Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Radical said:
You’re going to lie to the girls?

Theres a lot of stuff that works well which is ethically iffy or straight up just wrong imo. The majority of guys who do this shit arent the guys i want to roll with

Chris’ retention guide in general isnt anything id recommend personally. Whether it works or not isnt the issue

At the early stages ya.

But it got me thinking.

I think the line is where continuing to mislead the girl causes unnessecary pain or suffering that's completely avoidable.

So idk how that will play out quite yet. I think this one girl I might have to talk to because she's coming on extremely hard extremely fast.

But end of the day I think I do actually prefer Monogamy over a long stream of fuckbuddies or casual partners.

I went into this getlaid phase allowing myself to change my end goal for girls if I want.

Started with monogamy. Then it went closer to poly and now it closer to mono again.

I just know right now I'm not willing to commit. Cuz there's so much I still want to do within the world of dating.
If you don't have the player/fuckboy/douchebag/rockstar vibe down completely, and you're shooting for retention, you are bound to have girls fall for you eventually. Hell, even if you do, there will be feelings.

Like it or not, sex is tied to emotions. It's unavoidable.

Every single relationship management model needs to deal with this truth.

And the fact is, most girls out there, especially the higher quality ones, are looking for a stable boyfriend. In the dating stage they're often happy to delude themselves into thinking you'll commit at some point. That's when you get the "what are we" question a few months into it.

For me, that question seems to pop up around 6 months of dating. But I never had any problems with being a nice guy or getting friendzoned. I can imagine that for other guys, who still have some of those boyfriendy behaviors, that question comes way sooner.

Especially if you meet up for a marathon sex session and cute date on fucking Valentine's Day, lmao.

And in my case (Vocal Girl as a recent example) girls just screen themselves out. "This isn't going anywhere, I need to move on with my life." Because they know I'm not going to commit, and it's pointless to try. I mean, she saw the photo of two girls at my place drinking champagne, she knew I had a threesome with them that night. She never wanted to do a threesome. Honestly, how can she compete with that? So she left. She knew there was no chance in hell I'd say "okay baby I'll stay exclusively with you from now and stop having those threesomes."

She had a choice: either step up and try to compete with my other girls, or leave. And most girls can't handle the first option for very long.

And throughout all this I never directly communicate my non-monogamous desires to them. Then again, my Instagram stories are fairly obvious. And sometimes I do stupid shit like forget to throw away a condom wrapper that lay on the floor.

Girls might think "this guy is hot" but they're not thinking "I'm going to make him my boyfriend." They might fall in love with me, but they know it's not realistic to go for a monogamous relationship.

During the last threesome I did with Italian Girl before she left the country, she blurted out she loved me during the sex. And she told me again when I saw her one on one. But she knows that 1) she had to leave the country soon anyway and 2) she's always going to be part of a rotation.

Now, did these two girls have hurt feelings at some point? Probably. Did I ever lie to them? No. Did they stick around for 6 months of weekly sex each? Yes.

And did Vocal Girl leave me suddenly because she found another guy who does promise monogamy? Most likely. Will she eventually get bored with him and come back to me? Also very likely.

That's true retention to me. Because it's unrealistic to expect that you'll see girls for much longer than that consistently. At some point, they'll look for monogamy. Either with you, or with someone else.
Holden said:
Especially if you meet up for a marathon sex session and cute date on fucking Valentine's Day, lmao.

Lol ya.

Tbf I was literally trying a new way of retaining girls in where you go full boyfriend dates while keeping fuckboy looks and vibes.

And I was purposefully matching with girls wanting a relationship.

And it seems to work. Gained 2 plates in last 2 weeks.

Retention is a very very new subject to me. But I've been keenly paying attention to the guys who have it so that might be why this is working.

Holden said:
"okay baby I'll stay exclusively with you from now and stop having those threesomes."

I'd wager she thought you would say that in the earlier/mid stages.

Holden said:
That's true retention to me.

At this point I've seen a lot of different successful models.

It comes down to tastes.

Holden said:
If you don't have the player/fuckboy/douchebag/rockstar vibe down completely, and you're shooting for retention, you are bound to have girls fall for you eventually. Hell, even if you do, there will be feelings.

Ya I totally agree with this.

2 pulls
1 BJ
1 New Retained Girl

3pm Date - Scottish chick Pull + Nothing

This was date #2.


Went for coffee.


