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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

omg fine i'll update my log godddd.

not really good at posting "hey guys i went to the gym and then went to bed" lol!!!!

colgate classic, bringin back the video logz:





Gym: 3/16, shoulders (7/10), back (7/12)
Boxing: 2/8
2700+ calories: 5/24 (avg ~2900 range)

Online: 4/20

Stats for the week:
27 matches | 7 numbers | 2 dates arranged
~6 hours spent (boosting, swiping, messaging girls)

I'm not going to keep daily/exact stats from now on because that's exhausting, so it'll probably be similar to how I kept track of my daygame approaches.

Beginning to actually enjoy texting girls instead of finding it excruciating/painful. That's because of that process I was able to outline in this post. And being creative/gimmicky with texting and crafting an "experience" for the girl is fun, as if we're already having sex (I don't mean overtly sexual conversations, but lots of teasing and roleplay over text).

Often I'm able to get the number, but I get ghosted over text while trying to arrange the date. Trying to figure out the balance of "gimmicky" texting and being real/logistics.

Mon 7/11: 15 approaches over ~3 hours, 1 long dance, 1 failed pull.

I went out looking like this. LOL!!!!

STILL massive AA, but just hustling. Had to give myself 15 approach quota again. I've posted live thoughts in my Telegram channel I've linked previously. I think the discussion I had above regarding texting will carry over to irl interactions (especially nightgame) because I can practice coming up with "what to say" in a non-realtime setting for a while. And I think this "text personality" will start to come through on approaches as well.

I approached 2 Dominican black girls in some loud live music venue, but I couldn't hear the girl's freaking name and I wasn't about to stand there going "wut wut wut wut" so I ejected. But then I had found them on the street and reapproached them later. One of the girls was like "where's the latin music, I don't want to hear this country music". Yes, let's come all the way to America and specifically the country music capital of the world and listen to latin music. Would be like if I complained that there's no vocaloid anime music on Broadway.

Anyway, I used this as an opportunity to try to pull them to my place. I told them I knew a place where there's a club (already knowing it was closed), and had them follow me to this one alley with a lot of bars and clubs. Had to speak to them in dumbass English the whole time to keep them entertained. Then I pretended that I was "so disappointed" the club was closed. One of the girls had asked about WiFi, so I said there was WiFi at my place. Made the mistake of translating "my place" to "mi casa" and I got drowned in a sea of no's. I still tried to steamroll the objections by hiring the Uber and ordering a hot dog to stall the girls, but they ended up ejecting while I was ordering the hot dog, and I ended up having to cancel the Uber.
Hey, congrats for the cheerleader lay. She's definitely hot!

You smashed her 6h straight holy shit, Is this what roids do to a man?

By the way, I know the consensus here is "it's all about looks and numbers game, game doesnt matter" but do you think the "old friend roleplay" might have increased your chances with that particular girl?

I think one of the main obstacles with cold approach is getting over the "OMG you are a complete stranger" factor. No matter how physically attractive or smooth you are, the girl is basically thinking in the back of her brain "This is kinda weird, what if...."

Maybe she thought you both actually knew each other but she didn't remember it. Maybe she thought that you both knew each other in the beginning of the interaction and then realized that in fact you were a complete rando and played along because you were cool in the convo. But if you were direct and straight to the point from the get go, she would have insta rejected, because women are by default closed off to random guys.

I don't think there are magical words that create attraction, and I agree that it's mostly about looks, how you say stuff (body language, eye contact, voice tonality) but I think certain openers might have a better chance to get the attention of the girl.

Almost like a headline in a blog post or an email. It's a big theme in copywriting. You need to get people to STOP first, to switch from a default distracted state of mind to a more receptive state.

While good copywriters can't suddenly make a shit product super appealing, they can press some buttons to make your message stand out a little bit more from the random spam.

Just some random theory/food for thought.
Sisyphus said:
but do you think the "old friend roleplay" might have increased your chances with that particular girl?
Yes it did. Generally giving a girl some kind of "fantasy" framework to work within is a good idea. I don't know if she would have even acquiesced to my lead if I didn't come up with this, even if she was slightly inebriated.

Sisyphus said:
"it's all about looks and numbers game, game doesnt matter"
I think strange PUA tactics are frowned upon, but something creative and silly like "old childhood friend" is good. It's the approach/interaction equivalent of BDSM or roleplay sex, I just chose to start the roleplay from the initial interaction. I also don't really think people genuinely think "game doesn't matter", and "game" includes things like approaching itself, escalating, being forward, solving girl's problems, etc. But I don't want to turn my log into a discussion about "what game is" so let's leave it at that.

Sisyphus said:
Maybe she thought you both actually knew each other but she didn't remember it. Maybe she thought that you both knew each other in the beginning of the interaction and then realized that in fact you were a complete rando and played along because you were cool in the convo. But if you were direct and straight to the point from the get go, she would have insta rejected, because women are by default closed off to random guys.
You are overthinking this. Girls like playing pretend. And she knew I was a complete rando because she sent me a snap later along the lines of "sorry, that's not who I really am, I was very irresponsible and drank too much" (I simply replied "haha, it's all good, hope you had fun in Nashville!", to which she replied "I maybe had a little too much fun...").

