Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

2/6 approaches
1700 calories give or take
3#s from old.
7.5 hrs of work.

... Dead tired
...Can't keep up with the messages online.
... Really fun approach session
0/7 I think. Or
2 #s from old.
Mighta missed out on an easy lay last weekend. But w/e.
And one new date setup.
3000 calories (woops)
7.5 hrs of work
Keep forgetting to update this

Last two days:

3 approaches
10 #s from old.
15 hrs of work.

Lotta girls giving their # and then being busy all of a sudden.

I think my intent is wrong on the apps. I'm just kinda doing it out of habit/boredom. Whereas I need to be aggressive AF about getting dates.

Like on the apps to get dates. Not to see who's interested or not. I'm doing everything I can to get dates.
I display low value with the hat. Reverse psychology.

Age wise girls are mostly in college. But the excuses are not school relates.

It's all medical stuff
Thanks Dewm

1/14 finally decent volume.

All instant rejections except 3 that went into a convo
1/2 approaches (smaller session but I enjoyed it cuz girls weren't randomly running off everywhere all the time)
2000 calories.
Hung out with bro

All around good day.
Jan 31
Lay Report

- matched on tinder.
- standard but playful convo.

- met up at coffee place, but it's a place I've never been able to pull from so ikicked myself for scheduling it there.
- she was a bit heavier than her pics but it wasn't really that bad.
- we met up I hugged her and let it linger and she started like rubbing my back. So I actually thought then and there I had a 80% chance of smashing her.
- she lost her wallet and vaxxed card so we went for a walk. -10° so it was orettttty cold.

- movie pull in 40 minutes. No resistance.
- put on some kdrama. Talked for a bit

- put her legs on mine. Arm around her. No resistance.
- made out. And she got hyper into it.
- got ontop of me and made out.
- before I went down on her she told me she had an IUD recently.
- what's interesting here is that I really didn't care if we hooked up or not. So I was just like "do you still want me to go down?" She said "ya".

~ 40 minutes of me going down on her. Took a lot to make her come but I did it.
~ then she gave me the longest BJ I've ever had. Maybe like 60-90 minutes. She had a really pretty face. So we did like 3 different positions of her just blowing me.
~ 40 minutes of her riding me cow girl. She for very very veryy into. Apparently I was hitting a sport no other guy has been able to hit. Nothing intentional I did btw. .

Sex was atleast 3 hours. Idk how much time we spent doing each position. But it lasted pretty long

Talked for maybe an hour afterwards. I didn't mind talking to her. She seemed to like me.

Anyway. End of the date I said:
I know you're looking for something casual but if you wanna hang out again, I'd be down.

She said sure.

... Who knows what will really happen. Tbh I'm indifferent to her plating or not.


Probably makes sense to upload this to my online log. But I'm favoring cold approach this year.

0 approaches.
4 hours of work
~2250 calories
Nice work dude. I don't think I've ever gotten head that long. I think like 10-15 min max. She must really be into it.
Jacobpalmer123 said:
Nice work dude. I don't think I've ever gotten head that long. I think like 10-15 min max. She must really be into it.

Ya I thought she would wanna be flipped over at any moment. But she kept going. She had the cutest face and a tongue ring so I wasn't complaining.
Day Game Date + No Pull

So ya it's been no secret I havent been approaching as much since Tinder took off.

But colgate's success gave me renewed faith in it.

So I approached this girl Sunday. Pretty standard approach. Got into a convo about her books. She was super super receptive the whole approach, texting.

Went to the same coffee place I went to 2 nights ago with a different girl and hooked up.

Pulled with the movie.
She didn't feel.comfortable.
Went for Boba - date ended.

Cute filipina really into fashion (again lol).

Anyway nothing special about the date...

The point is:

It's just showing that focusing more on SMV
and holding more authentic conversations from a confident state seems to be yielding better than everything else I've tried previously.

Kind of crazy to think you can just go all up to a girl and get her to show up to a date later.

If everything goes well. As in I out in the work and follow my plan. This sort of date should not be special or significant in any way shape or form. But for now this date is an early proof concept.

Thanks again to colgate for opening up the world of day game again. Literally if Colgate wasn't going out ther and trying to find who to listen to, I never wouldve had this date.

Just a date. Nothing special. but th fact that this is the first girl from Calgary to come out to a date from 1500-1800 approaches between 2 of my old friends, myself and goldfish . Speaks fucking volumes.

