Manga: Shisha date no pull

Toast said:
Manganiello said:
I think you're misreading it. I wasn't trying to avoid being rude. I wanted to see how fast I could pull. Cuz last week I had two hot girls where I fucked it up on. It was practice.
Yah i did misinterpret it. Ok thats chill.

Manganiello said:
Date 2

Catfish, hung out for an hour, ended it.
This was what i was referring to tho.

Ok fine. Didn't need to do that one.

But is it really about the time? Cuz we've all scrolled YouTube longer than that.
Manganiello said:
Toast said:
Yah i did misinterpret it. Ok thats chill.

This was what i was referring to tho.

Ok fine. Didn't need to do that one.

But is it really about the time? Cuz we've all scrolled YouTube longer than that.

He just feels bad for watching LOTR Extended Edition With Additional Commentary From Primary, Secondary And Tertiary Actors during dates, when he was a noob.
Really dont get this movie pull thing. Its cute but its not screening as hard for sex in the way ‘come back for some wine/ a drink is’

If you ask her back for some wine it’s basically ‘girl code’ for sex and you can start it almost immediately after getting through the door
Man if I could get to the point where I could bring a chick back, have all my Star Trek figures out in full view, and watch The LOTR Trilogy Extended edition WITH Peter Jackson's full commentary, and STILL get into it...

I will know I've found the one and you should expect a wedding invitation a year from then.

Radical said:
Really dont get this movie pull thing. Its cute but its not screening as hard for sex in the way ‘come back for some wine/ a drink is’

If you ask her back for some wine it’s basically ‘girl code’ for sex and you can start it almost immediately after getting through the door

Probably doesn't matter during the date, as long as you're also physically screening.

I started using GLL's screening routine starting on my 4th lay ever with good success. The "what to do back at my place" didn't matter if she was giving a green/yellow light with screening.

Regarding what matters while setting up the date, I'm undecided between drinks and coffee.
Crisis_Overcomer Thats interesting as I stopped doing that and now I rarely even touch them on the date before they get back to my place

Exceptions are when they initiate stuff - usually on the walk back
Radical you forgot your roots man. Up next, you'll start dressing with clothes your mom picked for you.

On a more serious note, it depends on your style. I like getting physical and I'm dominating in bed, so touching/grabbing girls comes naturally to me.
Yeah, I'd also recommend newbies learn the whole escalate physically stuff. If you're not doing it cause of fear thats a problem, if you havent had much experience making moves thats also a problem

At this point my vibe is very fuckboy and I dont need to do screening much on the dates - if ever - copied Andy's whole thing of screening so hard with the profile itself that sex is assumed and less effort is required
Radical said:
Really dont get this movie pull thing. Its cute but its not screening as hard for sex in the way ‘come back for some wine/ a drink is’

If you ask her back for some wine it’s basically ‘girl code’ for sex and you can start it almost immediately after getting through the door
My pull the other day literally would not have happened if I did your method.

She didn't drink, wasn't DTF at the moment. So movie pull is innocent enough to get the girl to ur place. Then you escalate within the first few min of being there.

Arm around shoulder the moment you sit down
Go for kiss 1 min after that
Go for shirt after etc.
Just a bunch of back and forth until you get to sex.

Sometimes she's immediately down cuz if a girl comes back to your place that In and of itself is "code for sex"

The joke is that I spend 3+ hours waiting to pull cuz I was a noob.
Toast said:
Radical said:
Really dont get this movie pull thing. Its cute but its not screening as hard for sex in the way ‘come back for some wine/ a drink is’

If you ask her back for some wine it’s basically ‘girl code’ for sex and you can start it almost immediately after getting through the door
My pull the other day literally would not have happened if I did your method.

She didn't drink, wasn't DTF at the moment. So movie pull is innocent enough to get the girl to ur place. Then you escalate within the first few min of being there.

Arm around shoulder the moment you sit down
Go for kiss 1 min after that
Go for shirt after etc.
Just a bunch of back and forth until you get to sex.

Sometimes she's immediately down cuz if a girl comes back to your place that I and of itself is "code for sex"

The joke is that I spend 3+ hours waiting to pull cuz I was a noob.

I'll respond to everything when I got more time.

I don't have enough experience to say anything conclusive.

But interesting data point:
The girl I was with Sunday said anything that involves "back at my place" is code for sex, no matter what it is.
Toast said:
Radical said:
Really dont get this movie pull thing. Its cute but its not screening as hard for sex in the way ‘come back for some wine/ a drink is’

If you ask her back for some wine it’s basically ‘girl code’ for sex and you can start it almost immediately after getting through the door
My pull the other day literally would not have happened if I did your method.

She didn't drink, wasn't DTF at the moment. So movie pull is innocent enough to get the girl to ur place. Then you escalate within the first few min of being there.

Arm around shoulder the moment you sit down
Go for kiss 1 min after that
Go for shirt after etc.
Just a bunch of back and forth until you get to sex.

Sometimes she's immediately down cuz if a girl comes back to your place that In and of itself is "code for sex"

The joke is that I spend 3+ hours waiting to pull cuz I was a noob.

EDIT: I had some response points to this but you know what it doesnt fucking matter as long as you guys always invite back. If you want to do it this way its cool

If it took you 3 hrs waiting id say you are experiencing in date anxiety which the only cure for is abundance really cause then you arent scared of losing her
It doesn't matter what the pretext is, if a girl agrees to come to your place for one-on-one time, she knows it's for sex. I usually invite them for "wine and a movie" and I never put the movie on
Radical said:
If it took you 3 hrs waiting id say you are experiencing in date anxiety which the only cure for is abundance really cause then you arent scared of losing her
U missed the part where i said it was a running joke. Im not literally watching the LOTR extended edition every time i pull a chick home.