We don't know what the outcome would have been if I did a "direct approach" either. I've done this "childhood friend" roleplay a few other times and got rejected within <10 seconds (even though if you really "own" it, it will "trance" the girl for a few seconds into believing you). Certainly at night, it's a much more interesting way to open.

Sisyphus said:
I think certain openers might have a better chance to get the attention of the girl.
Yeah, you're right to some degree. It's also about general vibe and how you come off too. I still have a long way to go so I haven't exactly zoned in on "what's the best way to open" (not just words, but initial mood/body language/tonality/etc).
I've been doing online sessions, nightgame sessions, boxing, gym, etc blah blah. I'll make a hustle post in bulk later. But wanted to get this date report from last night out of the way.

Rather than only posting "omg guys, I had sex!!!!!!!!!! LOL look how cool i am!!!!!!!!!!", I think there's more value to people if I post the message logs (with as much personal information removed).

Seeing veterans' Tinder and text message logs has massively helped me so far with converting app matches into numbers and numbers into dates, so I want to give back with my own message logs from now on. As I said earlier, I'm following the process I came up with that I outlined:
1. creative opener
2. teasing/roleplaying with girl until she starts responding well
3. switching to "real" wat u doin convo->pitching future meetup and extracting number

So we have this 21 year old black girl:
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Logic for the opener was she was working as an "audiologist" and one of her pictures was her in front of a piano. Match->number in 6 message volleys.

Here's the text conversation to convert the number into a date:
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She wanted to move the date location to somewhere closer to her, but I wanted it close to me so I can easily pull (I have venues which are literally next to my apartment). I offered to pay to Uber her over here, but she decided to grab the Uber herself. At this point, I would not have just "gone on the date" if she did not want to come to the location I want.

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So this part is very interesting. She "accidentally" texts me "safety" messages "intended" for her friend to me. At this point I genuinely thought it was an accident, but I also didn't really care (girls have told me directly in the past that they shared their location with their friends during the date, and when the cheerleader pulled she wanted me to text my address to her friends).

We meet up and she is like 5ft tall. nice!

I ask her real quick if she managed to send those "safety messages" to her friend, and to my surprise she is completely unfazed. As in she's like "oh yeah, I did". Somehow, I would have expected more of a reaction, but I guess not. So this ticked me off that she "accidentally" sent these messages on purpose. Troy said the same thing, as in to indicate "if you 'do anything to me', I have backup". Also, she literally sent 5 of them in a row, and other than that she seems very detail-oriented and "logical" so it's not an accident. LOL!!!!!!!!

Anyway, none of that mattered. We walked inside the burger bar and I just said that I already ate so I'm just going to get a beer. She ordered a soft drink.

We chatted for 30 minutes and then I pulled with "do you want to listen to some music I made at my place?" and she instantly agrees.

Walked next door to my apartment and gave her and I shots of coconut rum because I'm Indian.

"Wow!!! this is a party house!" because I have a light machine and jellyfish lamp in my room.

I lead her inside my room and shut the door.
Tell her to take off her shoes and get on the bed.
Then I play some of my music on my laptop while talking to her and lightly touching her legs and other mild physical contact.

My escalation has changed in that I don't bother trying to "cuddle" or put my arm over the girl at all. We just sit upright on my bed and listen to music and talk. Just light physical touches and being close to her.

After 2 or 3 of my own songs (approximately 5-10 minutes), I put on my sex music album. I've found having one album or playlist where I will start escalating when I put it on makes starting escalation much easier.

When the conversation dies, I look at her and bring her chin in, and we start making out. This is now completely standard for me.

But she starts trying to talk while we're making out. Honestly, I should have just said "shut up" in a calm, neutral tone. But I pretty much ignored it and pulled back.
Had us lay down and cuddle for a bit. Moved her leg to intertwine with mine as we talked. She has a natural musk of bananas. As if we're in the African jungle. Huge turn on.

Then makeout again. She keeps trying to talk but I basically keep ignoring it and making out, going to her neck, making out some more. Put my hand over her neck to mildly choke her.
She repeatedly keeps saying "I don't want to do something regrettable...". On the other hand she's giving me a bunch of tongue.
Says that same line again. Back to cuddling, and this time she leans into me more than previously while we talk.

It's many rounds of escalating, her making random objections, me pulling back, her cuddling more intensely than before, and then repeating the escalation.

And she always uses the line "I don't want to do something regrettable..."

I ramp up the escalation each round I'm able to do it. Like a zigzag trending upwards.

I start mildly biting her lip while kissing and she moans a little. Choke her a little. She's like "omg! ur such a good kisser!" the moment I bite her lip.
I try to take off her spaghetti strap top. She's like noooooo I don't want to do that.
Disengage, cuddle.

how was my kissing???
like a 7
omg!!!!!!!!!!!! thats like....not even a C....hmph................

