Hydro's Log

Trèfle said:
It’s good that you’re this passionate about lifting weights, i’ve found in my own journey that loving the stuff that gets us to where we want to be really helps. Keep up the good work in the gym man

Thanks man, I really appreciate the encouraging words!

Loving it is important, but the best way to love something is to get results. Results is what I need to go for, thanks for that lightbulb moment.

Woke up today by knowing that I have to do 2 plates on squats and 275 lbs on trap bar deadlift for sets of 5. I did do that for both, 3 sets on squats and 1 set on deadlift. I might have to start going in earlier since the weights are going up, the duration is going to be longer. Also, I went in a bit late but i finished that workout!


Goal is to Overhead press today, hit 115 lbs for 3 sets of 5. After that I did successfully up the weight for tricep extensions and pushdowns for 80 lbs for 2 sets of 12. I did not do barbell curls, did 15 lb bilateral dumbbell curls and man the pump was fucking insane. Felt a deeeeeep stretch and might switch over to dumbbells since I felt it in my biceps way more (even though barbell curls are still great).

My sleep schedule has been ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY, ANNIHALTED. Bro I woke up at 6 pm..................................................

I'm typing this in right now, and I am going to go to sleep since guess what, I didn't train today. Head was mildly hurting, but mostly, I was fatigued and I believe that is 100% due to my fucked up sleep schedule. I didn't feel hurt, just tired and fatigued. I am going to do a double session today (typing this on the 17th) for squats deadlifts as first session and bench press and accessory work for 2nd session. This is the one step back to go 10 steps forward, to fix my fucking sleep schedule.

I have been watching a lot of training on youtube, bodybuilding and hypertrophy from Renaissance Periodization, Jonnie Candito, Jeff Nippard, Intellectual-Muscle and more. I'm getting into the groove of slowly, (or already am) the identity of a gym rat. How? I skipped yesterdays session? Sure and that's on me, but I am going to make up for it by doing 2 sessions today.

Also just watched this beautiful video by Chris: https://youtu.be/M7yPn-xIjls

Gonna make it bro:

1. Get properly sleep schedule (Go to bed around 11pm is significantly better than now)
2. Go to bed without use of phone or laptop
3. Close out all my tabs
4. Prepare my meal plan and calculate how many P + F + C and calories I need in total.

get it boyo
Interesting pic from Derek's MPMD subreddit:

Also, I'm researching how much protein I should be getting, as an obese individual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUy6HwOhT3U Also interesting that women should start resistance training early since women are significantly more prone to osteoporosis, and the intervention to mitigate that is to lift weights. Hope the girls out there can get into lifting weights. I know what its like being nervous around other gym bros and feeling out of place, so definitely understand that you 'frail' ladies and I, an obese man have a lot more in common when it comes to the gym.

The interesting thing is, the gym is the only place in the world, where people WON'T be judging you for worse. Either they'll be judging you for better (great job, even I do this in my mind when I see someone training hard) or they won't be judging you at all.

I didn't go to the gym, and I was thinking if there was going to be a spotlight effect of people asking me why didn't I go to the gym, LOSER. Bruh, there's people who I see consistently at the gym (Desi, Asian, White and African dudes) and when they aren't there that day I don't ask Q's in my mind why they didn't go to the gym, my mind is just to my workout lol. Don't even think about it, and only thought about it since I SKIPPED my session so here I am overanlayzing shit.

Get it gurls!
Get it bros!

Finished prepping up my rice and beans. Did my squats of 230 lbs for 3 sets of 5 and 285 trap bar deadlifts for 1 set of 5. Shout out to me for that, but that means I'm going to the gym tomorrow twice, once for bench and the other for overhead press. 1 day behind schedule.

