DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Thebastard said:
Crazy weight on the DB rows! I think I would be tired after 4*12 using 25kg dummies haha

I'll get you a video so u can check my form !

DAY 41 :


Went on a date, but man, I like thicc girl but at this point it was kinda catfish, I didn't had the logistics to pull and also didn't wanted to pull either. She was a nice girl overall and have cute face which would be a 7 without these extra pounds, what a shame.

I received 2 similar messages in the last days :
"I don't want you to waste your time, I'm looking for something serious"
Which I interpret in my head as :
"I see you as a sexual prospect of a one-night stand"

Which is kinda cool, I'm no longer a "nice-guy", perhaps it mean that i'm on the right way!
So I need to go deeper in the fuckboy theme on my OLD profile to get the ONS girls !!

My wing is coming on the 1st march back in town, to fat away, I need to manage some pics myself absolutely.

Future&Frienship :

The Mexico project is slowly taking shape. One of my best-friends, a enjoyable French guy I met in my Polish erasmus. We went to Amsterdam & Portugal together. We on the same vibe, we want to back-pack in Mexico. Then settle and get that pipeline and live the dream life. We need to think about that.

Tho I'm not sure at 100% about him, he's sometimes sensitive and need too much comfort. It could stand us backward in the adventure. Tho I'm pretty sure we would take a bullet for each other. I'm glad to have such friends. Through the years I made a lot of friends, I can only count on the hand which one are my bros.

-My wing which I talked about above, (I'm trying to make him join the forum also)
-The guy with which I'll perhaps go to Mexico with
-An other French guy from my Erasmus
-One of my roommate

Gym :

One of my young co-worker want to join and train with me in the gym, he's a complete beginner and also very annoying (he never stop talking), I swear that no one will disturb me over there, it's my heaven, and I'll make no compromises over there. I'll help him for a push day, a pull day and a leg day if he wants, then I'll get back to train alone. Because I'm sorry, but he'll hold me back and make my sessions 10x times longer and 10x times less efficient. Also, I need to focus and don't talk for a few moments a day, actually, while writing about it, it's the only moment of the day that I don't talk to anyone.

tomorrow legs day so :

Regarding dudes you meet on the journey, it's mostly about having the same or similar goals.

Every human is different, and you can learn things from everybody.

Ultimately, its a brother on the journey, you grow with them and you push each other. It's not a marriage, and you don't need to be concerned too much about the deep components of their psyche. I myself have had serious insecurities about my appearance in the past, but plenty of people still grind with me daily because despite that weird part of me, I have a work ethic that cuts to the bone and others feed off that too.

Also, remember, in life it's one step at a time.

Think about the net gain and loss of ONE YEAR at a time.

If you and your homie go to Mexico for a year, have a good time, grow as people, fuck stunners, become more confident and structured in success, and improve your physique, have adventures etc, then it was an incredible year.

And then, you can come back, enjoy your life, and still have another 20 solid ass years of self improvement ahead of you.

Sounds like a plan my dude.

But before then............KEEP HAMMERING

MakingAComeback said:

Yeah totally agree with you ! I BLESSED to have 4 friends like that !

DAY 42 :

Just went to work today, but my roomate, one of the true friend I talk on the day 41 ask me to go for a beer with him because he saw that i was kinda depress. What a true brother this guy is. So we went and drink from 9pm to 12pm together, chatting about everything. I'm very glad to have him in my life. After he proposes me to go outside to talk together, I also send him a sms saying that he was my bro and I really appreciate that he take care of me. Because I feel like you've go thank people that are here for you.

I call it a day !
ovnidos said:
I also send him a sms saying that he was my bro and I really appreciate that he take care of me. Because I feel like you've go thank people that are here for you.

Yeah man, realised that also recently. It's important to tell our close ones what they mean to us. Never know what tomorrow brings.
DAY 43 :

I'm now half-legend with my 200 hundreds post lol. I will try to make this title true as soon as possible.

Went on a date, was a catfish (Fuck filters), and I immediately feel that she wasn't DTF at all. Managed to end the date after 1/2h. I'm too nice with girls I'm not interested, despite all the craps girls get me thought on a daily basis.

I want more volume, I'm waiting for new pics. Hope this shit will work. I'm amazed by how random this game is, I hope I'll get my 10 lays. It was supposed to go exponentially after the 1st one. I'm no mathematician, but it's logarithmic for now.

I've got nothing else to say. Furthermore, I don't feel like talking about the gym, I don't need accountability about this subject, and I'm not sure that someone really care about how much I lift. I won't talk about my work, it's boring I sell elevators nothing else to say, basic 9-5 job.