Deliberately went to a place that closes in an hour. So I could say "Hey you wanna go watch that show we were talking about."

Andddd that's exactly what happened.

Pulled her back. Super easy.


Escalated with her legs on top of mine on the couch. Rubbed her feet.

Went for the kiss
"Uhh no. I have a cold sore. They're contagious"

Didn't know what to do or say. Cuz I realized 100% of my escalation relies on us making out.

Well fuq....

So I kept rubbing her feet then she had to go.
Seeded the date for a later date. Still haven't texted her since.


I was being an idiot by
(1) Not taking full ownership for the escalation and getting laid. I was expecting it to be too easy.
(2) Not setting the mood. So the date was fairly platonic. And so when I pulled I had zero momentum and basically had to start from scratch, not only that I felt more timid because I was thinking, I don't know where she stands on the dtf scale.
(3) Not being a 100% solid on my pull. I was thinking I hope she says yes (embarassing to admit). And I didn't just go into date thinking. Ok let's fuck, I'm gonna fuck her. She wants to fuck me. Let's just get this trivial date out of the way and bang


So honestly Thank God that happened because I took all those lessons and used them 2 hours later on the next date.

7pm date - Taiwanese chick pull + oral sex

3rd date

Picked her up at her apartment.
Now the pain of the last date was fresh. So immediately grabbed her hand and started rubbing it.
Drove to a vegan fast food joint.
Ate food. Talked about stuff.


Pulled within 45 minutes with
"Ok let's go"
"Where are we going?"
"Let's watch those Taiwanese game shows you were talking about."


Since the Korean chick I Vcard too. This was probably the hardest escalations.
I could just tell she wasn't gonna be easy.

We sat down
Put my arm around her
She didn't do anything. Pulled her closer.
Put her legs on top of mine.
Rubbed her feet.
Went for the kiss
... She moved her face away...

Ok fuck.

But I remember something a gay coworker had told me. When they reject your escalation, but wanted everything else, sometimes it just means: I liked everything but that. Try it a different way.

I think Radical said something like that last year on one of Toasts posts.

So anyway. I de escalate. Take a break.
Escalate again. Rub feet, hands, pull closer, go for kiss and this time she does it. But it's lifeless.

De escalate again. Take a break. Run, feet, hands, pull closer, go for kiss, and this time she's actually kissing back with more nwrfy.

But it felt like I had such a small margin for error because she wasn't that into it despite making out with me.

So I put her hand underneath my shirt.
Then her hand behind my head. I put mine around her throat. Do that for a bit. Then go for her boob. Slowly she warms up, and once I felt it was clear. I pull her ontop of me, take her shirt off and run her crotch.

oral sex

Finger banged her. She was bleeding quote a bit. Idk if she even noticed. The blonde girl I was with almost ended the session cuz she didn't realize she was on her period. So I didn't bother saying anything or showing her my hand. Just fingered her really hard and made her cum.

3rd girl in a row to say I'm the first guy to make her come. So that's cool.

I didn't want to put in her because honestly the blood was so much it was kind of grossing me out.

Got a blowjob from her. She's never done one. So I actually had to kind of tell her how to do that.

Thank you to the Sex God book for telling me how to do that. Blowjob was actually pretty good somehow.

I don't think she's had sex with a guy since highschool tbh.


She texted me afterwards that
"You're the only guy I want to see".
Something like that. And wanted to see me the next night. But scheduled our next date for Thursday. Still texting her each day.

- might not keep her tho, sex is bland, and I'm not that into her looks or personality. Plus she's expecting a full on relationship and has given me some flags about being really curious about my income. So ya.



First time sex has been this abundant

Yesterday I had both girls trying to invite themselves over.

I said no. But then I thought about it and realized I wanted to smash the blonde girl. So I texted her saying.

"If you came over now I wouldn't stop you."
She took a shower and then came over an hour later and we fucked for 3 hours again.

Good god. First time I got deepthroat. That shit is unreal. I've heard people say it feels better than vaginal sex. But like seriously it does.

I didn't even ask. She just started doing it.

Afterwards we talked about kinky stuff we wanna do. I'm gonna see if I can arrange a date to Banff and get a BJ on the drive.

Plus we both want to try shower sex and outdoor sex.

Date tomorrow. She's coming straight over after work with her toys. Should be good.

Also got this message on tinder today.
Probably won't go anywhere... But it's just a cool thing, that like wow. Sex is abundant rn.
Never had this before.


