Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

Noself said:
8 July 2022

Lay #3: 24yo College Girl (1st Cold Approach Lay)

-I finally did it, I got laid from cold approach. I had to go through about 220 girls to even get to this point and it's been 3 months since I've completed the AA Program. I haven't been the best with keeping up a consistent volume weekly but I have to confidence since doing the AA Program that I can go out and take care of myself in terms of approaching. So I met this girl last week, the girl that works at a bank in Walmart, went on a walk last Sunday to get to know each other better and after the 3rd time meeting we're fucking. I haven't had sex in almost 2 years so this one feels great because I feel like I've proved to myself that I have control of my sex life, unlike with past partners I just didn't get lucky I made the decision to swallow my pride and ask this girl if she was single.

What fucking guy can do this? My roommate said he used to cold approach, supposedly cold approaching 1,000 girls but I don't really believe him, he stays stuck in his room playing video games all day and talks about cold approach as if it some "skill" to be mastered. I was talking to him yesterday before the girl came over and I just feel like he is not in the numbers game mindset, he always preaches to me about building "rapport" but I tell him all the time that it really doesn't matter. He says over-time you should get more "successes" (for example if you had a 1% ROI it should increase to an 9% ROI over-time) but I just tune him out because I feel like it doesn't matter, no amount of salesman type shit will help you. Now back to the lay, the girl came over at about 10:00 pm, she was texting a lot throughout the day asking me what she should wear, flirting with me and just giving off a lot of feminine energy.

I moved my TV upstairs in my bedroom to be more comfortable, she showed up with some really high-knee socks
with booty shorts on (no panties) and a shirt with no bra. Yeah, I felt like I got the vibe from slowly touching her in the beginning, we agreed to watch "Cloverfield" (really good movie btw, definitely going to draw some designs from the creatures) and honestly 5 minutes into the movie we just started to make-out. Grabbing her ass, feeling her breasts then noticed that she had both her nipples pierced (in my head I was like ok this is the type of girl I wanna fuck) then she just asked me "what do you wanna do?" I just said "I wanna fuck" and there was just no resistance to her at all like she just stripped down fast as hell and I felt comfortable.

My mind was just blown because I was like "it's that easy?", so I grabbed the condom (Durex Condoms) and put it on
my penis but it was kind of hard for the condom to roll down. Unless my penis added more girth I don't see why it was a little difficult, I've always used these condoms. First position was her on top I think, then doggy, then missionary, and then it concluded with her being on top riding. I couldn't come, maybe due to a lack of foreplay but she decided to give me a BJ and my fucking god it was a lot to handle, I was squeezing her hand so tight and grimacing because of the amount of pleasure. I asked her where did you learn this? She said Porn and just asking her friends. I did legs at the gym before meeting up with her so I felt tired as hell to be on top using my hips, and I kind of felt weird learning how to engage my hips more, the sex was ok I hate condom sex because I can't feel much. She stayed the night and we fucked in the morning again and this time I actually came during doggy.

Noself said:
the sex was ok I hate condom sex because I can't feel much

congratulations dude!

I thing I do when using condoms: put water based lube on your dick a drop inside the condom for feeling more :)
Seriously, awesome work man! You have been putting in the work with your approaches and it paid off.

Noself said:
Yo guys, do you have any suggestions for any fitness programs that focus on building muscle and aesthetics? I’m figuring out my diet too, got a meeting with a dietitian next week.

I used to make my own routines. Then I ran stronglift 5x5 which is great if you want to build your compound lifts up quickly. But over the last 3 years I have rotated through the MAPS programs by Mind Pump Fitness. These guys specifically design the programs to transition when your muscles start getting adapted to a routine.

I highly recommend getting their RGB bundle which includes MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance, and MAPS Aesthetics. Anabolic will help you pack on muscle like stronglift 5x5. Performance helps mobility and building performance of your muscles in multiple planes of movement so you're more athletic. Aesthetics will help sculpt your muscles. If you get this bundle they recommend going in that order, but I recently did Anabolic on a bulk, Aesthetic on a cut, and now going into Performance on maintenance calories and saw awesome results.
12 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Neck stretching exercises: Complete
Massage head and neck: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Meet with the school: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Complete
13 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Massage head: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard's Recomposition: Complete
Finish typing notes for No More Mr.Nice Guy: Complete
Look up skin care product: Complete
Grocery shopping: Complete
Get a haircut: Complete
Buy Tide Pods: Complete
13 July 2022