Like that's a shit ton of approach. All the other girls who have come out on dates for me from day game have been visiting tourists.

So ideally. Like I said. If I put in the work and follow the plan this kind of date should be routine.

... Like yes I can get laid on tinder. But this is just cooler imo.

Oh and btw. This is the 30th approach using a different style.... So could be random. Could be I underperformed in the last 30 or I overperformed. But ya this is a good sign nonetheless.
manga, the chosen one, the saviour of calgary, singlehandedly ending the drought of calgary cold approach
goldfish said:
manga, the chosen one, the saviour of calgary, singlehandedly ending the drought of calgary cold approach

Honestly it's just Troy and colgate.

But let's get real. It's just one date and there's still plenty more to do.

Part 1 of 2

- Banged a cute blonde
- Sharing lessons I've learnt from last 2 months

Breaking more rules and getting better results

I've been breaking many dating rules and stuff in Andy's Tinder guide and want to share what's worked

So I'm dividing this into two updates with the first being a lay report and the second being my thoughts

1/2 - Lay report

Bumble chick.
"Wants a relationship"
Very cute - tho a bit heavier than her pics. Nothing too bad tho
Very talkative over text

Date 1

Pretty slow date. Went for coffee and just talked, did not try and pull. Walked her back to her car and made out briefly.

Main things I did differently on this first date
- purposefully did not pull (tho this was more because of time constraints)
- - purposefully projected confidence
- purposefully was myself
- - purposufelly seeded the second date

Date 2

After date 1. She said I was attractive over text. And that she was getting an Uber to out next bar date. Which to me basically meant 'it was on'.

Went to the date. Hasd two drinks. I wanted to pull within 45 minutes but I lost track of time. So I ended up saying let's drink wine at my place 1:15 in. She said "sure". And I immediately left the table to grab the waitress to pay for it. (Thanks for this tip goldfish )


Brought her back and just talked. Poured wine. Talked some more. Now I was very aware of what was going on. I got her to sit closer and escalated slowly purposefully seeing how she was physically responding to each advance.

Arm around her - she gets closer
Rub her shoulder - she does nothing
Put her legs over mine - she does nothing
Start asking about her tattoos and rubbing them gently- she seems to like that.
Start making comments about her cute feet. And gently rub her foot - she likes that.
I show her my feet and rub them with her feet
Then I make out.
She slowly gets more into it. And with every time she seemed to get a bit more into it. I escalated further.
- grab the back of her head
- then rub her breast outside the shirt
- pull her legs closer in
- then rub inside
- pull her on top
- start humping her while making out.

At that point it was game over.

I'm detailing the above to show that I'm beginning to think the slower escalation works better, because you can read the situation better. I think this wouldve helped with goldfish get laid last weekend. That instead of BoyToy's super fast escalation method where you assume you have a timer before she changes her mind. I could be wrong about this and this might not work as well for night game. But with my dates it's been converting.

Anyway the sex itself was vanilla. That being said I really enjoyed it. I think it could better be described as a 2.5 hour makeout session that just happened to have sex in it. It was really fun and intimate. Oddly first girl I couldn't make cum. But she said no guy had ever made her cum. I'll take that as a personal challenge ;)

She texted after saying she was nervous but enjoyed kissing me.

Anyway gonna see her again Monday for Vday.
Part 2 of 2
Above I described a lay report that's entirely different than all my other lays. Now I'm gonna describe things I've been learning

Insights and Experiments

Context: I've been hanging with really experienced guys

I've been off KYIL for awhile. Off the Day Game approaching chat. And instead have mostly been hanging out with guys who get laid a LOT. Like we're talking multiple guys who have more lays than Andy. Some guys in the 200+ lay range, guys who are sleeping with 50+ girls per year. Guys who get 100+ likes on the apps each day without boosting.

Point being they're good.

And whats striking is just how normal these guys are. But they do things very different from what I've seen guys do on this forum. Theyre texting is more natural. They're *usually* plating girls. They have great retention.

These guys are the real deal.

Positive Changes in results

I've started doing a few things differently this year and I've noticed a lot of very positive changes.

3 positive changes
#1 most girls want to see me again
#2 less flaking
#3 girls actually engage with me after day game sessions (albeit small size). And thanks to Colgate and specifically Troy. The Calgary curse is over, and I got a girl from Calgary to come out for a date from day game.

