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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!


The struggle is real, but as we say, we are dogs, so we will work like dogs ;-)

ISSUE 281 - September 18, 2022

bazonkers chick: 3rd date, intentional nopull
story continued from: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=42513#p42513

Last time I had ranted about how I made even less progress than previously, and the girl tried to pin me with “trauma” and that she needs to “know me better”.

I mentioned previously that the plan for next time would be to take her on a deliberate rapport date and then immediately go home without pulling.

I took her out for skeeball bowling near my place. We ordered drinks, played some arcade games, and then did some bowling and had fun.

I was touching her and holding her waist at various moments, and she was receptive to that.

Additionally, I got a strike at some point and pulled her in to makeout in that moment.

Then I told her I had to go tutor Mimbe393939 in Japanese.

She leaned into me expecting me to kiss her before I saw her off. Good sign.

6'5" plate
I invited the 6'5" chick I took the virginity of over on Sunday evening. Told her I would take her out to dinner.

She showed up dolled in a hyper-slutty lavender dress with pink sprinkled long acrylic nails.

I immediately tell her that her dress is very cute.

She's never had Asian food (she's from bumfuck nowhere) so I took her out for that.

By the way, I actually like spending money on girls because I love flexing my unlimited money 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎. Plus I'm a misogynist and think girls should just stay at home and do girly things like design clothes and get their nails done. "oh no but i want 2 split the bill..." how about u chumps get more money LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we were walking to the Asian restaurant, I get her to talk about her new school semester and some new clothes she bought.

i bought 3 of these kinds of dresses
ok so you’re basically only going to wear the purple one for me

As I am working on trying to embrace and create tension in my life, I thought about trying to kiss/makeout with her in the restaurant. I have kissed in public before, including as I just mentioned in my 3rd date with the bazonkers chick so I was visualizing myself doing it. I kept getting somewhat closer to her, but ended up not being able to make the move.

Paid the bill, and started walking home.

when i was playing basketball, one time coach told us we couldn't touch a basketball for 2 weeks because we had to get ready for a big game. so i went out to get some piercings and my nails done with my sister


Back at my place, we pretty much immediately go to my bed.

I fakeout the makeout a few times, and then go for it while she looks at me with dopey doe eyes.

Then I whisper to her to, one at a time, take off various articles of my clothing, in between various makeouts.

now i want you to unbutton my shirt
now i want you to take off my shirt
now i want you to unbutton my jeans
now i want you to take off my jeans

Her dress is hyper hot and I actually don’t want her to take it off.

It’s actually a huge turn on when a girl is wearing cute clothes and can be hotter than fully nude (thanks anime!). This was one of those times.

you’re actually going to leave that dress on this time, but take off your panties

Then I unhooked her bra through her dress…somehow…I think I’m getting better at unhooking bras lol.

I pull her titties out from under her dress and look at her,
then look at them,
then look at her,
and then go to suck on her titties spilling out of her dress.

now i want you to bend over
because i’m going to put it in obviously

I thought it was funny that she had to ask that even though she knew what I was going to do next.

She bent over, I got into position (the only position I’ve figured out how to fuck this girl in), and…



I held it in her for like 20 seconds when I realized if I do another thrust, I’m literally going to burst.

what the fuckkkkkk how is this humanly possible

maybe it’s because i spent far more time than usual doing foreplay and i literally couldn’t handle it anymore

ok let’s pull out and just get this first round over with so i can fuck her properly for round 2….

I makeout with her while jerking off and come.

and then I don’t get hard again

uhhhhh ok

I “smoothly” segue into asking her what TV shows she’s watching right now.

I was hoping that cuddling and watching some TV on my laptop would get me turned on again.

But honestly, even after 2 hours of watching TV, I didn’t really get turned on again. And I honestly just…enjoyed cuddling her and watching the show?

After the TV, she had school the next day so she couldn’t stay over (I was hoping she would so I could potentially fuck her properly)

So basically…really long foreplay and then extremely short sex???

hehe~ u ripped my dress a lil bit
now you’re definitely only wearing that for me


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will explain later (this is a one-way ticket btw)
Oh Lord, those poor little japanese cuties have no idea what's coming...

God speed bulldog 🫡
ISSUE 283 - September 27, 2022

bazonkers chick
It took me a while to get around writing about this girl because I was mainly just annoyed with her, but I know I have to write about it eventually, so here it is.

4th date
This date happened last Thursday.

She had come over to my place and baked me a cake and a pie.

While she was stacking the cake and putting in the strawberries, she asked if the giant chefs knife we have is the only knife we had. Since we’re in a bachelor pad, we pretty much don’t have all of the basic utensils LOL!!!!

