Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Manganiello said:
100% agree with everything.

I think I reached that point. Found a girl I liked. But ya probably should've waited. Ideally, but it was from a place of (alright I'm tired of ramming randoms).

Unfortunately I feel like the conversation made it more complicated.

(#1) because it wasn't a clear yes or a clear no. Now it feels like I have to dance around this idea of being more of a boyfriend but not investing like one. Because shes on the fence.

It's like for the frame to be in my favor. I have to be less invested, especially if she's cautious.

(#2) because I told her what I wanted from quite a strong frame. She said "yes" even tho she wasn't 100% sure about it. And that makes it complicated because for me to bring it up again. I lose frame in asking her a relationship-y question twice about where she stands. And again have to force her to decide, acting slightly more needy by bringing it up again.

(#3) I close the options to other girls (like u said) in favor of a maybe girl.

Something I picked on here, I think you misunderstand what frame is. So a lot of people in the community think of it as a life bar that goes down when you fail a shit test or say something stupid. The reality of frame is that it's who you are and how you perceive the world. If you are acting congruent with your frame then you can never lose it. I know in pick up, they talk about the frame of the interaction and how to hold frame. This is for people that haven't reached self actualization yet. If you were coming from a place that is genuinely you (note, when you're attractive and not unattractive, e.g. not a fat lazy cheato covered neckbeard), you can never lose frame.

Another way to put it, is if you play D&D and you constantly try to figure out what would your character do if they are different from you. That's an extra level of thinking and kind of what pick up artists/redpill beginners & intermediates are doing. If you are actually the things you project yourself as and you gunienly view the world through your lens, frame is always there you don't have to think about it. What would my character do?, becomes what do I want? Anything outside of your frame is either amusing, intriguing or funny. If a girl tells you you don't get any bitches, if you do infact get loads of bitches, her little out burst is funny. If you get defensive, then you probably don't get aforementioned bitches and your frame is that you believe her and are embarrassed by your lack of bitches.

So I think your problem is actually quite easy to solve. What do you want? Then decide if an action takes you closer or further away from that goal. If you are making decisions that take you away from what you want, then maybe you don't really want it after all.
Just some thoughts on the situation. Could just be projecting due to my own experience but this is how I'm reading it.

You both seem avoidant af. She's not committing because she's scared of getting cheated on again, and because of her hesitancy you're now scared of committing. This 3 month thing is bullshit. It's like when you see a couple "taking a break". They're not taking a break, one of them just wants to fuck someone new and they don't want to lose the other person. She suggested 3 months so she can try out the relationship but if it doesn't work out then she has an out and won't feel too bad. She wants to have the good parts of the relationship but isn't ready to face the dark side if it goes bad. So she's not committing out of fear. She can't commit fully because she's scared of getting hurt again. Have you had any deep emotional chats with her? Are one or both of you able to open up to each other? Because if you haven't had any chats like that yet, then it's a bit of a warning sign tbh. You'll have a great time together and it'll seem to go well, but it's all surface level and won't have any real emotional depth or trust.

And you as well. "And she needs to do the same. I see potential here. But if she doesn't, her cautiousness or even trust issues, is enough for me to back off a bit and find other chicks." It sounds like you're looking for the "perfect girl" where she'll tick all the boxes and you'll never have a disagreement. If you have a fight, you'll say "she's not the one", you'll break up and move on to more girls. Hate to say it, but there is no perfect girl. If you want a girlfriend, then you have to choose a girl you like. And you're willing to stick to and make it work together. After the honeymoon phase wears off, then you'll start to wonder if she's really the one for you or not because you've lost the rush of hormones and now you have to stick around and make it work or you'll just find a new girl. The cycle will repeat and you'll have a string of girlfriends who only last as long as the novelty does. You'll never have a fulfilling relationship with depth and trust if your backup to any disagreement or boredom is breaking up and finding new girls.

The good news is that these issues can be overcome. It will take some time and be quite uncomfortable, but progress will happen very quickly once you get started. Happy to dive into more details if this is actually the situation. But the tldr is that you'll have to open up and honest chats with her, about what you want from a relationship and what she wants too. It's a new level of vulnerability and trust. you both have to commit to making an effort to fix any problems FIRST, before breaking up. Breaking up can't be your first option, and this 3 month thing is a warning sign. A good place will be telling her what you wrote here, you were keen to cuff her since she ticked a lot of your boxes. But now you're a bit hesitant because she's hesitant. Ask her why she's hesitant. Tell her how you feel about that. See what she thinks... etc etc You'll have to lead with it, but you'll both be so much better off for it.

I don't have all the details so I'm probably quite wrong about this. But if I'm right then I hope this was helpful. I was in a similar situation and don't want anyone to repeat my mistakes. It sucks and is a huge waste of your life
jackBruh thank you for this response.

jackBruh said:
She wants to have the good parts of the relationship but isn't ready to face the dark side if it goes bad. So she's not committing out of fear. She can't commit fully because she's scared of getting hurt again.

This is entirely possible. In fact it's probably more possible than not.

Since the last convo she's been different. Her behaviour totally changed. She initiated texting me. (Shes never done that b4). She said she wants me to call her (also a first). And today we went to a beach town.