0/1 (228)

Honestly a hail mary approach, I was pushing my shopping cart towards the exit and saw the ladies working at a stand inside the store looking at me, so I said "yo you single?" to the one that was the most attractive. It was so awkward to slip it in because of me pushing the cart and leaving the store.
14 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Apply whitening strips: Incomplete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Massage head: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Complete
Figure out garbage disposal: Incomplete
Change air filter: Incomplete
15 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Apply Minoxidil to eyebrows: Complete
Massage head: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard's Recomposition: Complete
Put bleach in toilet: Complete
Tidy up bedroom: Complete
16 July 2022
To-do list:
Change oil and filter: Complete
Meditate: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Wash dishes: Complete
Cold approach session: Complete
Vacuum car floor: Incomplete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Complete
Buy weight scale: Complete
Buy calendar: Complete
16 July 2022

0/2 (230)

Feeling lazy, losing a little motivation for cold approach because I have to drive 45 minutes to a good approaching spot. Also I'm very introverted and I just hate initiating conversations, I've realized that the in-person way of attracting women is not my strong suit so to make up for this I will focus heavily on my looks. I'll still cold approach in the future but my looks are now my number one priority so I can get more matches on dating apps. First girl worked at Bath and Body Works, just said she was not interested, second one was lesbian.
17 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Vacuum car floor: Complete
Buy frames: Complete
Clean up desk: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Call friend: Incomplete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard's Recomposition: Complete
Calories: 2,484; Carbs: 163g Fat: 106g Protein: 220g

Weigh-in: 153.8 lbs

Squat: 165 x 6
17 July 2022

1/2 (232)

-Another girl that works at the gym, got her number and ask her out over text still waiting on her response. Other girl was at Walmart with an outfit that was showing so much skin, so I decided to approach, she said she wasn't single but said that it was sweet to approach her.
18 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Apply whitening strips: Incomplete
Put drawing in frame: Incomplete
Vacuum downstairs: Incomplete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Incomplete
Put Castor Oil on eyebrows: Complete

Weigh-in: 151.7 lbs
19 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Apply whitening strips: Incomplete
Put Castor Oil on eyebrows: Complete
Put drawing in frame: Complete
Vacuum downstairs: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Complete
Calories: 2,787 Carb: 281g Fat: 105g Protein: 193g

Weigh-in: 152.6 lbs
20 July 2022
Meditate: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Put Castor Oil on eyebrows: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Complete
Figure out garbage disposal: Complete
Check balance (1): Complete
Check balance (2): Complete
Fold laundry: Complete
Calories: approx. 1,968-2,600 Carb: approx. 216g Fat: approx. 63.8g Protein: approx. 120g

Weigh-in: 153.0 lbs

Deadlift: 255lbs x 5
23 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Put Castor Oil on eyebrows: Complete
Grocery shopping: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Draw: Complete
Teeth whitening kit: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard's Recomposition: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Calories: approx. 1,431-2,000 Carbs: 158.7g Fat: 37.6g Protein: 122.4g

Weigh-in: 153.5lbs

Weekly weight average: 153.1lbs

Bench Press: 155 x 6
23 July 2022
Body measurements
L Arm: 12 3/16 in. R Arm: 12 1/8 in.
Navel: 33 7/8 in.
Glutes: 37 1/8 in.
L Thigh: 20 3/16 in. R Thigh: 20 1/4 in.
Shoulders: 42 14/16 in.
L Calf: 14 1/8 in. R Calf: 14 1/8 in.
24 July 2022
Meditate: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Put Castor Oil on eyebrows: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Incomplete
Draw: Complete
Teeth whitening kit: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard's Recomposition: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Calories: 2,078 Carb: 165.4g Fat: 111.5g Protein: 115.3g

Weigh-in: 153.5 lbs

Squat: 175 x 6
25 July 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Put Castor Oil on eyebrows: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Draw: Complete
Teeth whitening kit: Complete
Read a page of Jeff Nippard’s Recomposition: Complete
Go to gym: Complete
Get InBody Scan: Complete
Tidy up car: Complete
Wash dishes: Incomplete

Weigh-in: 153.5 lbs

Got an Inbody scan today to measure my progress, I’ve been slacking on counting my calories so I was surprised to see that I dropped from 19.9 —> 18.0 Body Fat % and gain 2.5 pounds. This has given me more motivation and I feel more control of myself.