DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

ovnidos said:
DAY 52 :
PICS for OLD :
We stumble near this car after went rock climbing, and i thought that it could be a good pic so here we go, let me hear your thoughts.

Is there a way to un-squinch my eyes ?
After, I'll chose one and edit on photoshop letsgoooo

Thanks boyos!

I don't like any of these, mainly due to the squinching, but in general the facial expression and pose just doesn't "feel right" here, in a way I can't rightly describe at the moment. I suspect with 100-200 more tries you could get it right.
ovnidos said:
We stumble near this car after went rock climbing, and i thought that it could be a good pic so here we go, let me hear your thoughts.

so here they go :

add charm impression to the 1st on faceapp + edit colors in lightroom

you can try it late in the stack, but there are a few things that make it less than ideal

- background. unless you and the photographer really know what you're doing, avoid decaying backgrounds. i think a "broken down"/"industrial waste" background can work if you're doing a street style aesthetic posed pic or a "grungy" gym pic. and even then, it's because I know that the best gyms are either very high end with sick amenities or very low end where all the broke aspiring bodybuilders and semi-pro athletes train. i'm not sure the average non-fitness girl knows that it's an awesome environment and might just think you're poor.

that t shirt doesn't really fit the street style aesthetic and DO NOT WEAR A SMART WATCH IN STYLE PICS

ovnidos said:
Is there a way to un-squinch my eyes ?

yes you can widen them a bit in facetune (easiest) or photoshop

overall though, think of the vibe. what are you saying with this photo? in your first photo, in addition to looking handsome, you look like a funny confident guy and the pic doesn't look posed, like your friend just happened to take that photo when you looked out the window. in this one, you look like you're trying hard to take a modeling pic so there is not much margin for error, and the style and facial expression are a bit off.
ovnidos said:
Everyday on my bike commute, I think about what else can I do, I'm slowly realizing that my engineer diploma won't be used the way i thought it would be used.

Hahaha this makes me happy. Welcome to everything else. This was me everyday travelling to my office job. Better start hustling man!

P hard to unsquich , try neural filters. I think photo 3 is okay. Some technical things.
-photos all have too much room about the head wasted space/pixels
- all from the same angle
-all low angle too, low angle works for making people look big but you need a wide lens

Next time spend 10 more minutes shoot but change up the angle/composition 2 more times
colgate said:
I've bought these shoes as well per your recommendation:

my boy have been blessed with the converse amen.

Rags2Bitches said:
very low end where all the broke aspiring bodybuilders and semi-pro athletes train

my gym like that lol

Rags2Bitches said:

Ok, I'll think about wearing my others watches next time.

For all the rest, thank you i take notes.

pancakemouse said:
I don't like any of these, mainly due to the squinching, but in general the facial expression and pose just doesn't "feel right" here, in a way I can't rightly describe at the moment. I suspect with 100-200 more tries you could get it right.

Ok bro thank you!
Adrizzle said:
Hahaha this makes me happy. Welcome to everything else. This was me everyday travelling to my office job. Better start hustling man!

I'll but, I found too difficult to solve my dating life while spending thtat much time in the gym + office job. I decided to put my work life on hold for now, I'll enjoy the security that my boring ass job offer me to fully focus on dating. I now spend all my energy on that. But be sure I won't be a 9to5 worker, lol.

Adrizzle said:
P hard to unsquich , try neural filters. I think photo 3 is okay. Some technical things.
-photos all have too much room about the head wasted space/pixels
- all from the same angle
-all low angle too, low angle works for making people look big but you need a wide lens

Next time spend 10 more minutes shoot but change up the angle/composition 2 more times

Ok! next time i'll think about that.

Hard2Focus said:
I gave it a shot. Idk about how clear your eyes ended up looking from messing with faceapp tho.

thanks man !!

DAY 60 :

So I went skiing in spain for a week, i tried OLD but the volume was too low.


So boyos, my wing coming back in town on thuesday, what's good is that we've got exactly the same objectives, about the same fizeek. That's gonna be lit af we're gonna spend all of our weekend doing that shit. We're gonna slay this shit. lets back to grind boys.
I forgot to report what happened on friday :

When going back from skiing, I was invited to some nightclub/bar by a girl (social circle) I'm "interested" in. I already went to her bday a few weeks ago. So except her that i saw 3 or 4 times a some parties in the last 5 years, all the ppl there i knew them from the bday, where i was already wasted coming in.

Except me, and a strange highly friend-zoned dude, it was 4 girls & 2 boys. I was the only outsider of this group. I went because my comfort side would have told be to stay in bed, but i try to go as much as possible where my pussy side tell me to don't go lol.

So we enter the nightclub/bar pretty early 10pm, and it was almost empty so we started to drink and to chat. I mostly listen. But i love to listen to girls convo, i learn so much lol.