She slightly moves away, I remain still in silence.

I said 7 as in "good", but it definitely wasn't a "10" because I was already annoyed at her talking while making out. It's like, we already talked for 45 minutes, shut up lol.

Cuddling, talking, makeout again.
This time I'm able to take off one arm of the spaghetti strap top. Now I expose her breast and start sucking on it.
Mildly bite it, play with the nipple using my tongue, etc. She starts moaning and saying "you're so good at this!"
I take off the other side of the top and expose the other breast, and suck on that breast while playing with her other breast using my fingers.

you're so hot...I don't want to do something regrettable...

Cuddle, talking
She is now completely leaning into me with her bare breasts pressing onto my body (I'm still clothed).
She wants to see what's on my necklace, so I use that as a convenient excuse to take off my shirt.
"You didn't have to take off your shirt..."
I say nothing. Then she kisses me while feeling my abs and chest.

This time I'm grabbing her ass while we're making out.
And I S L A P her ass.
She lets out an UNGH! in pleasure, and makes out with me harder.

Now I undo my jeans and rub my HARD COCK! over her body while continuing to makeout.
I navigate her hand to my cock over my boxers.

is this ok?
yeah this is ok
ok....you know consent and all....


She starts rubbing my cock over my boxers.
Then I navigate her hand under my boxers and onto my bare cock.
Now she's rubbing my bare cock as we makeout.

I go for her skirt and she's like...

"this is too fast...i have to go...you're too hot...this will be regrettable..."

Disengage again. Cuddle again. Talk again. Makeout again.

I take off my boxers and continue where we left off.
I mildly rub her pussy under her skirt and over her panties.
She's soaked!

Then I have her untie and take off her skirt.
are you sure?

Takes off the skirt, but leaves the panties on.
Continue making out.
I perform "fake sex" on her where I rub my cock over her panties "missionary" while doing most of what I'd be doing otherwise if I were actually penetrating her.
She's soaked! through her panties.

I start to rub her pussy over her panties again, and her eyes are rolling into the back of her head.
And she's moaning profusely.

I move my hand inside of her panties and feel how soaked! she is down there.

"this is too fast..."

"i have to go..."

"you're too hot..."

"this will be regrettable..."

Disengage. Cuddle while both of us are completely nude.

don't you have to go and make more music or something
i'm making music right now. I kiss her a little bit
omg....you're so good.....

Titty suck.
I decide to keep kissing lower and lower, on her stomach.
I get close to her pussy but she objects.

So I immediately start fingering her over her soaked! panties for maybe another 1-2 minutes.
She is profusely moaning and contorting her body.
She eventually squeezes her legs together and mashes my hand in pleasure and lets out a loud moan.
uhhh lmao wow it was that easy to make her come????

"you're making me crazy...we have to stop..."
"you're so hot...this will be regrettable..."

She starts trying to put her clothes back on but I remain sitting up and non-react.
I pull her in and sit up with my HARD COCK!

ok go

I navigate her hand to my cock and she starts jerking it.

"noooo..noo...." as she continues to jerk my cock and lean into kiss me.

"nooo...." as she can't resist making out with me.

She jerks my cock faster.

The sight of this girl with her skirt and spaghetti strap top with no bra (she was wearing a bra earlier) is somehow more erotic and arousing than her being fully nude.
I attempt to navigate my hand to her pussy but she objects.

I tell her to bend over, she objects.

So back to making out with me (fully nude) and her (haphazardly clothed). She continues to jerk my cock. I try to pull her panties down while she's over me, because the thought of her riding me cowgirl fully clothed is extremely arousing. but she's like noooooooooo. So it'll forever live in my fantasies...

"it's 9 pm....this is too fast...i have to go...you're too hot...this will be regrettable..."

At this point, I don't see how I can move further, and she's even starting to put her bra on that she "forgot" to put on, so I decide to start getting clothed, and she "helps" me with my shirt.

I walk her out, she calls an Uber back home.

As an experiment, I decide to hold hands with her as we are walking outside.

but what if one of your girls sees us...??
I'll just tell her you're my girlfriend

We sit down on a bench and I put my arm over her as we wait for the Uber.

so how would you rate the date?
hmmm...a 7
OMG!!!! you really like the number 7 huh....
ok what would you rate the date
welllllll....i dont mean to be harsh....but i'll say.... a 6
so you basically just took whatever number i said and subtracted 1

are you going to ghost me now?
not if you ghost me first
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i always try to message back at least...

I had no reaction and remained sitting in silence.

The Uber came and we hugged and I saw her off.

tl;dr: 1.5 hours of fooling around, escalating and de-escalating, "this is too fast...i have to go...you're too hot...this will be regrettable", girl comes from me rubbing her pussy over her panties, i come 0 times.

Here's the text conversation from this morning:

"Crisis of connection"-esque MakingAComeback style.


