Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

SamJ_ Yeah it's painfully obvious. I can do OK. But do anything remotely well I need more density in a city.

Speaking of which

Visiting Toronto in 2 weeks.
Nice shit Manganiello you are really commited to this, this is actually insane man good fucking shit. Hope everything workld for the best for you
Manganiello is 100% dedicated to approaching. Great things to come from it. Cant wait to see the results of your hard work. It will happen. Guaranteed. Ur just on a rejection tilt off the bat.
Master said:
Nice shit Manganiello you are really commited to this, this is actually insane man good fucking shit. Hope everything workld for the best for yo

Yeah I mean I've lit so many bridges on fire to do this, I might as well keep going.
Not that I mean it in a bad way. But it's like I've made so many changes to do this. What's one more?

Toast said:
@Manganiello is 100% dedicated to approaching. Great things to come from it. Cant wait to see the results of your hard work. It will happen. Guaranteed. Ur just on a rejection tilt off the bat.

Agreed. The work guarantees the results.
It's probably a good thing. I mean I don't think I would've considered moving as seriously if I got instant gratification.

Just need to get the rejections up.

Establish a better schedule where I can work/sleep/approach
Then organize a bigger play to move to a better city.

This might sound fucked up, but it feels good to be legitimately challenged again.
Manganiello said:
This might sound fucked up, but it feels good to be legitimately challenged again.
That's your alpha mentality. Always striving for better
June 20 update.

Its Father's day in North America.
- Slept a much needed 12+ hours.
- Started clarifying goals.

I'm starting the process of clarifying my goals again.

I got most of my 2021 goals done already. Which is good, but i feel this nagging lack of clarity about what's next.

The best goals I've set usually came from me thinking about them for weeks at a time. And then cementing them during a trip. Which I'm aiming to do that here and now. Good timing too (being the middle of the year).

I've always enjoyed this process.

Toast said:
Manganiello said:
This might sound fucked up, but it feels good to be legitimately challenged again.
That's your alpha mentality. Always striving for better

Thanks man. I think we both got that in us.
June 22 (0/6)

- Mostly quick unreceptive blowoffs
- Approaxhed for probably an hour altogether.

I approached most of the girls I saw. So the problem was the venues. 100%.

There were a few missed opportunties but honestly I wouldn't have done much better even if I was approaching every girl.


It makes me wonder.

Should I just spend Monday and Tuwaday and work 12 hours on them?

I dont think I've ever hit high volume on those days. So it might be best if I either.

A) Make more money so I can move quicker
B) work more on bad approach days and work less on good approach days.

The more and more I do this. The more flaws I see with the city. At some point I can just say "OK I can approach" and the problem is just the venues available here.

I actually feel pretty good about my effort today. Could've been out longer. But the low volume made it seem pointless.

The approaching does feel good. It's like a really cool habit to have. Almost like going to the gym. But I'm aiming for 50+ approaches per day. I'll never get that here.
Good stuff. Whatever you do, don't stop approaching, even if you're gonna move soon. You're way too good at it to stop and lose progress. Even just a few a day or even one a day is way better than nothing. Also not sure what your goals are but all it takes is one girl who is really into you and you never know, it could be your next approach even though it's statistically unlikely. So to me low volume is not pointless.
SamJ_ said:
Good stuff. Whatever you do, don't stop approaching, even if you're gonna move soon. You're way too good at it to stop and lose progress. Even just a few a day or even one a day is way better than nothing. Also not sure what your goals are but all it takes is one girl who is really into you and you never know, it could be your next approach even though it's statistically unlikely. So to me low volume is not pointless.

Thanks man.

Being able to do 6 girls in an hour IS low volume. So I will have to adjust.

I'll still approach, but change my schedule up to approach on better days and work more on worse approach days.

I appreciate you're perspective tho. Youre in a city 1/20th the size of mine and making it work.

I was just thinking about that actually. I think you and I might get a long-term advantage because we're forced to approach in harder situations. JinderS you're in the same boat.

It's definitely a disadvantage now not having a ton of girls to approach, but I think it will flip around 6 or 12 months.

I'm just kind of remembering the 2 things I'm really good at..

Music and sales. Not to brag, more to serve a point. I was one of the best musicians for the instrument I played and a top 0.1% salesperson for the company I was in.

Both of those I started on hard mode. And because it was hard, I tried harder. And overtime it lead to an uncommon skill level which I definitely benefitted from.
SamJ_ said:
all it takes is one girl who is really into you and you never know, it could be your next approach even though it's statistically unlikely. So to me low volume is not pointless.
This is very true. SamJ_ Droppin facts up in here. 🔥

Manganiello said:
Music and sales. Not to brag, more to serve a point. I was one of the best musicians for the instrument I played and a top 0.1% salesperson for the company I was in.
Damn, flexing on the musically challenged. Feels bad 😥
Toast said:
Damn, flexing on the musically challenged. Feels bad

Lol i can guarantee I started in no better of a place. I was dropped into music in grade 10. And was the one idiot who didn't know how to read music or play anything.
Manganiello said:
I was dropped into music in grade 10.
Damn, still flexin on people with a highschool degree now. Feels bad 😥

All jokes aside, your drive to always be better is what got u here. Im sure once u find ur place ull fuckin blow up. EZPZ
Toast said:
Damn, still flexin on people with a highschool degree

Lol not everything is a flex man. Your job is a flex to 9/10 of the world's population.