Final thoughts

- As much as I like spending time with the blonde chick. I might limit her to the old rule of twice every 10 days maximum.
- I'm not sure why everyone recommends that but the sheer number of guys recommending it is making me think I should do it.

Not the most valuable information filled post. But I'm just doing it to point out retention has been Infinitely better. And honestly just logging for the sake of having a history to look back on
Manganiello said:
- As much as I like spending time with the blonde chick. I might limit her to the old rule of twice every 10 days maximum.
- I'm not sure why everyone recommends that but the sheer number of guys recommending it is making me think I should do it.
See them more often, and they get attached and expect a mono relationship very quickly. Seeing them once per week implies that you're seeing other girls (or that you're busy doing other things in general) and that you're not too desperate to see her.

At some point it will become a necessity too. With the three girls I'm seeing regularly now, with the odd new lay, that's having sex four times per week. That's enough. I don't want to see them more often at that point, or sex starts to feel like a performance I have to do instead of being this fun thing.

See them less often, and there's just a higher chance of them going on other dates and meeting other guys who do promise them monogamy. Most girls are fine with having sex only once a week. But going two weeks without? A new date is only one swipe on Tinder away for them.

If you read my log, the case in point is Vocal Girl. I let my ego get in the way and didn't see her for two weeks, and surprise surprise, suddenly she doesn't want to keep our thing going anymore. A complete 180 from our previous convo when we discussed getting champagne and going to a sex shop together. I'm nearly 100% certain there's just another guy in the picture, and the guy got his chance because I didn't see her for two weeks. If I had, she would've probably just ignored him. And because of the long break, she also had the time rethink her life without being influenced by the happy chemicals she would've gotten had she been with me.

I follow the once-a-week rule religiously because when I don't, shit goes wrong. I was reminded of that very recently.

The only exception btw, is when you need to get to lock-in. So if you had sex with a girl once, schedule the next date as soon as possible. Even the day after. Don't wait a week.


I'm fairly certain that the rule was initially made up so newbies wouldn't get overly excited when they got a new chick and scare her away by constantly trying to see them. But ignore it at your own peril. The rule served me really well over the course of my dating career.
Holden said:
Manganiello said:
- As much as I like spending time with the blonde chick. I might limit her to the old rule of twice every 10 days maximum.
- I'm not sure why everyone recommends that but the sheer number of guys recommending it is making me think I should do it.
See them more often, and they get attached and expect a mono relationship very quickly. Seeing them once per week implies that you're seeing other girls (or that you're busy doing other things in general) and that you're not too desperate to see her.

At some point it will become a necessity too. With the three girls I'm seeing regularly now, with the odd new lay, that's having sex four times per week. That's enough. I don't want to see them more often at that point, or sex starts to feel like a performance I have to do instead of being this fun thing.

See them less often, and there's just a higher chance of them going on other dates and meeting other guys who do promise them monogamy. Most girls are fine with having sex only once a week. But going two weeks without? A new date is only one swipe on Tinder away for them.

If you read my log, the case in point is Vocal Girl. I let my ego get in the way and didn't see her for two weeks, and surprise surprise, suddenly she doesn't want to keep our thing going anymore. A complete 180 from our previous convo when we discussed getting champagne and going to a sex shop together. I'm nearly 100% certain there's just another guy in the picture, and the guy got his chance because I didn't see her for two weeks. If I had, she would've probably just ignored him. And because of the long break, she also had the time rethink her life without being influenced by the happy chemicals she would've gotten had she been with me.

I follow the once-a-week rule religiously because when I don't, shit goes wrong. I was reminded of that very recently.

The only exception btw, is when you need to get to lock-in. So if you had sex with a girl once, schedule the next date as soon as possible. Even the day after. Don't wait a week.


I'm fairly certain that the rule was initially made up so newbies wouldn't get overly excited when they got a new chick and scare her away by constantly trying to see them. But ignore it at your own peril. The rule served me really well over the course of my dating career.

So it seems like the once a week thing is to keep her at balance between seeing other guys and coming on too strongly.

The blonde girl we've seen each other once every 5 days with the exception of the random booty call 2 night ago. And the Taiwanese chick is 5 days. In the back of my mind I knew coming off strongly is bad.

The 2 week thing seems like a bit long. Especially if she was looking for something monogamous and she knows your fucking 2 other girls lol.