It feels amazing to be out here. I got a pretty nice airbnb with a view of the city and the beach. We banged as soon as we got in.

She bought some crab to eat on the beach.
Came back and she just starts blowing me as I'm laying on the bed.

It's great...

But I had what you read in the back of my mind.

jackBruh said:
Have you had any deep emotional chats with her? Are one or both of you able to open up to each other? Because if you haven't had any chats like that yet, then it's a bit of a warning sign tbh


jackBruh said:
You'll have a great time together and it'll seem to go well, but it's all surface level and won't have any real emotional depth or trust.

So a few things.

I'm not looking for the perfect woman. And I'm ok working through issues with girls, but... This girl might be different because the start was so faulty.

It's important to note

- we've only seen each other for 2 months

So my questions to you jackBruh is what would be the timeline I should expect her to open up? And how will I know if she is and isn't?

Because this really does seem to be the case.
Antonio44, Zug, jakeD, Brother_Tucker and jackBruh all knocked it out of the park with their advice.

If you want a serious long-term relationship that you can feel loved, and appreciated and accepted in while just being yourself (because why would you want a relationship with someone you can't be yourself around???) you've got to start being yourself and stop playing these hide-my-feelings-and-desires games

Being yourself is hard in practice (especially if you're like most of us and you have unresolved attachment issues), but simple to describe:
1. Tell her how you feel
2. Tell her what you want
3. Trust her to do the same

You cannot have a relationship you feel comfortable being yourself in without doing the above
(trust me, I was miserable for much of the last six years before I discovered it was because I wasn't doing this)

If you honor your self (your feelings and desires) and your empathy by following these principles, then the next time you do this...

Manganiello said:
Now, over the next 2 weeks...
How much do I text her?
How much do I call her?
Do I increase the frequency of the dates?

She jokingly said she wants a bf to call her more at night.
Do I do that?



This is all guess work rn. will know the right answer is to do what you feel is right while being open about that feeling, especially when you don't know what to do.

There's a difference between feeling and knowing after all, and only one of them can guide us through the unknown

The Ideal Parents
If you want to get a jump start on fixing what is likely causing your inability to trust and openly express your feelings and desires, while knowing that you will be fine no matter what you decide to do, you could try the first step for treating broken attachment in adults, which is called the ideal parents:

When you were born your wise and powerful and beautiful parents made it their purpose to support your ascension to the throne of your family's kingdom.

Not only that, because they are perfect, they are part of you and have seen and shared everything you've ever experienced.

With this perfect knowledge of you and their devotion to your reign, they have never once judged you or berated you or denied/discouraged the needs you were born with, such as to be loved and interesting to them and like you can always go to them for advice and encouragement and you can be open about your needs and desires, especially to explore the world and connect with beautiful women.

And everytime you explored and discovered treasure or learned something new or had an amazing sexual experience and brought the fruits or stories of your explorations back to them, they were delighted with you and what you found and the pleasure and excitement you had experienced.

With their compassion and curiosity and delight in watching you grow into a king, and their allegiance to your leadership, you know that no matter what you do they will always be by your side, supporting you in every decision you make.

With these perfect parents behind/a part of you (I like to imagine them as wise, giant, powerful, beautiful and completely loyal angel wings that completely accept me) you know that whatever decision you make you will have their support, so you are filled with enormous courage to be true to your self and always do what you feel is right, and as you unashamedly share your inner most being you know that your kingdom will accept your feelings and help you fulfill your desires, and you feel trusted to be a benevolent leader who will take everyone in your kingdom to the best place you can imagine.

This is just my version of the ideal parents.

The point is you imagine perfect parents who give you everything you needed as a helpless infant, and everything you need now as an adult, especially when you feel your fight or flight response kick in at the thought of being vulnerable by sharing your feelings and needs with someone, or at trusting them to do the same


Tagging all you guys because I've either suspected you struggle with attachment (like me and most guys on KYIL) or because I value your input and wanted to call your attention to Manganiello's very interesting and important log, and his desire to transition from game to deeper intimacy.

And I know I've shared this article a few times now on different people's logs (thanks again Slickbackkhair for bringing it to my attention), but it really is the best thing I've found for quickly making the connection between game, healthy relationships and attachment.

If you only read one thing from this post I recommend it be this article

And here's kyil_andy's excellent interview with the author of the article:

And here's a few of the best videos I've found on attachment:

MakingAComeback found the videos helpful and I hope at least a few other guys do too:
Thought of a simple way to say it

Fixing your attachment takes you from

1. Only caring about what's best for her and not trusting yourself (anxious attachment)
2. Only caring about what's best for you and not trusting her (avoidant attachment)
3. Bouncing back and forth between both extremes, and never trusting anyone, including yourself (disorganized attachment)

4. Caring about what's best for you AND her, and trusting both her and yourself (secure attachment)
Manly Cockfellow said:
If you want a serious long-term relationship that you can feel loved, and appreciated and accepted in while just being yourself (because why would you want a relationship with someone you can't be yourself around???) you've got to start being yourself and stop playing these hide-my-feelings-and-desires games

Your post is so good. You really got me thinking about this, so I'll take a break from working and add some personal thoughts. This isn't specifically aimed at Manganiello .