I had taken a butterknife, stood behind her while holding her and put the butterknife near her throat as a joke:
here’s the knife

I did this because I thought it would be funny and I wanted to ramp up the tension. I think she laughed it off.

When she was done preparing the cake, we sat on the couch and I turned on some nonsense generic TV show. We ate our cakes and then spooned on the couch.

I started making out with her on the couch, and then said let’s go watch some more stuff in my bedroom.

We head to my room, and for some reason the wi-fi was out on my laptop so I just put on some music I had saved on my laptop.

Then I started escalating on her as usual, making out, being over her, etc.

I got her overshirt off, and I got her to feel my chest through my shirt, and then take off my shirt.

Then I unhooked her bra while we kissed.

I tried to put her arms through the loops of her undershirt to take it off, but she didn’t budge.

I got up off of her and she…

immediately re-hooks her bra


I’m like pent up and aroused out of my mind.

I try making out with her here and there, etc, blah blah.

I try getting her hand over my pants, and she basically resists repeatedly.

I notice the makeouts get less enthusiastic and she reciprocates less.

But I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy too fuckin pent up to let this slide.

I literally just whip my dick out and start jerking off.

I do one…two…three pumps

holy fuck……………..i’m about to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hold my dick for like 20 seconds, unmoving

with no additional pumps….

EVACUATE THE TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mount colgate has unleashed its contents into the stratosphere! (halfway up to the ceiling)
Perhaps it’s even gone into space (the ceiling fan)!?!!???? (no it didnt go that high but it was pretty close)
The town is no longer, any poor soul dawdling in the town is now a fossil preserved in ash. (the cum splattered and covered both of us)

I clean us up and then realizing that I've gotten nowhere after four dates, I realized I’m going to have to have a talk with her.

I take us out for a little walk, and then sit on some benches at a nearby park.

i am looking for an relationship where we both are intimate and have a connection

i think we have the connection part going, we have met up four times now and we have fun, do you agree?
but i need the intimacy. it’s going to be hard for me to continue to see you if we don’t do that. we haven’t progressed anywhere since the first date
it’s hard for me to open up physically without an emotional connection first
what does that mean? do you want me to text you more? we can call and chat outside of meeting up you know
i mean…yeah….
i’m not expecting us to go all the way on the next date, but i at least want to see some progress or else i don’t think this is going to work out

I walked us back to the apartment so I could see her off.

Then we walked to her car
yeah, text me when you want to call, i’ll make time for that

She stood there and wouldn’t go inside her car.

…do you want to go for a drive and talk now?

So she put away the cake materials in her car and we headed off to my car and I started randomly driving around.

what are you looking for?
well as i said earlier, i’m looking for intimacy and a connection
so…do you want that with multiple girls or just one girl
well, right now i would go on dates with others but if you and i click, i won’t really want to see other girls

I thought that was an ok answer at the time, but I realized all I did was be super mousy and answer the question in a way to avoid the potential pain of getting a rejection, and it was very indirect.

I basically tried to “logically pigeonhole” her question. More on that in the Takeaways.

I tried to dig deeper into why she was so averse to doing anything physical.

im being open and showing you that i like you and it’s all fine until you close up and it makes me feel like i’m not sure if you like me
i just dont want to get ghosted…
why would you get ghosted, if we’re intimate i would love spending more time with you and we will have a lot of fun
yeah you say that, but then i still get ghosted
i’m clearly looking for something beyond a one night stand, why would i take you out to the farmers market to make curry, and then see you four times so far? and the last date we had fun at the bowling alley right?
so clearly i want to do things other than just being at my place, but it’s going to be hard for me to want to continue to do that if we don’t advance
you say that but one time a guy made pasta for me, and then he still ghosted me
that literally doesn’t make any sense. in any case, i’m already 26 now. i’m done with the hookups, if i wanted hookups i would just go down to broadway and get it.

Anyway I don’t 100% remember how that conversation ended but it did at some point, and we started talking about more lighter and fun topics.

We basically drove around to random bullshit Nashville suburbs for around an hour and I was asking her about the various places we were at.

She kept calling every random town racist. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we got back to my place.

i’m also on a new birth control that gives me weird periods (????) so sometimes i won’t be able to be intimate
lol i dont really mind
yeah but i do

I walked her to her car and kissed her goodbye.

5th date
Before the 5th date, we had this conversation over text:
View attachment 1

At the park, we walked to this lake area with ducks.

I put my arm over her, but she basically just starfished. Like she just let me put it there but didn’t reciprocate or come closer to me. uhh ok

Then we walk around some more and I find a swinging bench for us to sit down.

I have my arm over her, but she’s just still kind of closed off.

