Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

Just got a face rating from a black-pill Youtube channel, my overall face rating is a 3.75/10.
According to user;
-Great hair texture and thickness
-Dark eyebrows
-Good lip shape
-Positive canthal tilt

-Bulky, puffy face
-Eyerings, upper eyelid exposure
-Eyebrows- sparse eyebrows
-Big lip size
-Ear shape
How to Go Out Alone to Bars - First Month

Week 2: Day 2/3
Ask the doorman/bouncer "What's your name?", introduce yourself and shake his hand before going into the bar. (1) (Complete)
(you are free to make casual conversation with him while leading up to these questions - but it's not necessary)
Look or slowly walk around the room and make eye contact with any 3 girls and smile. (3) (Complete)
(2-3 seconds of eye contact, then smile)
Walk past 3 girls and say "Hi" over your shoulder so they look at you. (3) (4/3 girls)
Stand still in the middle of the dance floor (or other high traffic area) for 3 minutes and don't move. (1) (Complete)
Sit by yourself at a table for 5 minutes doing nothing but watch people. (1) (Complete)
(no playing on your phone, no drinking, just sit there alone)
Ask the bartender for a cup of water, drink it right away and ask for a refill. (1) (Complete)
Ask a girl where the bathroom is. (1) (Complete)
12 June 2022

Piercing Kiosk Girl, 30yo (Date)
-Got this girl's number from cold approach, I approached her by just asking her if "she was single?" I just got straight to the point and just said lemme get a coffee with you. We arranged to meet at a Starbucks about 50 mins away from me, I struggled with trying to figure logistics, I wasn't sure whether to make her drive to a Starbucks by my place of not. She is 30 years old, I'm 23 but she has said that she has dated younger guys before. On the day of the date she was like 25 minutes late, thought it was a bad sign, when she finally arrived everything on here was done, lips, makeup, a cropped tank top and a tight-fitting bottom. I sat on a couch so I could have the opportunity to get physical with her, we were vibing pretty well and touched each other right out the gate. Small talk for some time, then I told her we should go back to her place and she said "to do what?", I just said to watch Netflix and chill, but I also joked with her and said I can't say all the details because there are kids nearby.

So we agreed to leave the Starbucks to sit at a local park by her place, we sat on a bench and got close to each other once again touching and then we started to make out on the bench. I grabbed her butt and breast, this lasted for a couple of minutes. The night before she told me she had a wet dream about me, and I just commented saying it was good to know and was expected. The whole date she was convinced that I was some type of player, because of the shirt I wore during the cold approach, a "Playboy" shirt and she said it was just "my vibe." She told me, she doesn't normally fuck on the first date and was debating in her head if she wanted to "take advantage" of me.

We moved back to my car for some fresh AC, we just side by side, then started to makeout again. I was in the driver's seat and she leaned over the center console to get on top of me, once again grabbing her butt noticing that she had a thong on. Her standards for the first fuck was a month, she said that she has to make sure "you're not weird." But that was pretty much the date, felt pretty good about it but my confidence has been kind of shattered by my face rating, we just gotta improve at everything else to help my odds.
Dude don’t listen to those black pillers. Honestly just avoid that content altogether…it’s toxic.

You just had a sexy 30 year old telling you she had a wet dream about you and then got to 2nd base in a car. That trumps your face rating.

You’re wayyyy ahead of any black pillers. Fuck those guys.
18 June 2022

Gym Worker Girl, (Date?) 21yo
-Man I'm gonna open up for this one, so I met this girl on-base at a gym for my job. I approached her while there were two other guys sitting beside her at the front desk, co-workers, I just said "I think you look nice, and I have to talk to you". Small talk for like 30 secs, then got her number, planned a date for 17 June 2022 but she flaked last minute. I agreed to do Starbucks and thankfully this location was only 10 minutes away, so better logistics for me. We agreed to reschedule for 7pm on 18 June but alas she flaked again by saying she was still at the beach with her co-workers, I honestly just said fuck it and went to Target to try to do an approach session. From this approach session, I only did one girl, a girl that stared at me for 10 secs, she works at the store itself. She walked outside and I knew she was doing curbside pickup, so I just got in my car, rolled up to her to say "you got a boyfriend?" then I just asked for her number, she walked up to my car and gave me her number. I used this to get away from the flakiness of the other chick, but now back to her, I was eating at iHOP when she texted me "Wyd?".

