New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

Sisyphus said:


Game. Solved

Man, I can't see how anyone with a full-time job will pull this off. The thing is 1,000+ pages long and with a small font. And then you also gotta put time aside to apply the info.

Sisyphus said:
What I'm trying to say is, there are very very few guys, specially non natural guys, that are actually good with this shit. Meaning, they can regularly fuck 9s and 10s.

The only guy I trust to be honest with his ratings is Pancakemouse. If someone says that they banged an 8, it was probably a 6.5-7 on Pancake's scale. I'm not sure if the Game Solved guy has ever posted any pics but if he hasn't, don't trust his rating.

Sisyphus said:
I will focus on money. Not because I care about being a millionaire. But I care about financial freedom. Working a 9-5 is counterproductive for learning this. I want to have time and money to party like an animal and pay for the best coaches

Feels like you're changing your goals every 1-2 weeks man. Previously it was "I desperately need to sleep with hot girls." The one you recently had sex looked hot so why change the goals now? Seems like a mindset issue - the minute you got a taste of success, you changed goals. Is this a pattern in your life in general? You experience some kind of success and then lose focus?

Since I also live in a 4th world country, let me give it to you straight: What are you going to do to make money? Do you have business prospects where you live? Do you have the skills to get hired by someone online who can pay good prices? Even if you have, are you willing to start from the bottom, fight tooth and nail to get a couple measly opportunities, and continue hustling till you achieve some kind of stability? Are you willing to do so now, a period where inflation is high and many people are let off? Yes money is still being moved around but people don't freely spent it like they used to.

I'm not going to suggest I got a business solution for you since I don't. But for you, a better idea is to get a social part time job so you do not rely 100% on your parents and also practice top guy frame. In the meantime, study game, cold approach, and rack as many lays as possible.
kratjeuh said:
Having time and money (lots of money in this case) + not doing a 9-5 is not realistic. Sometimes you have to choose. It sounds as like you've got the redpill advice to "just start a business bro and get rich" in your head. If that is the case, I highly suggest looking up some stats before making impulsive decisions.
I have to sign that!
Nothing against starting your own business, if that's your dream, go for it, i highly admire it!!
But it is actually a meme that unfortunately is floating around the internet/social media and with which many people also take advantage of others. Many young guys think that you only have to open your own business, swim in money, chill on a yacht in the Caribbean and send a few emails on the side as your workload for the day.

Everyone I know personally who is self-employed has little to no free time, especially in the first few years, less money than normal employees, a 7-day week and an 80-90% chance that the business will fail (official numbers). But I must say that it is very fulfilling for the guys i know! However, one should see the reality and not believe some internet meme.

What is a very solid approach, for example, is to do a "normal" part-time job in your career to be secure and meanwhile testing what is possible on your own at the same time.
Sisyphus said:
What I'm trying to say is, there are very very few guys, specially non natural guys, that are actually good with this shit. Meaning, they can regularly fuck 9s and 10s.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
The only guy I trust to be honest with his ratings is Pancakemouse. If someone says that they banged an 8, it was probably a 6.5-7 on Pancake's scale. I'm not sure if the Game Solved guy has ever posted any pics but if he hasn't, don't trust his rating.

Unless you're a very attractive Hollywood actor, international sports superstar, or some other A-tier celebrity, chances are very low you've never seen a real 9 or 10 in real life, god forbid you have success or even regular access to these girls. 9s and 10s are the absolute genetic perfection of human creation. Most people who speak of 9s and 10s mean 6s to at best 7s.

Thats what a 9/10 girl looks like:
Appreciate the responses. I'm trying not to sound defensive or anything. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm right. I'm at a time of my life where I can test things.

I don't think I am gonna swim in money. My standards are low. I set $1000/month. This is probably too low tbh. I just want money to live by myself in a single unit in a big city.

There are tons people that earn $5000/month by having 3-5 clients and working from home 4hs a day. It's doable.

I live in a country with a low cost of living.

It's not that I think I'm amazing or anything, but I'm good at finding stuff that works.

The course I bought, Fox Web Legends is legit. The guy that made the course is Legit, he and his students get demonstrable repeatable results. It's not some mlm cripto scam. You learn legit skills: web design and business skills.

Yes most businesses fail but there are lots of businesses models out there so it's hard to actually compare. Some businesses have more costs than others. A lot of people starting in business are bad at marketing, sales, customer support and spend money in the wrong things.

Working a social job is good. I have actually thought about that. Being a server would definitely help me learn social skills.

I have worked in sales and earnt $500 with zero idea about sales, not working that hard, and, now that I see it, shitty non verbals. I could now probably make twice that money. Good thing is, it's complimentary with pickup.

