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Crimson‘s Journey to Self-Love

The healing journey, brother, is a journey and the medicine is a certain dose per day. We can't exceed the recommended dose, but what we can do is show up again the next day, and take the dose once more ;-)

You are heard.

You are appreciated.

We understand.

We are with you.

You will be OK.

Thank you all for your responses, I cried yesterday when I read them.

I will reply later.
EMERGENCY: I just ran away from home

I can’t believe this happened but it did. I haven’t told my parents about my mental health but they could tell I was acting funny.

Staying in my room all day and when I come out I try to return to my room as quickly as possible.

Anyways, today I wanted to go to the hospital to get a list of therapists to call. So I’m in my house, putting on my jacket and my dad asks me what’s going on with me. I laugh it off and tell him everything is fine.

So I go out and go to the hospital. But I pussy out from entering and go back home. I’m eating a meal at home and decide to do so on the balcony because I don’t want to be near my family.

My dad asks me: “Did you just eat on the balcony?” I say yes and he tells my mom that I ate on the balcony (This is not a legitimate problem for them they just thought it was weird).

He tells my mother this and she looks at me funny while I go back into my room. I put my jacket back on because I really want to get this hospital thing done, so I tell them I’m going back out.

Here’s where everything turns left. Obviously it’s weird that I’m going out two times in a row just like that. So my dad says:

Dad: “No, I want to know what’s up with you, sit down.”

Me: *laughs nervously* “Why, I just want to chill outside”

Dad: “No, sit down”

Me: “No”

I leave the house and shut the door. I put on my shoes quickly, because I suspect he might chase after me. And he did. I hear him screaming: “He’s really leaving?!” from inside the house.

Then he opens the door. “Come back here now!” he screams. I storm out he almost grabbed me by my jacket but I was faster. I’m running and I’m hearing my mom scream after me. That was painful to just keep running.

It was honestly a long time coming. Me and my fathers relationship was never the best and he’s kind of a loose canon.

He’s cool when he’s chilling, but when he gets angry he gets really angry.

So the question is, what do I do from here? I obviously have to go back at some point. My moms blowing up my phone, it hurts to do that to her. But I’m scared of going back.

Call the police? Don’t really want to do that. I don’t know what awaits me when I return. I can’t afford to move out either.

I’m planning on spending the night in a nearby park (Ironically the park where I bring girls for first dates). This honestly hurts man, I’m scared of him.

Advice is appreciated!


OK. Stey by step.

Step 1:

Are you safe?

Are you in danger?

Does your father have a history of violence towards you, and would you returning home potentially result in harm to your person and threadt to your safety and wellbeing?

Establish the risk level to your safety as a priority. If you will be safe, and your family has no history of endangering your person, it may be most practical to head home, and rest off.

Reason being: you yourself have outlined you are going through a mental health crisis, and as such, are not in your most rational faculties and state of mind.

Hey Crimson, hang in there man.

You're gonna be alright.

MakingAComeback gave you some good advice, and I think you should go back home as soon as you can, but if you're not ready yet you can call:

0800-111 0 222

which is a German helpline with volunteers trained to help in a time like this.

And just in case that # doesn't work here's the Berlin crisis service website, which also has a 24/7 hotline to help people that are feeling like you are right now:


And just so you don't feel alone, I had a period in my life where my mental health got so bad I spent a few weeks in the hospital.

Being in there helped.

Nothing to be ashamed of or terrified about if that's what you need, because in my experience the place was full of trained, caring, nonjudgmental people who only want to help you get better.

I got better and you can to.
I just went back home. My dad went off to work, so I’m safe for now.

MakingAComeback Unfortunately he does have a history of violence towards me (pretty common in black families).

He’ll come back tomorrow morning, maybe he’ll have calmed down by then. If he hits me I’m gonna defend myself.

He might just sit me down and probably demand to know what’s going on or something (which I won’t tell).

Thank you for your advice!

Manly Cockfellow Thank you for providing me with the hotlines and your vulnerability!
So like I said I just arrived.