As a final test to see what’s up, I go for a makeout. We kiss for a little bit.

But she’s starfishing there too. I’ve kissed this girl 8-9 times already, so I know what she’s like when she’s into it and when she’s not.

And this just felt like I was putting my lips on top of some sex doll’s lips (…not that I would know)

After sitting in silence for a few minutes…

why are you seeing me?
…i don’t know
last time i said that if you want us to keep seeing each other i expect some progress physically
yeah i know you want more sexual things
i mean yes, but i’m not even talking about that. just now i’m putting my arm around you and you’re just sitting there doing nothing.
i can’t open up physically until we have an emotional connection though

This is where I got hyper male autism mode because I hate hearing the word emotional connection omfg. Pretty uncalibrated conversation from this point on, but I’m genuinely trying to understand what’s happening.

I understand now (after debriefing) that “emotional connection” boils down to “she feels like it, she wants to be led, she wants to do what you want to do” but HOW???????????????????????????????????????

so what do you need from me to have an emotional connection? i respond to your ‘how’s your day going’ texts and i told you that you can let me know if you want to call
i…don’t know…
i mean ok so you don’t know. but i’ve laid out pretty clearly what i want. i want to have sex with you. and way more than one time. guys will emotionally open up to you if you open up physically to them, but we’re guys so we need the physical thing too. we’ve met up several times and had a lot of fun, we had a lot of fun going bowling and making curry right?
and it’s like we’re doing this fun stuff where we’re both enjoying each other and it’s going great, and then all of a sudden i want to show that i like you, and as i’ve said earlier i like to be physical when i show that i like someone, but then you just close off. i’m not seeing other girls (eghh lie) do you need me to commit to you so you quit closing off? you said in the text you need me to say that “explicitly” <— this lie is super incongruent which probably threw shit off
i also recognize that you are showing me that you like me i presume, by continuing to meet up and doing things like baking me a cake, which i appreciated by the way. but it feels like we're trying to shoot arrows at each other that are totally missing each other
well we’re not even in a relationship so it’s fine if you’re seeing multiple girls, and i don’t want to just get into a relationship so we can get physical
also, you just keep pushing and pushing even when i say no
you’re talking about the second date, and i apologized about uncovering your trauma, and i wanted to just have fun with you on the 3rd date. we had fun then, right?
so i don’t know if you still have like unhandled trauma or what…
i already handled my trauma! you dont need to bring that up
ok well in that case then i don’t see what the issue is. you’re not going to find some guy who’s just going to only be emotional with you without having some kind of physical connection too
that’s not true! i know two guys like that!
then why aren’t you dating one of them???
i just don’t see them that way!
ok well i’ve laid out what i want pretty clearly and if you’re not down for that, we don’t have to continue seeing each other
yeah, i guess we don’t have to see each other
ok but you’re going to have a pretty hard time finding a guy who supposedly wants what you want

There were various points in the above exchange where she started randomly shaking a bunch and almost tearing.

We sat in silence for a little bit and then I had us walk around for a bit. I tried to lighten up the pretty somber mood with some nonsense commentary on people in the park, and we petted some dogs.

I decided to try to probe if she wanted to hang out longer to potentially talk or if she wanted to end it for sure.

do you want to go straight home or do you want to go on a drive
we can go home

So we got back to the parking garage of my apartment. I dropped her off from my car this time and she dashed out of my car.

Takeaways: forwardness and directness
I took so long to write this report because it just annoyed me and I wanted to just push it aside. But it had to be done.

I had a long call with Manly Cockfellow regarding this chick and the dates I’ve gone on with her.

The huge lesson here is something that is pretty much basic knowledge, you can’t be indirect when dealing with girls. As in, you can’t just mouse around and try to make any progress.

For example, I think it was a huge mistake to use the word “intimacy” rather than “sex” on the fourth date. It didn’t make a difference that I later used the word sex, because I had already set the frame as “I’m being indirect”

But I think this experience with me being so indirect with answering this girl’s questions on the 4th date highlights to me the specific reasons why that is the case.

She had asked some pretty polarizing questions, such as “are you looking for that with multiple girls or just one girl”

And in the moment, rather than doing something effective, I wanted to “avoid the potential pain of rejection”.

So I answered in the way that was congruent with “avoiding pain” over TAKING THE PLUNGE. I didn’t TAKE THE PLUNGE here.

