Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Ok so.

Should update this.

Nothing really grand to say here. Even tho I feel great.

I did the entire mental reset I had been working on for the last month..

Ending with new goals, a lot more peace and wayyy more clarity about what I want.

This week is the week of "DONT FUCK THIS UP."

I spent so much time journaling and now that I have goals Im eager to go but I need to start in the right way. So this week will be catching up on my negative sleep first and then making sure the pieces are set in motion and then hit the road.

I don't want to be flashy. Because honestly flashy goals are the first sign my goals are bad disingenuine goals. My biggest dreams I almost always wanna keep secret. For whatever reason. Maybe they're too personal, or publically "wrong", to admit.

Anyway idk. How much I'll go into detail. Not that I'm trying to be secretive. I'm just trying to avoid the counterproductive dopamine rush I get from announcing my goals to the world.

The big thing is that I have a better idea of what I'm trying to accomplish but more importantly, almost, how I want to do it.

Anyway. Bed time. Gotta get a taxi home and wake up in 6 hours.
June 11

So as a note to colgate's awesome post about Japan and seeing the side to east Asia that most of us will never see or understand.

So yesterday I installed all the apps. Given that the community in Korea for dating seems to consist of non-serious intermediates to legendary retirees. Getting advice on how to do what has been scant.

So yesterday I installed all the apps.

Taking the lead bullets vs silver bullet approach.

I know I do well in Bumble. But I was always concerned about running out of chicks or hitting a wall like lacroix has.

So I was trying actual Korean apps to see if I could make a go of it.

Here's what Ibe found.

Bumble is great. Full of girls who are pursuiting you. They have international tastes.

The Korean apps. Are fully in Korean. Names are in Korean bios are Korean. And full of Koreans trying to find other Koreans. They're tastes are Korean.

Korean tastes IS NOT the same as the west. Going masculine in your look can actually be bad. Beard is bad. Muscles bad. Tattoos bad.

A rugged jacked tatted up fuckboy would have a rude awakening on these apps. He would score fucking low as fuck and get nothing but trash matches.

So about 30-40 swipes gives like 9 matches maybe? Which is higher than normal tbh.

So here's the results and the quality.
Just notice that on every single one of these girls they either already have white friends (which is rare af). Or have pictures of them in Europe or North America.

They're western leaning Koreans.

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We go to Korean apps.

I score low, but still get some matches and the occasional hot chick. Much worse overall. But not terrible.

This is 5.88/10

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And for tinder.

Its for girls.

There's a 1:3 ratio girls to boys for Tinder back in North America.
But Korea really got fucked on this one.
It's 1:28 girls to boys. Totally useless as a guy. Even a good looking guy.


Either way I think I'll do ok. For now.

Problem is how deep is the pool in Seoul. Do I just run out of chicks?

And even if I didnt how quality all these chicks. The girls on bumble are several steps below average. Yea Koreans are hotter in general. But still, you're walking around the street and seeing the disparity.

So question is how can I find them.

And it seems like 1. Language exchange apps. To get the girls who don't use dating apps. Which some guys swear by.

Or 2. Cold approach like lacroix .

I'll probably end up cold approaching. But right now I want momentum. So I need to establish a problem that's comes from having rooo much volume and work my way from there.

I've been here for 5 months. But I've had 2 dates. Just haven't tried. For reasons talked about earlier.

But now that I'm back. I might've been good in Calgary. But this is a different culture, theres entirely new dynamics in dating, and the bonus of being good looking might become mute as the main differentiation I have is just being white (maybe).

So will see how this plays out.

I just need to get my brain back to take this seriously again and go hard. That's really my only goal this week.

Get back to a serious level, go hard, rampage, and have fun while doing it.
June 11 ... part 2

Day Game: 1/1
Bumble: 2/6
Hinge: 0/3
Meef: 0/2
Glam: 0/0

Might get more. Will edit if I do.


So went 1/1 on an approach.

Super sweet shy girl. the kind of feminine you dream about. Anyway took forever to approach.

Mr. La Croix seems to do well with a structure of Cold Approach that Japanese coaches AND Korean coaches advise against. Which is pretty enlightening.

Probably without knowing. He seems to do approaches similar to mine back in Canada. Or atleast what I was trying to build my approaches up to be. After I was past the Voldemort phase.


Bumble seems the best.
And I bought premium lifetime. So I can only show my profile on girls I swipe on. Which is great because I can control the flow of leads...