It's not the end of the world. Just a few extra steps to get a killer setup.
June 24 4/20ish
*videos not uploading for some reason.

- 4 numbers
- 20 approaches or so
- 2 seriously hot girls
- I'm pretty sure I'm getting a reputation at this mall. :evil:

I feel gold about it.
- I've been to this mall so many times. I'm surprised I havent run into the same girl twice yet.
- like literally the same H&M I've been in there probably 60+ times since January. Going in. Buying nothing. Talking to girls.
- The approach reputation feels like the natural step I have to take to become more fluent in approaching. So I'm 100% ok with it. And it feels like Anti-AA.
- also got called cute twice. What's crazy is that I've called 500+ girls cute so far and this is the first day they called me cute back. I feel like such a noob for saying that. But it felt good. And it happened twice.

Notable interactions
I approached one girl as she was walking back to work. She had some serious attitude. "What are you doing approaching girls that are 18?" I went out of my way to approach in front of her store. Got a number out of it too. :evil:

First number I got was in plain view of the girl who rejected me seconds earlier. Just like offwego wisdom. Smooth isnt necessarily efficient. Your best off talking to every girl in a store.

- So a lot of sales principles tie over. Toast was kind of wondering if they did. But I just felt in my gut they did so I wanted to test them.
- they definitely apply. The thing with sales is you want to be a very present/have good energy but then have a powerful sense of authority and command the interaction. Thay definitely applies here. And I'd go as far to say Social Momentum, and deregulation is just that. Saying whatever you want and being present

- I think the one mall might actually suck. It's been bad for the last couple weeks. Which means there might just be ONE good venue here.

- First time I approached at 2:30pm during a weekday. That was the best volume I've seen on a weekday ever (not including friday). Thay same mall was noticeably quieter when I went back around 6.

It felt fun today. Lots of growth. Decent conversions. Not a bad day by any stretch.
June 25 - 1/3

- 3 approaches 1 #
- Worked late.
- Had no plans to approach. But I drove by a mall and thought why not?
- Mall was closing soon and despite being busy it was desert for hot girls. Maybe 4 approachable girls.

- It was actually really hard at the start. One of the hardest days to get going. Maybe cuz I had no intention to approach that day.

the approaches

Got one girl in. She was 160. Super old.
Next one was maybe 40ish.
There qas girl I really wanted to approach but she disappeared. Saw her later go into the store. Super hot. Got her number.

Social momentum was really easy to get despite how hard it was when I started. I think it came from the difficulty of the approaches. Like because it was difficult. I got momentum easily.

Went for drinks with my cousin.
Actually regret it because I could've used that time to approach girls in the evening. I guess I could've when he was around.

I haven't seen him in like a year. It was a bit of a shock. Because the old conversations we would have I felt incredibly bored with. It was like "oh yeah, I used to be like this."
Manganiello said:
Went for drinks with my cousin.
Actually regret it because I could've used that time to approach girls in the evening. I guess I could've when he was around.
^You say it yourself.

It's a level up, sure. Took me a while to get comfortable approaching around friends. Still leave some opportunities hanging in those situations. But no excuses for the guy who goes to only one mall :p
RogerRoger said:
Manganiello said:
Went for drinks with my cousin.
Actually regret it because I could've used that time to approach girls in the evening. I guess I could've when he was around.
^You say it yourself.

It's a level up, sure. Took me a while to get comfortable approaching around friends. Still leave some opportunities hanging in those situations. But no excuses for the guy who goes to only one mall :p

All those small situations add up.

It was a conscious decision I made not to approach when I was walking with him. Dumb decision now that I think about it.

Next time I will do atleast 1 approach with a friend around. Just to break that barrier.
July 1

Favorite Approach + Lay

Hot Asian.
Couldn't speak English.
I said my name.
She said something back.
I asked what are you up?
She mumbled something.
Yes that's me. What is your name?
Ok im going that way. I put my phone in her hands for her to fill out.

That one was cool.

Lay Report

Landed in Toronto + Met honeybadger
Did aggressive approaches

- honeybadger had approached 5 girls his entire life. And he did 16 in ~ 2hours when we went out together. (I'll let him give a further update on that if he wants).
- I did about 20 or so approaches.

Got 0 for the first 7. Then went on a tear, getting 6 numbers out of 12 or so girls.
Was very pushy. Half the girls said no at first.

What was noticeable different today vs. Every other day. Besides Toronto just being infinitely busier than Calgary. Was that I wasn't just approaching girls. I was thinking how much do I want to smash this girl? With every girl. Didn't do that before. And the energy felt very different on the approach. A lot more forward I guess.
June 3


Kind of a blur of a day tbh.

Took 3 hours to get going.

Day went like this
1st hr - 2
2nd hr - 0
3rd hr - 2
4th hr - 15ish
5th hr - 15ish

Long time out. But really all of that came in the last 90 minutes.