I texted back about 30 minutes after because I left my phone in the car to mentally get away from texting. But we agreed to meet at her hotel room on base and I was surprised that she let me chill like that for the first meeting. I walked in and sat on her bed as she followed, I'm at the end of the bed and she's at the head, we had small talk that was kinda awkward at first. I was a little nervous because of some scarring that I've had from failing to get physical with girls in bed on the first meeting. We had a movie playing, Doctor Strange I believe and it was pretty annoying because I had to focus on the conversation while seeing flashing images on the TV screen. Eventually I made my way up to the head of the bed and we are laying next to each other, I decided to troll her by poking fun at her facial structure. I'm an artist so I like to notice the nuances of every human head, but back to her I used it as a way to ease my way into touching her. After looking at her nose I just grab her to get closer and we're pretty much face to face with me just rubbing her back. I think I started to kiss her cheek and she slowly started to roll on top of me but she abruptly asks me "what are you doing?" (I believe this is what she said I can't remember fully)

I just say that I'm just trying to see where the wind blows, (something like that) then she just asks if we can just talk a little more and I agree. I remember her quietly saying that she's "not into all that at first", she was kind of confusing me because she didn't give me really eye contact, and she told me that she's really shy about locking eyes. The rest of the night we just cuddled and I opened up about a previous partner that I didn't enjoy having sex with because she screamed "when are you going to fuck me?" on the first meeting. I don't know why I decided to open up about this, probably a mistake on my end but it was in conjunction with me talking about the sexual harassment claims that happen at my job that involved other co-workers (not talking about me). I asked her if she was comfortable, I was trying to not seem too pushy. I felt a little disgusting, I don't know, like I felt maybe I was too strong, I'm kind of confused on how far to take things. We ended the night, with me just hugging her, I didn't attempt to kiss her.
20 June 2022

0/5 (201)

Just 5 approaches today, the other girls are not responding back to my texts so I had to go approach to avoid feeling complacent and resentful. I'm proud of myself for leaning forward and not giving up at the first sign of struggle, no numbers today. I felt a little rusty, but after the first approach I got into the confident mindset, I keep continuing to ask myself "who the fuck is doing this?", like I know I'm special for the very fact that I completed the AA program and have started to cold approach but I keep fantasizing about the possibilities. My mind is still in that nice guy mode, and I feel a little devious going against expected "societal" norms when it comes to dating but I just can't think to myself "what if?" One approach today was on a taller girl and she ignored the shit of me, she was a store worker too and every other girl had a bf. But we've hit the 200 mark so I'm proud of myself for that.
21 June 2022

Target Girl, 19yo (Date)
Had a date today with a girl that I approached in Target by pulling up next to her as she was sitting on the bench outside. I picked her up in my car and drove to Starbucks for the date, now it's just been my go to spot because it gives off very chill vibes. It was a little awkward for me having to pick her up because you had to start the small talk in the car not really looking at her just focusing on the road. Small talk in the beginning as usual, and I try to use this to tease girls by saying that they're shy and nervous, she was doing this weird thing where she would slide her hands under the open spots of her ripped jeans. I used this as an opportunity to touch her when we sat down to wait for our drinks, I learned that she was 19 and told her that I was 23, we both didn't care about the age difference, doesn't fucking matter. As usual I tried to find a spot where we could sit next to each other to give me the chance to be physical, I'm learning how important it is to be physical especially since the 2nd date via cold approach where I got ghosted, we were sitting across from each other so it was hard for me to seductive and flirt more with her.

Back to the date, as sat next to each other I started to hold on to the inside of her thigh, she allowed me to keep my hand there as she was also leaning into me with her shoulders. She told me that she doesn't normally even go out on dates because she says she's a homebody but is always constantly hit on by guys at work. After the usual spill of conversation, we decide to go back to my car and I ask her if she wants to go to back to her or my place, she was hesitant and tip-toed around the question but ultimately said her room is a mess (in other words, no). We started to kiss though after I began touching her ears and looking at her tattoos, when I kissed her I slowly started to grab her breast and she said softly to "Relax". We kept talking for some minutes then I decided to take her back to her place and before I dropped her off we started to make-out again with her lunging towards me in the driver's seat, I grabbed her ass (she was wearing a cropped top) and the kissing got more intense but I just told her to save it for next time, she said "I will", I just told her to text me to try to link again and she said "yes". Date was over. Progress, baby, progress it's amazing how much more confident I am, being at least physical with 3 girls in one week has tremendously boosted my ego. I'm taking a break from drawing classes as I got burnout trying to balance everything so I'm going to focus more on gymmaxing/looksmaxing + dating.
Killing it. One note about the kinds of girls you're going out with — in my experience, the lower the socioeconomic status of the girl, the more resistance she will give verbally to sex, e.g. the piercing shop girl saying she makes guys wait a month, but the EASIER they will give it up if you stay patient, turn her on, and break through that resistance. And then inevitably they'll be like "lol it just happened"

The reason is there's a lot more shaming among lower class girls for having sex, so they have to give lip service to not being sluts -- but many of them secretly are.
22 June 2022