Well I'm going to go wash the chicken and the marinate them. If I do that, I will reward myself with a pastry when I go to the grocery store. I better hurry up since the store closes at 1 am.
Hydro said:
I will reward myself with a pastry
Bro if your goal really is fat loss then don't do this. It's not a reward, it's a vice. One pastry will set you back an hour of cardio at least. Just indulge in the feeling of achieving your small goal. Sit with it and appreciate the feeling for a minute. Then keep moving forwards, don't go backwards after every time you achieve something.
jackBruh said:
Hydro said:
I will reward myself with a pastry
Bro if your goal really is fat loss then don't do this. It's not a reward, it's a vice. One pastry will set you back an hour of cardio at least. Just indulge in the feeling of achieving your small goal. Sit with it and appreciate the feeling for a minute. Then keep moving forwards, don't go backwards after every time you achieve something.

Yeah as someone who had that vicious cycle of rewarding yourself with junk that cancels your exercise right after doing it for a long time i can confirm thats not a good thing to be in

But i don’t think rewarding yourself for doing the right thing is bad habit either, especially in the first few weeks of building a habit. Found personally that the key is rewards that don’t set you back on your main goal, might work for you Hydro ? Used to use video games as post workout "good job" without allowing myself to play unless the gym was done with for the day, worked pretty well to get used to going 3 times a week again. Whatever entertainment you like that doesn’t set you back on your weight loss goal probably works really, even jerking off

Or you still have the option of fitting pastry or even Dominos ect in your macros, junk food doesn’t mean you can’t stay in a calorie deficit. Anything works as long as it doesn’t cancel out your main goal
jackBruh said:
Hydro said:
I will reward myself with a pastry
Bro if your goal really is fat loss then don't do this. It's not a reward, it's a vice. One pastry will set you back an hour of cardio at least. Just indulge in the feeling of achieving your small goal. Sit with it and appreciate the feeling for a minute. Then keep moving forwards, don't go backwards after every time you achieve something.

I'll be making a meal plan by tomorrow. I've really been procrastinating on this but I've been doing meal prep for 1/2 of my caloric intake and been training as well. Definitely need to be more smarter with my calories.

Thanks for the input my friend.
Trèfle said:
jackBruh said:
Bro if your goal really is fat loss then don't do this. It's not a reward, it's a vice. One pastry will set you back an hour of cardio at least. Just indulge in the feeling of achieving your small goal. Sit with it and appreciate the feeling for a minute. Then keep moving forwards, don't go backwards after every time you achieve something.

Yeah as someone who had that vicious cycle of rewarding yourself with junk that cancels your exercise right after doing it for a long time i can confirm thats not a good thing to be in

But i don’t think rewarding yourself for doing the right thing is bad habit either, especially in the first few weeks of building a habit. Found personally that the key is rewards that don’t set you back on your main goal, might work for you Hydro ? Used to use video games as post workout "good job" without allowing myself to play unless the gym was done with for the day, worked pretty well to get used to going 3 times a week again. Whatever entertainment you like that doesn’t set you back on your weight loss goal probably works really, even jerking off

Or you still have the option of fitting pastry or even Dominos ect in your macros, junk food doesn’t mean you can’t stay in a calorie deficit. Anything works as long as it doesn’t cancel out your main goal

Honestly bro, I think I'm starting to not want to go get some dominos, at least every week (maybe once every 2 weeks or once a month). I might just go to the grocery store (literally across the road from dominos) and get some small pita bread that I saw and make my own small mini pizzas that are 500 calories for 1 small pizza. I'll have maybe 2 on saturdays that I make so I can save those extra 1300-1500 calories.

Thanks for the reply man!

Did 160 lbs for 3 sets of 5 on the bench press. I was checking out this video for the bench: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLB9CnXGTjs

Really helped out for the bench since I always used to "bend the bar: on the eccentric movement for the bench. Rowing the bar to your chest helps out more, at least when I benched.

Also, I noticed that when I rack the bar off the hooks when I bench, I feel so much better when my butt is up compared to my butt being down. My butt stays on the bench when I'm doing my set, but when I'm racking the bar to START my set, it feels lighter compared to trying to unrack the bar with my butt ON the bench.

Bro my bench is going up pretty good, I don't know if its the technique, the accessories or the muscle memory. Oh wait I know, ALL THREE BABY.

I woke up at 5 pm today, yes you heard that, 5pm. The gym closes on 5 pm on saturdays and yeah I felt pretty bad about that since this is my second session I have missed this week. This means that I don't really care about going to the gym as much as I thought, like I was apathetic when I woke up late. I remember last time I missed a session back in May, I was extremely frustrated at myself, then depressed in 1 day lol. It also happened to be a saturday lol.

Yeah, sucks.

This is what my schedule looked like for the month of august and sept: View attachment 1

I will of course have to adjust for the 2 missed sessions, I really have to fix this sleep schedule of mines.

Also this is what my NoFap tracker looks like: View attachment 2
I had this habit but I restarted it on July 15 and I've fapped 67 times since, with my average streak 12 hours (meaning I jack off on average twice a day) and my longest streak being 120 hours 5 days straight. I swear bro lol, Those 5 days have been a record for my in the past 5 years.
Hydro said:
Trèfle said:
Yeah as someone who had that vicious cycle of rewarding yourself with junk that cancels your exercise right after doing it for a long time i can confirm thats not a good thing to be in

But i don’t think rewarding yourself for doing the right thing is bad habit either, especially in the first few weeks of building a habit. Found personally that the key is rewards that don’t set you back on your main goal, might work for you Hydro ? Used to use video games as post workout "good job" without allowing myself to play unless the gym was done with for the day, worked pretty well to get used to going 3 times a week again. Whatever entertainment you like that doesn’t set you back on your weight loss goal probably works really, even jerking off

Or you still have the option of fitting pastry or even Dominos ect in your macros, junk food doesn’t mean you can’t stay in a calorie deficit. Anything works as long as it doesn’t cancel out your main goal

Honestly bro, I think I'm starting to not want to go get some dominos, at least every week (maybe once every 2 weeks or once a month). I might just go to the grocery store (literally across the road from dominos) and get some small pita bread that I saw and make my own small mini pizzas that are 500 calories for 1 small pizza. I'll have maybe 2 on saturdays that I make so I can save those extra 1300-1500 calories.

Thanks for the reply man!

That really is the right mindset, just lowering slowly the calorie intake to reach your goal, combined with the consistent exercise it goes a long way

Keep going dude
Hydro said:

I woke up at 5 pm today, yes you heard that, 5pm. The gym closes on 5 pm on saturdays and yeah I felt pretty bad about that since this is my second session I have missed this week. This means that I don't really care about going to the gym as much as I thought, like I was apathetic when I woke up late. I remember last time I missed a session back in May, I was extremely frustrated at myself, then depressed in 1 day lol. It also happened to be a saturday lol.

Yeah, sucks.

This is what my schedule looked like for the month of august and sept: IMG_1795.JPEGIMG_1796.JPEG

I will of course have to adjust for the 2 missed sessions, I really have to fix this sleep schedule of mines.

Also this is what my NoFap tracker looks like: IMG_1811.PNG
I had this habit but I restarted it on July 15 and I've fapped 67 times since, with my average streak 12 hours (meaning I jack off on average twice a day) and my longest streak being 120 hours 5 days straight. I swear bro lol, Those 5 days have been a record for my in the past 5 years.

I know you cut down SS into 6 days but perhaps just going the 3 days route is better for you ? Less days makes it easier to reach that weekly goal without worrying about accidents like sleeping past the opening hours
Trèfle said:
Hydro said:

I woke up at 5 pm today, yes you heard that, 5pm. The gym closes on 5 pm on saturdays and yeah I felt pretty bad about that since this is my second session I have missed this week. This means that I don't really care about going to the gym as much as I thought, like I was apathetic when I woke up late. I remember last time I missed a session back in May, I was extremely frustrated at myself, then depressed in 1 day lol. It also happened to be a saturday lol.

Yeah, sucks.

This is what my schedule looked like for the month of august and sept: IMG_1795.JPEGIMG_1796.JPEG

I will of course have to adjust for the 2 missed sessions, I really have to fix this sleep schedule of mines.

Also this is what my NoFap tracker looks like: IMG_1811.PNG
I had this habit but I restarted it on July 15 and I've fapped 67 times since, with my average streak 12 hours (meaning I jack off on average twice a day) and my longest streak being 120 hours 5 days straight. I swear bro lol, Those 5 days have been a record for my in the past 5 years.

I know you cut down SS into 6 days but perhaps just going the 3 days route is better for you ? Less days makes it easier to reach that weekly goal without worrying about accidents like sleeping past the opening hours

Really appreciate all the engagement for the log my friend!
The problem is just the sleep schedule, if I woke up on time I would be able to go to the gym as a normal human being lol.

About SS, I did the program a few years ago and I had to split it up since the days were getting so long since the rest times would take me 10 minutes to rest per set for the squat lol.

Here's the link of my playlist that I made of back in 2019 doing SS if curious:

Here's also a log of someone who ran SS and they also talked about having a long workout session: https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/training-q-a-with-dr-jordan-feigenbaum-and-dr-austin-baraki/87224-switching-from-ssnlp-to-something-else
They would rest for 10 minutes a set for Squats. Yeah at that point, I'd just recommend to start a different program, especially since consistency and motivation are the 2 most important variables for training. Nobody really wants to wait 10-15 minutes for 1 set lol. Especially doing 3 sets 3 times a week.

Just gotta fix the sleep schedule, and that's 100% on me.

Literally did nothing today, just ate my tupperware meal that I prepared on Thursday lol. Here's the food:

Dicked around on the internet, closed 0 TABS.

Also i tried to go to safeways 10 minutes before closing time and they didn't let me in. Gotta go tomorrow (which is today now).

Get it bros!!!!
Saw an interesting post on a different form: https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/79972-did-my-first-daygame-cold-approach-today/

The guy consumes too much theory, like I and did his first cold approach. He did it at a grocery store, it was fairly quick:

"Excuse me... This is kinda random.... but I saw you and thought you were cute, and wanted to say hi"

"I have a boyfriend"

"ok, bye"

Bro this guy got some balls, especially compared to where I'm at. He uses the 0-1 scale instead of 1-10 scale, 0-1 is basically is she attractive enough (1) if not she's a 0.
I might just copy and paste what he did since he did it at a supermarket, I'll do mines at a grocery store lol.
LMAOOOOO, don't call me out on that.




I remember I asked Andy on the Zelda livestream that he had about maladaptive daydreaming, the link starts at the timestamp: https://www.youtube.com/live/elD_-s74vxs?si=sb8suWubH0g1jeyQ&t=6427

There is a guide on maladaptive daydreaming that I have bookmarked, and it's popular on the subreddit I posted in this comment: https://maladaptivedaydreamingguide.wordpress.com/guide/

The goal for today

1. Go to the gym and squat 235 lbs for 3 sets of 5 and deadlift 285 lbs on trap bar for 1 set of 5
Close out 20 tabs (15 more to go)
Finish the meal prep (at least the rice and beans part)
read the maladaptive day dream guide, part 1.
Man here I am doing my meal prep and I was listening to this video on the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep7EiJkaM98
I like Pete, enjoy his content as I believe he is actually trying to help guys since the only goal of his channel (or his main goal) is to stop guys from self deleting. He reminds me of a more manosphere version of Andy.

I went to the gym and did my 3 sets of 235 for 5 reps on squats, and 1 set of 285 lbs on trap bar deadlift. Note, when I do 2 sets of abs my lower back feels noticeably to significantly better than not doing ab work directly after squats and deads.