What would have been effective would have been being far more direct and blatant. For example:
so…do you want that with multiple girls or just one girl
i’m not committing to a single girl right now. we’ll have to see where things go and i may consider it in the future, but right now i won’t commit unless i really like you

colgate said:
(current-situation) or (what-you-want / negative-outcome)
(current-situation): awkward nonsense where she’s closed off but still meeting me
(what-you-want / negative-outcome): she starts opening up physically and eventually we have sex / she tells me right then and there that she isn’t down for seeing me anymore

But since I gave very dodgy answers to her questions, I got exactly the (current-situation) scenario.

Additionally I had a debrief with Troy regarding this entire situation, and have noticed a common theme in my interactions.

I’m forward, but indirect.

I’m forward because I do advance the interaction in a timely manner and I do not pussy out in that regard.

However, the way in which I try to advance the interaction is indirect. For example, I used the word “intimate” instead of “sexual”, and there’s a lot of other things I can’t explain, but I don’t think my escalation is very confident either. I feel like I’m trying to sneak-escalate on the girl instead of confidently owning up that I’m escalating on her. At least that’s what’s going on in my head.

Somehow, my baseline for trying to “solve problems” is “logical pigeonholing”, like I almost want to “cheat” the system and find a loophole to get what I want.

I’ll often do things like make it a logical impossibility for a girl to do anything except what I want. Such as “putting the drinks in my room and then asking if the girl wants a drink, and then going in my room to drink the drinks”.

And whatever vibes I give off on dates, and maybe it’s my looks too, I come off as a guy she’s seeing as potential boyfriend material.

So when I go for pulls or escalate, I’m met with lots of resistance.

And I get endlessly frustrated, because by being indirect, I’m making some kind of caricature of what I think the girl wants from me to do what I want, when it’s not actually me. So when I’m met with rejection or resistance, it angers me to no end because it’s like “well I’M not the one who actually got rejected but I’m still being punished???” at least if I could be more honest and direct and get rejected that way, I can take it as “okay, my actual proposition and desires and I myself got rejected, that’s acceptable. I’m taking personal responsibility, not this facsimile character”.

Basically, my mindset towards getting laid has been “make the girl do what I want” (through unconsciously cajoling her) when it should be “make the girl want to do what i want” (by making her feel like she wants to do it…EMOTIONAL CONNECTION????????????????????????????)

It’s what I’m missing with the whole inability to “emotionally connect” (which is what I’m working on).

This will likely be resolved by attending more meetups and social events and observing how guys who look like they get laid act and interact with people, and apply the emotional connection template I had written in my date stack earlier. I actually have a lot to say about this but it’ll be in a different section.

extreme aversion to emotional connection, caring about others’ feelings, and being empathetic
I know objectively why I need to do this. This is absolutely necessary, and I’m brickwalled until I get over myself.

Every time I hear anything about caring about a girl’s or anyone’s “emotions” I instantly cringe.

Why can’t people just be robots like me, accept things for what they are, and have fun? Why are people attach their identity to their views and feelings? Why do we have to care about the feelings about each other? If we do things that are fun and enjoyable we’ll feel better right??????

What is this magic “I have to feel like it” thing???

colgate said:
In this moment, I pretty much just felt annoyed. Like there is literally zero reason why I should be getting this much resistance on a second date pull where the first time was intense grinding and a handjob, and she’s just trying to stir up drama. Sure, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a lay, but we should at least have our clothes off and getting to third base here. And this feeling I had only intensified when she started trembling and crying.

It’s like I have negative empathy or something.
If empathy is being able to feel the emotion another person feels, I definitely do not have that.
I am starting to be able to perceive others’ emotions, and if I can logically deduce why they felt that way I am very sympathetic and understanding.
But if it makes no fucking sense I basically just feel annoyed and think they have no right to feel that way and they should get over themselves, “negative” empathy.
This situation was a case of the last scenario for me.

I hate that I have this “negative” empathy (I just became able to describe what exactly this was after this experience). It’s a totally involuntary response, and it is going to bite me in the ass for months to come.

If I had normal fucking emotional responses to other people’s emotions, I would be able to handle situations like this better. Not just in dating, but regular social interaction too. Maybe I’ll never be able to develop true empathy, but at least if I could convert “negative empathy” into sympathy->understanding without requiring myself to “logically understand” their feelings, then all areas in my life involving social interaction would skyrocket into another echelon (read: freaking normal lmao). The way I could see potentially making progress on this is pretty much overriding and shutting down my own emotional response to “illogical emotional responses” from other people so I can just be universally sympathetic and understanding.

I have to have to have to have to get over this. I know. BUT HOW?????????????????????????????????????????

camping trip
I’m going to Minnesota to go camping with 2 close friends until next week to just disconnect from everything for a bit (this trip was planned months in advance, so I’m not specifically doing this because of this girl lol).