Target Girl 19yo (2nd Date/Chill)
On this day I went over to the Target girl's apartment, she was wearing tight ass booty shorts and just a normal T-shirt with her hair down (she has curly hair). We sat on the couch and watched Pirates of Caribbean with the occasional making out in between, I have to admit something, I don't know what I'm doing! I don't know how far I should push the issue, and a large part of my consciousness is in between whether I should touch more or to stay calm and not show interest to show I'm not desperate. The whole night we were just sitting next to each other really close, she thinks she has ADHD, so that explains her always reaching for her phone and checking Instagram. She vapes and smokes weed too and she tells me that she is virtually high all the time, some people man. But for the climax of the night we made-out for damn near 45 minutes until she had to go pickup her friend from work, during this make-out I was slapping the shit out of and grabbing her ass so hard. Sucking her nipples, but she wanted to keep her bra on, then I started fingering her trying to find the clit and playing with that while trying to finger her vagina at the same time. It was hard for me to reach down there because she still kept her shorts on with her panties then I got on top of her making out with her more and choked her neck softly. She took off her shorts but I tried to take off her panties but she gestured to me, "no" then we just kept kissing with my shirt off and her shirt off. To close the night we walked to my car and kissed her while grabbing her ass. We were planning to meet on Friday again but she hasn't texted me back since Friday morning. This was written on 26 June 2022.
26 June 2022
Looks like the gym worker girl has gone ghost, we agreed to meet up on Monday but she hasn't responded since, I wonder what this situation is going to be like in the future because I go to the gym that she works at, she's in the military but in the reserves she only works that job 2 days out of the month. I'm interested to see if possibly in the future she's going to feel guilty for ghosting because she's going to actually see me in person, I feel like girls just don't want to feel bad about their own reputation and ghosting is totally acceptable for a stranger you just met randomly.
26 June 2022

Here are some skin care products that I got for my eyes, to help with the dark circles. I got a moisturizer with collagen to help "depuff" my lower face, a eye defense cream to prevent puffiness, a brightening serum, and if needed a concealer for my dark circles. I feel very wacked out buying these products but fuck it.
25 June 2022
To-do list:
Meditate: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Vacuum downstairs: Complete
Return frame and buy 3 more: Incomplete
Haircut: Complete
Gym workout: Complete
Do cold-compress over eyes: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Apply collagen moisturizer: Complete
Apply eye defense cream: Complete
Apply brightening serum: Complete
Wipe down kitchen island: Complete
Sweep ground floor: Complete
Take Iron and B12: Complete
24 June 2022

0/1 (202)

Approached a girl in PetSmart, had to walk around the aisle to make sure she was actually attractive. She said she had a bf.
25 June 2022

0/2 (204)

Both of these girls were in a Ultra Beauty when I was getting my concealer, first girl looked very young so I panicked and asked “are you of age?”, then she said she had a bf. Second girl was an employee at the store, I asked the cashier that was ringing me out if she was single then I just walked up to her, had a small conversation. She went behind the desk to write down her number on a piece of paper, I took it, then I realized she gave me a fake number after texting it.
26 June 2022

Tinder Pics, Critiques?

My Tinder pics, here is what I have on Tinder currently, any feedback would be nice to have. Thanks guys.
26 June 2022

0/1 (205)

Lazy approach, didn't even bother continuing with the conversation because I thought she was unattractive.
26 June 2022
To-do list
Gym workout: Complete
Do cold-compress over eyes: Complete
Drink 3L of Water: Complete
Apply whitening strips: Complete
Apply collagen moisturizer: Complete
Apply eye defense cream: Complete
Apply brightening serum: Complete
Approach at least 1 girl: Complete
Meditate: Complete
Clean car: Complete
Fold Clothes/Laundry: Complete
Take Iron and B12: Complete

So I have another date set up with the 30yo Piercing Spot chick tomorrow at her apartment, but today I awkwardly ran into the 19yo Target girl at Target. I was praying that she wasn't working because I had to get matching LED lights to complete the rest of my display for my wall, I tried to look for them at Walmart to potentially avoid this situation from happening. We made eye contact through a small opening within the aisle and all I heard was a laugh from her as I quickly darted my eyes away from her, still no text from her, so it looks like a ghosting situation. I took it well I'm not getting down over it and it is just giving me more extra motivation to gymmaxx and looksmaxx, as I got home I desperately look up videos on skincare routines and looksmaxxing because I feel a little resentment over these rejections, I keep thinking to myself if I would've looked better, the females would try a little harder. I'm developing a mancrush on Austin Dunham, and I'm definitely shooting for a physique like his, we just gotta keep pushing, I'm getting better everyday.
Noself said:
26 June 2022

Tinder Pics, Critiques?

My Tinder pics, here is what I have on Tinder currently, any feedback would be nice to have. Thanks guys.

I would remove photo 3, the fluffy hood photo. I don't love your expression in the last photo either.
Yeah I think your facial expressions are better in #2 and #4. Some of the other ones kinda throw me off

IMO the more candid (less posed/intentional) your face looks, the better when it comes to tinder photos. Like photos of you authentically laughing with a friend or being consumed with some task