There's a certain point in this interaction where there was no way I was actually going to get the lay, but the girl and I were still fooling around. I blueballed myself by not "taking the sacrifice" and busting all over her face. Especially since I had made her come. SHOULD HAVE SHOT JETS ALL OVER HER FACE AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaa FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will call "busting a nut over a girl's face in lieu of actually getting laid" a "sacrifice". As in you "sacrificed" getting laid in order to explode! all over her.

And this experience has taught me that a girl's logical brain is directly in conflict with her primal desires. Her logical side is often figuring out how to not have sex, even if her primal side craves it and can't take it. I don't think "females are illogical", they just operate under a different set of rules.
colgate said:
Rather than only posting "omg guys, I had sex!!!!!!!!!! LOL look how cool i am!!!!!!!!!!", I think there's more value to people if I post the message logs (with as much personal information removed).

Ya agreed. Think I should've done this more too.
Thu 7/14: ~50 "collisions", 7-9 approaches
Fri 7/15: ~20 "collisions", 7 approaches
Sat 7/16: ~8 approaches

I've been posting session anxiety/whining notes in my Telegram channel: https://t.me/+gUWGmTw2s89mOGU5

I'll report on these three sessions collectively as one experience. And I would appreciate if anyone experienced with nightgame can give me some feedback on certain thoughts or call me out on any bs.

So I don't think it's a good idea to be just walking around a venue like a "hunter". Seems like it already puts you as worse off than every other guy. It's different from daygame in that at a daygame venue, people are just walking around minding their own business. For nightgame, everyone is having fun, so therefore, bare minimum, you need to be having fun as well.

Collision strategy
I had done things before like fistbumping/cheersing/saying eyyyy whats up to everyone. Regardless of age/gender/bf+gf/whatever. This has helped me build up social momentum and good mood and has even turned into "approaches" before.

So on Thursday, I decided "I'm going to try to 'collide' with 50 people, make my 'presence' known to them". This helped eliminate the "hunter" effect, as I was now just pleasantly fistbumping and saying hi to everyone I ran into. And some of the fistbumps turned into longer conversations I could consider "approaches", and I even got an Instagram exchange out of it.

The problem with this strategy is that when I did get the occasional rejection, I took it very negatively. As in "only an absolutely rude and vile person would reject a god damn fistbump. at least you can unenthusiastically fistbump". At least with an approach rejection, it doesn't affect me as much because even if she is rude about the rejection, it's like okay I did do a direct approach so fair enough.

One girl had rejected my fistbump and gave me a "weird" stare, so I grabbed her arm and smashed her fist into mine. And then she punched me in the shoulder. I got a huge rush out of this. I had also socked another girl in the shoulder for doing something similar on the street. And then it turned my positive momentum into negative momentum, as in I was just focusing on the 1/~25 chance I would get a "harsh" rejection and then want to punch the girl in the face or something, and I knew I was also getting off to the idea too.

So I decided to stop this strategy. While I think it can be a good quick social momentum booster to randomly say hi, fistbump, and cheers people, I don't think setting a "collision quota" is a good idea for me because I end up potentially even more angered and negative, and "wanting to punch girls in the face", which is not a good headspace to be in.

Setting approach quotas per venue
I devised a different strategy for making myself approach. I picked 5 venues and said I have to approach at least 1 girl in that venue. Then I can leave the venue.

This strategy proved to be more effective, as reducing the "surface area" of what I could approach prevented me from aimlessly wandering around Broadway, and feeling "locked inside" of the current venue I had to approach in incentivized me to approach.

So I'll do this strategy for the time being.

What nightgame boils down to for me
I'm going to use the stoplight analogy I used in this post: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=38320#p38320

green light - "receptive", touchy, asking about me, etc
yellow light - "neutral", open to being talked to, or danced with briefly, but nothing special. true "state" unknown
red light - "unreceptive". aggressive, facing away from you, moves to different part of venue, makes excuse to leave, etc

So I'm finding this is what nightgame boils down to for me:
1. stomaching and incurring all of the red lights and moving on
2. escalating on the green lights (logistics, physical)
3. figuring out how to "flip" yellow lights green or red without prematurely ejecting from the set while they're still yellow

I've found 1. to be something I can generally deal with alright. As in, it doesn't make my night miserable. And I have some experience already dealing with it from daygame (rejection is mileage, etc).

I think I'm not that bad at 2. either. It's how I was about to pull that cheerleader back to my place and get the lay in the first place.

But one problem I have here is I'm not able to find "green light" girls in the first place. And part of this comes down to that you have to be already enjoying yourself and having fun.

This isn't something I've found to be as necessary with daygame (yes, mood does matter, but I've found it much easier to get myself in a better mood from just approaching more girls in daygame). So the main thing here is probably not escalating itself, but acting in a way such that more girls will be green light to me.

3. is the point I struggle the most with. It's debatable whether it's even necessary, as you probably can just "approach more girls" to find more receptive/immediately "green light" girls and don't waste time on lukewarm sets.

But the point of "yellow light" is you're not really sure if they're receptive or not, and they could flip either direction depending on how you lead the interaction.