Girls have options. Honestly more than we do. But they want to invest more. So they have their own dating challenges. So I think she was just wanting a man in her life, and she liked everything about you, but the non-commitnent.

Both of these girls are super eager to see me all the time. Which is cool. But I think Holden you might be seeing something I just don't have the XP to appreciate yet.

I do know 2 guys in particular who purposefully make their girls fall for them pretty hard and keep the assumption of monogamy going. So it's not like it's the only way. But that way has its consequences as well.

Anyway. Seeing both girls in the next two days. And I might just have to be busy next week to cool them down a bit.
March 20


Been a while since I've done approach.

Pretty much everything about it was hard, and all the old lessons became faint reminders. Like "oh right, I should've talked to the first girl I saw", "Oh I shouldn't think before the approach", "oh I need to pick a good venue again."


Main challenges are just
- going to better venues.
- approaching the first girl I see.
- might need to drop my longtime client and cancel the consultation I have later this week.

--- What I've been up to lately---
- Got a plate.
- Deleted all the apps (except the vegan one)
- finally cleared up my schedule so I have more time after work.

- I'm finding the time constraints from clients, doing sales and the plate and the last 2 girls I'm still texting from online to be eating up time.

2 nights for sales
+ 1 night for the plate
+ 1 night for other girl (aiming 2 lay this week)
+ 1 night for client
+ 1 night for a (new client, possibly)
= 7 nights lost?

So even tho my work schedule is cleared up I might lose time on everything else.

My original plan was to have 1 day occupied by sales and then seeing the plate after. And then having Sunday as the do everything else...

But I feel like this won't work.
And I might need to start dropping commitments.
Manganiello said:
Pretty much everything about it was hard, and all the old lessons became faint reminders. Like "oh right, I should've talked to the first girl I saw", "Oh I shouldn't think before the approach", "oh I need to pick a good venue again."
Yea, classic. It's like a muscle, but if you've been approaching consistently in the past you got that muscle memory and will get back into it quickly.
Paw said:
Manganiello said:
Pretty much everything about it was hard, and all the old lessons became faint reminders. Like "oh right, I should've talked to the first girl I saw", "Oh I shouldn't think before the approach", "oh I need to pick a good venue again."
Yea, classic. It's like a muscle, but if you've been approaching consistently in the past you got that muscle memory and will get back into it quickly.

Ya it's definitely easier than the first approaches ever, but it's funny how I thought today 'Ill just get 15 in today, should be pretty straight forward'... And then it's not.

But I've been in this situation a few times. So I just got to worry about doing hard approaches, being ballsy and getting my volume up. A lot of things get easier after that.

Third date with Korean girl from Bumble.


Girl comes straight to my place. Very deliberate escalation that resulted in me sucking her tit and a tiny bit of crotch rubbing but couldn't get past that. She liked it despite not wanting to go the full way. She invited me to her place this Sunday.


I've deleted the apps so there's literally just this girl, the plate and one other girl I have yet to meet up with.

I've noticed myself a lot more cautious of burning the bridge because of the lower volume vs. the extremely high volume I had Sept/Oct.

Pretty results focused on this date.
Was expecting a harder escalation (because she's Asian) and was planning around that.

What happened

Invited girl straight over for food.
Talked for an hour and then watched Love is Blind.
Did standard escalation.
To my surprise as soon as we kissed she started pulling me in and hopped on my lap.

I thought "Ok this will probably go through".

Kissed more. Grabbing her tit, flipped her on her back.
Kissed more.
Lifted her shirt up.
Pushed her bra to the side.
She said it wouldn't work because it's a sports bra (that comment felt out of place to me mid-escalation)
Sucked on her tit.
She started moaning a lot.
Then went back to make out.
Went back down on her tit.
Put my hand on her crotch.
She pushed it away: "I don't think tonight"
'ya that's fine' I ignored it and started make out more.
Then I went for her tit again and started rubbing it. She kept moaning.
Then made out..she pulled her shirt down.
she said something like "We have very different libido levels. Yours is very strong."

And made it seemed like she was done going beyond the makeouts.

Weird I thought.

Anyway we cuddled and kissed for a long time after that. I kept feeling up her tit.

And more or less ended like that with her sitting on top of me and making out with me intermittently.