Then we started to dance, but i really need like 2 or 3 drinks to get me in the mood of dancing, otherwize i feel uncomfortable.

But what's noticiable this night :
- the girls of my group have mistaken me for a bouncer lol
-Some girl dancing was perhaps hitting on me but didn't had the balls to check if i was right or wrong.
-Then i danced with the girl i was interested of, but didn't make any overly-flirty move. I don't think she's interested in me tho.

I need to work having like a better presence to get more IOIs. I think i get more of them since i started my journey, but i only managed to make out with only one girl in a club.
MakingAComeback said:
BTW, they mistook you for a bouncer because you're JACKED

Not bcz i'm a tall black guy for sure lmaooooo

DAY 61 :

Went out to drink a beer with some friends was cool. As i'm pretty small i get drunk very fast and i've got work tomorrow.


About OLD, I've bought 10 boosters and wait for new pics to use them.

Be sure that until Sunday I'll have a bunch of new quality pics, I SWEAR

I still got a few matches a day which is cool but not enough, some of you guys recommand to have a least 150 matches a week to get laid constently which i aim for, across all apps i should be arounf 12/15ish a week i think, without paying anything.
DAY 62 :
Sometimes i do really don't understand this game, so girl on OLD are texting me first then are impossible to work with. Sometimes with some girls my text game is so shitty.

About text game, I changer strategies from the Tinder guide strategy. I'm sorry that's the only thing I'm not following blindly. But I feel some gals needs a little bit more times before establishing a date. Also the basic "hey you're cute" land me the worst text to answer ratio.

I research a bit about tinder algorithm and found that u can un-blur the pics of the girls that liked you. ( )

Work/emigration/Future :

I worked about 10 minutes at work today, I used all this time to do some spanish

Took the Duolinguo +. And I'm chatting with ppl from all over the world in spanish on an app call tandem, and for motivate me, I only talk with cute spanish or latina :)
Interesting thoughts re text game.

Hinge and Bumble are good for me. Tinder is fucked man, mine is dead, but I swear that app is a portal into hell lol.

Keep working king,
ovnidos said:
I still got a few matches a day which is cool but not enough, some of you guys recommand to have a least 150 matches a week to get laid constently which i aim for, across all apps i should be arounf 12/15ish a week i think, without paying anything.

1) Why aren't you paying?
2) I don't think 150/week is realistic for us Europeans. We don't live in huge megacities like Americans and Australians do. Our cities are smaller and population density is less. I don't count my matches but it's for sure not 150/week and I'm doing fine.
Holden said:
1) Why aren't you paying?

I just wait until i've got the best pics, tho i've already bought a few boosts here and there, and i've got 10 of them waiting for this weekend

Holden said:
2) I don't think 150/week is realistic for us Europeans. We don't live in huge megacities like Americans and Australians do. Our cities are smaller and population density is less. I don't count my matches but it's for sure not 150/week and I'm doing fine.

Ok interesting, how much should I aim then ? 50 ? in my 10km radius it's about 500-750k ppl.
ovnidos said:
About text game, I changer strategies from the Tinder guide strategy. I'm sorry that's the only thing I'm not following blindly. But I feel some gals needs a little bit more times before establishing a date. Also the basic "hey you're cute" land me the worst text to answer ratio.
I have mixed feelings about it.

I like "hey you're cute/sexy", because it shows physical intent, it tells her you aren't just there for a platonic coffee date.

At the same time, I'd agree it has an awful answer ratio. However, I'd argue that most of those girls are timewasters anyways. Most of the time, when I try starting an actual conversation, she will reply until I pitch the meetup.

I do think going for the date immediately is the way to go. Girls who give you a hard time about that are probably going to give you a hard time about coming to your place, kissing, having sex, etc. Plus, 90% of girls who say "lets talk more" are just looking to string you along anyways.

At the first sign that a girl will be effort to sleep with, I unmatch her. Maybe I'm being a bit impetuous, but my criteria is quite specific.
ovnidos said:
Ok interesting, how much should I aim then ? 50 ? in my 10km radius it's about 500-750k ppl.

You shouldn't shoot for anything except getting laid. All you can do is put up the best possible pictures and boosts as often as you need. Counting matches is something I don't see the value in.

Count your dates, count your lays.
Squilliam said:
I do think going for the date immediately is the way to go. Girls who give you a hard time about that are probably going to give you a hard time about coming to your place, kissing, having sex, etc. Plus, 90% of girls who say "lets talk more" are just looking to string you along anyways.

In fact you're right man, why spend my energy on these gals.

Holden yeah you're also right, but my main goal is to increase matchs volume & match to date conversion ratio by all means

DAY 63 :

I don't have new gals on tinder, fuck my stack is EMPTY. About 4 months of swiping. And I've just bought 10 boosts, I ask for a refund. When I'll have my new pics, I'll reset my account and create one with another phone number.
I'm resetting Tinder too, mine is legit dead, but also, some of the advanced guys are getting the same thing.