To be yourself is the missing part for so many, I was the same (I'm certainly not perfect now, but I've grown a lot from where I was). I remember thinking before having success with women, all I want is to have success with them. But really, it's a false panacea.

I am sure many that feel this way have some past traumatic issues. (For instance - I did, super heavy young childhood experiences I blocked out until my mid-twenties, just tried to bury them and never think about them). For a while, it worked, from the outside I was OK, and internally, too, I was alright, happy, successful etc. But I was so guarded, I never showed my true self to anyone.

I remember thinking that women are everything, what I need is just to have a few for sex. Then after I learned a little bit of outer game etc, and having a few, I met a great one and we got into a relationship. She fell in love with me quickly, while I liked her a lot (the sex was great and she was fun to be around). I was obsessed with doing all the stuff that first attracted her, like being "alpha" and whatever, I was scared of losing her, I was never my truely open self with anyone, not my best friends, no-one. I was also jealous and highly insecure.

Six months into our relationship, my girlfriend encouraged me to open up and share my deepest fears and emotions. (This was also helped by doing MDMA for the first time a couple of weeks previously, with my best friend. I don't specifically recommend it, and even that night we had the plan to just go out to a club and chase girls, but it was too intense so we stayed in my flat and had a really intense, super personal chat, it was the first time I'd ever been actually truely open with anyone).

Anyways, 2 weeks later, I did talk a bit with my girlfriend, and try to be more open. Honestly I was fucking terrified, like telling her for the first time I was scared of stuff, bad stuff from my past, I felt like she would listen and then leave me. Getting so personal about stuff that really isn't a DHV, crying in front of her etc. Like being super "unmanly", and visually I am a big tough guy who can easily make people afraid of me and I thought that's why she loved me.

As our conversation deepened, I was taken aback by her genuine care and empathy. So supportive. Women in general are more caring and empathatic (makes them good at raising babies). She wanted me to talk talk talk, while she listened to me (I wanted solutions, I didn't give a fuck about talking). But the next day, I honestly felt lighter, like a huge weight off my shoulders. And afterwards, she didn't leave me, she got closer to me, we got a lot closer, I fell in love with her. But my issues were really heavy, and so, she encouraged me to go to therapy. At this point, I wasn't convinced, but I thought I'd try it, just in case, because I did feel a lot better after I first opened up to my girlfriend, and maybe there might be something I could learn. Went to my doctor and got a referral, 2 minute conversation, just told them I was anxious and jealous and don't want to be, and they referred me to do CBT.

After another few months, I finally got an appointment and went to therapy. Again, absolutely terrified. Felt sick for several days beforehand. Walking into that room for the first time was awful, way more scary than approaching the hottest chick or climbing a hard route on a dangerous rock face where one mistake means you die.

Inside was the therapist, this little old woman, and she just started with casual chat, trying to making me feel a bit more at ease. I didn't feel at ease. Initially, I remember scanning the room, thinking that at least she was small so if it got too much I could just run away and she couldn't stop me. From what I remember, she asked me why I was there, and I just said I felt jealous in my relationship. She asked me a little bit about it, and I told her how I felt insecure, have all these urges to be controlling etc. I also told her I was scared to be there. At the end of the first session, I didn't really feel like I'd learned anything, but at least she wasn't horrible, so I went back the next week.

The next week, we got a little deeper. I didn't feel like we were making any progress, but looking back I was opening up more and feeling a little more comfortable.

The third week, we got really into it. Somehow, she got me talking (therapists are really good at this active listening where they listen to you and don't judge you, especially if you tell them you're nervous about saying the stuff), and we got onto my childhood, the really heavy stuff. Not gonna lie, after that session, I felt really fucking exhausted, like I'd run a couple of marathons.

The fourth session, more similar stuff, I recall telling her that my biggest fear in life was that I'd treat my kids like I was treated. I used to believe I was going to repeat the same mistakes of the generations before me, but realistically, I would have killed myself before doing that. By now the therapist basically knew everything about me.

The following sessions were a bit of a blur, I don't remember it all, only remember coming to some realisations. The biggest one was: "it's ok to have feelings". Previously, I just blocked out all the bad feelings, it sounds so obvious, but actually, it really helped me to be able to feel them and know that they will pass.

The other realisation was that we are not destined to repeat mistakes. Plus we worked on some really helpful stuff to help me to deal with when I felt jealous in relationships. I realized that my issues stemmed from an insecure attachment style developed during my childhood. As a child, I received both intense positive and negative attention, which led me to expect that good times in my adult relationships would inevitably be followed by bad ones.

So - highly recommend therapy to anyone.

These days - am I perfect - of course not. But I'm a lot healthier, happier. And a lot more able to have better relationships. Looking back at it, the therapy was the big help - these things would be way too much for a girlfriend to handle alone. I also wouldn't offload them onto them when it's still raw. But nowadays it's not a problem to talk about my past - I don't bring them up on a first date of course, but if I've been dating someone for a couple of months and we get onto childhood topics, I would talk about it and what I learned from it. Like last year, I was dating a girl seriously for a few months and we talked about our pasts, I told her about mine, that it was tough, I cried (because the emotions are still heavy), she was cool with it. And if anything she liked me more because I can actually share my feelings.

