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NewFoundResolve Thanks a lot man! Been working really hard for the last few months!

Adam haha thanks brother. I'm not even working them specifically anymore since I went back to the gym, but im work all the muscles around they get involved no matter what. Oh and loosing weight also help greatly on that front!
Thanks a lot Manganiello, always nice to see you around. Would love to see some pics of your own progression, you said you hit the lowest You have ever been not too long ago!

Last Week Starting Weight: 183.2lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 182.2lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the Week: 185.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 23:56

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 182.0lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 180.6lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 183.6lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:13

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Went on Andy's pdcast on Sunday, can't wait for yall to see it, it was a lot of fun thanks a lot man! KillYourInnerLoser
[*] Saw the 181 and 180 for the first time this week! Kind of weird since I had 3 cheat days this week, since it was my brother and my sister birthday (they have 7 days birthday difference). I also ate on the road when going to get my new tat! I stayed consistent with OMAD like always and ran my 6 runs this week. Tried not to over eat on the cheat days So that might have had a effect.
[*] Beaten my Pull up record with 27 in a row!
[*] Benched 315lbs for 2 rep this week!
[*] Started my new bodybuilding training given to me by my coach and doing tons of new exercise. Also started doing lower back for the first time since my rhabdomyolysis, so going slow on that front.
[*] Many very humid days this week, so my runs didn't went so well, but I did them all regardless and my tan is becoming a lot better from running shirtless.
[*] Got a sick new tattoo of rock lee form Naruto. If you don't know who that is, that is a very hard working character and was my fav character until I found out Vegeta ahah!
[*] Had a professional photoshoot on Sunday took 500ish photos, I will share some of em in the coming week to have people opinion on it!
Crypto Thanks Crypto as always!

KillYourInnerLoser Ahah sick you even blurred the background! Thanks a lot Andy 👊

MakingAComeback Thanks MAC, soon it will be your turn to share your progress/transformation. Keep going my man we both going to the moon joining Andy!

Last Week Starting Weight: 182.0lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 180.6lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the Week: 183.6lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:13

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 181.4lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 180.6lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 183.9lbs
# of km walked this week: 10km / 6.2miles
# of km ran this week: 20km / 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:06

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Been slacking on the diet side of things with all the family gatherings and dates. I'm still doing OMAD, but I'm not eating super healthy RN. Slapped my face a couple of time this week in order to not go back to eating trash like before. Def will do better going forward.
[*] My weight didnt really move but its fine considering I had pretty big DOMS from my first leg training and considering I have not been super on point with diet.
[*] After my leg training my runs were so fucking hard, I literally couldnt run for 2 days, because I was so sore. Still went for walks tho so I havent slacked either way.

[*] Got a 5th date with the powerlifting girl and we had wild sex 2 times in the same night. I talked to her about what I would like to try BDSM wise and she is super onboard so thats good!
[*] Added my new pictures to a new tinder account and got like 30likes/matches in a matter of 3-4hours. Already got a date setup for tomorrow with a small 4f10 girl lmao, never had a girl this small before should be interesting.
Chose these 4 to start with
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You are killing it dude, very motivating.

I have slacked it a lot with fat loss for the last 4-5 weeks, need to get back on track. You are a great push in that sense for me right now.
TheGreatTurk said:
You are killing it dude, very motivating.

I have slacked it a lot with fat loss for the last 4-5 weeks, need to get back on track. You are a great push in that sense for me right now.

Thanks a lot man it means a lot seriously! Its still unreal for me to be an inspiration to anyone but encpuragement like this is what is keeping me in the game and pushes me to go even stronger.
Stay strong I had lows too, bit how we get back up is what is defining us. Get back on track and keep pushing brother 💪

Last Week Starting Weight: 181.4lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 180.6lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the Week: 183.9lbs
# of km walked this week: 10km / 6.2miles
# of km ran this week: 20km / 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:06

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 180.8lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 178.2lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 181.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 20km / 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:48

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Got a huuuuuuuge drop on Tuesday and Sunday, got down all the up down to 178.2lbs! My lowest ever and very close to my target weight of 175lbs! Once I get there I will try to go down to 170 for sure, I can still loose some fat 💪
[*] Changed my route for runs and for some reasons my times have gone up a lot even tho I give everything I have, so it might take some times before I beat my 23:47 PR, but it's whatever I enjoy running!
[*] Got my lay #5 on Monday with a cute ass 4f10 blonde, if you haven't seen the log yet and want to read it it's here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=18514#p18514
[*] Went on Andy's podcast 2 weeks ago and the video is out on youtube. I talk about my journey for the last 4 months and how I turned my obsession into a success and started killing it.
Its here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWUXXIUuSyA&ab_channel=KillYourInnerLoser
Finally got round to watching you on Andy's podcast. Was great! Probably my favourite person to follow on here man. Inspirational as.
Crypto said:
Finally got round to watching you on Andy's podcast. Was great! Probably my favourite person to follow on here man. Inspirational as.

Thanks a lot Crypto, Also shouted you out at some point! You've been around for quite some time so consider you part of my success story 😜
You already know this but reading comments like these really is like filling up my fuel tank and gives me more energy to keep going. Thanks man
Haven't been able to look around the forums for quite some times with all the crazy shit happening in my life right now, but will catch up at some point!

- Master
free feet pics!? Ur supposed to charge for those bro lol.

Impressive as always man.
Toast Yeah well I'm testing the market with the feet pics hehe! Thanks Toast as always😜

MakingAComeback Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed! I also enjoyed yours, def saw how hard you were rdy to turn your life around. Lets fucking go to the moon man 💪

Crypto I started late February so almost at the same time yeah 💪
Hey, man, so I don't quite understand what your routine is? It seems like you do a lot of running but there's also a video of you benching. Sorry, just started reading this journey.