Just like how it can be good to "babystep escalation" (ie: like I did in California with taking girls to the mall park before asking to come to my car, which yielded more pulls, as opposed to directly trying to pull to my car from the mall), there's some path to "babystep the interaction" to the point where you can reveal whether the girl is actually green light (and will then follow along with your escalation), or she's red light and you can move on.

The problem is I get caught up in "platonic matter-of-fact conversation", and then girls have unilaterally rejected e.g. coming to dance with me, bouncing out of the venue. Maybe they'll give me their number but then they'll ghost. These interactions will go something like:

>some opener, could be direct, could be indirect
"where u from" / "u from nashville?" / <cold read her location>
>maybe tease about where she's from
"who u here with" / "u came with ur friends?"
>maybe tease idk
>inquire about plans
>i talk about myself maybe
"lets go dance" -> "no im good" / inquire about bouncing out of the venue or to a different place in the venue -> "no im good"

^ the above script is basically how most of these "yellow light" interactions go.

I think I can at least more initially polarize girls by not doing any indirect approaches. As in, either go for direct or roleplay. Then at least I can set some kind of male-female frame from the beginning. I don't really avoid doing direct approaches particularly, I kind of just say anything for the most part (although I tend to do direct approaches far more often on black girls). I keep avoiding doing roleplay ones (even though roleplay approach got me laid!!!!!!!!).

Next steps
Ultimately I have a long way to go for nightgame. And if I'm being honest, my current goal is literally just to get laid as much as possible. While I had that one very lucky 1st lay from a nightgame instapull, I don't think the cost-benefit ratio of going out is worth it for me right now. It's also taking away from doing "online sessions", which I think if I hustled as hard as Manganiello did, I can get some good results with it.

I did make a promise to go 12 nights this month, so I'll follow through with that and see if I can make more progress. But I think I need to babystep into this. Getting good at nightgame is an ultimate goal for me, as it requires me to become maximally comfortable in any social situation and be as charismatic as possible, and I've always been insecure about that. In fact, I'm not even going to leave Nashville until I get good at nightgame. If it takes me 5 years, I don't care.

But I think a more pressing goal for me is knowing I can get laid, from any means necessary, whenever I want. That's why MakingAComeback's bet with me to get a tattoo if I can get 20 lays (17 more at this time of writing) by the end of the year is a good thing to focus on, because it keeps me in line with getting my goal priorities straight. Also, I could be throwing in some daygame here and there as I have zero daygame AA (probably from all the nightgame grinding + being more comfortable in the bedroom now, I do occasional approaches at the grocery store, literally because I genuinely want to approach certain girls).

So with my current skills, online should be my main focus (I think I already knew that by saying I need to do 20 online sessions this month, and only 12 nightgame ones, even though I keep not doing online sessions). Once I know I can effectively get laid from online, I can focus on nightgame again, just to isolate that the bottleneck will be "social skills/having fun/being charismatic" (and not feeling desperate for sex itself).
Man, this is fucking it, this is the kind of shit that takes you back to the golden days of Good Looking Loser. To see a legend born from the ashes of life that put him through hell previously. It's hard to find this sort of shit these days as the golden days of pickup are mostly gone but logs like this and a few others really speak to how this whole site functions as a fraternity of men wanting to make it. I kick myself for doing nothing but burning time in the golden days of Good Looking Loser that saw legends such as Bad Idea Bear and andyroo himself happen.

Yet, this site is the Renaissance of masculinity in a way and we are all living through it. Nothing but love and praise for colgate so far for what has been a journey for the ages.

To anyone reading this log or those of others on here, get immersed fellas. We are witnessing a Renaissance of game that might be similar to that of the golden days of Good Looking Loser. Who knows where OP and other slayers on here are at say five years from now. Get immersed, throw your hat in the ring, do your thing, write that log, and make this Renaissance even stronger folks. The thing is, these kinds of things they happen for a period of time and then before that, it's gone and a new era starts with a new crop of men at some point in the future filling the shoes that need to be filled.

Just reading this log, others like it, and experiencing my own success gives this whole site a very fraternal feeling. It's hard to describe in words alone and despite my differences with some of you in the past, I wish you all nothing but luck. Let the Renaissance continue!
Boosted 3 times, messaged ~13 girls, ~10 new matches and ~3 continued convos and respawns. 2 contacts.

But I basically tailspinned on the date arranging for the 2 contacts. I won't post the entire logs but here's the last few messages I'd been sending to both girls

View attachment 1

september told me I'm asking too many questions and "asking for permission" rather than leading.

But additionally, I'm being too pushy with the date invites even after the girl expresses some disinterest/resistance to arranging a specific date without providing alternatives. As in, I'm too eager for the date. This was also a problem I had with many of my cold approach leads (and back then, I was doing almost soup texting).

Future photoshoot
Based on my current Tinder results, I'm getting some matches, numbers, and dates. But when I compare it to the results Manganiello was getting last year, it's nowhere near enough volume. I have "decent" pictures. But I don't want "decent", I want the best possible.