--- Ok, wow. Now that I wrote that. I'm seeing I wasn't as persistent as I thought. ---

I think I was listening to her responses well, but giving her resistance to much weight. Like obviously I wouldn't cross a line. But I think I was taking her objections too literal.

Like I should've kept making out, and then re-escalated in a different position. With her laying on top of me or something. Played with her nipples, and then put her hand on my crotch.

There might have been no way to make this convert this one night. But I'm just seeing things I missed.

Next time

- I should ask her what she likes with sex. And use those hot buttons (being choked, being on top, being underneath, being dominated, etc.) as information to aid in the initial escalation.
- Should put her hand on my crotch first.
- Should investigate of she has hangups about sex. As in if she's worried I'll just fuck her and leave. That was an issue with the Taiwanese chick. And I noticed she kept asking me if I would move to Vancouver (like she was seeing if this would last), and I don't think I said enough to ease that concern of hers. Or even just be upfront with her. Cuz I feel like theres some inherent distrust here. On her end and mine tbh. And it's kind of annoying to be playing around it.

And the bigger point. I need to incorporate sexuality into my vibe as a whole. Where sex and being sexual is an ongoing subbtext to every interaction. Because sometimes it feels like I surprise girls with an escalation when Im doing this slower method (not going for a first date lay). And even tho its worked, I'm relying on the girl to be DTF, and not taking enough control to warm her up and have her expect it.
March 26

Phones about to die. So this will be a quick one.

0/3 cold approach. Slowly crawling out of low volume hell. No convos at all. Hyper unresponsive girls.

Fucked the plate this morning. Dunno why even bother mentioning this.

Had a date later tonight but she rescheduled (for the 3rd time, she didn't like my indifferent text back after she cancelled again).

And I'll be seeing the Korean I couldn't close the deal on tomorrow.
March 27/28

Date #4 - 4+ hrs of making out + HJ

So this is the Korean girl. I love Koreans.

This is the hottest girl I've been with since my day game lay on July 4th last year.

Def. Hottest girl from online.

5'2" Nice ass. Nice tits. Nice face. Like everything.

Anyway so this was attempt #2 for the lay.

She came over to my place a few days ago and I cooked her some food, watched some TV and escalated but couldn't past just sucking her tits.

Last Night

This time I went to her place. She cooked me Korean food (which was actually really good).

I brought over some ciders to help her get drunk, and she purposely got drunk to calm her nerves (she admitted after).

Ate the food and just grabbed each other's hands and just sat talking with each for a bit like that.

Then I invited her to the couch and just started kissing.

Long make out. Pretty gradual escalation.
Eventually I got her on top of me with her shirt off and moaning as I sucked on her neck.

Then she was like 'Im on my period'.

Farkkk. But I just said ok that's fine.

She was like very very wet. Wasn't able to get my finder in her, but her panties were wet.

Anyway she was like getting sexually frustrated, because we were basically doing everything with a lot of intensity, except for actual literal sex.

Andy talked about this actually. Like having a night where you do everything but have sex. It's hot af.

We went to the bed to just cuddle and fall asleep, but that ended up escalating too. Not even intentional. We were slowly going to sleep then she just started rubbing me, than doing it more and more and more, she got turned on. And then she pulled my dick out and started jerking it.

+Which was funny cuz she was trying to hold herself back the previous 2 hours.

Couldn't cum that time but the handjob was great.

This Morning

Then this morning we both woke up at 4am and grinded hardcore/made out til 6am. I started like aggressively groping her tits. She pulled my dick out again and I exploded on her stomach.


This was the most turned on I've been with a girl ever.

No D in the V. But honestly this was the funnest 'sex' session I've ever had.

Probably gonna see her Thursday and go for the full shebang.

She said no guy has ever made her cum, but I've heard that a million times already. In fact last 3 girls said they've never came during sex, but did anyway.

Getting good at fingering makes a really big difference btw.

Have a date with the blonde girl, but I am thinking of dropping ber tho. She's just really time consuming. And I find her to be boring actually.