The feeling that girls love the actual me, the actual real me, when I'm myself, it's the fucking best. Like good relationships are such beautiful things, and deep down we all want to love and be loved. And my retention is really really good.

If you (the general forum reader) read this far, have stuff you would like to improve and are 50/50 on whether therapy could be good or not for you, I get it, I was in that position, and I'm not going to push it, but there's a lot of potential upside and the downside is just going once and never having to go again if it's not for you.

Suicide's the biggest killer of young men and it's because we don't handle our feelings correctly. Same with stuff like domestic violence and alcoholism. Work on the stuff that bothers you and you can have better relationships, be yourself, have a better life and love your children better. And if anyone's reading and has questions but doesn't want to post, feel free to message anonymously.
Antonio44 said:
The feeling that girls love the actual me, the actual real me, when I'm myself, it's the fucking best. Like good relationships are such beautiful things, and deep down we all want to love and be loved. And my retention is really really good.

Beautiful post.

Thank you for sharing 🙏
Manganiello said:
I'm not looking for the perfect woman. And I'm ok working through issues with girls, but... This girl might be different because the start was so faulty.

It's important to note

- we've only seen each other for 2 months

So my questions to you @jackBruh is what would be the timeline I should expect her to open up? And how will I know if she is and isn't?

Because this really does seem to be the case.

From your post it sounds like she really likes you. I wouldn't focus on expecting her to open up, you can never control people and shouldn't try and force her to change. You should lead, and she will follow. Talk to her about your concerns and leave it open for her to respond. If I was you, I'd address your concerns with her, mention how you feel it's a bit rocky and the 3 month thing is a bit of a red flag. Tell her you like her and are committed to making things work out. Then ask her how she feels about it all. Leave it open for her to come forward and share. She'll probably mention it's due to her ex or some other reason. And then you can respond however you feel is best. "we can work it out" etc. She might also say nothing and be terrified of opening up to you. Let it go and follow up another time. She'll probably call you the next day and answer your questions. Then rinse and repeat any time you have an issue. Like Manly Cockfellow says

Manly Cockfellow said:
1. Tell her how you feel
2. Tell her what you want
3. Trust her to do the same

As for a timeline, only she can tell you. But it could be from 1 week to 1 year. Once you start making progress it'll happen really quickly. And you'll BOTH feel wayyy better about the relationship.
Would also agree with Antonio44 . Therapy is fucking awesome if you have attachment issues.
This is also a great excerpt from Slaying your fear by Adam Lane Smith. Would HIGHLY recommend it, only takes a few hours to read.

Imagine you are in a relationship with the perfect partner. Truly perfect in every way.
This partner tells you exactly what they want and expect up front. Not in a demanding way, but in a calm and simple manner, straightforward and completely honest. When they need something from you, they ask for it the moment they need it. Even if you can’t provide what they need at that moment, they let you know the need is there up front and right away. Their expectations are clear and you know exactly what it takes to make them happy. You know the exact boundaries of the relationship and what would hurt them. You also know exactly what would cause them to sever the relationship.

When you do something they don’t like, your perfect partner tells you right away on the very first time. They say something like, “Oh, I don’t really like that, could you do this instead?” They don’t wait until you’ve done the wrong thing several times, and they don’t pretend to like it to be nice. They tell you immediately while no one is angry or embarrassed. Problems are fixed when they’re tiny and are not allowed to grow any larger because they lay out a simple plan to fix the issue right away.
When you do something they like, they tell you and praise you for it. They also tell you exactly why they liked the behavior so you can understand their way of thinking and repeat their happiness with other gifts. You know exactly what they like up front so you can be certain they’re pleased in the relationship.
You know at any time what the other person needs, what they don’t like, and what they do like. You know how happy or unhappy they are without guessing, and they give you clear paths to fix whatever the issues are right away.

Reader, given a partner like this, answer the following questions:
Do you believe this partner trusts you?
If you are meeting their needs consistently, would you feel confident in yourself as a good partner?
With them telling you exactly what they do and don’t like right away, would you feel secure in a marriage like this?
The majority of people would say that, yes, this partner trusts them. Needs are shared openly and right away. This perfect partner shares their dislikes openly without fear of being abandoned or rejected, they are trusting you to be reasonable and solve the issue without a fight. They are completely open without reservation.

Now, reader, consider carefully the following scenario.
You are with the most terrible partner you can imagine.
This partner does not tell you what they need or want, not in any clear way. A thousand small hints which make sense only to them are sprinkled throughout conversations. Sometimes you’re able to decipher what they want, but most of the time you only find out you missed a clue when they’re angry and snapping at you later for having “ignored” them. You don’t know what they expect out of the relationship apart from some vague notion of “staying together” and “being happy.” You have no idea what upsets them apart from missing their secret signals. You live in fear of accidentally stepping on a landmine and blowing up the relationship because you have no idea what would make them end the marriage.
This terrible partner doesn’t tell you when you do something they dislike. At least, they don’t tell you right away. Instead they pretend to like what you did, or they give vague grunts but don’t respond otherwise. Several months will go by until they have a bad day and then they blow up, shouting at you about everything you’ve done wrong which they’ve held bottled up all this time. They play the victim, put-upon and miserable under your inconsiderate care. This cycle repeats itself over and over as you try to correct mistakes, but for every issue you fix a new one arises which you won’t find out about until the next storm.