But there is a part of me that wants to burn through Bumble so I have to get good at approach.

For the time being I wanna get dates and smash.

The all apps all at once approach to online is sorting itself out. Think for the time I gotta go for western-leaning girls. Because the online apps in Korean seem like total money grabs. Imagine an app where you can like 5 girls per hour. Then if you get a match you can open the convo once per week. or give us $100 and youre good for a month.

And then the one Korean chick j am talking to on there. Has such a low English level idk how the fuck I would do the date. Unless we translate all the way back to my place...

Which might be worth it 😈


Went out drinking with 2 community guys in Korea. Just wanted to build bigger connections with guys here. Didn't game at night. Glad I didn't too because the one guy spent 4 hours with 2 girls that night
June 12

Bumble: 2/7
Hinge: 0/1
Other apps: 0/0

1 new date lined up.


Now that I think about it 9 chicks isn't a lot.
But they talk up a storm some of them.
I'm sure there's a better way to do this.

Just felt like my whole day after work went to messaging.

And only 1 of the 5 contacts I got last 2 days seems good.

I mean it's all kinda familiar what I'm doing. OLD isn't new. But it does feel different using Bumble primarily vs tinder.


I think I need to be more deliberate on getting dates lined up. There is a difference.

I talk to girls way more casually and my responses are less direct, slower when I don't care. When I want dates I'm on the ball with it.

So ya I was busy today...
But if I want dates I need to be deliberate.
June 13

4/1 Bumble
0 new dates lined up.

Got 4 new contacts despite only betting one new match.

Will see the contacts drop off probably for a few days and then pick up again.

.. I need to sort date logistics stuff tho

Time Starved

Have no time to do anything.

Spent 2 hours scouring venues near my place. Nothing stands out unfortunately.

Bars are either crazy experience or I have to do cafe dates.

Idk. I'll figure it out .

It's just in the mean time I cant keep up with leads or talk to new girls or do the stuff I'm supposed. To do.

I have to be at work in 8 hours, and I have a long list of things I have to do including sleep.

It's frustrating.

But oh well.
June 14

1 new smash
2 new dates lined up
2 new contacts
0 swiping


lay report

Show up.

Normal convo, at a cool but expensive AF cocktail place near my house.

Regular date. Just focused on
1. Being a normal dude
2. Slight but not explicit sexual vibe
3. Digging deep into her insecurities and accepting her

Anyway date ran 90 minutes.
I screwed up the pre-seed pull, so I had no excuse to pull back. I just said. Ya I want another drink, but this place is expensive.

She said well I have lots of cheap drinks at home, but we can't go there.


MY sister lives there too.

(My thought: it's fucking on)

Oh, ok. Well I live close. We can just go there. But let's pickup some beers first.

Anyway. It worked. Came home. Put on a show.

Typical escalation.

Get close.
Make out.

She deflects and says she's not ready.


I wait 50 minutes ( too long ).
Missing many chances to escalate cuz I was bitching out.

Anyway I just think now or never. Makeout again. She goes for it.

I escalate in a way that matches her breathing.

She gets super into it. And then says:

"Btw. We're not having sex tonight".

Ya that's fine.



You don't want it?

I do but whatever.
... 10 minutes later ...
Do you have a condom?

I just kept making out. Doing exactly what I would've done anyway. get grindy.

Thing is. She reminded me of my ex. So I just knew she didn't really mean it.

Anyway smashed well for an hour or so.
Exploded on her face.

Wrecked my sheets and pillow.


And now I have dirty sheets for tomorrow's date (if she pulls).


That's it.

I just wanted to push myself.

This is literally the first date I've had where I tried to smash a field for over a year. So good to know I still have it. And have it in a foreign country.

+1 for Korea, bitches.


Ok there might be a legit problem. She lives literally. Literally. Literally 3 minutes walk away. All the best date venues walk by her place....

So good Fb. Or maybe not. I'm just gonna be very honest with her about this not going anywhere. And tbh I have no care to retain or not.
Manganiello said:
June 14
1 new smash

Hip hip, hoorah! Now the floodgates have opened.

I imagine the whole date was in Korean? If so, that's fucking sik. Mad respect.
let's fucking go club asia!!!
June 15
Date + No Pull

Bumble 0/3
Hinge 1/1

0 new dates scheduled.

date report

Not much to say.
African-born, ethnic Korean. Super interesting accent.

