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DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

BigBrach said:
Looking fairly lean, now to add some lean mass to really get those muscles popping out.

Striking toward it lmao

BigBrach said:
What would you be doing in place of nothing at the internship? Working on the passive income?

Yeah, I could BUT all the open space see my screen and what i'm doing, not tomorrow cause I'll have my computer
ovnidos said:
Striking toward it lmao
Any strength goals? Having something concrete to aim for alongside general physique improvement tends to help with motivation, at least in my experience.

Yeah, I could BUT all the open space see my screen and what i'm doing, not tomorrow cause I'll have my computer
Now to learn some browser window switch keyboard macros.
BigBrach said:
Any strength goals? Having something concrete to aim for alongside general physique improvement tends to help with motivation, at least in my experience.

Fucking a gym milf is the main goal. Just need to spend enough time there
DAY 29 :

Hmf, my new OLD setup isn't good.. I did buy a boost to see.. Got 2-3 likes and 2-3 matches.

Weirdly, 2 girls unmatched me after a few messages or no messages at all.. These girls were 7-8/10.

Even a Fit girl with huggge ass, pm me "go on a cut" lmao, I told her to tell her performances on hip trust. Her performances were shit so I told her and she unmatch me lmao. I was thinking that it was a shitest so I test her in return.

I'm not butthurt tho. I'm just trying to figure what's wrong. Perhaps My 2 first pics are good, but if they go thought my profile it's shit, so they unmatched me.
Tbh honest I don't understand they could only leave me on read..
Perhaps these attractive girls don't want to be spammed, contrary to average girl that can just left a guy on read without getting spammed.

Is there anything chocking on my profile to be unmatched ??

View attachment 3View attachment 2View attachment 1

Then what, getting more lean ? I can't attempt doing a candid shirtless pic outside it's 0C and I don't want to wait until spring lmao.

I've got the camera (Canon EOS 550D), Tripod and remote : What should be my next move ?

I'm thinking about :
-Hobby pic : Gymnastic rings or Climbing
-More nice portrait

It's the fucking highlight of my day, I bought the strongest pre-workout, was funny. I will only use it if I'm exhausted won't on a daily basis, it's my cheat code.

Being small :

Also at the begining of the log, I said I was gonna turn this log about the issue that I was small.
The lay i've got didn't even mention it, and she was about my height, fuck that shit lmao. I see some guys success on OLD app which are a bit taller than me. Like no one can see a 5cm height difference between 2 guys on pics if they're not in the same pic. So it basically make so sense to stress about this on OLD.
switch order of 1 and 2...remove group pic, it's pretty bad.

I'd shoot at least 1 hobby pic before doing more portraits.

perhaps the shirtless photo isn't good enough and you're screening out too many girls with it, but I would leave it in for now
ovnidos said:
Even a Fit girl with huggge ass, pm me "go on a cut" lmao, I told her to tell her performances on hip trust. Her performances were shit so I told her and she unmatch me lmao. I was thinking that it was a shitest so I test her in return.

Too reactive of an answer. The unfair rule of male-female interactions is that the girl can say anything to you and you just have to brush it off in return.

The way to pass shit tests is: https://www.toddvdating.com/pass-shit-test/

So like that article says, getting a shit test is actually good because it means she's at least attracted to you.
ovnidos said:
switch order of 1 and 2...remove group pic, it's pretty bad.
Yeah that’s what’s I was thinking 🤔

Rags2Bitches said:
perhaps the shirtless photo isn't good enough and you're screening out too many girls with it, but I would leave it in for now

Ok, fuck bulking for now let’s get that lower stomach lean af

pancakemouse said:
Too reactive of an answer. The unfair rule of male-female interactions is that the girl can say anything to you and you just have to brush it off in return.

The way to pass shit tests is:

I’m aware of the shit test concept, didn’t use it in this case. Few shit test answers that come to my mind:
Girl : «Go on a cut»

Me : «You’re right, on more chips and I’m consider overweight by the health minister »

« lmao, that’s true I broke my bed this very night »

« Fair enough I use the motorcycle at Walmart » (don’t know how to call it in English)

« That’s the plan Arnold Classic is at the corner »
DAY 30:

No girl in the world care that I can dumbbell row 50 kg, literally nones. Fuck being strong, it's useless for getting these lays. I know that I've got a nice fizeek, it's not sufficient for getting that pipeline. So I stop the caloric surplus right now. And I'll go on an aggressive cut rn.

Because I'm actually tired of these shitty light kcal deficit. I'm going to be hyper consistent for 6 weeks at 1300kcal, aiming for 57/58kg it should be sufficient. But I've got this mental barrier cause that's the weight where I started the gym.

I'm a little ashamed of my weight progress, because I think could have been a lot further bodybuilding wize in 3 years. The only time when I progressed was when I was counting kcal.