I actually don't care what it is. I could drive an uber. Or do lawn mowing. But it has to be something that gives me some flexibility. That allows me to go out on week days.

Yes I want to fuck hot girls so bad man. And not prioritizing that sucks. But precisely because I want that is that I'm doing this. I cant be a player and live in the suburbs of a 100k city, with my parents.

Perhaps pulling a girl to a crappy hotel made me realize that I had enough. At same time it made me realize the importance of having my own money that allowed me to pay for it.

Life's changing man. Your perceptions change.

If my parents paid me an apartment in a central city, for sure, I wouldnt care about starting a business.

When Chris says not to focus on money, he probably means not trying to become a multi millionaire before solving your issues with women. But having a bare minimum of financial goals is necessary even in your twenties and I regret not having started earlier.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Sisyphus said:


Game. Solved

Man, I can't see how anyone with a full-time job will pull this off. The thing is 1,000+ pages long and with a small font. And then you also gotta put time aside to apply the info.

Sisyphus said:
What I'm trying to say is, there are very very few guys, specially non natural guys, that are actually good with this shit. Meaning, they can regularly fuck 9s and 10s.

The only guy I trust to be honest with his ratings is Pancakemouse. If someone says that they banged an 8, it was probably a 6.5-7 on Pancake's scale. I'm not sure if the Game Solved guy has ever posted any pics but if he hasn't, don't trust his rating.

Sisyphus said:
I will focus on money. Not because I care about being a millionaire. But I care about financial freedom. Working a 9-5 is counterproductive for learning this. I want to have time and money to party like an animal and pay for the best coaches

Feels like you're changing your goals every 1-2 weeks man. Previously it was "I desperately need to sleep with hot girls." The one you recently had sex looked hot so why change the goals now? Seems like a mindset issue - the minute you got a taste of success, you changed goals. Is this a pattern in your life in general? You experience some kind of success and then lose focus?

Since I also live in a 4th world country, let me give it to you straight: What are you going to do to make money? Do you have business prospects where you live? Do you have the skills to get hired by someone online who can pay good prices? Even if you have, are you willing to start from the bottom, fight tooth and nail to get a couple measly opportunities, and continue hustling till you achieve some kind of stability? Are you willing to do so now, a period where inflation is high and many people are let off? Yes money is still being moved around but people don't freely spent it like they used to.

I'm not going to suggest I got a business solution for you since I don't. But for you, a better idea is to get a social part time job so you do not rely 100% on your parents and also practice top guy frame. In the meantime, study game, cold approach, and rack as many lays as possible.

I agree with what you say and with pancake. I agree with those standards and that 9s and 10s are way rarer than we think.

But since this is also a point that Game Solved brings all the time, and he explicitly refers to 9s and 10s as Models or celebrities, with a rare genetic beauty.

At the same time, I also tend to disagree with other guys about female beauty. I often discuss with my dad this type of shit lol.

And I don't think that 9s and 10s are that rare. At a good nightgame venue you see 10s and 9s, model looking girls every night. On daygame you see model looking and actual model girls frequently. At least in Argentina. Heck, I've approached 1 or 2 fashion models on the past.

Maybe there's a difference between a 9.75 and a 10, and that's perfect facial proportions? Them being 6ft tall?(although personally I dont care about that)

I think some if it is the appeal of status. If you saw them on the street you wouldnt be that impressed.

See pic attached. I approach girls like thay from time to time. She looked equally as good in person without that makeup and had a good body. She was probably an 8.75 at least. Is she that different from a model?

Bottom line is: read Game Solved.

Reading your thread, you've shared some killer value lately

One of the rules bAndy laid down is we cannot post pics/videos of chicks without their consent, so you have to blur their face and so on

However, I am seeing this on the forum a lot right now! So I see why guys are doing it.

I think the mod team's current stance is to make users aware we don't recommend posting pics of girls with their faces/names clearly identifiable.

Raised it with Radical who will get some clarification from Andy.

We have to think about long term sustainability if our forum started popping (it is already so much bigger than it was when I joined), we'll need to ensure everything is on point moderation-wise.

Yo bro -

I'll retract that post above. We've had some clarification - the issue was with nudes being shared, which is not what you guys are doing. Pics of chicks, is fine, but we just encourage faces to be blurred/black barred.

So apologies, you're all good, and guys are not doing anything wrong.