See ya tomorrow all
ovnidos said:
DAY 43 :

I'm now half-legend with my 200 hundreds post lol. I will try to make this title true as soon as possible.

Went on a date, was a catfish (Fuck filters), and I immediately feel that she wasn't DTF at all. Managed to end the date after 1/2h. I'm too nice with girls I'm not interested, despite all the craps girls get me thought on a daily basis.

I want more volume, I'm waiting for new pics. Hope this shit will work. I'm amazed by how random this game is, I hope I'll get my 10 lays. It was supposed to go exponentially after the 1st one. I'm no mathematician, but it's logarithmic for now.

I've got nothing else to say. Furthermore, I don't feel like talking about the gym, I don't need accountability about this subject, and I'm not sure that someone really care about how much I lift. I won't talk about my work, it's boring I sell elevators nothing else to say, basic 9-5 job.

See ya tomorrow all

Sorry to hear about the date bro. But that's just the nature of the game. Good job for being polite/honest. "Onto the next one" is what I always say.

If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't just be on Tinder. I'd also try my hand at cold approach, social circles, and night game. You have to keep your avenues/options open. Now I don't know about your particular situation (i.e., your friend group(s), if there are places to party in your city, how many young ppl live there), so I can't offer specific advice.

I literally moved to Chicago because I knew my options would be infinite there. And this has proven true. I literally had ONE friend when I moved: my roommate. 90% of the ppl I hang out with and party - and 100% of the girls I banged - I met within the last 6 months. In my experience, going out and hitting on/hooking up with strange girls is wayyyyy better than Tinder.
Akilles7 said:
If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't just be on Tinder. I'd also try my hand at cold approach, social circles, and night game. You have to keep your avenues/options open. Now I don't know about your particular situation (i.e., your friend group(s), if there are places to party in your city, how many young ppl live there), so I can't offer specific advice.

Yeah bro, I reached to all my friends group and integrate new ones. That's a work i do that I don't talk much here. But you're 100% right.

My radius of 5km is composed of 475k ppl, and believe or not, it's about 32% of 15-29yo. I still doubt this info i found the internet. But it makes my city better than some place like Seoul for example (in a 5km radius)

I'm willing to move to Mexico, Barcelona or Paris next September (Most likely Mexico). I can't before because i'm an intern and i need to finish the internship for my diploma.

DAY 44 :

Went far away for work today, ate well and didn't hit the gym. Tomorrow I'm going to my mom's place, she lives deep in the mountain with barely any network connection, I won't be able to log, perhaps. We'll do some off-road skying, I'll try to take adventurous pics for OLD. I'll obviously post them here.

I'll use this opportunity to deconnect from OLD, and social network for a week-end.

see ya on sunday night or monday night idk. But I'll be back I promess lol
DAY 45 :

Nothing to report went to my mom's house in the moutain.

DAY 46 :

So basically we went "ski hiking", it's basically sking except that you do it wherever you want, and we went to do a summit (3000m). It's was pretty dangerous because the snow was so icy, at some point in the climb, I slide because my skis where shit. And I slid about 60m without stoping. 30m more and it was the cliff lol. But we did it ! And going down was pretty fun!

On the way up, in the physical effort, I thought of my ex-girlfriend. She was a very lazy girl, she didn't do sports, and it was really hard to drag her out. And I thought, "I could never have done that with her." Except that I love the mountains, so how could I consider staying, and now miss a girl I didn't share anything with. If I've got a new gf it's one with I share a lot of interests with. And just like that, my sadness that had been building up for some time was gone. I hope this time it's for good.

I know that there are Nietzsche enjoyers (MakingAComeback?) here, and in the end he was right, you have to go to the mountains and climb to avoid leaden thoughts. Moral of the story : Large space and effort can heal you!

So I feel much better than when I left!

20 minutes after failing, was pretty happy about my day!

DAY 47 :

Went to work, gym and put my car to the car workshop, because I don't have turn signals any more, so my driving was a little dangerous these days.

So tomorrow back to OLD swiping and dating!! And get back to grind.

Also at work, I read a lot of pdf files because I'm bored, I usually read a book in 2/3 days. This week is "become surnatural" because i'm curious about esoterism these days, next in line will be the "slite edge" if you've got a book recommendation.
ovnidos said:
Moral of the story : Large space and effort can heal you!