When you do something they like, they don’t really tell you. They may say thank you but mostly they act embarrassed or dismissive. You never really know what makes them happy because sometimes the same gift will elicit opposite reactions, upsetting them and kicking off another shouting match. Mostly your gifts and kind acts go unanswered and unacknowledged.

Reader, given a partner like this, answer the following questions:
Do you believe this partner trusts you?
If you never know what their needs are but are told you consistently fail to meet them, would you feel confident in yourself as a good partner?
With no idea when you might step on a landmine and end the relationship by accident, and with them bottling up their unhappiness until they’re enraged enough to shout at you and hurt you for the perceived insults, would you feel secure in a marriage like this?
The answer to all three questions is a resounding, “No!”
The lack of honesty and openness creates intense distrust and speaks volumes about the partner’s refusal to trust anyone.
Refusing to share needs with a partner means that partner will forever lack confidence and feel like a failure in their own marriage.

To the detached persons reading this book: Recognize that you have been the terrible friend. Through your fear and obsessive love you have robbed your loved ones of the ability to feel trusted, to feel confident, or to feel secure. Your loved ones live in perpetual uncertainty and fear because of the doubt and distrust you have seeded throughout relationships with your refusal to engage.
That’s the bad news. Most detached clients hear that and hang their heads in shame. There’s a certain horror at being the person who wounds others, especially those who are most loved and valued.
Now for the good news:
Sharing needs is not the burden detached people have been led to believe. In fact, as the above exercise shows, sharing needs is an incredible gift to the other party. Sharing disappointments creates an opportunity to build trust and deepen understanding with one another. Communicating about the things which please us means we get more of them, and the person giving them can feel confident in their own good work.
Sharing our needs is one way we take care of our loved ones and help them to be fulfilled.
jackBruh said:
This is also a great excerpt from Slaying your fear by Adam Lane Smith. Would HIGHLY recommend it, only takes a few hours to read.

Imagine you are in a relationship with the perfect partner.

+1 for Slaying Your Fear

At 42:25 he does the perfect partner exercise live with someone in this video

Whole video is another great introduction and fairly deep dive into attachment
Part 1.

Came back from the trip.

Totally awesome.

We arrived early at the bus station.

Rode there. Got to the airbnb.

It was totally worth spending a little bit more for this place.

Had a nice view. And a bed that was right by the windows.

So we bang it out there.

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Go to a busy as fuck fish market. I hate seafood. So nothing for me to eat. But she buys some crab I buy some beers and we take it to the beach at night and just chill.

View attachment 3

Come home. And she just escalates on me while im trying to relax. Blowjob, riding me. So I fucked her good for 20 minutes. Usually I cum before. But I put on a condom so I could last a bit longer.

Next day it was rainy but had a really fukin great time.

Got brunch.

Some mediocre seafood.
Walked around.

Spent 3 hours chilling on a couch in a quiet cafe.

Took the bus home at night. We sat in the back so we could discretely make out before sleeping.

And then took the taxi home from the bus station. I was tired af. She was tired af. But that trip was definitely the highlight of Korea so far.
Part 2.

Brother_Tucker what you said reaffirms I'm doing the right thing. And if anything being who I am and going after what I want, will naturally screen girls in or out.

I think once your game is good enough.
You get the luxury of screening for what you want.

Antonio44 thank you for the deeply personal share.

jackBruh bought Adam Lane Smith's book and read half of it already.

Manly Cockfellow
Read that article and watched that video.

Those replies were awesome.
I had some deep introspective thoughts over the last few days.

Literally would read what u guys said and think about it in bed.

I just didn't know what to say.

I might reply to each of you individually. But for now.


I'll give a brief reply and then a longer one.

My thoughts Briefly:

After some talking and her behaviour... Shes sincerely trying.

I'm going to try being communicative about what I want and need.

And it still lacks any guarantees and perhaps might not work. But I'm going to own my decision and go for it.

my thoughts long-ly

I like her. And Im going to focus on being more open. And giving it a chance. And see what happens.

Like the Days of Game article. Id rather be the Lover than the strategic game player.

Will it work? Maybe.

Further call with her

Today I called her.
And did what Manly Cockfellow said.

It came up naturally in a conversation and I just said ya the 3 months is weird. And I was hesitant because I thought you were hesitant.

But she explained she thought I was making a naive decision. And she wasn't sure if I liked her strongly enough (which makes sense since our interactions were very sexual and limited to logistics at that point... And she would indirectly communicate she likes me. And I would just keep the hot/cold thing going with her.

But I just said. "Ya I think I'm done with sex with randoms. I want something more meaningful".

That call was 2 hours. Not cuz we talked that long about it. But after it felt like we could talk more freely. Or atleast I could.

She has like over 10k followers on tiktok and does livestreams. Yesterday I called her in the middle of one. She immediately ends the livestream and picks up the phone.