I've been doing 6 things differently.

1 - been purposefully relaxing and being myself on the date and approaches
2 - I've been purposefully projecting confidence (more on this later) whenever I'm around a girl.
3 - I've stopped using Andy's script for the most part.
4 - I've been interacting more genuinely and investing more into each text convo (still going for the dates, but also tryna get to know the girl better before we go)
5 - preferencing bumble more than Tinder. Ya'll are sleeping on bumble. It's been my favorite app lately. Tons of hot girls on there.
6 - I'm not boosting like at all. And I haven't been needing to.

Some of the lessons...

After you pass the Looks Test you need to pass the Confidence Test.

When I was racking up a lot of lays I didn't really care if I came across confident or not, and it works. You can get laid simply by looking good and going for the pull. Reference: I got laid 11x in 2 months not worrying about anything besides having a good profile and pulling.

BUT you lose a lot of girls.
Most girls won't want to see you again.
Attrition is high.

Girls want a confident man in their life.
She has dreams and fantasies about getting a 'great guy' that's been forming ever since she's watched Disney Princess movies. She wants a man in her life. Not some fuckboy. She wants you to look like a fuckboy. But she doesn't want you to act like one. She wants to show you off to her friends.

Ultimately you're supposed to look good and be the confident guy that's the saviour and rock in her turbulent world.

Girls are afraid of going out night.
Driving to parts of downtown with busy traffic.
Pretty much everything. Girls have a latent fear of the world. And the man in her life is basically her safe space. She craves that. She gets turned on by it. She calls it 'great personality' but really all she means is confidence.

Confidence to make it clear just means 2 things.
- youre comfortable being yourself in any environment
- - - you're sure of yourself and what you're doing in that moment. It's an absence of any inkling of doubt or hesitation.

It's purely a mood thing. And you can create it instantly. Just as you can think of embarassing memories that make you feel embarassed in the present moment. You can think of things your proud of, or feel strong about and that make you confident in the present moment.

You still might be giving off needy vibes even tho you think you aren't.

...This is probably more applicable to guys below 20 lays.

The reality is that you're probably are still putting hot girls on a pedestal even tho you know not to.

Probably the worst thing you can do is think to yourself OMG this girls is so hot. And then you forget how awesome you are. Everyone knows to not put girls on the pedestal, yet most guys completely forget all that shit when they see a hot girl. So when they talk to her they become timid. Like you got to remind yourself, she could be the prettiest girl in the world. But she's still not at your level. You need to convince yourself of that as you continue to improve yourself over time.

SMV exists. And there is a subconscious calculation of SMV comparisons everyone makes.

I'm not necessarily talking about that. I'm saying with girls you could get with, you're not, because your still acting needy.

It doesn't matter if you know to not put her on a pedestal. You have to not do it in the exact moment you're talking to her. You can't focus on how hot she is and how lucky you would be to have her. That's unconfident, pedestal, beta-loser guy thinking. She'll pick that up from your micro nuanced behaviours and get turned off.

Instead think about how nervous she is to talk to an awesome guy like you. And how you have more dates than she has and you're not actually that excited about how hot she is. She has to put out to be worth your time. She is lucky to even be in your presence. Your the most confident, option-laden guy she'll meet in a long time. Chris calls it be the Pussy Inspector. You have to think that way. Especially with cute/hot girls.

Andy's guide is good for newbies, but it screens ONS-seeking girls in and retention-seeking girls out

There's a LOT of limitations with his guide.
Feel free to challenge me on this (for real).

Andy's guide is great for getting you laid quickly after building up a good profile.

I have nothing bad to say about his guide for that.

Screening for sex come more from who you are than what you say.

It's like Chris says being a player isn't something you do, it's who you are.

And I finally understand what he means.

It's not a tactic.

Your profile pics do 90% of the work to get you dates. It screens. It communicates value. All that shit.

What you say is the other 10%. That includes Andy's script.

Screening Example
Girl is looking for a cowboy-type guy.

Guy #1 has professionally taken photos of him in a leather jacket in a park, Jean jacket on the street, workout pics, pictures with a dog... Once they match he says he's looking for a cowgirl-type girl.

Guy #2 has photos taken of him, some professional some with an iPhone.... He's got pictures of him riding horses. He's got a picture of him leaning against a fence with a tipped cowboy hat and buttoned down shirt... He says they should grab a drink.