So I've hired MILFandCookies to take some pictures of me. I'll be flying into Austin (ahhh the memories) on August 5th and we'll do the shoot over the weekend.

Whether or not this gives me the "maximal" results I need, even at my WIP body, I'm fine with investing in this now. I don't want it to be e.g. December 21st where I'm at e.g. 7 lays wondering "what if I just did the photoshoot. I would have gotten my goals maybe" I can't handle the thought of failing because I was "asleep at the wheel". I'd rather fail doing everything I could have done and giving it as much effort as I could have.

So I'll be switching to a cutting diet and modify the 2700+ calories goal to "150g protein under 1800 calories". I won't be maximally shredded in 2-3 weeks, but it should be enough of a difference. And I wouldn't mind doing an additional photoshoot in say, October when I have even lower bodyfat.
I realized my biggest hurdle right now is spending all day shitposting in chats. It's not that I can't squeeze work in with dating, in fact I need to do minimal work to stay afloat. But take today for instance, I spent between 8:30am-3:00pm chatting on Discord instead of actually doing work. The actual work took me maybe 60-90 minutes. And I finally get to doing my online session at 11:00pm, which is way too late for optimal volume.

So I've uninstalled Discord from my phone. There's no reason it has to be on my phone, I only have it for my music connections, so that will stay on the computer. And I told myself I'm not allowed to partake in other group chats until I get certain tasks done (usually work, but I also include gym because sometimes my workouts take "so long" because I'm noodling around on my phone and resting for too long instead of focusing on the workout).

I'm using my private hustle chat to keep me accountable for the above, so this isn't just a self-reliant restriction. I have people watching.

Wed 7/20: ~11:00pm. 3 boosts. 10 girls messaged, 3 new girls. 1 contact.
Thu 7/21: ~9:00pm. 3 boosts. 20 girls messaged. 15-18 new girls. 9 convos. 0 contacts. 2 dates arranged.

Date schedule
Sat 7/23 8pm
Sun 7/24 3pm

Hit record volume today. I think because I've been consistently using Tinder this week, my rating on the app has perhaps increased. I'm also noticing the girls I'm seeing to swipe and the girls matching me are getting a bit more attractive.

However, my contact conversion rate has taken a nosedive. Although I'm still in the middle of many convos so I could by all means get those numbers later, so I will just have to be patient. We can do a "stats analysis" when the month ends and see where my messaging should be improved.
This is going to be the 500th post in this thread and the 10000th post in the Progress logs section ;)
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(EDIT: i was too slow and Adrizzle beat me :( https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=39211#p39211)

Been drinking like 2-3 GHOST energy drinks a day, which basically ended up turning into being as bad as vaping was for me. Decided to kick the habit and replace it with sparkling water. Had a crash day today (Saturday) so I didn't get an online session done (I didn't have enough brainpower to)

Date schedule
Sat 8pm - cancelled
Sun 3pm
Sun 8pm - cancelled
Mon 8pm
Tues 7pm

Fri 7/22:
boost 9:00pm, 9:30pm, 10:00pm.
messaged ~12 girls, 3 new girls.
3-5 numbers, 2 respawns.
3 dates arranged

Had a date cancel tonight and a date cancel for tomorrow night.

Also had this sus af convo
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I was told I should try to see it through anyway. but the fact it seems like she's trying to "pigeonhole" me into whatsapp specifically is sooo sus. nobody uses whatsapp in america hahahh. i can kind of see why you shouldn't go full autism on a girl regarding details/logistics.

Here's my current nightgame template after approval from some veterans in my group chats:

The main reason I wrote this up is because while I can do "lots of approaches", I can't structure the conversation in such a way where I can get the girl to trust me enough to e.g. follow me around. Usually I "prematurely escalate" and get unilaterally rejected ("i think i'm good" "well it was nice meeting you!" etc) because I just had some dumbass platonic info-exchange conversation.

I didn't write anything past the "instadate" phase because I think I'm actually fine once I hit that point. As in, to even get there the girl had to already have trusted me enough, and I have enough experience with dates from online and daygame (and the nightgame lay I had). Also I have to be able to consistently get to that point in the first place lol.

Fri 7/22: 7 approaches, 1 instagram.
Goal for Friday was to get to "micro-isolate" phase on an approach. I somehow did that on my first approach. And the girl gave me a rose lol!!!!
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Interaction details and session details are in my Telegram broadcast channel: https://t.me/+gUWGmTw2s89mOGU5
It's just easier for me to write my approach anxiety notes and detailed reports here in real time during the session, and it could potentially provide value for people and I could get feedback as well so it's public.

Sat 7/23: 10 approaches, 1 number
Here, I tried to just tell myself over and over "what would rags2bitches do, what would rags2bitches do" repeatedly and brainwash myself. I ended up doing 7 approaches in like 15 minutes and having some convos.

Then I got "high" off of the "euphoria" of feeling like I could approach normally and anyone like I could doing daygame. So I ended up just not approaching for another 30 minutes and enjoying sparkling water with lime. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dumb....