- why did you impulsively buy a one way plane ticket to japan???
- but colgate, what about the 20 lays??? what happened to the gym???
- …and more…maybe
colgate said:
She had asked some pretty polarizing questions, such as “are you looking for that with multiple girls or just one girl”

And in the moment, rather than doing something effective, I wanted to “avoid the potential pain of rejection”.

So I answered in the way that was congruent with “avoiding pain” over TAKING THE PLUNGE. I didn’t TAKE THE PLUNGE here.

What would have been effective would have been being far more direct and blatant. For example:
so…do you want that with multiple girls or just one girl
i’m not committing to a single girl right now. we’ll have to see where things go and i may consider it in the future, but right now i won’t commit unless i really like you
colgate wrote: ↑Tue Sep 13, 2022 5:02 pm
(current-situation) or (what-you-want / negative-outcome)
(current-situation): awkward nonsense where she’s closed off but still meeting me
(what-you-want / negative-outcome): she starts opening up physically and eventually we have sex / she tells me right then and there that she isn’t down for seeing me anymore

But since I gave very dodgy answers to her questions, I got exactly the (current-situation) scenario.

Additionally I had a debrief with Troy regarding this entire situation, and have noticed a common theme in my interactions.

I’m forward, but indirect.

I’m forward because I do advance the interaction in a timely manner and I do not pussy out in that regard.

However, the way in which I try to advance the interaction is indirect. For example, I used the word “intimate” instead of “sexual”, and there’s a lot of other things I can’t explain, but I don’t think my escalation is very confident either. I feel like I’m trying to sneak-escalate on the girl instead of confidently owning up that I’m escalating on her. At least that’s what’s going on in my head.

Somehow, my baseline for trying to “solve problems” is “logical pigeonholing”, like I almost want to “cheat” the system and find a loophole to get what I want.

I’ll often do things like make it a logical impossibility for a girl to do anything except what I want. Such as “putting the drinks in my room and then asking if the girl wants a drink, and then going in my room to drink the drinks”.

And whatever vibes I give off on dates, and maybe it’s my looks too, I come off as a guy she’s seeing as potential boyfriend material.

So when I go for pulls or escalate, I’m met with lots of resistance.

And I get endlessly frustrated, because by being indirect, I’m making some kind of caricature of what I think the girl wants from me to do what I want, when it’s not actually me. So when I’m met with rejection or resistance, it angers me to no end because it’s like “well I’M not the one who actually got rejected but I’m still being punished???” at least if I could be more honest and direct and get rejected that way, I can take it as “okay, my actual proposition and desires and I myself got rejected, that’s acceptable. I’m taking personal responsibility, not this facsimile character”.

I agree with all of this.

Be honest and direct about what you want -non-monogamous sex and dating- and what you don't want -a monogamous relationship-, because you're not trying to trick women into having sex with you by pretending to be their boyfriend, you're trying to find the girls that want the same thing as you!

colgate said:
Basically, my mindset towards getting laid has been “make the girl do what I want” (through unconsciously cajoling her) when it should be “make the girl want to do what i want” (by making her feel like she wants to do it…EMOTIONAL CONNECTION????????????????????????????)

It’s what I’m missing with the whole inability to “emotionally connect” (which is what I’m working on).

I don't agree with this at all.


(or like Kilgrave from Jessica Jones: https://www.marvel.com/characters/kilgrave-kevin-thompson/on-screen)

Instead, be honest about what you want, offer her something of value (great sex and fun dates with a healthy, intelligent, attractive man who is a good cook, musician, financially successful, experienced traveler, helpful to his friends, etc) and only continue to see women that want the same thing you do!

The best thing about being direct and honest about what you want and what you are offering is that it IS LITERALLY THE MOST ATTRACTIVE THING YOU CAN DO, because it screams I am a healthy man who has options and standards, who will not settle for less, and who will not hide what I want out of fear of rejection.

So many guys on this forum have A LOT to offer women. It's time we started acting like it.
to piggy back on what manly said, when you were talking to her your "relationship", what was your goal? sounds like you were trying to negotiate yourself some pussy
Great episode of the digest.

Lover / Provider distinction.

When she puts you in beta provider category, her brain goes on resource-extraction mode.

It's what happened to you. Your resources in terms of ATTENTION/TIME are literal crack cocaine to these hoes. It's the most precious thing in the world to them.

The second their brain switches into that mode, they'll just bleed you dry.

4 dates and nothing - she would have banged an alpha first date, gauranteed. We've seen this happen many times. It's the law of the jungle.

No reason she didn't leave one of your dates and go smash another dude. This happens ALL THE TIME and has probably happened to us both a few times.

Direct, dominant, and sexual.

If no traction - show her the fucking door IMO.

