Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%

Day 8 tasks to do:
-Make bed
-Change windshield wipers
-Clean art studio
-Cold approach at least 1 girl
-Watch Week 11 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing (40 mins left in the video lesson)
Day 8 complete:
-Make bed

-Change windshield wipers
-Clean art studio
-Cold approach at least 1 girl (1/14)(1 number)
-Watch Week 11 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing
Day 9 complete:
-Make bed

-Clean art studio
-Cold approach at least 1 girl (2/11)(2 numbers)
-Draw assignment for Week 11 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing
Dude go change your fucking windshield wipers, it literally takes a minute to pop off the old ones and put in the new ones lmao. Don't be driving around with shitty visibility
Day 9 tasks to do:
-Make bed
-Clean art studio
-Change windshield wipers
-Wash dishes
-Watch Week 12 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing
-Cold approach at least one girl
Vice said:
Dude go change your fucking windshield wipers, it literally takes a minute to pop off the old ones and put in the new ones lmao. Don't be driving around with shitty visibility

Just did them for you
Day 9 Complete:
-Make bed
-Clean art studio
-Change windshield wipers
-Wash dishes
-Watch Week 12 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing
-Cold approach at least one girl
Day 10 Tasks to Do:
-Make doctor’s appointment
-Make bed
-Work on mural project, draw more trees and branches
-Cold approach at least one girl
-Get lotion
-Clean back of car
-Wash dishes
Day 10 Complete:
-Make doctor’s appointment (clinic was closed)
-Make bed
-Work on mural project, draw more trees and branches
-Cold approach at least one girl (0/1)
-Get lotion
-Clean back of car
-Wash dishes
Update: God damn I’m lazy, not taking the log seriously. But since finishing the AA Program I’ve done 60 cold approaches.

Cold Approaches: 60
Day 11: Only did 2 approaches today, it is starting to feel effortless like holy fuck it seems like my mouth moves on it’s own without me comprehending what I was thinking about saying. I’m starting to just not give a fuck anymore my attitude is just like fuck it because of the amount of rejection but I just felt numb to it today. No numbers.

Cold Approaches: 62

As far as drawing, I completed the second week of my Head Drawing course. Here are the drawings below.
Day 12: 2/8
Day 13: 0/24
Here is the last days of cold approach that I have done, yesterday (24 approaches) was pretty brutal, a lot of the girls had bfs or just didn't give me the time of day. These days have been quite challenging for me, I'm fucking up by not making approaching my top priority because the numbers have to be put in before I get attached to any self-limiting beliefs. Fuck man I felt hopeless on Friday, like I'm cursed but I just have to keep it in my head that this is hard. Once I'm done with 2 more assignments of this drawing course, I'll make cold approach my top priority plus I just need a break from art man I'm just burnt out juggling both at the same time.

Cold Approaches for April: 96
Day 14: 0/0
Day 15: 0/0
Day 16: 0/4 (100 approaches)

Took two days off to just absorb the rejections of the last few days, my neuroses got the best of me. Good news, is that I’ve hit 100 approaches so what a milestone. This is 100 approaches since the AA program, and honestly nothing has happened yet. A lot of rejections which is expected but my confidence is through the roof, beauty just doesn’t mean as much to me as before. Like I’m not as simpy with very attractive women when approaching them, I’m trying to keep the mindset that I’m screening her and that I’m worth her time. Honestly I tell myself that the girls that do reject you have lost an ample opportunity at just even meeting a color guy than me. For the approaches today, I had a little AA and missed one opportunity on a girl in the Wal-mart, my mind kept telling me that she looks older but it was just AA. On the first rep I didn’t exactly go straight to the girl and turned back around to meet her in the store, she was gay. 2nd girl was one that walked past me and AA kept me from not approaching and eventually I found her in another store, had a bf. Third and fourth girl just didn’t give me their numbers. One part of me is still struggling with the fact of approaching, the mainstream advice is still weighing me down, I still feel a little creepy for some fucking reason. Like ashamed on acting out of my desires, but I have telling myself this is numbers game. I finished up a week of one of my drawing courses which will be shown below.
Noself said:
Day 14: 0/0
Day 15: 0/0
Day 16: 0/4 (100 approaches)

One part of me is still struggling with the fact of approaching, the mainstream advice is still weighing me down, I still feel a little creepy for some fucking reason. Like ashamed on acting out of my desires, but I have telling myself this is numbers game.

That feeling goes away eventually. You'll also feel less stifled after doing it enough times. You'll develop your go to opener and follow up questions/conversation just from sheer repetition of doing this stuff.

Are you Latino? I personally have had most luck with black girls. Try hitting up the Latino parts of town if you are, or if you're Asian, the Asian part. I know it "shouldn't" matter, but worth a shot. As a Latino, it actually took me a long time before I felt comfortable enough to hit on white women.
Day 17: 0/1 (101)
Approached a girl that worked at coffee shop near my job, had small talk with her then asked for the number. She said “maybe, next time.” Then went back out for another session and missed one girl, my AA behind it was that she was with her mother and a friend.
Plus drawings for today. Focusing on the forms of the mouth for head drawing.
1v1mekid said:
Are you Latino? I personally have had most luck with black girls. Try hitting up the Latino parts of town if you are, or if you're Asian, the Asian part. I know it "shouldn't" matter, but worth a shot. As a Latino, it actually took me a long time before I felt comfortable enough to hit on white women.

You know what's weird? I feel less comfortable swiping on white women than I do cold approaching for some reason. I have this weird thought that they'll think of me as less than for being some brown/Indian guy swiping on them. I think because it breaks stereotypes to be a confident Indian guy though, it's easier for me to approach.
Day 18: 0/1 (102)
Approached a girl that was wearing a crop top and gym leggings in a Wal-Mart, she knew she fucking looked good. We made eye contact but she walked away from me. Now that I've changed my oil I will resume going to my normal approaching spot.