My mom asked me why I would just run off. I had nothing to say to that. She asked me if I was ok or if I’m going through problems.

I said I was ok. I don’t want to talk to my parents about mental health anymore. Maybe later, but not right now. Only professionals.

She said that I never talk and that my dad is worried about my behaviour. I had nothing to say.

She also said that I still live with them and that I therefore have to follow the rules of the house. If my father tells me to sit down I should have just sit down.

I have to agree, it is their house after all. What do y’all think? Was I in the right or wrong for running off like that?

Note: The reason I don’t want to talk to them anymore is because I’ve already said I was suicidal like a year ago.

I told my mom this when she joined my session with my school psychologist. When we arrived back home, she said something like: “You’re alright. I also struggle to wake up, yet I still go off to work everyday.”

My dad responded with passive-aggressiveness. He told me to come and cut potatoes (which granted, I did begrudgingly) and he then screamed at me for not doing it right.

While he said this he was on the phone. He told that person: “Now that I know what’s going on with him, I have to keep him busy.”

I’m sure my parents love me and want me to do well, but I’m not willing to open up to them again, at least not now.
This is a really tough situation man, I'm not gonna act like it's not...

But you're also a lot tougher than you realize.

You have a god damn lion inside you and we've already seen glimpses of it like in that post where you had me grinning like a proud idiot the whole time I was reading it with the way you told that girl what to say and do and how eagerly she responded to your dominance.

Seems like you're a pretty damn good basketball player too.

I know it doesn't feel like it right now but this world is yours for the taking man.

Whatever you want, you can have it.

Sending you love, patience, faith, and determination.

You're going to be alright.

You're so much tougher than you realize.

Hang in there man, we need you.
Hey man you’ll be right.

I just wanna let you know that your parents are faulty human beings that are trying to do their best. They don’t know everything and they can only do what they know. I’d be very surprised if your dad ever had a forum like this when he was growing up.

You mentioned faith before, have you read the story of the prodigal son?

Godspeed brah
Manly Cockfellow said:
This is a really tough situation man, I'm not gonna act like it's not...

But you're also a lot tougher than you realize.

You have a god damn lion inside you and we've already seen glimpses of it like in that post where you had me grinning like a proud idiot the whole time I was reading it with the way you told that girl what to say and do and how eagerly she responded to your dominance.

Seems like you're a pretty damn good basketball player too.

I know it doesn't feel like it right now but this world is yours for the taking man.

Whatever you want, you can have it.

Sending you love, patience, faith, and determination.

You're going to be alright.

You're so much tougher than you realize.

Hang in there man, we need you.

Thank you very much, I’ll get through this.
Adrizzle said:
Hey man you’ll be right.

I just wanna let you know that your parents are faulty human beings that are trying to do their best. They don’t know everything and they can only do what they know. I’d be very surprised if your dad ever had a forum like this when he was growing up.

You mentioned faith before, have you read the story of the prodigal son?

Godspeed brah

I understand. I’m sure they want the best for me, thanks.

Thanks for the story as well. It sounds powerful, but I don’t quite get the moral of the story. I’m understanding that I should apologize to my father?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Sending you love, my friend. We're here for you. Take some baby steps to start figuring out solutions to living situation (sounds like you're already doing that).
Anything else you need, ask.

Thank you very much, yes I wrote my resumee, I‘ll get a job and start saving money. I’ll ask questions if I need to.
Changed the name of the log, following Squilliam‘s ✌🏾 name change. It has a more positive tone now.
Adrizzle said:
I’m understanding that I should apologize to my father?
I don’t know. Are there things that you feel sorry about and want your parents forgiveness for?

The story is a story. For me the overarching theme is that there is never too far that you can go that you can’t come back from. There is no “sin” or bad things that is so bad that you don’t deserve forgiveness. Your parents and God will always want you back.

For me I am the literal prodigal child in my family. I have an older brother. I was the only child that got in trouble with the cops, did drugs, caught with girls in my room had the worst marks in school etc. When I was 25 I got fired from a very “prestigious” finance job and broke up with a girlfriend of 4 years.