Anyway she spoke perfect English, as well.
But there was no vibe. She drove out to see me. Said she couldn't drink

She didn't want to do anything after, nor was I thrilled about her extra weight from her pics.

So date ended.
No interest to see her again.


Just glad I can catch up on sleep. Think I've been running 5 hours of sleep for 5 nights in a row now.

So it's nice to have a quiet evening actually.

Date front... Hmm nothing new. Still texting the girl I slept with yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if she plates.

I mean she literally lives 3 minutes (maybe even 2 minutes away). Like convenient as fuck.


Not much to report. Had a busy last few days so barely even swiped. Will probably hit a slow period for dates in the near future.


Akilles7 lol well we'll see how it goes. I'm getting dates but idk if Bumble is a bottomless pit or not.

She spoke amazing English.

colgate, let's make KYIL the Asia-focused forum haha.

MakingAComeback, ya totally man. Something switched on last week. And I'm hungry again.

Maybe I'll get 50 here. But lay count was never my main goal.
Manganiello said:
Date front... Hmm nothing new. Still texting the girl I slept with yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if she plates.

I mean she literally lives 3 minutes (maybe even 2 minutes away). Like convenient as fuck.

I'd keep her around. The past two years have really proven to me that having access to consistent sex, even if the chick isn't anything to cry home about, is vital to our mental health and overall wellbeing as men. Women can do without it because the game is skewed in their favour anyway. Moreover, other chicks can just smell the fact that you get laid. Makes getting more lays easier. Establish a base and then build up from there.
June 16

Date + no pull
1 direct to sex setup
1 date setup
2 new contacts

Date no pull

Cute girl.
One of the girls whose cuter than her pics show.

4 hour long date...

This was a very Korean girl. Her English was excellent, simply because her education.

Felt like everything about her was totally korean. And not some western-leaning chick.

Date went to a bar.
Got pizza and drinks. She was slow to open up. She asked me point blank questions:

"How many girls have you dated since coming here? How come you've only seen them once?"

I gave the real answer, which was fine. But it got me thinking "Ok maybe an aggressive pull won't work here".

But then she said, "I assume you go on a lot of dates."

And I'd think wait. Maybe she's expecting a pull?

The next 4 hours and 2 venues, was basically alternating between just being curious about her and in a 'nice chat' and me trying to slowly bring up the energy and vibe to a point where I could pull, and then thinking 'no that's a bad idea's.

I think what caught me off guard was her life and her aspirations were so alien to me. She works a job she hates, many many hours, but she does it because it's a good career move. She was quite boring, but I think it's because work wears her down.

Long story short.

In my head. Didn't know what to do with this girl. And the date raised a lot of questions.


- How do I run a date with this kind of girl?
- Or, should I just have a standard date procedure I don't break from?
- Just even a larger question. How should I setup my dates here? Feels like a great cosmic question..


Direct to Hotel Fuck Scheduled.

So this was a really funny. During the walk to work. Matched a chick on tinder.

And she basically said she's inviting 5 guys over to bang her Tuesday night. One by one.

And she wanted me to join.

Lol no idea how this will go..

And won't be surprised if it's a last minute cancel... But then again she did book the hotel.. lol so

But it will be a story regardless, and a further break from the matrix. So I'm in.

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Logistics venting

Ehh. There's some girls I know I could get out, but because I live in a boring part of Seoul. They're not interested. The bar itself can work. Because it's a wicked cool bar (pricey as fuck). But the owners are cool and actually I would go there by myself.

I just know if I lived in one of the popular areas. Hongdae, Gangnam, Hapjeong, Apgujeongrodeo, I would not have a problem with that.

I've considered renting there. But budget is tight. And it would mean I'm renting 2 places at once lol.


Akilles7 totally agree bro. But I need to fuckin fire my reps of dates off. I've been in hibernation for over a year.



The more I think about it. This date was a failure in leadership.

Talking to some other guys in Korea. It makes sense. Just failing to frame myself well and lead.

I don't know exactly how to fix that rn. But that is an issue.
June 16th

Some thoughts

So I'm lacking a lot in my current dating setup.

Legitimate Leadership

I'm lacking legit leadership on my dates.
Not owning the fact I'm trying to fuck a girl. Waiting for signs. Not pushing the girl into a more sexual tone. Even if it's subtle.

