Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

Thanks for sharing your story. The great news is you're in a very typical position that a lot of guys are when they find out about communities like these, which is that they're a very attractive guy, but their personality is stuck in "nice guy" mode which makes it hard for them to be attractive to women.

Three things I would recommend immediately:

1. Reading the book "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and following the steps within.

2. Reading the book "The Rational Male".

3. Edit your story to add paragraphs as it makes it easier to read ;-)

Noself said:
What do you guys text after you meet a girl via cold approach? I'm getting confused on how to keep their interest after getting the number.
pancakemouse said:
1. Reading the book "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and following the steps within.

2. Reading the book "The Rational Male".

Books are ordered.
7 June 2022
To-do list
Put away dishes:
Clean artist studio:
Vacuum floor:
Tidy up bedroom:
Wipe down kitchen:
Dust down rooms:
Go for a 2 mile run:
Buy S-tier Pitt Artist Pen:
Cold Approach at least 1 girl:
Put Notes from Financial Book into Evernote:
7 June 2022
To-do list
Put away dishes: Complete
Clean artist studio: Complete
Vacuum floor: Complete
Tidy up bedroom: Complete
Wipe down kitchen: Complete
Dust down rooms: Complete
Go for a 2 mile run: Complete
Buy S-tier Pitt Artist Pen: Complete
Cold Approach at least 1 girl: Complete
Put Notes from Financial Book into Evernote: Complete
7 June 2022

0/1 (167)

Just one approach today, on a pair of girls that walked past me but I walked back to find them in another aisle. I honestly just bailed because the girl was not as attractive as I initially thought.
How To Go Out Alone to Bars- First Month

Week 1: Day 3/3
Piss easy honestly but the hardest is definitely the eye contact with the girls because it's so hard to get them to look at you. One guy named Dan was talking to me the whole time while I was at the bar.

Ask the doorman/bouncer "how are you tonight?" before going into the bar. (1) (Complete)
Look or slowly walk around the room and make eye contact with any 3 girls. (3) (3/3 girls)
(2-3 seconds of eye contact)
Ask a bartender or server for a napkin. (1) (Complete)
(even if napkins are in arms distance)
Ask a bartender or server for a cup of water. (1) (Complete)
Ask anyone where the bathroom is. (1) (Complete)
Ask anyone what time it is. (1) (Complete)
Ask the bartender what kind of Tequila they have. (1) (Complete)
Ask any member of the staff when they stop serving food. (1) (Complete)
8 June 2022
To-do list:
Finish drawing assignment and submit:
Clean back of car:
Wash dishes:
Cold approach at least one girl:
Put notes from The Writer's Journey into Evernote:
Call my friend:
8 June 2022

1/5 (172)

Just one number today from cold approach. Anxiety was incredibly high for some reason on the first chick.
8 June 2022
To-do list:
Finish drawing assignment and submit: Complete
Clean back of car: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Cold approach at least one girl: Complete
Put notes from The Writer's Journey into Evernote: Complete
Call my friend: Complete
9 June 2022
To-do list:
Finish watching drawing lessons:
Put notes from Financial book into Evernote:
Wash dishes:
Wash car:
Cold approach at least one girl:
Go for a 2-mile run:
9 June 2022
To-do list:
Finish watching drawing lessons: Complete
Put notes from Financial book into Evernote: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Wash car: Incomplete
Cold approach at least one girl: Complete
Go for a 2-mile run: Complete
9 June 2022

2/14 (186)

Got two numbers from approaching, the first time in awhile that I've felt social momentum. I have to keep up the consistency, my town is not the best in terms of volume so I'll give myself some slack but still we gotta put in the numbers. Got a date planned on Sunday with one of the numbers today, so we'll see what happens.
10 June 2022
To-do list:
Wash car:
Get a haircut:
Watch drawing lessons:
Read about how to change air filter:
Tidy up bedroom:
Cold approach at least one girl:
How to Go to Bars Alone 1st Month Week 2 Day 1/3:
Shit thats a deep story. Next time or even now I think its worth spacing out sections its easier on the eyes.

I think nothing too crazy has happened but its good your aware of your issues and putting effort into it daily.
10 June 2022
To-do list:
Wash car: Complete
Get a haircut: Did it on 11 June 2022
Watch drawing lessons: Complete
Read about how to change air filter: Incomplete
Tidy up bedroom: Complete
Cold approach at least one girl: Complete
How to Go to Bars Alone 1st Month Week 2 Day 1/3: Complete
How to Go Out Alone to Bars - First Month
-There was a lot more anxiety during these Week 2 drills, the eye contact is still annoying because similar to Day 44 of AA Program, the girls will simply not look at you. But alas I got it in, all of them smiled back but there was one older lady that was staring at me, managed to do the drill on her but it was still creepy. There was anxiety from the sitting portion for 5 minutes, the table had a reserved sign so that gave me more anxiety but the bar was holding karaoke and I slowly realized nobody gave a fuck about me. For the standing section, there was more anxiety as I was standing right next to a table of people playing on their phone but again nobody gave a fuck. I understand the purpose of the standing drills, you are forced to look around at the whole world just pass you by, nobody cares about you. The "hi" and asking for the bathroom drill took me until the end of the night because I had the most anxiety doing these, I was drawing stuck at my desk all day before so I was stuck in my introverted ways. Surprisingly, some of the girls smiled back to me.

Week 2: Day 1/3
Ask the doorman/bouncer "What's your name?", introduce yourself and shake his hand before going into the bar. (1) (Complete)
(you are free to make casual conversation with him while leading up to these questions - but it's not necessary)
Look or slowly walk around the room and make eye contact with any 3 girls and smile. (3) (Complete)
(2-3 seconds of eye contact, then smile)
Walk past 3 girls and say "Hi" over your shoulder so they look at you. (3) (4/3 girls)
Stand still in the middle of the dance floor (or other high traffic area) for 3 minutes and don't move. (1) (Complete)
Sit by yourself at a table for 5 minutes doing nothing but watch people. (1) (Complete)
(no playing on your phone, no drinking, just sit there alone)
Ask the bartender for a cup of water, drink it right away and ask for a refill. (1) (Complete)
Ask a girl where the bathroom is. (1) (Complete)
10 June 2022

0/1 (187)

Introversion got the best of me, but I at least got one approach in, my mind doesn't think I deserve this. I walked by the girl and pointed at her, asking her "Yo you single?"
11 June 2022
To-do list:
Get trash bags:
Tidy up my art desk:
Wash dishes:
Cold approach at least one girl:
Draw one page for an assignment:
How to Go Out to Bars Alone Week 2 Day 2/3:
11 June 2022
To-do list:
Get trash bags: Complete
Tidy up my art desk: Complete
Wash dishes: Complete
Cold approach at least one girl: Complete
Draw one page for an assignment: Complete
How to Go Out to Bars Alone Week 2 Day 2/3: Complete
Meditate: Complete