Both look hot and masculine.

... Now this girl is looking for a cowboy. Which guy would the girl be more inclined to go for?

Point being, obviously it's the actual cowboy.

You screen by your pictures. Not by what you say.

Real Life Case Study
Guy I know for laid 8x in 2 weeks. And he looks like a total fuckboy in his pictures. Like he really can't make his profile any more douchy. He doesn't say 'im looking for something casual' he just texts the girl like normal. Makes it sexual when the girl is being sexual. Playful when the girl is being playful. He uses a few standardized openers. And then wings his convos, asking for her #, or snapchat a few messages into the exchange.

He goes on dates and pulls girls back to his car and fucks them 60 minutes into the date.

That girl could've been looking for a relationship, friends with benefits, One night stand, it doesn't matter. She wanted to fuck him. And she did.

Andy's script screens girls out who would normally sleep with you
So bringing it back to Andy's script.

"I'm not looking for anything super serious"

Is actually, in most cases a BAD practice.

It screens out girls who would fuck you. The girl from my last lay report. Would've 100% screened herself out. And I wouldn't have had a fun time pumping her Thursday night. And I wouldn't be seeing her for a 3rd date.

What saying "I'm not looking for anything super serious" actually means is: "don't get your hopes up. I don't want to see you a second time".

So you want a plate? You want retention? Well now your fighting an uphill battle for no good fucking reason by using that line. You think you're screening for sex but you're not. You're screening out the majority of girls who *want* to become your plate. That's right. They want to be your plate. But they know not to because of what you said.

You might outgrow this forum at some point.

KYIL is predominantly geared towards newer guys.

And that's 100% ok.

There are many phases towards mastery, the noob stage is just one of them.

You're usually just about as good as the people you listen to
I'm just saying this as a realization that there are lots of guys out there with 100+ lays. But not too many here (including myself).

So the information you hear from me, is going to be reflective of what stage I'm at. Where as when youre around 20 lays and listening to guys with 150 lays, you pick up more nuanced information. Its really helpful to listen to thos guys because they break down the limitations you had at the newbie phase.

Andy's content is for a specific audience.

I'd still be at a very small lay count if it wasnt for Andy. And that's reflective in that his content is for newer guys.

Andy has over 140 lays. Which is a lot.
But I'm going out and saying his content is (predominantly) geared towards newer guys. So even tho he can give more advanced advice, he sticks to what his audience needs to hear.

you need new mentors as you grow

As you progress you need to diversify who you get advice from.

I don't listen to that cold approach guy I was raving about anymore. I started listening to another guy instead and BANG got a date from day game less than 30 approaches in. Take 1/30 vs. 1/450. Because that's the actual difference. colgate can vouch.

Point being, and this applies to everything in life, you adopt the strengths of your mentors, but you also adopt their weaknesses.

So you need to expand your groups networks and mentors as you mature through an area of life. In this case I'm talking about Dating. But it could be real estate, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, etc.

Longer post but it has a lot of points I think guys on this particular forum need to hear.
I never used Andy's template. Sometimes it blows my mind to see how guys just mindlessly follow it for months (years?) on end. You have unlimited girls to experiment on. Try something else for a change. Like you did.

Where do you find all these advanced guys? I'd have no idea where to even start. But I also believe that at a certain point, you just do these things intuitively. Like sometimes guys will PM me for advice but I have not much to say except "girls like my vibe" or whatever, which is not really helpful.

I was around when old school PUA was a thing and the goal for those guys was always to just imitate "naturals" until you become a natural yourself. Like climbing up a ladder and then throwing the ladder away when you're finished. Not using scripts anymore and just doing this naturally.
Holden said:
Not using scripts anymore and just doing this naturally

Ya that's probably ideal. Learn from the best until you can do it yourself.

I wouldn't even say that the "naturals" are mostly highly experienced guys who gained a feel for the game.

These guys are on a Facebook Mastermind group.
To steal Rags2Bitches's line, there are many ways to skin a cat

Your style should be geared to what you want to get out of dating

Andy doesnt use his own template - because he is only seeking inexperienced girls for him and Immy to teach in a threesome dynamic

I dont use the script tbh and I dont really worry about retention while travelling. Im looking for a girl that will date me a few times over two weeks and then be cool with me fucking off to the next city.

I also want to say here that you dont have to chase lay count and high numbers - it doesn't automatically make you happy