But to be honest, after the convo I still thought. Maybe it's best to keep options open in 2 months. Because even tho she's sincerely trying, I got the feeling she's still unsure about how it will really go.

So its not perfect.

To me its atleast worth trying. Because it's what I want. And if I don't get it, it sucks a bit. But ultimately I'll be fine. I'm not a sex-starved amateur in a small town.

I live in one of the world's biggest cities. And can have a date every single day of the week if I want.

As for attachments styles.

Adam Lane Smith was very helpful. The article by Days of Game was more of a rant than a value post imo. But both were good.

Especially in the sense of just communicating. Saying stuff even when it's difficult. And aspiring to a lover archetype than a master of strategic game.

So I do want those open channels of communication so I can tell her when it's not working for me or not. And I want her the same.

These efforts could be a massive waste of time still. But I'm just acknowledging right now, it's my responsibility and my choice to try it out.

The more I think about it, serious relationship talks are symptomatic of a bigger problem. Which is the inability to communicate openly in real-time.

Maybe some big convos are warranted. But if your active in communication. Maybe you don't need the big talks?

Time will tell.

I'll get what I want either way
Really pleased your trip and chat with her went well.

Manganiello said:
Because even tho she's sincerely trying, I got the feeling she's still unsure about how it will really go.

Yeah, but you know why she's unsure? Because "she wasn't (isn't) sure if I liked her strongly enough". I.e she's worried because you are an attractive guy with lots of options, and she is attractive so she's spent her life having millions of guys interested in her solely because she's hot, not because of who she is. Just keep showing her you like her (her, not her looks) by being yourself, being open, enjoying the ride, and doing what you feel and it will flow.

For a personal example, with my last ex, she was the same way. I remember going on a first date with her and thinking, oh wow, you are the most attractive women I've been out with. When I went out with her and my mates, they would all be complimenting me on her etc. But she said literally exactly the same as your girl, that she was worried that I didn't like her enough, (and I had a lot of options). How I got through this was just being open and myself and enjoying quality time with her.

Also, a great thing for attractive women is to compliment them on non-appearance stuff you like. E.g ex was an accountant, would get a dozen compliments a day on her looks but what she really wanted was to be appreciated for her intelligence and not just for being a pretty face.
Antonio44 said:
she is attractive so she's spent her life having millions of guys interested in her solely because she's hot, not because of who she is. Just keep showing her you like her (her, not her looks) by being yourself, being open, enjoying the ride, and doing what you feel and it will flow.

For a personal example, with my last ex, she was the same way. I remember going on a first date with her and thinking, oh wow, you are the most attractive women I've been out with. When I went out with her and my mates, they would all be complimenting me on her etc. But she said literally exactly the same as your girl, that she was worried that I didn't like her enough, (and I had a lot of options). How I got through this was just being open and myself and enjoying quality time with her.

Also, a great thing for attractive women is to compliment them on non-appearance stuff you like. E.g ex was an accountant, would get a dozen compliments a day on her looks but what she really wanted was to be appreciated for her intelligence and not just for being a pretty face.

More amazing advice from Antonio44

The two hottest women I've ever dated also had qualities I liked in them more than any other woman.

For one, I absolutely loved how much she made me laugh, and she lit up much more when I talked about how funny and charming she was than how hot and gorgeous she was.

And with the other, I loved reading books with her and talking about nerdy things that I couldn't talk to anyone else about. She also loved it far more when I complimented her mind and told her how much I enjoyed talking about fascinating things with her than when I called her sexy and beautiful.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Antonio44 said:
she is attractive so she's spent her life having millions of guys interested in her solely because she's hot, not because of who she is. Just keep showing her you like her (her, not her looks) by being yourself, being open, enjoying the ride, and doing what you feel and it will flow.

For a personal example, with my last ex, she was the same way. I remember going on a first date with her and thinking, oh wow, you are the most attractive women I've been out with. When I went out with her and my mates, they would all be complimenting me on her etc. But she said literally exactly the same as your girl, that she was worried that I didn't like her enough, (and I had a lot of options). How I got through this was just being open and myself and enjoying quality time with her.

Also, a great thing for attractive women is to compliment them on non-appearance stuff you like. E.g ex was an accountant, would get a dozen compliments a day on her looks but what she really wanted was to be appreciated for her intelligence and not just for being a pretty face.

More amazing advice from @Antonio44

The two hottest women I've ever dated also had qualities I liked in them more than any other woman.

For one, I absolutely loved how much she made me laugh, and she lit up much more when I talked about how funny and charming she was than how hot and gorgeous she was.

And with the other, I loved reading books with her and talking about nerdy things that I couldn't talk to anyone else about. She also loved it far more when I complimented her mind and told her how much I enjoyed talking about fascinating things with her than when I called her sexy and beautiful.

Cheers bro, you are very kind.

