

arcade_fireee was about ~11 approaches in for Saturday night, when he saw this tiny tiny tiny solo chick.

He confidently walked ahead of her, stopped her, and opened her.

He called me and Troy over to introduce us, and the moment she agreed to hang out with three random guys, I knew this was the fucking lay.

We walked up to the neighboring Nudie’s bar, and Troy and I pretty much separated off from them. Then I separated off from Troy.

I saw arcade_fireee and the girl passionately dancing in the corner near the bar area.

There is no way this isn’t going to fucking happen. It needs to fucking happen. This is fucking it.

I was just internally screaming OK THIS GUY JUST NEEDS TO GO FOR THE DAMN PULL LET’S GO.

I sprinted back to the apartment, set up the mood lighting in my room, pulled up sex music on my laptop and dm’ed arcade_fireee the password.

Unlocked the door in the 1% chance he forgot the key and told him the room is his for the night.

I'll let him take the rest of the story from here

You are a hero, and you write some of the funniest, most entertaining, most inspiring stories I've read anywhere!
Manly Cockfellow said:
Is this girl another virgin?

No she's not. She had told me the first time she had sex, she didn't want to do it.

The fact that she was so emotionally closed off most of the time means her feelings are legitimate.
You are truly, one of the most inspiring, dedicated guys in this space.

Have not met someone who literally TOOK THE PLUNGE, said FUCK MY SITUATION. Moved out and shipped himself to improve himself without hesitation, no complaints even as a newbie, and grew astronomically from it.

They ain't built like COLGATE that's for sure, without a doubt.

Listen to this man, TAKE THE FUCKING PLUNGE.

It's nice to see how full circle this space goes, guys help you out when you're new, and you help the new ones who grind, when you're more experienced.

One of the best communities by far, IF you're not a little cry baby bitch, and is willing to work.

From the one getting the room, to giving it

This entire story from start to finish just shows you the type of men that KYIL shapes them into, when they use this site seriously.

Brown guy here. Don't listen to the internet at all, the value of brown dudes has gone straight through the roof in recent years. The only guys going around saying that brown dudes aren't desired are losers with no life experience on the internet or low value/loser brown dudes who cannot own up to their own failures in life and blame it all on race. Then some clueless imbeciles just regurgitate whatever some incels spam all over the web.

I've known brown dudes who have gone to foreign lands and had women want to take selfies with them and sleep with them on the same night.

We wrote the book on fucking, it's called the Kama Sutra.

All of that bullshit you read on incel forums and Black Pill blogs is by losers from our race who can 't own up to anything in life or sour haters who just want an ethnic group to target and are way too fucking scared to say anything bad about groups that would seriously put them in the hospital.

Literally every brown guy I have known who looked like he lifted and had some game pulled like crazy. Only people denying that are people with zero life experience who get all they know about life off the internet.

Speaking of, I got some spicy life updates to share for all of you soon :)