Also, I'm hopping on monoxil for my beard I'm tired to wait, I've got the genetic for that for sure but I won't wait until I've got no more hairs to have a nice beard.
DAY 31 :
I need to get use to my new life, but it's very tiering. I'm biking an hour a day + gym about 1h20. So on the Friday night i slept 10h and did nothing productive all day.

Fashion :
I've been waiting for this day my whole life. It's been a few year that we see guys wearing nail polish and other feminine fashion. But as a smaller guy, I was waiting for the day i could wear heels without being judged. This day has come today with converse. View attachment 1

6cm heel with these bad boys hehe. Which get me to the gigant size of 172 cm, and if i add insole with that...

Was supposed to meet a girl at her place tonight 5 minutes from home, she asked me to confirme the date at 2pm for 7pm, then she flaked. too bad :/
Hey, nice log. I would go on a cut. You have solid muscle mass now; I think lower BF is more important now.
First thanks bro!

Then yeah that’s the plan I’m in a huge deficit until I reach a nice fizeek. But it’s hard to do cause as we all know « the day you start lifting is the day you become forever small »

But I trust you guys saying to me that the bulk is the way to go. So let’s gooo
ovnidos said:
DAY 31 :
I need to get use to my new life, but it's very tiering. I'm biking an hour a day + gym about 1h20. So on the Friday night i slept 10h and did nothing productive all day.

Fashion :
I've been waiting for this day my whole life. It's been a few year that we see guys wearing nail polish and other feminine fashion. But as a smaller guy, I was waiting for the day i could wear heels without being judged. This day has come today with converse. shoes.PNGIMG_1706.JPEG

6cm heel with these bad boys hehe. Which get me to the gigant size of 172 cm, and if i add insole with that...

Was supposed to meet a girl at her place tonight 5 minutes from home, she asked me to confirme the date at 2pm for 7pm, then she flaked. too bad :/

Is only the heel raised or is it a flat platform? I've occasionally done height inserts but I get a lot of blisters so I stopped,
colgate said:
Is only the heel raised or is it a flat platform? I've occasionally done height inserts but I get a lot of blisters so I stopped,

It’s an height platform
DAY 33:

I know that the legends of this forum don't like photofeeler that much..
But I've got some interesting results that I wanted to share with you.

I've tested with women < 29yo. Are the result are very interesting.

First observation the shirtless pic got very bad graded, I'm not very disappointed because it's a screening tool in itself, I'm gonna do the same pic later when I'll get leaner, we'll compare them.

Second observation : The far right pic and the far left are the same, except the editing. The Rags2Bitches edit had been substantially better graded.
+15% in attractiveness, which is in my book not a random.

So thanks for the edit Rags, I'll try to reproduce this type of editing on my next pics.
DAY 34 :

Here's a quick recap of all I achieve since the start of this log :
-All the OLD pics I use are taken during this very month. So I'm pretty happy with the amount of work.
-1 Date
-1 Lay

Which mean..... 100% conversion rate lmao!!! Fr I'm just lucky, I can't manage to have more dates, like all my leads go nowhere. I need more matches to play the number game end of the story.
So all my focus rn is on optimizing my OLD pics because it's 80% of the battle.

I'd had to run some errants, then I ran on my ex in a store, she was with a guy. She didn't saw me. I know I shouldn't care, but that hurt very very badly.. My heart was pumping so hard, I had this irrepressible feeling to run away, drop of the items I bought and run as fast as I could.
Thank God I've got the above lay to protect me, unless I would feel like a total looser.

Last time I encounter her, I hurt me during a full week.

I'm obviously no contact with her, tho we live 5 minutes from walking distance from each other, such events are then normal.

What's the future plan :

-Get leaner, I like to access my goals with tangible number, but Idk how much weight I need to lose to get shredded, 2? 3? 5? I'm in deficit until shredded, either way
-Get A nice hobby pics
-Get a Shirtless candid shot when I'm shredded.
Vega said:
For the rock climbing pics I like #4 the best and maybe #9

I'm currently rocking the #4 I'll try to do a little edit to get more shadow hence more shredded! thanks !
Agree on 4 and 9, they show your physique and tattoo the best

ovnidos said:
I'd had to run some errants, then I ran on my ex in a store, she was with a guy. She didn't saw me. I know I shouldn't care, but that hurt very very badly.. My heart was pumping so hard, I had this irrepressible feeling to run away, drop of the items I bought and run as fast as I could.

I feel you man. Hope it won't hurt you for a week this time
This time tbh I feel better because I've got more success on OLD app, I'll certainly soon get more lays so that's kinda ok !

Also I was on a app and I saw I set my size at 161 cm lmao, I understand why i didn't have a lot of success lmao