Damn I love sexy nerds, I'm nerdy as fuck and it constantly delights me how many sexy club girls are actually intelligent as fuck once I start getting deep with them. Last night I was chatting with butterfly girl (my girlfriend - must ask your advice sometime on some girlfriend stuff) - and we got talking about deep stuff and she said how her ex hated that she was was intelligent and it made him insecure, and I just replied that I fucking love her intelligence. TBH I've learned lots of stuff from all of my girlfriends and I absolutely love people that can teach me stuff, challenge my perspectives and make me think.
Antonio44 said:
Damn I love sexy nerds, I'm nerdy as fuck and it constantly delights me how many sexy club girls are actually intelligent as fuck once I start getting deep with them. Last night I was chatting with butterfly girl (my girlfriend - must ask your advice sometime on some girlfriend stuff) - and we got talking about deep stuff and she said how her ex hated that she was was intelligent and it made him insecure, and I just replied that I fucking love her intelligence. TBH I've learned lots of stuff from all of my girlfriends and I absolutely love people that can teach me stuff, challenge my perspectives and make me think.

Oh man, you just reminded me of a great example of a beautiful young woman that got ten times sexier when she asked me, a few minutes into our first date, if I had experience with psychedelics.

Up until then I thought she was some inexperienced, uptight, prudish Catholic girl, but as soon as she expressed enthusiasm about 🍄 I realized "oh hot damn, this gorgeous girl is an explorer just like!".

As soon as I realized how open-mined and curious and nonjudgmental she was I felt my entire energy toward her shift and I got so fucking turned on I made her stand up and give me a hug, right there in the middle of the bar, just so she could feel how much I wanted her now that I had seen who she really was
Damn man living it up in Korea? That's epic!

Regarding having a quality relationship, you can always keep it simple. She must be cute + be a really nice person with no red flags. If you have a bunch of options/plates you would have several of these type of relationships running at once.

Then you can have the talk and start seeing her more often etc. if you are now a couple. My personal entry point for a girl into a relationship is to accept non-monogamy. I know its not for everyone, its just a personal thing. You do you obviously.

Anyway, my point is you can probably create a reasonably efficient system where every girl you meet is at some point on the win Manganiello 's heart pipeline with most statistically grinding to a halt or remaining in the initial phase indefinitely unless 1 or both of you call it quits.

Realise of course it sounds like of robotic and industrial but perhaps writing down your own personal criteria of what you want in a proper relationship might help a lot. Have 2-3 absolutely non-negotiable must-haves. And a list of would-be nice etc. Sort of like a driving test - fail on any of the big 3 then its over, whereas you are way more lenient on the small things as long as the big 3 are respected.

I actually was talking to my girlfriend recently about how we became so close and enjoy such a high quality connection and relationship. It came down to meeting each other's standards. Apparently I am much nicer than the typical machismo Mexican while still having firm boundaries who does what he wants (something like a cat in a man's body she says). And for me she is both hot and easy to get along with and (so far) no drama. Winner winner chicken dinner. We only became 'a couple' once she had agreed to non-monogamy because assuming your top 2-3 criteria are met, you can also have an entry requirement to screen out girls for whatever reason (in this case non-monogamy).

Of course it still appears like a 99% monogamous relationship and we are likely closer than we would otherwise have been because we are technically allowed to sleep around casually. She said she feels it drives her to be a better person and keep in shape in a way she might not necessarily be motivated to do if it was 100% monogamous and arguably she gives a LOT more than the typical woman does (most of whom don't need or like men these days especially in the west) when its hard monogamy. She wants to 'crush the competition' (not knowing that without here I am almost incel again lmao).

It has been very enlightening because the truth is, the more time you spend in actual relationships, the more you learn about what you WANT and what you DON'T WANT and your boundaries/standards are forged. Its also easy to get traumatised either by bad relationships or endless 'wear and tear' style rejection from day-game, online dating etc. and become jaded and almost numb to forming real, genuine connections.

Sorry for the rant, I wasn't planning on that. I just figured maybe you are at that beautiful stage where you value so much more than casual flings and meaningless (though initially exciting) condom sex with strangers and wanted to give you my take after being through quite a journey in this regard in recent years.

For what its worth.
Manganiello said:
But to be honest, after the convo I still thought. Maybe it's best to keep options open in 2 months. Because even tho she's sincerely trying, I got the feeling she's still unsure about how it will really go.

So its not perfect.

To me its atleast worth trying. Because it's what I want. And if I don't get it, it sucks a bit.

Just gonna point out that it seems like every train of thought you have about this relationship ends with breakup. Don't forget that it also comes with all the good stuff and she likes you a lot as well. The future could also be very bright. It's always good to be realistic, but you should also challenge your negative thoughts. From the outside it looks like it could go very well.

Had another stellar weekend.

Mostly relationshipy

I had 4 days off and just did a giant chill.
She worked Monday, while I didn't.

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So Monday we got some cheap drinks.
Then are some Japanese food.

Went for a walk, talked and made out on a bench in front of a lake for maybe like 90 minutes.

She came over, packing her suitcase if cosmetics. Banged once at night. Three times more in the morning.

Then got some American breakfast. Which is rare as fuck in Korea. And Asians have no idea how it works lol.

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So she was literally drinking coffee creamer from the small plastic container.

After that we went to some sick ass cafe in a quiet hidden gem part of Seoul that feels half European and half Korean.

View attachment 1
Walked through the old hanok villages and came across a temple food place.