No fault of her own. Just not feeling it with her.
That's hot
Manganiello said:
Then she was like 'Im on my period'.
Manganiello said:
Anyway she was like getting sexually frustrated, because we were basically doing everything with a lot of intensity, except for actual literal sex.
Did she told you she didn't want penetrative sex?
Her being on her period doesn't necessarily mean that penetration is not possible.
Some girls don't feel comfortable to do it or it hurts them, but if you reassure them that you don't mind some possible red/brown colors or some smell and put a towel underneath a lot of girls are okay with having sex during their period.
NICE man. Koreans are the absolute fucking hottest. Don't know if you can get fruit soju up in Canada, but load up on it if you haven't, the girls love that shit ;)
Aku said:
That's hot
Manganiello said:
Then she was like 'Im on my period'.
Manganiello said:
Anyway she was like getting sexually frustrated, because we were basically doing everything with a lot of intensity, except for actual literal sex.
Did she told you she didn't want penetrative sex?
Her being on her period doesn't necessarily mean that penetration is not possible.
Some girls don't feel comfortable to do it or it hurts them, but if you reassure them that you don't mind some possible red/brown colors or some smell and put a towel underneath a lot of girls are okay with having sex during their period.

Ya I didn't talk about it in this thread, but we had the whole period talk.

She asked how does that work?
Do you like it?

Got to the point where last morning she basically said she'd grab a towel, but she would want to take a shower first.

There wasn't enough time.
I already came at that point.
lacroix said:
NICE man. Koreans are the absolute fucking hottest. Don't know if you can get fruit soju up in Canada, but load up on it if you haven't, the girls love that shit ;)

Ya man Koreans are the hottest. Honestly.

Cool I'll check that out.

I've been buy ciders, which have been doing the trick. But that's an even better idea.
Manganiello said:
I already came at that point.

Quick tip, score some fenugreek and take 5 pills before you're going to meet a chick. It helps with the refractory period (among other things.)
Holden said:
Manganiello said:
I already came at that point.

Quick tip, score some fenugreek and take 5 pills before you're going to meet a chick. It helps with the refractory period (among other things.)

Ok nice. Never heard about it.

I don't think my refractory period is bad. At all actually. But the testosterone effects look pretty promising thanks for the suggestion.

Oh and for context she was talking about taking a shower 30 minutes before I had to leave for work.

We were already going at it again 20 minutes after she made me come.
April 1-3

Full lay with the Korean.

She invited me to her place Thursday night. We went out for some food. Came back and got busy on the bed.

I went to finger her, and it was too much that she had to stop, but I ended up putting it in her and fucked her for a bit.

Friday morning we fucked for a little bit and she invited me back that night.

Came over around 8pm, we watched Pachinko, I took some Cialis, and pounded her for maybe 60 minutes.

Didn't cum but she ended up getting tired.
Next morning (Saturday) fucked her again.

Then we went for a coffee (which was actually really nice) talked about life.

blonde girl

And then I went home, showered, met up with the blonde girl. Went to a house party, got pretty drunk, slept over at the place, the host left a condom in our room, and I fucked her today (Sunday) morning.

Arranged to see the Korean girl again tonight.


So that's it.

2 plates. Lots of sex this weekend. Cialis definitely helped.


Thoughts about rotations

I know I had a goal somewhere about having a rotation of three girls (but honestly, I'm not sure how much I want that rn, 2 girls are time consuming as it is).

I'm probably gonna break off with the blonde girl this week. No fault of her own, but seeing her with the Korean girl really put into perspective what I like.

Starting to learn what kind of girls I like

I think with the blonde chick, I like how submissive and chill she is.

The Korean just has similar values, well travelled, ambitious, into personal development, self-reflective and as weird as it sounds, I like that she was this hot Asian chick that was sleeping with other guys in university.

She was showing me her Instagram yesterday, and I was like Holy fuck this girl is so hot when she puts in the effort. She doesn't put on as much makeup now, which I know some guys like, but this is a bit of a con to me.

But besides the look I like, I just like how well put together she is I guess. Where as the blonde seems like she's just living life on autopilot.


Life is good, but discontent

Im writing this a few blocks from my apartment in a really nice cafe. And it's kind of hitting me, how this is pretty much the life I wanted.

But it's striking how discontent I am.

Im still not regularly hooking up with hotties.

That's only comeing from cold approach and putting serious mileage into my body goals.

So there's still a lot of work to do.

And then after that, I'm feeling a distinct and strong urge, to go hard into my career/professional life.

But it's very clear to me I want to have more fun, and there's a lot more work to do before I switch gears away from Dating.

Plus Korea is still a cool idea, and the fact that Toast is going to Japan, literally tomorrow is really motivating to.

Life's good.
But there's so much more I have to do.

I need to suffer some more and sow the seeds for the future. It's cliched but honestly I need to not coast.