Also having the movie on or off makes little to no difference. You just stop watching once you escelate
Yeah ok i completely misread that part too haha, my apologies

Im not gonna do the movie thing ever tbh my way is my way and it worked on the last 25. Cant remember what i did when i first started, something clumsy probably like 'do you wanna come hang in the hostel'

If you want to know hard mode try cold approach and online while living out of backpacker dorm rooms
Ok cool read all that. Thanks for the input dudes.

Holden this was actually my conclusion as well. The reason is interchangeable. You're place = sex.

Radical I think just being aggressive and pulling is what's important. Those atleast seem fundamental to me.

Crisis_Overcomer I'm still undecided on touching. I did it yesterday. The girl did agree to come back but changes her mind. I think it will take many tens if not hundred of reps to make that clear. To me what's important is that the date is NOT framed as "we're just having a nice chat". At some point some sexual undertones need to be established.

Someone tell me if I'm wrong.

Right now. The more important issue is getting less flakes and more matches.

Im getting throttled by 2/3 of girls cancelling and then matches dropping to ~10-15/day.
2 Week Review

~ 265 matches
~ 44 numbers
~ 16 dates scheduled (with an additional 3 more scheduled)
~ 10 flakes
~ 6 dates
~ 3 sexual outcomes

(Just counting numbers from the big 3: Tinder, Hinge, Bumble)

Conversion Stats

6 matches to get one number (which sounds a little too easy)

For every 5numbers I'd schedule 2 dates

For every 1 date that actually followed through, 2 cancelled.

So for every 1 lay I had to have 5 dates scheduled into my calendar(inclusing girls that would flak), or 14 #s, or 89 matches

Money I'm dropping:
Average of 2 boosts per day,
Tinder Platinum,
Bumble Premium,
Normal Hinge subscription.

On Tinder, I'm also able to swipe on maybe 40 girls per day before I run out of girls again.


Does it really take this many matches to get one result?
Do girls really flake this much from tinder or is this Calgary being Calgary, or something I'm unknowingly fucking up.
(I'm strictly following Andy's script and scheduling dates within 3 days. MOST of those flakes on the weekened. In fact almost all of them did.

If you guys have any insight that'd be good.

How do I feel right now?

Tired. I'm happy with proving that I can actually get laid from online.

Like before this I had 2 dates total, lifetime. 1 lay from cold approach in Toronto.

And then the last 2 weeks I had 6 dates, with 3 turning into some sort of sex.

So it felt like drinking from a fire hose a bit.

Not complaining, but I just doubt listening to other more veteran guys, that these results will stay the same.

No retention either, get the feeling some girls just get into a mode where they just want to fuck a guy, and then go back to normal life.

I feel like it will slow down at some point.
Time will tell.
Or maybe this is just one normal wave of many yet to come? Idk.

Thanks again everyone who pitched into this account.
Radical, Rags, Goldfish you guys especially.

Not done yet.
3 lays of 6 dates in 2 weeks is good yes. Great start

You seem a bit down though, is it cause you are looking at the ratios?

I dont look at match count really tbh, just keep a rough idea of how many contacts I get and be aware if im sending enough messages to matches per week - gotta be over 30 at least, preferably like 60, I only use Tinder though recently

Calgary has a 1m+ population from what i can see, you will have some down periods on the apps (most of us do) but thats a big enough city imo for regular online success

Flaking is brutal but its the way it is, swear it was honestly less like a couple years ago though. Either Covid increased the flake rate or Australia wasnt as flakey for me as where i am now

Dealing with flakiness and becoming zen about it is the biggest mental challenge of online
Radical said:
As long as everyone follows @Holden and stops putting the movie on, cool
I am proud of my small vinyl collection. Listening to an album lets you talk and drink while escalating. It's super fun and not just putting on 'chill lofi youtube stations' Also if for some reason theres a pause in the escalation flipping an album to side 2, or a new album can be a mini freeze out.

Also Manganiello applause!!! Getting laid once is awesome twice is nice but thrice!!!! I'm lucky once a month and thats doing tinder premium, super boosts, boosts, feeld, hinge and posting/ responding to personal ads on r4r subreddits. Congrats man 3 is awesome and who knows maybe a few of those could backslide and double dip becoming members of your Harem lol. Sorry I fantasize about Harems a lot.
In the beginning, when I was tracking stats, I needed on average 63 matches (or likes, can't remember) to get one date.

In my case about one girl out of 20 or so gives me her number these days. It's interesting how you're getting loads of them.

And if I'm having a date, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get laid, unless the chemistry is really off.

By improving your appearance further I'm guessing the date -> lay conversion will improve. A shirtless pic could help you screen harder. Plus having alcohol involved most likely improves your odds as well. Now that I think about it I can't remember the last lay that didn't involve us having a glass of wine.

I'm finding that girls are being flakier than usual right now. Maybe because it's the beginning of the school year and girls are overwhelmed.

As for Kino... I pretty much never touch girls before kissing them, so I can't say I'm sold on it being effective.

Edit: If you find that chatting with girls on tinder is tiresome (I certainly did), you can deviate from Andy's template and cut to the chase on the first message that you send girls. Lostcause was the guy who inspired me to try that, and it seriously reduced the amount of chatter going nowhere for me. Fewer girls reply, so you waste less time asking the girl for her hobbies etc... before finding out she's not after casual sex.