I wanted to add, your posts are deep and thoughtful

You're a really great user and I appreciate you brother

Hope you know that

Vamos said:
Sisyphus said:
What I'm trying to say is, there are very very few guys, specially non natural guys, that are actually good with this shit. Meaning, they can regularly fuck 9s and 10s.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
The only guy I trust to be honest with his ratings is Pancakemouse. If someone says that they banged an 8, it was probably a 6.5-7 on Pancake's scale. I'm not sure if the Game Solved guy has ever posted any pics but if he hasn't, don't trust his rating.

Unless you're a very attractive Hollywood actor, international sports superstar, or some other A-tier celebrity, chances are very low you've never seen a real 9 or 10 in real life, god forbid you have success or even regular access to these girls. 9s and 10s are the absolute genetic perfection of human creation. Most people who speak of 9s and 10s mean 6s to at best 7s.

Thats what a 9/10 girl looks like:

I judge a girl by how much i fanaticize about banging her and her hygene, I see at least 3 hotter girls every time I walk into walmart than that girl that you linked.

Even then I dont see the point in pedestalizing girls as 9s and 10s. It's either would bang or would not bang and every girl in either category gets treated the same. Much healthier outlook imo
KillYourInnerLoser said:
MakingAComeback said:
Pics of chicks, is fine, but we just encourage faces to be blurred/black barred.

I'll highlight this bit - even if it's just a photo from her social media, please blur/black out/crop out any and all faces, unless you've specifically asked her permission to share. (Even just a black bar over the eyes is fine).

And I'd recommend you just make it easy on yourself and always ask chicks, even if just sharing social media photos - just makes it easier for you, and then there's not this sense of "weirdness" or "guilt" on your part. A question I like to ask myself is, "Would I be ok with her stumbling upon this forum post?"

(I wasn't always perfect with this stuff on the GLL forums 5 or so years ago; I shared a lot of photos without asking girls' permission. Always made me feel really weird and I didn't really like that part of myself. Now that I just straight up ask girls if they're cool with me sharing photos on my site/my forums, I feel a lot happier in myself. I feel a lot more confident in myself, with no guilt/shame).

Sorry man. Won't happen again.
psmasher said:
I judge a girl by how much i fanaticize about banging her and her hygene, I see at least 3 hotter girls every time I walk into walmart than that girl that you linked.

Even then I dont see the point in pedestalizing girls as 9s and 10s. It's either would bang or would not bang and every girl in either category gets treated the same. Much healthier outlook imo

Agree tbh.
psmasher said:
I see at least 3 hotter girls every time I walk into walmart than that girl that you linked.

Sure, your Walmart has to be a meeting place for international supermodels.
Sisyphus said:
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'll highlight this bit - even if it's just a photo from her social media, please blur/black out/crop out any and all faces, unless you've specifically asked her permission to share. (Even just a black bar over the eyes is fine).

And I'd recommend you just make it easy on yourself and always ask chicks, even if just sharing social media photos - just makes it easier for you, and then there's not this sense of "weirdness" or "guilt" on your part. A question I like to ask myself is, "Would I be ok with her stumbling upon this forum post?"

(I wasn't always perfect with this stuff on the GLL forums 5 or so years ago; I shared a lot of photos without asking girls' permission. Always made me feel really weird and I didn't really like that part of myself. Now that I just straight up ask girls if they're cool with me sharing photos on my site/my forums, I feel a lot happier in myself. I feel a lot more confident in myself, with no guilt/shame).

Sorry man. Won't happen again.

We got love for you bro, don't sweat it

psmasher said:
I judge a girl by how much i fanaticize about banging her and her hygene, I see at least 3 hotter girls every time I walk into walmart than that girl that you linked.

Even then I dont see the point in pedestalizing girls as 9s and 10s. It's either would bang or would not bang and every girl in either category gets treated the same. Much healthier outlook imo

This! I think it's stupid to put a number on a girl's attractiveness as there is always a big part of subjectivity due to personal tastes and preferences.

Vamos said:
Sure, your Walmart has to be a meeting place for international supermodels.

Honestly, your example isn't that incredibly hot in my books. I would even say that I'm banging hotter girls than this model and that I see dozens of hotter girls everyday in the streets of my city…
I think the day Men will reach a consensus on how to rate the attractiveness of women, Aliens will disembark on earth and introduce themselves...

So I would just use the classification: do you find her hot or not (let's see who is old enough her to get the reference)

Ain't nothing else matter honestly
My scale:

Yes but just a bj

With that said guys, let's stop talking about numbers. Can't see how it benefits the community.
Just to keep things more actionable, there is a difference between 7s and 9s in game... especially according to Game Solved which is what this log is titled after now.