I went home one night and told my parents everything that I was sorry for. Man I mean everything drugs, stealing, girls, cheating, porn, lying, dishonesty, anger, envy. Everyone of my parents rules I broke.

I was fully prepared for my parents to tell me to pack my shit and leave. They have another son they don’t need the fuck up. They forgave me for everything and it’s hard to explain it’s like they were joyful, happy.

I’m getting off topic.
I think the story is about how there is nothing in the world that you can do that will not be forgiven.
Adrizzle said:
Adrizzle said:
I’m understanding that I should apologize to my father?
I don’t know. Are there things that you feel sorry about and want your parents forgiveness for?

The story is a story. For me the overarching theme is that there is never too far that you can go that you can’t come back from. There is no “sin” or bad things that is so bad that you don’t deserve forgiveness. Your parents and God will always want you back.

For me I am the literal prodigal child in my family. I have an older brother. I was the only child that got in trouble with the cops, did drugs, caught with girls in my room had the worst marks in school etc. When I was 25 I got fired from a very “prestigious” finance job and broke up with a girlfriend of 4 years.

I went home one night and told my parents everything that I was sorry for. Man I mean everything drugs, stealing, girls, cheating, porn, lying, dishonesty, anger, envy. Everyone of my parents rules I broke.

I was fully prepared for my parents to tell me to pack my shit and leave. They have another son they don’t need the fuck up. They forgave me for everything and it’s hard to explain it’s like they were joyful, happy.

I’m getting off topic.
I think the story is about how there is nothing in the world that you can do that will not be forgiven.

Oh wow, that’s powerful. Deeply appreciate your vulnerability!
Parents can be a tricky one.

My situation was challenging as FUCK, and I navigated some absolutely nightmare-level mental and physical health problems.

They didn't really get it. It utterly broke my heart, and putting myself together again, alone, in the dark, whilst damn near at the limits of my sanity, that is the stuff of your worst nightmares.

It happens for a reason, and the person it forges, and the depth of that persons soul, spiritual power, and possibilities of consciousness far outweigh the pain endured, IMO.

My basic core truth I learned navigating a very insane background:

-If you're not good for yourself, you're not good for anyone
-Be SELFISH: your healing must take precedent. Let everything else be what it is for a while. Family, friends, all that. Smile and let it be. What really matters is getting yourself right and building the foundation for life.

To be successful, you will need physical as well as mental health.

Without these, you won't have the foundation, and you'll be trying to fire a canon from a canoe - it's a poor foundation, and the shot will be sent into the void. Nowhere.

Jordan Peterson did some very useful study on high performers. When it came to the males, they had very high levels of function, energy, and could work flat-out without really too much negative emotion, for years.

You need to be very fuckin biologically and emotionally robust for the game of success, man.

For yourself, I think your journey right now is a HEALING JOURNEY.

I think the basis of your goals should be nailing many months of excellent sleep, in bed at 10, up at the same time each morning.

I think you'll need to spend a certain level of time reconstructing your psyche through reading the books Andy recommends, reading his articles (and GLLs), and watching Andy's videos. Daily, in some form. Can be 30 minutes - doesn't matter. The change happens in the subconscious.

I think your diet will need to be solid, you could explore some basic biohacking and wellness building (sunrise/sunset watching, grounding if possible, cold exposure, some fasting if possible).

Resistance training and cardio.

Otherwise, just sleep, LEARNING/reading, mindset work, and stuff like meditation may be the platform for your rebuild.

I did this for years, man, when I was in deep inner turmoil, really fucked up and unable to function, I did 3hrs of breathwork a day, lots of cardio, lots of study and mind work.

Without that, I'd never have been able to do this stuff.

Andy was always the next level for me. I was motivated to fix myself and get ready to come on KYIL, because I knew I had lofty goals and would have to really heal myself so deep, through high level action.

I could do that, because of the many years of healing that came before.