Manly Cockfellow said:
I don't agree with this at all.


(or like Kilgrave from Jessica Jones: https://www.marvel.com/characters/kilgr ... /on-screen)

Instead, be honest about what you want, offer her something of value (great sex and fun dates with a healthy, intelligent, attractive man who is a good cook, musician, financially successful, experienced traveler, helpful to his friends, etc) and only continue to see women that want the same thing you do!

The best thing about being direct and honest about what you want and what you are offering is that it IS LITERALLY THE MOST ATTRACTIVE THING YOU CAN DO, because it screams I am a healthy man who has options and standards, who will not settle for less, and who will not hide what I want out of fear of rejection.

So many guys on this forum have A LOT to offer women. It's time we started acting like it

i think i know this in theory and we talked about it too. as seanconneryfan_ pointed out i really was essentially kind of trying to "negotiate myself some pussy"

the reason i had stumbled upon this behavior was because
- i had not been putting in the work to generate more options as of late so i felt like i had to put all my eggs in one basket for this girl (even though i could just start working on other leads and generating new ones, i had been trapped by some kind of "sunk cost fallacy"

- it can be said i'm a "high value guy", and i have traits such as
Manly Cockfellow said:
healthy, intelligent, attractive man who is a good cook, musician, financially successful, experienced traveler, helpful to his friends, et

but i don't know how to express that in a way where it benefits me.

i guess now and then certain ones will help me at specific parts of the process (having a curry date, pulling using my own music, having a nice apartment, etc), but i haven't yet figured out how to present "my current package" in a way to girls that gets me what i want, which is basically literally sex. having plates and retention would be nice but i want just girls who will have sex on the first date.

and maybe it's impossible right now because the package itself still needs to be improved significantly as well, but if you understand my dilemma here then I'll know how to be more direct with who i am and what i want with girls to girls instead of resorting to mousy tricks.

and maybe you can give me some feedback on how i can present myself in a way to get that
you express that you value yourself and that you have a dope life through actions. it's really quite simple, if you are an awesome person, then your life is a reflection of your genuine desires and needs. i have a hard time believing that you genuinely want to talk about a relationship instead of fucking. go find someone else who fits the role you need played in your movie.

i'll dm you how i set up today's date and how direct i was. i know what i want in a girl and relentlessly filter for it thru action.
colgate said:
but i don't know how to express that in a way where it benefits me.

Do this:


And I'm not trying to be a smartass here.

I'm telling you to focus-on/prioritize what you want, and on you having fun.

Because that is what high value men do, and it is very, very attractive.
seanconneryfan_ said:
you express that you value yourself and that you have a dope life through actions. it's really quite simple, if you are an awesome person, then your life is a reflection of your genuine desires and needs.

seanconneryfan_ said:
i'll dm you how i set up today's date and how direct i was. i know what i want in a girl and relentlessly filter for it thru action.
i saw your dm and this is not too dissimilar to how i set up dates and isn't really the sticking point i have

Manly Cockfellow said:
I'm telling you to focus-on/prioritize what you want, and on you having fun.
I think ultimately that's why I impulsively bought a ticket to Japan and am deciding to just say fuck it and eject there. I will be detailing this real soon.

I don't want to stay in America, I don't have fun at American night venues (that story was honestly a stars aligning moment and I was merely trying to host and have fun with my friend), American girls aren't even the girls I'm dreaming about getting.
Alright mr action, I told you the theory and now you’re asking for implementation.

I should’ve been more specific with that pic I sent you, the important part was when I told her what time I’m free because I have to hit the gym. I will hit the gym no matter what and she can either work with that or go find someone else. Example of valuing your needs.

Had a girl asking to spend time yesterday after sex, I needed to have dinner so I told her I can’t. My calories are more important to me than her and she has to live with that or she can go find someone else.

Have a girl that might come to mine for a hook up tonight. My schedule will not change at all. I’m going to buy my family member a birthday present, then either swim or gym, then do school work. My life is more important than her. If she joins my life for a night, cool, if she doesn't, also cool.

This is all mindset. This is where you can’t spam action like you’ve been doing for the past year and instead have to decide on who you want to be and then act like it. This might sound like hippy shit but it is furthest from it. The world will respond to what you ask from it.

Not that it matters, but this is also more attractive to girls like Manly tried to tell you.

Running away to Japan won’t solve either not knowing what you want/not acting in accordance to what you want. You failed on the latter one by blatantly treating a girl like your girlfriend in your latest field report. Congrats on learning you can get laid, if you want to graduate to "high level man" territory, then act like it because you aren't now by asking how to prostitute your passions to get more pussy. Wake the fuck up and grab life by the balls.