I have always found being in nature clears my head better than just about anything else. Glad you came to a realization that your ex is your EX for a reason. There's other cuties out there that will support and mesh with your lifestyle. Keep on truckin' my dude
DAY 48 :

Work, gym, and went home and direclty went to join my friends at a bar, 11pm I'm just home after a few beers I'm going to sleep. That's crazy, wage working let you 0 time for yourself, I can't imagine having children and family you've got 0 times for yourself that's impressive.

I'm sorry that i'm not very active on the forum since a week, I'll correct that very soon.
DAY 49 :

Am I the one catfishing ??

It happened to me 2 times this week (we're only Wednesday lol).

So meOLD girls seem VERY interested in me. I can show the text (in french) for reference guys np. THEY ask me for my ig which i give. Then they disappear. One even follow me on ig, then instantanly blocked me on IG and the OLD APP.

So i know that I should aim for number but as they asked me for my ig i gave it.

My old account for reference :
View attachment 6

Remember that my ig haven't been designed for getting girls. Some pics as are old as 2017

My ig pics:
View attachment 1View attachment 2View attachment 3View attachment 4View attachment 5
I'd definitely say your IG pics are a different vibe to your OLD pictures. These girls probably built an image of you in their head from the your Tinder photos and then see a different vibe on your Instagram and think maybe you're just putting up a front on Tinder. I wouldn't say its "catfishing" though.
ovnidos said:
DAY 49 :

Am I the one catfishing ??

It happened to me 2 times this week (we're only Wednesday lol).

So meOLD girls seem VERY interested in me. I can show the text (in french) for reference guys np. THEY ask me for my ig which i give. Then they disappear. One even follow me on ig, then instantanly blocked me on IG and the OLD APP.

So i know that I should aim for number but as they asked me for my ig i gave it.

My old account for reference :

Remember that my ig haven't been designed for getting girls. Some pics as are old as 2017

My ig pics:

delete the 4th and last IG pic u uploaded here. 4th makes u look bad, last one shows your Short statue (but they would find out anyway irl)
Holden said:
So why don't you delete the IG pics and upload your Tinder pics to IG?

Yeah, I could minus the shirtless one, I'm emulating being a douche bag on tinder, not in my real life.

iwillbebetter said:
delete the 4th and last IG pic u uploaded here. 4th makes u look bad, last one shows your Short statue

Yeah, will done that.
iwillbebetter said:
shows your Short statue (but they would find out anyway irl)

I don't know if it's terrible tho, I prefer girl to ghost me on ig, then having them look weird discovering that i'm 5'5" irl. I don't look that tall in the OLD pics also, I believe you can clearly see that by my proportions that I'm not tall at all.


DAY 50 :

Idk why but it seems that I've got an organic new success across all old app i'm using, didn't change anything, and didn't pay any boost or any premium subscription tho. The algorithm is blessing me, lol.

(too) Few dates to come. but almost every time i ask for number (for avoiding my IG issue), they want to talk on IG !! Will reorganize my IG to look better, or suppress all pics, so they can only refer to me as my OLD pics.

Life :
I'm going back to the mountain for one full week with my family for skiing. I won't use old app there, so I'll rest from that shit for a week. Except taking cool mountain pics. I'm gonna read and ski
Happy the matches are increasing bro. Also, enjoy skiing! A great activity for bringing wholeness and happiness to the human mind :-)

You are working hard, keep going!

Lets get you that next lay bro.

DAY 51 :

Nothing fancy to report.


Damn boys, I'm slowly discovering that office work is GAME OF THRONE, it's my first time working full time. I hear the gossip, the gossip come to me, ppl ask me for gossiping. Everybody wants to take the place of somebody. Everybody fights for some small shit.

I can't imagine working for somebody else business for like 40 years of my life, going to the office 7h a week for something I don't specially like, playing the "game of office". It's nearly impossible for me. Everyday on my bike commute, I think about what else can I do, I'm slowly realizing that my engineer diploma won't be used the way i thought it would be used.

I'm not made for this life it's not in my DNA at ALL. Note that all my family is in the independent work. I think that unconsciously it shape my behaviour. It's like living an NPC life.

Despite all it paid my life, and I'm grateful to have a secure job. This stability allow me to sort my chaotic love life with more ease.
ovnidos said:
Fashion :
I've been waiting for this day my whole life. It's been a few year that we see guys wearing nail polish and other feminine fashion. But as a smaller guy, I was waiting for the day i could wear heels without being judged. This day has come today with converse. shoes.PNGIMG_1706.JPEG

6cm heel with these bad boys hehe. Which get me to the gigant size of 172 cm, and if i add insole with that...

I've bought these shoes as well per your recommendation: