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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

Radical said:
I thought thats just shit lighting

I can't fucking tell. I thought it was body paint but it doesn't look like that when I look at it now...
Congrats on the threesome. That girl is sexy af.

Credit to you guys for leaving a bad situation and finding something better, sounds like it added a lot to your quality of life.

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone approaching girls during the day with their girlfriend either lol. Can't wait til you guys get your first threesome from cold approach. It's going to be an epic story for sure.
Dude I’m fucking excited to hear what happens when you and Imogen start hitting on girls together. That sounds fun as fuck man.
Sorry for totally ignoring yet another impressive threesome, but thumbs up for my compatriot girl from the 100th podcast episode! Keep improving

Also on the other hand, it's always interesting seeing the dating scene from the other side.
KillYourInnerLoser Dude these travel restrictions are pissing me off.

I legit want nothing more than to get a photo shoot done with you dude. That’s the final step right now.

I gotta figure out how to get good photos now. :(.

I have the camera but the time sink of messing with it my self will be unfortunate.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
it's actually getting slightly overwhelming (not enough hours in the day, especially when I'm doing podcasts and working on the 3some guide again...) I’m about to massively put the prices up since demand has been too damn high

Holy fuck, congrats dude! You fucking deserve it though.

I haven't had the time to write a log, but since I found your website in June or so, I read a lot of the articles and lurked on the forums here and there, a lot of shit has changed for me in a good way. Maybe I'll find some time to write it down the next weeks. Basically, when it comes to girls, the redpill stuff doesn't work for me, or it doesn't feel natural, because by nature I am a good guy. I don't want to manipulate anyone or hurt anyone (emotionally lol). Your approach is absolutely unique on the internet, it allows me to get laid and have tons of fun, while I can just stay true to who I am. No bullshit, no morally questionable things and still massively effective. Thanks a lot Andy!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Wrote my first proper-length article in quite a while, poured my heart and soul into it:

If You Don’t Take Yourself Seriously, How Can You Expect Anyone Else to?

Also recorded an audio version of it (available in that link above).


Man that was a very inspiring article, thanks for that. It gives me to think about all sorts of aspects in my life where I'm still not taking myself seriously. Your words hit hard, it's the hard truth. But it is necessary to hear it.
As you said. We only have ONE life. We often forget this thing in our day to day crap with all that shit that's going on. Little dramas, netflix, arguing about absolute pointless shit, thinking about our problems in life, social meda and all that crap that most people seem to forget that all this - ALL this right now that we see, feel, hear, taste, smell is our life. And it's a gift. And it will be over one day. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next month. Maybe in 10 years. Doesn't even matter.
The only thing that matters is: life is unique and short. And we should make the best of it. We should live the life we WANT to live.

Who really wants to be lying on his deathbed only to say "I didn't take myself seriously. I wasted my life and didn't do anything that I really wanted to achieve. I didn't even try."

This is the biggest nightmare I have when thinking about life. No matter if I fail, I need to push to my dreams at all costs. It's okay If you fail in the end, just do all the best you could do and never stop trying. With this way you won't regret anything.

Life is precious.
Andy, as much as we are learning about online dating from you, I am so proud of you finally having the balls to ask for big money for your coaching. It felt like it wasn't long ago you felt really strong resistance asking for money. Great to see the forum owner grow so much, too!
1. Are you the vape god?

2. Can you come back to the message group :S

3. Have you ever fucked a girl while she lays on all your racks, you sickkunt.

4. Are you coming to visit me in Canada this year?

5. Should I get a tat?

6. What's your next tat Idea?


Edit.. I think I need a real question

7. How do you stay organized.

I could imagine with all your calls, jobs you have to travel to, other businesses, physical products, managing VAs etc.. you need to stay very organized.

For someone like myself that struggles with staying organized, do you have any tips or ideas for staying on track and organized?

I use whiteboards, reminders, sticky notes.

Is there anything else like a calender or apps that should be integral in a busy person's life?

Thanks guys! 👊
Gonna get 68 tatted on the bottom of my foot.

Or maybe a sick tat on my chest or a 3/4 sleeve.

Also 1 more question for gravy..

My mom said I don't need a tattoo cause you don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley.

What would you say to that?
Gravy said something in the home biz group about living out of his car while trying to build his biz... I wanna hear that story.

Also how did you learn to think about money in the right way? And what is the right way to think about money?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Gravy said:
"Yo I thought of doing something where a listener gets to submit tattoo ideas and I end up getting the best one out of them"

A fucking train speeding around a mountain carrying tons of gravy and it's all mixed with money and spilling out and shit