Does that clear things up?
I want to continue the Japan story I started over here on this thread because the continuation involves events that have happened over the past few months.

i wrote that story out because it allowed me to do more introspective work and thinking about myself blah blah hippy shit mental masturbation

so I've been pretty low activity recently and I've realized why. i don't want to get into an insane amount of detail or make this some hyper-introspective post because this is just more of a status update

I was thinking I could create plans where I could tackle many areas of improvement at once and get myself to do them like this one.

but it was too much. i am not the type of person who can attack multiple goals at once. and i basically burned out.

what made me stay burned out too was that i started being irregular with roids and stopped taking them for a few weeks, and i think it crashed my t-levels and motivation. so basically once you get on the roids train you need to stick with it or you're FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! (to get off roids you have to take things like pct and etc to taper off, but i was just neglecting to take my shots so my levels likely totally crashed).

part of my old plans were thinking "this is all dating related so it's one thing", but getting good at dating is kind of this cross-cutting skill that involves many prerequisites of things to do, and i didn't realize how different they were.

and i've made the most progress so far in my log just being obsessed about one thing. i was sending approaches for months because i just baked it into my routine and i didnt focus on much else. i was consistent with bulking until july because i was just focusing on bulking and gym for a while (gym is something that can be done concurrently to other things but for me, i have trouble getting the necessary calories for bulking unless im really fucking paying attention).

i see my first year of throwing myself into the fire because i can only really know what i'm supposed to be improving with some prior experience. and i have definitely had some good experiences, but plenty of red-shirt year brutal grind ones too.

seanconneryfan_ said:
This is where you can’t spam action like you’ve been doing for the past year and instead have to decide on who you want to be and then act like it. This might sound like hippy shit but it is furthest from it. The world will respond to what you ask from it.
i felt strangely validated by this comment btw lollllll

seanconneryfan_ said:
Running away to Japan won’t solve either not knowing what you want/not acting in accordance to what you want.
but i hate this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm pretty sure this one stemmed me off to writing that entire japan story on my story log (and i still have to continue it here to connect the dots between the end of that one and the current timeline)

this is my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to be this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i want those girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway ramble ramble blah blah here is what i will do next: https://bulldog-pen.notion.site/bulldog-pen/product-development-c8053bcfa8bb4706a3392d0e4c8f4a6b

and i will use MakingAComeback's upcoming accountability service to force me to execute this plan because otherwise i'm comfortable existing as a brain in a jar hooked up to a screen
colgate said:
I want to continue the Japan story I started over here on this thread because the continuation involves events that have happened over the past few months.

i wrote that story out because it allowed me to do more introspective work and thinking about myself blah blah hippy shit mental masturbation

so I've been pretty low activity recently and I've realized why. i don't want to get into an insane amount of detail or make this some hyper-introspective post because this is just more of a status update

I was thinking I could create plans where I could tackle many areas of improvement at once and get myself to do them like this one.

but it was too much. i am not the type of person who can attack multiple goals at once. and i basically burned out.

what made me stay burned out too was that i started being irregular with roids and stopped taking them for a few weeks, and i think it crashed my t-levels and motivation. so basically once you get on the roids train you need to stick with it or you're FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!! (to get off roids you have to take things like pct and etc to taper off, but i was just neglecting to take my shots so my levels likely totally crashed).

part of my old plans were thinking "this is all dating related so it's one thing", but getting good at dating is kind of this cross-cutting skill that involves many prerequisites of things to do, and i didn't realize how different they were.

and i've made the most progress so far in my log just being obsessed about one thing. i was sending approaches for months because i just baked it into my routine and i didnt focus on much else. i was consistent with bulking until july because i was just focusing on bulking and gym for a while (gym is something that can be done concurrently to other things but for me, i have trouble getting the necessary calories for bulking unless im really fucking paying attention).

i see my first year of throwing myself into the fire because i can only really know what i'm supposed to be improving with some prior experience. and i have definitely had some good experiences, but plenty of red-shirt year brutal grind ones too.

seanconneryfan_ said:
This is where you can’t spam action like you’ve been doing for the past year and instead have to decide on who you want to be and then act like it. This might sound like hippy shit but it is furthest from it. The world will respond to what you ask from it.
i felt strangely validated by this comment btw lollllll

seanconneryfan_ said:
Running away to Japan won’t solve either not knowing what you want/not acting in accordance to what you want.
but i hate this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm pretty sure this one stemmed me off to writing that entire japan story on my story log (and i still have to continue it here to connect the dots between the end of that one and the current timeline)

this is my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to be this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i want those girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway ramble ramble blah blah here is what i will do next: https://bulldog-pen.notion.site/bulldog-pen/product-development-c8053bcfa8bb4706a3392d0e4c8f4a6b

and i will use @MakingAComeback's upcoming accountability service to force me to execute this plan because otherwise i'm comfortable existing as a brain in a jar hooked up to a screen