Literally a restaurant ran by a Buddhist monk who has a modest level of fame. So cool. He played piano while we all ate a 5 course meal. No idea this place existed btw. It was just us trying to find something open.

Really freaking good day.

I know I'm feeling more interested in her the more we have days like this.

what's next?

Could be dating still.

That's not ruled out. And probably won't be for a few months.

If things work out with this chick. I'm ok closing the chapter on this I think.

Soo...It's kind of nice to have a period of time right now. Where there's no major goal to work on.

But also a dangerous place to be honest.

But I'm using it well. By thinking deeply about what I want next.

I had the exact same thing 3 months ago. But that was more about dating.

Now I'm trying to think much longer term.

What do I want in 3 years?

And what kind of situation do I want to be
with my dating/relationship life?

What about my work?

What kind of person do I want to be in the process?

These are all cool questions.


Other Stuff

Skimmed through a few books on relationships.

I don't want to sound arrogant. But it was good that all the stuff the authors were saying was predominantly conclusions I already made myself.


Antonio44 said:
she's worried because you are an attractive guy with lots of options, and she is attractive so she's spent her life having millions of guys interested in her solely because she's hot, not because of who she is. Just keep showing her you like her (her, not her looks)

Id say this is pretty accurate. She gets called pretty or has attention everyday. I've found everytime I've complemented her looks it's 'I know'.

Thebastard said:
'wear and tear' style rejection from day-game, online dating etc. and become jaded and almost numb to forming real, genuine connections.

Thebastard hey man. Good to hear from you man. Korea is really great actually. Having a great time out here.

So i was really thinking about this actually.

I noticed my capacity to form a deep connection went down after a certain # of lays. It's almost like I have a bit of a guard up because Ive seen the spectrum of behaviour, but also I learnt I can replace girls. So that naive lustre of 'the one' or the 'the perfect girl for me' sort of goes away. And is replaced by a more callused rational understanding of the game.

So I find myself needing active attempts to trust this to work well.

jackBruh. Ya the more time I spend with her. The more I see good signs and I soften up for her.

I still think she has a bit of a wall up, you'd never suspect it just by seeing it hearing us together, but it's been slowly getting better.

But I really like her and want it to work.

As for now. I'm contemplating what's next.

Seems like my current interest game has moved away from "needing to prove something" to seeking a dopamine hit frkm

Hotter girls, different girls, harder girls, etc.

Tbh even the Koreans here I find myself only interested in 1/20th girls here for their level of hottness.

So maybe I'm done with game maybe I'm not. But the remaining goals at least from this vantage point seem like novelty items. And not so much a spiritual conquest.

If this relationship falls apart those goals I think will be enough to get me pumped tho.


Thanks to for the feedback over the weekend.

Ehti... What's your KYIL tag?

You guys made me realize I was definitively done with stat padding, and that if anything I need to clarify bigger goals.

Perhaps your capacity to form a deep connection didn’t go down.

Don’t confuse that for having your ‘on guard’ baseline increased far higher than it was initially.

Approaching 100s of girls like you and I have done exposes the red pill reality of how women are and the nature of the sexual marketplace (starting to really hate these terms but you get my point). It wears and tears your spirit over time, making you question more and more whether you'll ever connect deeply with a potential life partner or whatever you want to call it.

It makes you realise that in so far as a proper relationship, most girls you meet are NOT fit for purpose. Not even close.

A lot of that is just the age we live in, death of culture blah blah etc. The incentive for people to be decent and unselfish is at an all time low. I could write a book on that but I won’t.

You are at a point where a girl literally needs to ‘sell you the idea of a relationship.’ As I mentioned before, if you have a very short, pre-determined list of ‘MUST-HAVES’ (not ‘nice-to haves’ which are like icing on the cake) you can quickly screen out girls who either have no place in your life or will remain fuck buddies for the duration of which you two continue to correspond.

While it is true that there are no unicorns, no ‘the one’ or perfect girl for you, there absolutely will be a highly compatible girl out there for you. Probably more than just one or a few.

I guess the better your SMV, the more you approach or try to acquire girls via whatever avenues, the more ‘desirable colored gumballs’ you’ll get from the gumball machine every time you play (increasing your own luck) – tidbit from the Millonaire Fastlane, reframed for this example haha

Remember also there are guys who have gone through a similar journey as you but instead of getting laid consistently AND being able to replace girls within a reasonable time period, basically get nothing.

They aren’t in a position to replace girls who turn out to not be compatible or who outright disrespect them. Most guys are like this by default. But I really feel for the guys who tried to go all out and achieve abundance and outcome independence which are absolutely critical for long-term dating success but ended up empty-handed, jaded and permanently crestfallen.

Anyway, I am sure you get my point. During 2020 I was more or less in the same head-space as you are, and never imagined I’d meet my girlfriend who I am closer to than I even thought possible during the tumultuous period of pick up and relentless rejection.

Keep living the lifestyle so as to always allow opportunities to enter your life but do it on autopilot. At cruising altitude. You opened the throttle and flew your plane into the stratosphere. Now you can pull back the throttle most of the way and live life with a steady stream of incoming suitors.

Hope my rant helped a bit.