Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Manganiello said:
4) Pre Drills really work, I was just asking random people for the time, but it got me into the groove of talking to people, Scotty did warm-ups, so this must be a good idea.
This seems like a really good idea, never even thought about this before. Ill definitely have to work this in on the harder days.

Great job continuing the drill on a day where u were not even feeling at your best. I feel like this is important cuz not every day is going to be amazing, but u were still able to produce results.
Manganiello said:
Hottest girl of the day, and what do you know? She was awesome. Super nice
This seems like a reoccurring theme across several peoples vlogs/journals, as well as my own personal experience so far. Hot girls seem so unapproachable but in the end they turn out to be the nicest reactions so far.
Toast said:
Hot girls seem so unapproachable but in the end they turn out to be the nicest reactions so far.

Yeah seems I'd maybe put it at 80% of the time the best reaction will come from the hot ones.
Day 39 (30/40 drills)

- Talked to 10 girls, goal was 20.
- The Aa wasn't really an issue today.
- What WAS an issue was finding enough girls, left work 90 minutes early to do drills, and even with that extra time couldn't find enough

Notable Girl
- Walked into Aritzia (only female apparel store) and talked to a really cute girl there.
- I think that was the most blatant drill I did in a girl's store.

So how do I find more approachable girls?
Current criteria is:
- Attractive (Just enough)
- By herself (no boyfriend, no parents, no friends (but not always))
- Not an employee

With all of that in total there were 14-15 girls like that I came across in 3 hours.
Solutions I thought of: Walking to girls in groups, More selectively only going to good areas vs a variety of areas, Use weekends more, and talk to girls walking more.

But I think all of this raises a bigger and even more important question:
How do I make talking to girls more of a lifestyle thing?

I have 6 more drills or about 150 or so girls left. at some point I want to do this all the time, so how can I shift into that while I'm doing the drills? Just a good question I'm asking myself. Eventually I want to just get cute girls numbers as I see them.

- Ok that 1 mall sucks, it's unreliable. Good for people, but bad for hot girls
- Maybe it's just goint to take awhile to do these 40-girl days, when I'm only selecting attractibe girls
- Talk to more girls walking

Still a bit of a head scratcher, I'm ending today with more questions than answers.

Other Stuff
- Calories: 1900 (gulp), it was good until I came home, then I was just snacking. I think maybe the exhaustion and lack of focus on calories made this happen.
- Weighed in at 170.8 (another best)
Hahaha the thing with Chris and Scotty's unlimited girls is so true. Fast forward to 2021, we're here rationing our girls. BUT I will say when I was doing this last year around the same time as you, I had the same frustration with lack of girls, so maybe it's not all COVID (besides the early closing time, that's new).

You're giving all you can with the time thing. Here comes the weekend though, things are looking up. Would it be terrible if each day you have left on the program until 46 took a whole week? Might be better long-term. You're getting really good at telling girls they're cute

Also... Coming back for Week 7 right? And dare I say Week 8? (actually idk how it works once you're where you are, I know there's like a break built in... might be a stupid question)

You're killing it
sundleboro thanks bro.

Yeah I mean it will take as long as it has to. I'm juat trying to hit my February goal of completing it.

I think week 8 doesn't exist anymore. I think it got taken down for being too controversial while Chris was lobbying government (that's just a rumor I heard).

As for everything else, I'm going til day 46 and probably stopping there. Andy pretty much said after day 46 you're working on stuff you'll never need or ever use. It makes sense cuz at day 46 you're pretty much doing full blown approaches.
Day 39 (Done)
"hey wait a sec, you're cute... I'm brandon"

- Felt really good last night
- Finished the drill in record time, didn't let any girls go
- Walked the bar street at night with a cigar and was honestly taken back by how many girls were locking eye contact with me.

Today was a becoming a moment.
- This program is SO FUCKING WORTH IT.
- I would not have traded this day for anything else in the world. (i'm not kidding).