Well I was against the use of roids from the beginning, you skipped the line and paid the price for it. If you did weightlifting for several years and arrived to the roadblock, I would have blessed you on this, but you kinda got it coming, i'm sorry.
For the dating, people think that dating is "one" skill like painting or playing the guitar, while in reality there are many variations like you said, like the confidence isn't confidence built on "i know how to cold approach" but from your life experiences and adventures, your conversation abilities, how masculine you are based on how connected you are with yourself, etcetc.
Looking forward to see the next episode though :)

ok the first paragraph of your comment doesn't sit right with me, and seems completely like someone waiting for me to say one negative thing about roids so they can "i told you so" me (or in this case, "i knew it was a bad idea")

the comment would have made sense if some negative consequence happened while regularly taking roids.

and if it did i think it's pretty obvious given my track record here i would have owned up to it and accepted the consequences, so i don't even know the point of trying to dig into it other than to get some self-validation of "ha, i knew it, cheaters never win. time to tell him he skipped the line, but only after he got burned"

but i specifically said that i experienced a huge dip because i stopped taking them out of neglect and irresponsibility. so i didn't even get burned specifically by roids, but rather the classic "patient doesn't follow the directions" thing that annoys doctors to no end.

if anything i should be castigated for having a huge dip in activity and hustle.

AskTheDom said:
you skipped the line and paid the price for it.
actually i want to bring up the whole "only cheaters take roids" point

"barry bonds still had to know how to swing the bat and play baseball" blah blah (which is actually true by the way, steroids can't help you with hitting a 95 mph fastball one bit)

and.......WHO CARES ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS????? you still have to eat properly, you still have to work out properly, you are taking a risk, it's a tradeoff.

and wrt girls you still have to have social skills and be able to handle tension and anxiety and be sexual and confident. it's not like i shoot roids and all of a sudden without doing anything else, my life is automatically better. if anything it's one of the more minor adjustments/boosts I am making

you haven't written your story on the site so i'm about to make a bunch of assumptions about you that might not be true, but this next part is more just a generalized comment at "naturals" and not specifically you (but it's aimed at anyone who has similar views on things like roids):

unlike you naturals, how are you all not "skipping the line" by being 6ft+, naturally masculine and attractive (both behavior and looks), have plenty of masculine influences in your childhood, etc, etc. you think some guy paying $600 every few months for roids is somehow "skipping the line" when you are all blissfully unaware of all of the other advantages you naturals have that we don't have. easy for you to sit there and point out "lol cheater!!!!" when you've been coasting the whole time. the way we see it, our willingness to take unorthodox measures like taking steroids and learning bizarre foreign languages at least gives us a chance to have a sliver of the life of our dreams. you wouldn't understand because you might have been at a low point but not at the specific low point we were (lol i don't want to make this a dick measuring contest about "who started worse off" though, the point of me mentioning this is that whatever life events you had didn't push you to do something like decide steroids was a good idea, unlike mine)
by the way i still have to go to the gym and diet properly lol
and by the way we wouldn't get mad at one of y'all taking roids either

ok (potentially ad-hominem) emotional rant over lol

the implication that "roids are cheating" is like saying "game is cheating" after i e.g. got a girl pregnant or something

"Well I was against the use of game from the beginning, you skipped the line and paid the price for it. If you just tried to talk to girls and naturally did what you "felt" would work instead of learning random manipulative tactics and tricks to get laid, and arrived to the roadblock, I would have blessed you on this, but you kinda got it coming, i'm sorry."

anyway if it wasn't obvious from my first post, my resolution is (has been) resuming the roidzzzzz

if roidz are cheating you will have to justify how the following things are also not cheating:
- hair transplants
- scalp micropigmentation
- height insoles (oh right 6ft+ guys don't actually need them)
- bathmate/penile enhancement
- any procedure or long term activity that changes your body from its bona fide "natural state"
There is a bit of "emotion" attached to your post so I won't address that because simply the discussion would bring benefit to no one and we could go on for days here.

I simply would have tried my best to reach my genetic limit and then push for roids (which btw I have nothing against TRT)

Your "cheaters never win" argument comes out from an internal belief, as I never mentioned something like this and nor I painted any color to my sentence with that, if you refer to the "you skipped the line" with cheating, read above "I simply would have tried my best to reach my genetic limit and then push for roids (which btw I have nothing against TRT) "

Again, I didn't want you to take that far with it