Hinge and Bumble is still legit. I even got a lead fro Happn lol.

Cold approaching possible in your location or nah?

Homie, I have been there many times, where there were no girls and no leads, been there so many times.

Definitely reset ur tinder. I also ordered a new sim. I will reset mine this week too.

Bro, hope u are well. Keep working. We are here with you all the way.

ovnidos said:
I don't have new gals on tinder, fuck my stack is EMPTY. About 4 months of swiping. And I've just bought 10 boosts, I ask for a refund. When I'll have my new pics, I'll reset my account and create one with another phone number.

Normal. There used to be around 10,000 women on Tinder between 18 and 42 within a 10 mile radius of me in San Francisco.

With manual swiping at one profile every two seconds, I would swipe around 2000 a week. That's just over a month to exhaust the entire female population.

Frequent resets are needed.
MakingAComeback said:
Hinge and Bumble is still legit. I even got a lead fro Happn lol.

Here I would say that ranking by popularity :
1000- Hinge

But what i find really strange is my matche to date ratio across all apps, I get very few matches on bumble because they're barely any girls on it. Like 3 to 4 matches a few, BUT my lay, and 3 dates came from it. Compararing to Tinder(1 date for 50 matches) Happn (0 dates for 40 matches)

MakingAComeback said:
Cold approaching possible in your location or nah?

I guess it's possible, I can even Cold approach in my own street as I live very very downtown. But in all humility, when I see how much you guys that does this suffer, take a lot of time and energy, for let's say a very bad efficiency, even for the most advanced guys. I'm not really considering it, I consider more social circle tbh. Doesn't mean that I critics you, or the guys that does this, you're fucking brave man! For now, I don't consider it.

MakingAComeback said:
Definitely reset ur tinder. I also ordered a new sim. I will reset mine this week too.

I'll do the same next week.

DAY 64 :

Damn, yesterday I swear I would have new pics on this weekend but i completely forgot that my best-friend come from all across the country to see me for the weekend, damn I'm so dumb.

Love life :

Tonight, I'm invited at the medicine student party, the party for the futures doctors. These party are known to be WILDEST ever like these guys do 2 or 3 parties a year, the legend says that the girls there are the most HORNY&WILD, because they studied madly for month. Alcohol is unlimited. I don't know in which state I'll be for work tomorrow. Wish me luck guys, I hope I'll take some girl home tonight.
Day 66 :

Yesterday I told you that I was going to the medecine student party.

Let me do a field report of this crazy night.

As I was deeply inspired by MakingAComeback log's, and his honesty even with his most dark feelings. I'll confess about the blackpills thoughts that I've had along the night.


The party was set in a nightclub far from downtown. Tbh honest it was the shittiest nightclub I have ever been to. I don't know who handled the lights, but they were too fucking bright & the music wasn't loud enough.

But as I saw students invading the subway literally 10 stops before the nightclub, I didn't complain because I'd hope that it would be a crazy night.

I went to the nightclub with my roommate and one of our friend. Just to set the plot and because it will be relevant after, both of my friends are handsome guys that never had trouble getting laid.

We arrived at the club at midnight, almost sober, we directly headed to the bar to get some drinking and be a little more drunk. Soon after getting 3 shots, we headed to the dance floor. It at this very moment that the blackpills thinking imposed itself in my head. I saw that my 2 handsome friends were getting girls attention, and I didn't get any. I was highly disappointed, sad, and it reflected so much in my body language that my friends notice and asked me if i was ok.

When "dancing" I was only thinking about how I would articulate the today post to rant about my blackpills throughts, which is not the best mental state to be in when you're on the dance floor and even to get girls attention.

Either when i was in this mental state, I still tried to have fun with my friends and spend a good night.

At some point, because i was drunk, i started to have fun with some other drunk student that i didn't knew and without really noticing I ended up dancing with a girl very closelly, and then make-out. bros hear me out even with all negativity and blackpill mindset i ended up makeout with a girl for 10/15minutes. I was astonished and SO PROUD of myself, and she was even a very cute girl with a very nice ass. It was the second time ever that i make out with some gals in a nightclub.

Then i was in some other moods brooos, i felt amazing!

The night continue, with one of my friend we challenged ourselves to push each other to some girl and make out. So he pushes me on another girl and I make out for the second time of the night, lol.

None of my friend despite getting girls attention did any move or makeout tonight, so i was blackpilling myself alone like a dumb fuck, despite being a head smaller than them, I did 2 makeouts without any kind of rejection :)

To conclude, we were home at 6am and I was at work at 8am, still a little bit drunk, but it was worthy. Also the "legend" says that the medecine parties were the wildest parties, like lot of things in life, it was a lie, it was some very regular student party, but my actions tonight make it very legendary for me.