I call this "platform building".

Want to know why people achieve at the highest level, really? They function and perform highly, and have a good baseline of mental and emotional health. Getting there is a process. You can also do a lot whilst still healing - I was still very fucked up during the Phoenix Project, but I was far, far beyond crisis level mental health.

You need to heal for a while, bro, and just work towards being really well in mind and body. Sleep, meditation, really dialling these things in.

I like the message and approach this chap advocates, I found him by the time I was well to be honest, but I think his thoughts on deep healing are wise:


It's advice I need to take myself, but if I could do it all over again, I'd really nail this and dial sleep in, meditation, diet, and just keep absorbing positive content (read the books Andy recommends, watch his videos and read his articles, daily).

All will be well, dude.

I was recovering from coming from hell itself from my early 20s til I was 29, man.

I went ALL IN and moved to London at 29, dude.

I am on my way to becoming a massive success in life, fella, I'll get it ALL: great women, money, brand/fame, and then wifing up the best gal I can find and producing many little Ravis.

Time is irrelevant, it doesn't really exist. What does, is you undergoing your process. And just allowing healing to take place.

I went to the hospital and told them that I can’t stop hurting myself.

They were very caring and professional.

Anyways, they send the doctor in and he asks me questions. In summary I told him that I hurt myself when I get really angry as a form of punishment and that I have bad grades and a persistent feeling of emptiness.

He asked wether they were any family members who acted noticeable psychologically. I told him that my father gets really aggressive and I tell him about me running away.

He says that it’s starting to make sense and I should call a psychiatrist or psychologist. “It’s important for you to talk. Everything from the inside has to go to the outside” he said.

He told me that based on all the things I’ve said it seems like I either have an anxiety disorder, a social media addiction or a personality disorder.

He asked wether I want to stay in the hospital. I’m hesitant, since I have to go to school. He says “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, call someone first and if you really feel like you just can’t do it anymore, promise you come here, ok?” I promised.

Very interesting. I would definitely say that psychotherapy would be good to figure out what’s going on.

My mom

She saw my referral to to a psychotherapist (I’m not sure what made her go into my room). She questioned me about it. I did not say a word. I understand how worried my parents must be but…

…unfortunately I’m quite sure that telling them ANYTHING about my mental health will only make things worse, since they have no idea about anything related to that.

And since people can only do what they know, they would probably respond with “keeping me busy” and “keeping me out of my room” or something like that (which might be helpful, who knows).

Since I was silent my mom did all the talking. She said: “If I leave this room and you haven’t talked to me I’m going to assume that you’re an adult that can take care of himself, I did everything I could” and some other stuff I can’t even remember even though it just happened.


It feels like I’m going insane, I keep hitting myself!

TOP PRIORITY FOR TOMORROW: Find a psychiatrist or psychologist!



Medical professionals are trained in allopathic medicine, have to follow a framework, and give things names, labels, and so on.

People aren't their labels. Nature doesn't care about labels.

I had all sorts of labels. There's shit I've only shared on Andys coaching group which I wouldn't write about here.....

And yet, the human spirit can heal, totally and comprehensively. Everything can be overcome.

I have been in the wellness space for 12 years. I've seen BLIND people learn to see again, the deaf learn to hear.

I myself was a housebound agorophobic who may be on his way to becoming a true underdog success story......

The quacks will say what they say, they will push their pills, and that's their job. All they did was break my entire physiology down so I had to go back to nature to build it back up....but I was stuborn and thought I knew the answers, lol.

Psychotherapy is good. Talking is good.

Pills, and psychiatrists, less good.

Been there and done it. Years doing that shit. A lot of time wasted.

The real doctor is the one that lives in your own head. The best healers are the big 6


It took many many years, and thousands of pounds spent, to learn that the shit that can totally transform you and heal you costs basically fuck all....

Everyone who delelops mental health problems thinks they're going insane, dude.

This is just what happens in HIGH ANXIETY

I had this FOR YEARS

Go find dr claire weekes