Had a really surreal night
- After the drills I walked around street with all the bars smoking a cigar.
- Literally 40 to 50% of girls were making HARD eye contact with me. And these were like 8s and 9s..
- Even when I was recording the vlog there were 2 Hot girls waiting at the crosswalk and the one girl was literally looking at me for 3 seconds.
- It was infatuating and a sweet moment because I hit the 160s and I was just remembering how girls for the most part ignored me when I was 200+. And now the legit hottest girls out are staring at me.
- I talked to a group of girls too while I was walking (even though I had no intention to), and I just realized while I was talking to them "holy fuck I have no AA right now. Actually none. I can't feel any of it".
- There was a thought that was like "man these girls are hot, but I've talked to hotter ones this week, and in more awkward situations, this is a piece of cake."
- So fucking worth it. As hard as the weight loss and AA program was at times, getting to this point in and of itself made it worth it.

Toast ,sundleboro , Giles , TimmyTurner you guys have to get here. It's the best thing ever.

On the Drills:
- Ready to go on a hair-trigger to talk to girls, unlike the previous day where I was missing opportunities, I did drills on every cute girl, without exception.
- Shoutout to the angry guy in the parking lot: He wouldn't fucking move in front of my car, I got pissed and for whatever reason that put me into the zone. That activated something in me.
- Went into all girls stores, caught up to girls who passed by me.

Other Stuff
- Really fucked my upper back up at work, spent all of Saturday remedying it.

Weight Progress
Started at 227
Weighed in at 169.2 in the morning.
Dude congrats on the weight loss first of all. Lots of face gains. I know that bloated face, wrinkles-accentuated look that you had in the before picture; I had the same. Takes discipline to get to here, and that same discipline is showing up in your weight loss, it's showing up in your social freedom with this program, and hopefully, your career and your whole trajectory in life in general. Pretty sure this thing we're doing is the key to achieving anything in life, whether that be building a business or being a great piano player. On that note, I used to dread playing a musical instrument in grade school and I would never practice, but now I get it was trying to teach us this lesson. Wish they were better at drilling this into our heads when we were kids.

Man, I can't wait to get where you are. Enjoy that cigar
Reading your post gets me hyped man. Can't wait to get there myself. Definitely sounds like a surreal experience.
Manganiello said:
- Shoutout to the angry guy in the parking lot: He wouldn't fucking move in front of my car, I got pissed and for whatever reason that put me into the zone. That activated something in me.
This made me laugh XD

Transformation is real dude! 51lbs! That's awesome. Like sundleboro said the face gains are legit. I hadn't seen a pre-picture till now and I gotta say, Definitely a major difference.

Derek / More Plates More Dates says shaving your chest hair makes it look like you've lost more weight too. Something to consider. I'm a hairless Asian so I can't attest to it myself.
sundleboro oh yeah? I just thought you always look that way.

Yeah ditto on learning this lesson in school. Tho I'm not sure I wouldve listened to be honest.

The discipline is already paying off. Like I can set goals and trust I'll make them happen. That never really happened til I started seeing consistent weekly weight loss for months on end. I tbink the big lesson last year was Stick to One Goal and Prioritize that above everything else.

Toast said:
Definitely a major difference.

Yeah and like I said it's not just a difference in the mirror it's in how cute girls pay attention. There is a very noticeable difference there.

200 lbs= nobody cares
175 lbs = was about when they started looking.

But yeah last night was just so obvious. To walk by a line up to a bar and most of the girls in line are holding eye contact was new.

I'm going to shave my chest hair. Just haven't gotten around to it.
Manganiello said:
I think week 8 doesn't exist anymore. I think it got taken down for being too controversial while Chris was lobbying government (that's just a rumor I heard).