I need to pull and own that I'm thinking about sex and looking to fuck now. Not later.

Legitimately cool date spots

I don't live in a happening area anymore. And I know some cool date venues but they're fucking far.

There's some cool places 20 minutes away. But not 10 minutes away. Besides 2 ok bars.

It sucks cuz I'm out in Hongdae rn (area of Seoul) and I'm just thinking my god. There's soooo many fun and cool date venues here. Everything is exciting in Hongdae. Where I love is boring as fuck

So options seem to be
1) Rent a 2nd place in Hongdae (seriously expensive)
2) Find a 2 venue model where it means as we move places we get closer to where I'm situated. Gayang > Deongchon > Home
3) Convince myself actually that there's some fun date places near my place. It'll never be like a Hongdae place, but it is still cool.


So many lessons. But I need to quickly get mysf back to where I was a yearish ago. So I need to slam my calendar full of dates and quickly problem solve, and not accept/tolerate obstacles.
does korea have hotels with hourly rates? idk korea but it seems like that could be another option to consider if you don't mind blowing $20-30 every time you pull. would be a better alternative to renting a 2nd place maybe (unless you think you can get like 30 lays in a month lmfao)
Manganiello said:
3) Convince myself actually that there's some fun date places near my place. It'll never be like a Hongdae place, but it is still cool.

You don't need some stellar date venue for success.

I literally take girls to the local mini-park sometimes and pull from there.

I used to live in the hood in Oakland, I would take girls to the closest non-shitty bar downtown and then Uber to my spot.

Once you create a bubble between you and her, the venue doesn't matter.
June 17

So fucking tired.

1 new date setup.

Went out.

My wing smashed.

I got stuck with the 2nd girl who was NOT down.

Man.. this is like a kick to the nuts for failing to have killer instinct. I run a date where I escalate and get laid or I don't. I go at night to meet chicks or I don't.

I'm really not happy with how this last week went

."But Manganeillo your just starting again"

Ya dont give a fuck. Lacking killer instinct is unacceptable.

The chick that slammed the other guy was equally interested in me. I just didn't do anything with it.

And he was pretty smooth with it

Just hung around her a bit. Got close. And pulled. Simple as that.
He has logistics. I didn't.
He went for it. I didn't.

That would've been my hottest lay ever.

I got stuck with the girls friend who was not down whatsoever.

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But man. What a lesson. Wish I could start this week over.


And then this chick who invited me out to Itaewon yesterday... Tried to get her out tobight. But in doing so I found out my good friend Jack had smashed her with a client lol while he was coaching his client on how to pick up girls ...

Shits. Wild in Korea. Guys are getting 15+ lays a month when they go hard. I think honestly I could be in that camp. Just need the righ logstics and date setup

Sorry every guy who posted ont hsi thread. It's 7:45am and I just got home. Will read later.


And tbh. I think all of us could get laid a lot more if we dropped the personal development and just prioritizing getting girls back home.
Manganiello said:
And tbh. I think all of us could get laid a lot more if we dropped the personal development and just prioritizing getting girls back home

But what about meditating 30 minutes, reading 10 pages of a self-help book, eating a balanced diet, and drinking 2 gallons of water every single day? I'm a virgin but I feel those things are important.

pancakemouse said:
You don't need some stellar date venue for success.

I was gonna say the same and refwrence some of my lays. But both Colgate and SpiderJerusalem have shown us that Asian countries might need different approaches.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Manganiello said:
And tbh. I think all of us could get laid a lot more if we dropped the personal development and just prioritizing getting girls back home

But what about meditating 30 minutes, reading 10 pages of a self-help book, eating a balanced diet, and drinking 2 gallons of water every single day? I'm a virgin but I feel those things are important.

pancakemouse said:
You don't need some stellar date venue for success.

I was gonna say the same and refwrence some of my lays. But both Colgate and SpiderJerusalem have shown us that Asian countries might need different approaches.

You don't even get up at 4:30am, do semen retention, and visualize your success while taking an ice cold shower every day? No wonder you're a virgin

Manganiello said:
And then this chick who invited me out to Itaewon yesterday... Tried to get her out tobight. But in doing so I found out my good friend Jack had smashed her with a client lol while he was coaching his client on how to pick up girls ...

Small world

Manganiello said:
Just hung around her a bit. Got close. And pulled. Simple as that.

Yeah the most important part probably is just going for it. The hard part is finding that girl who's willing