So I told myself to get to 20 approaches and go home. But now I wasn't as "excited" to approach and psyched myself out and did 0 in 10 minutes. So lowered it to 10 (i know, really lame) and managed to do 3 somewhat quickly. Last approach gave me her number.

I really want to get to the stage where I can "enthusiastically prance up" on girls like I did with daygame. It's just like, how are you supposed to focus on interaction quality if you can't even approach. So I'll focus on setting goals that encourage me to increase my nightgame volume until night approach is no big deal for me. Then I'll be able to rapidly progress with improving interaction quality.

Additionally, I am way too "scared" to try to do the roleplay approach that literally got me laid. You really have to own that kind of approach and it has to be ultra spontaneous. I think just normal direct approaches are more in my comfort zone (indirect is actually harder for me), but they're basically whatever.

But for now I think I just need to continue to hustle and get over my night AA before focusing on these specific interaction details. Feel free to let me know if there's a more effective strategy than what I've mentioned above.
Lots of value in your last posts

-One of the keys to success is being able to confront shit like "FUCK. I literally wasted 80% of my time today. I only did real work for 40 minutes". This painful realization is motivates you to be super strict

-I totally agree that volume is more important than game. For many reasons. Mainly, it's the right frame of mind for success= failure doesnt matter. Doing something and obtaining a bad outcome should be completely irrelevant. We should be much more worried about inaction.

But for some reason our brains place much more importance to losing something that we felt we had (ie. a good interaction that went nowhere) than never having had anything in the firsr place. (this is basically loss aversion).

Doing low volume and worrying obsessively about each interaction puts me in the frame of mind of things being personal->you start to try to be cool and make people like you, instead of trying to obtain an outcome no matter what. (I'm not saying being smooth and make people like you is bad, but it shouldn't be the goal)


Didn't know you were in a religious cult. That's creepy as fuck and can leave you serious mental baggage. Congrats for overcoming that.
Appreciate you sharing your text threads and strategies you're experimenting with. It's the most valuable part of reading other people's logs.

colgate said:



This point definitely helped me this. When I had my FWB I was not putting in the time to get more girls in the pipeline which led to me having a few dry weeks in a row. Now, I'm still putting in the work this weekend even though I already have dates lined up and more I need to schedule. Because we all know numbers can go nowhere, dates can flake, and we are left with nothing again.

Keep up the hustle.
Had all 4 of my dates flake between Saturday and Monday, and a straight to crib attempt flake at the last minute as well. Combined with a date from the previous weekend flaking, it was a 6 date flake streak.

But thanks to my cold approach experience, I'm used to the concept of "mileage" and things coming in waves. As in, I had a magical first lay experience, amazing sex on my second lay (which was my second Tinder contact ever), and uhh..........sex on my 3rd lay (which was my first Tinder contact ever). I've seen how often Manganiello was getting flaked on in his log, so it was inevitable to go from literal beginner's luck to being thrown into the grinder. Although this was nowhere as severe as my cold approach initial history (first two approaches ever, had two dates with each and then zero dates for another 250~300 approaches).

Sun 7/24:
boost 4:30pm, 6:15pm, 8:15pm, 9:00pm, 10:00pm, 11:00pm.
messaged 17 girls, 14 new girls. 9 convos.
3 numbers, 1 snapchat.

Was going to have a date on Sunday afternoon, but got hit with a typical female excuse:
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I'm repeatedly receiving feedback that I'm coming off as desperate and pushy. I think it's basically a panic response and I resort to my old hyper-pushy behaviors instead of actually gauging the girl's "compliance" and messaging accordingly. But in this case, such a response is an obvious red light. Hopefully this is the last time I make this kind of literal noob mistake regarding being hyper-pushy on red lights. At this point, it's honestly embarrassing that I resort to coming off so "desperate".

Mon 7/25:
2 dates arranged from existing leads, including the above snapchat.

boost 8:30pm, 9:30pm, 10:15pm
messaged 6 girls, 5 new girls.
1 instagram.

Instagram was from a vegan flight attendant swinging by Nashville with 40k followers lol. turned into a straight to crib...
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that nosedived spectacularly
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so i went to the gym lol

Tinder convo started 7/21. Her profession was listed as "Pharmacy Resident"
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I had sent the gym pic with a joke since the date had been arranged quite "far in the future" (5 days away) just to check up.

We arrive at the bar/restaurant and order sour beers because I like fruity drinks (I'm a real man, I only drink double IPA 🤮🤮🤮).

Chat about our backgrounds. She's leaving Nashville soon and I just moved here. I talk about how I am a music producer and have many music connections in Nashville. She talks about how she's been to China and enjoys eating "authentic food".

I go for the "let's listen to my music at my place" pull I've been using so far. She declines, saying "I have a rule where I don't go back to a guy's place on the first date." LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I change the subject to get her to talk more about herself, where she grew up, etc. Then after 15 minutes, I get the bill and pay for the sour beers. I lead us outside and we walk towards my apartment while chatting.