Ask and ye shall receive:

It's crazy some of us skip the entire program and go straight to day 64 (aka we approach normally)
I very like the way you speak into the camera! :) Sound so relaxed and present (grounded or somthn.) I will look into you`re progress, man!
It must have felt so good being eye-fucked by all those hot girls. Its a feeling completely unfamiliar to me so whenever I hear a guy has this experience, he has no excuse not to do something about it (imo). Now that you've smashed the AA program like a boss, this will never be an issue for you. Warm leads just like in business are WAY more powerful than cold leads.
Day 40 (You're cute + high five)

"Hey wait a second. You're cute. I'm Brandon" *high five*

- 77% high five rate (not bad considering I thought 0% would do it!)
- 23 drill completions (out of 40)
- Drove to another city. Went to the biggest mall in North America (Which sucked actually).
- Got a lot of success once I stopped caring. Went 10/11 for high fives after I stopped caring.
- Hot girls, tons of hot girls. Most of them gave their name and gave a high five.
- There's a weird mix of anger that seems to kick me into a higher gear. See picture below.
- Probably the moat social freedom I had yet. Talked to girls in girls stores, I was going into makeup stores, talked to a girls in line where everyone could see and hear us.

Notable interactions.
- Talked to a super hot girl eating lunch. Everyone could hear us. When she gave me a high five our hand lingered there for an extra second. That felt crazy. Made me kind of turned on.
- Talked to a few girls in line with people around.
- Went into a few makeup stores again.
- talked to a girl as her boyfriend qas coming back. She was receptive.
- one girl turned bright red after I said she's cute. Her hands were soft.

Super pleased with today especially considering I had doubt I could do it.

- There's this weird thing where once I get enough hate from people I literally stop becoming outcome dependent and then get a crazy streak right after that.
- Big malls are not necessarily good. The best places just have a lot of 18-25 year Olds. So by a University seems to be the best.
- When I talk very direct, the girls seem to be MORE receptive. The more direct the better.
- I dont think driving this far is worth it. But it was a fun experience.
- High fives are fun.

I love this program.

Other stuff:
- don't know calories. I wasn't counting.
- Back still hurts a lot. But its much better.
Shout out to parking lot guy #2


Thebastard yeah man it's unfamiliar to me too. But its definitely a boon to have it now. Just confidence level goes way up from that too.

Giles thanks man. Keep it up!

God_of_thunder thanks dude. Can't wait to hear when you get into an opera house.
Great job man. From what your saying and responses from the girls, you're definitely oozing confidence at this point.
Man I friggin love your vlogs. You're so real man. Can't help but be happy for you every step of the way. Glad the high fives went smoothly for you, what'd I tell you? Heh

Something about the high five days changed me, I'm a new person. Physical contact? The quick rejections? The sheer volume of the interactions? The constant rejection -> good response sandwich? You were on point with that. The thing with the soft/warm hands sounds creepy but it's true, it triggers something masculine in us. And girls have their own thing like you said, they can detect our confidence/momentum like a sixth sense. It's amazing. You probably heard about this sense before too, so did I, but until you get in there and do it, you don't really believe it.

You love this program? I want to marry this program
Quick update from yesterday:

- No drills.
- Had to miss work because of back pain.
- Car got a flat tire.
- Did a quick set at the mall but couldn't find anyone. Won't have time to do drills tonight either.
- Should be good to go tomorrow.

sundleboro isn't it funny how I was avoiding the high fives because of Covid. It's fuxking awesome. Glad you took charge of the high fives man. I can see how they wouldve helped me sooner.

sundleboro said:
good response sandwich

Haha yeah that's a good way of putting it.
it's hard to one up marrying this program.

SIGMA_1234 thanks dude. This program is unreal, it's like a real life amusement park.

Toast yeah its weird but this sense or superiority seems to rub off on the girls. I dont even know if it's superiority. It's just a position where im seeing that to her: Im rare, its maybe once in a lifetime experience for a guy to approach her... but for me she's just one of 50-100 attractive girls I'm talking to this week.
Seems like your embodying the phrase "Big Dick Energy" and it seems like people definitely pick up on these things. I'm no expert on this, but people say that the majority of what influences someone's view of you is mostly body language, and tone of voice. Chris has also stated that what you say doesn't even really matter. With your results it definitely seems like this is true.