He goes into it more in his book, but the gist is that all girls are gamed the same. Shit tests from 9s don't hit any harder than from 7s. But the 9s require more persistence to get laid. They want to see that you can stay a leader and non-needy over a longer period of time, to filter you out from the fakers who can pretend for a short period of time. His analogy is interviewing for a job position. If you have a really important job and want to make sure that the guy you're hiring is competent at it, would you rather give him a series of super difficult and stressful questions beyond how difficult the job is just once, or easier questions but test him at random times over a longer period of time?

(The second. Since anyone can prepare for and tough out one interview, but being on 24/7 is much harder)

So the actionable advice with hotter girls is to be more patient, expect more flaking, and stay nonreactive for the long haul.

BTW come on. That model chick isn't my type but is clearly super hot. There's a lot of cope and conditioning going on here - girls closer to our level, being more into us, tend to expose a lot more of their beauty and femininity to us. But that doesn't mean the model chick wouldn't expose even more of it if she found us attractive. It's important to keep this in mind so we keep self improving even once we've started succeeding with our usual archetype, because hotter girls do have better personalities as you get more attractive

Also, in my experience approaching models, they're even BETTER looking in person relative to online, compared to less attractive girls. Angles, makeup, lighting, etc equalize things between 7s and 9s in ways that reality doesn't
september said:
there is a difference between 7s and 9s in game
Haven't read the book myself but for me personally I've noticed in the last few years as I'm doing this IG-preselection stuff and I dialled in my body, voice, vibe, style etc. (basically improved my SMV) I've noticed that girls in the 6-7.5 range tend to think I'm unavailable/unattainable or they (kinda correctly) assume I only want them around for an ONS.

After 10+ years of doing the cocky & funny, teasing, negging, ballbusting fuckboy thing I notice I have to turn down that part of my personality more and more because as my SMV improves I just scare girls off.

Basically the opposite of the "nice guy problem" where guys are afraid to polarize or tease.

It's weird how almost no one talks about this. I've lost girls because they thought I wasn't "into them", because I was "too arrogant", because "you're just going to dump me," or they reject my advances and say stuff like "I'm sure you have 10 other girls waiting in line anyway."

I have to purposefully do things that, according to old school PUA stuff, you shouldn't ever do. Give them compliments, etc.

In the old Mystery Method there's an Attraction phase and a Comfort phase. But when your SMV is high enough, Attraction is just assumed and you only need very little "attraction generating behaviors" (such as teases, negs, etc.)

But most PUA material is geared towards that Attraction phase. So it fucked with my mind a little bit and for a long time.

Unless a girl is not into my look or otherwise sexually unavailable, Attraction is just assumed. And if you tease & neg on top of that, you just scare them away.


That only applies to girls in the 6-7.5 range. With girls hotter than that, all that same shit still works. So I'd say that the game is very different as the optimal approach is contingent on the girl's attractiveness relative to your own.
september said:
It's important to keep this in mind so we keep self improving even once we've started succeeding with our usual archetype, because hotter girls do have better personalities as you get more attractive

That girl shown here is gorgeous. If we rate her a 7, then we are all 5s and below.

I don’t link personality towards attractiveness. There are plenty of beautiful girls who won’t turn on bitch mode upon waking up, as much as their are below average girls who think they are queens.
Hotter girls are harder to impress is true though.

Being more attractive gets you better treatment from everyone, not just the hottest girls. This is why it’s so important to reach your genetical limit which will be different from everyone.
Sisyphus said:
I will focus on money. Not because I care about being a millionaire. But I care about financial freedom. Working a 9-5 is counterproductive for learning this. I want to have time and money to party like an animal and pay for the best coaches

A few others slammed you for this, saying it's not realistic.

And I agree - to an extent. Business takes years to learn and apply effectively. You will lose time and money up front.

That said, it's not at all a pipe dream, it's 100% reality and possible to have "time and money to party like an animal and pay for the best coaches" with your business.

You just have to put in the time, fail a fuckton, and learn each time, and keep learning.

I make low 6 figures from my business (growing it to mid-6-figures soon) while working 15-25 hrs/week. I have a lot of free time.

That said, I failed at business for 8 years, took out a few business loans, was homeless (sleeping in my car, on friend's couches etc.) for 2 years, actually sleeping on the street for 3 nights... Lost the support of my family for a few years...

You don't necessarily have to sacrifice as much as I did to get where I am (which isn't really that impressive compared to a lot of entrepreneurs I know) but you do, and will have to sacrifice time and freedom for a few years at least.

So yes, persue business if you want to get rich and have a ton of free time, but understand it's a long-term goal. A marathon. And it'll likely take up all your focus for a while, meaning you won't have much mental energy to focus on girls.

My advice, which I believe Andy gives as well and others in the community, is to solve one, then the other. Business or girls 1st, then the other 2nd.