I went to the store and bought some chicken, strawberries and 1 piece of cake (not the whole thing). I'm starting to think that instead of getting dominoes, I can just make small pizzas on pita bread, naan bread or just on plain old white bread and add pasta sauce + cheese + chicken / pepperoni. That way I can just make my own food and not feel as guilty. Also there will be less calories since I can eat 800-1200 worth of calories and other food I prepared healthily, instead of getting a 2500 calorie pizza.

I got to close out 20 tabs, having a sense of urgency like an alarm really helps. I use the app forfeit, so I pledge a certain amount of money and if i don't complete x task by y time on z certain day, I lose how much ever money I pledge, and in this case I pledged $20. I plan on running another round, that way I can continue closing out tabs. Some tabs I didn't even watch or read the whole way, since they seemed small compared to what I believed them to be. I do believe I Seek knowledge more than the average person, the great thing is that I can learn more things, the bad thing is I take less action, So going to run another round on forfeit to close another 20 tabs.

Another video (~3 mins) talks about all the things you've put off for a while. And this piles up soo much, so the best thing for me to do is to complete crossing out these tabs, that way I can now focus on the 'real world'. I need to get out ALL this crap outta the way (just like the guy in the video says) so then I can focus on the big picture. Can I technically just close out all tabs? Yes. But there are good info on the tabs that I have (love OneTab, hate OneTab extension browser). I just want to x out all these tabs once I got their info, and then I know I can really get into taking more action.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1w5uCMCwOY

I finished cooking my rice and beans. Will finish marinating and cooking chicken tomorrow.

Didnt get to reading part 1 of the Maladaptive Daydreaming guide, but will get to it tomorrow, i promise lol. I'm taking good action by working out, meal prepping, closing out junk on my pc, Just like I have physical obesity, having all these tabs open sound like I have "intellectual obesity" instead of "intellectual fitness / strength / hypertrophy".

Get it boyo

Yesterday when I went to the gym and did my deadlifts, I actually was 10lbs lower. But that was by mistake. On the 23rd, I will deadlift 295 for 1 set of 5 as a reminder.

Went to the gym today, did my overhead press of 120 lbs for 3 sets of 5. Did my tricep extensions, pushdowns and bicep curls. Definitely felt a great pump. Oh and before the arm work and after overhead press, I did arnold press, 30 lbs for 2 sets of 10. Definitely feel and am stronger than previous arnold presses, a week ago I believe.

I closed out 15 tabs which I am happy about. The internet went out sometime around 2 am, but I got the 15 tabs closed and am keeping myself accountable by the app forfeit. Happy for me.

Going to start marinating chicken and then I will cook them. Then I will have my meals prepared from today (tuesday not wednesday) to Sunday.

Haven't really ate anything today, other than cucumbers, strawberries and a couple protein bars with a good amount of fiber. So yeah, gotta marinate the chicken, hungry af.

Get it!

So woke up late again, at around 4pm but ya boy hit the gym. I actually met with one of the guys that I would talk to in between sets and that was nice. I need to start preparing to come 5-10 mins earlier to the gym though since I BARELY got my workout done at the end. I did 240 lbs for 3 sets of 5 on squats, and 295 lbs for 1 set of 5 on trap bar deadlift. The squats felt brutal and I was sweating like a bitch but got the work done.

I was cleaning out some tabs on my pc and I had a particular tab opened for a while (years). I remember I had made an entry about this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=uwlP748sKYk back in like Oct 2021. Damn, almost 2 years and I still haven't lose this weight, but I'm happy that I'm taking daily, consistent action. Here's the post where I talked about it: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=22999#p22999

Finished my meal prep here:

I also crossed off 20 tabs on the pc. So I still have more to go and I probably will tally up all the tabs that I've closed on an estimate. Yeah... i'm an information seeker first and an action taker second. This needs to be reversed. This reddit post talks about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/getdisciplined/comments/10ah5jh/advice_do_it_first_improve_it_later_this_is_how/
Ready Aim Fire is what I and most people think, what the correct answer is, Ready Fire Aim.
The sequence is NOT motivation -> action -> results, the CORRECT sequence is action -> results -> motivation