We are right outside my apartment building so I tell her that my place is right here, let's go. She declines again with her "rule" that she "doesn't go back to a guy's place on the first date". LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I invite her to come check out the clubhouse with me. I give her a brief 10-15 minute tour of the pool, gym, and clubhouse area while making chat about how trombone slide positions map to french horn fingerings, because we both used to play in marching band.

Then I walk us to the elevator and say that my place is the next floor above. "you know...I have that rule where I don't go to a guy's place on the first date...one time I did and the guy started being rapey..." LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On that note, I ended the date and walked her downstairs and hugged her goodbye.

We had a pretty decent vibe overall, she has a cute face and a nice body, and this has potential for a second date happening. That is, if I don't get ghosted, or she sends me the "I didn't feel a connection" text. But if she is down, I'm thinking of doing a cooking date where I make some kind of paneer curry because I'm Indian and she's vegetarian and enjoys "authentic food".
Regarding the girl who's "moving to Florida"... When I get a dumb last minute excuse like that I also send pushy texts, but I do it knowing that she doesn't actually want to meet.

Women are trained not to hurt male egos so they never flat out reject you so you have to make them do it if you want some closure for yourself. Even though rationally I know she doesn't want to meet, in the back of my mind I'll have a voice telling me "yeah but what if her excuse is legit?"

So when I'm hit with a dumb excuse I just give them the "okay so when are you available?" and then I get a "I'll let you know" (lie) or "I don't know" and that's when I unfollow them, delete the convo, and put my mind at ease and forget about her.

I'm sure it's not the "game optimal" strategy and you could convince them to come out at a later date with more text game or whatever, but honestly I don't care to put in the effort
Holden said:
Regarding the girl who's "moving to Florida"... When I get a dumb last minute excuse like that I also send pushy texts, but I do it knowing that she doesn't actually want to meet.

Women are trained not to hurt male egos so they never flat out reject you so you have to make them do it if you want some closure for yourself. Even though rationally I know she doesn't want to meet, in the back of my mind I'll have a voice telling me "yeah but what if her excuse is legit?"

So when I'm hit with a dumb excuse I just give them the "okay so when are you available?" and then I get a "I'll let you know" (lie) or "I don't know" and that's when I unfollow them, delete the convo, and put my mind at ease and forget about her.

I'm sure it's not the "game optimal" strategy and you could convince them to come out at a later date with more text game or whatever, but honestly I don't care to put in the effort

Have you ever gotten anywhere with the pushy texts on a "typical female excuse"? I'm really starting to see the obvious patterns now from my experiences over the past year, although it feels like it should have been more obvious to me earlier.

I think girls make such excuses because if she flat out said "I don't want to meet anymore", then she would have to handle the potential of the guy saying "why don't you want to meet?" and even maybe getting mad/blowing up. So it's "safer" to grasp for straws and generate some kind of fantastical scenario that allows her not to come out on the date. Then, even if you try to press her on it, she can stand her ground on the excuse, maybe even flip it on you for "accusing her of lying", and worst case scenario ghost.
colgate said:
Have you ever gotten anywhere with the pushy texts on a "typical female excuse"?
uh I'd say it has a 2% success rate lol but that's probably because I misinterpreted the excuse in the first place.

I have a pretty good sixth sense for when an excuse is legit and when it's bullshit. So if I miss 2% of the time then the pushy text does work because she does want to meet.

If she doesn't want to, such a text won't change her mind.

The main problem is that girls feel it's "too fast" to meet up. They have this bullshit rule that they don't meet a guy quickly, but my entire "method" is based around meeting girls within 1-2-3 days of matching (preferably)

I'm fine with losing these girls who'd need "more texting time" and focus on the cool chicks that want to meet quickly.

But some girls insist on wanting to "get to you know" over text, which is bullshit imo but you could get those girls if you're willing to invest some time into texting (which I don't -- not anymore)


And yeah the excuses are there because they're trained by society not to hurt male egos or potentially make them angry. that's just how society runs
colgate said:
But if she is down, I'm thinking of doing a cooking date where I make some kind of paneer curry because I'm Indian and she's vegetarian and enjoys "authentic food".

How can a food be authentic without meat? 🤔

Holden said:
But some girls insist on wanting to "get to you know" over text, which is bullshit imo but you could get those girls if you're willing to invest some time into texting (which I don't -- not anymore)

A friend who keeps his texts short says the following if a girl insists on getting to know him via text:

"Haha yeah, I understand. I don't like texting but we can have a 5-minute chat to see if we click or not. If we don't, we can just stop talking for good"

If they ignore him, he stops engaging them. He's even had girls say "Nah it's ok, let's go out" lol.
Crisis_Overcomer I've had some success with something like the following line:

"I believe that seeing each other irl even for just 15 minutes is better to get to know someone than chatting online for two weeks, don't you agree?"

Of course they agree, and then you pitch a meet. Doesn't work all the time but decently enough. I usually don't even bother with that though, I like to focus on the enthusiastic yes girls.